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12 Dec 2013, 22:02

I've got mail from Hong Kong. Hooray for tinnie and Hongkong Post!
Unfortunately, I was not at home and the parcel is waiting at the post office now :(
I will keep you updated.

Edit: indeed, a package full of Kishsavers and matrix boards (and a SSK). All wrapped in bubble plastic.
Last edited by Kurk on 14 Dec 2013, 17:11, edited 1 time in total.

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12 Dec 2013, 23:32

The UK shipment is on its way to me now, too. Kishmass is a comin'.

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13 Dec 2013, 07:14

Any news on where the German package is at the moment? Has it already arrived at snoopy or at least the zoll?


13 Dec 2013, 09:27

Shipping to germany is always slow. :roll:

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13 Dec 2013, 10:14


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13 Dec 2013, 13:38

News about Kishsaver for germany:

good news or bad news first? ok, good news first.

The kishsavers are in germany.

bad news: They got stuck at "Der Zoll". Will now send them some stuff and hope that they send me the kishsavers quick.
bad news 2: I'm not sure if I can make it happen that you guys have your kishsaver on christmas.


13 Dec 2013, 13:51

Good news 2: I believe I packed them well this time. :roll:

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13 Dec 2013, 17:42

snoopy wrote:They got stuck at "Der Zoll".
Well, that sucks. But it was not unexpected...

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13 Dec 2013, 17:48

yes, it was very likely that they do a little stop there, especially cause the package is big and heavy and I can understand that they want to know what is inside there :)

So it results only in a little delay and an additional custom fee. Nothing to worry.

Will keep you updated.

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13 Dec 2013, 18:15

Based on what they wanted for my SSK (£8 processing charge and £8 of guesswork for tax) I'm prepared for a nasty surprise. Still, at least it gets split between several of us this time.

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16 Dec 2013, 15:08

Merry Kishmass!
image.jpg (405.13 KiB) Viewed 6839 times
The UK shipment is right here on my desk. Four Kishsavers, with their coincidentally four pin leads:
image.jpg (331.96 KiB) Viewed 6839 times
And one accompanying blank numpad / matrix board for Soarer:
image.jpg (332.54 KiB) Viewed 6839 times
That's Tinnie grade wrapping right there. I might as well leave it be.

They are bloody heavy. Awesome! And yet so very small:
image.jpg (353.44 KiB) Viewed 6839 times
An SSK dwarfs these little guys. Space saving? I'll show you space saving:
image.jpg (276.31 KiB) Viewed 6839 times
These Kishsavers are ludicrous! IBM had it all: in 1983. Thin, 60%, capacitative buckling spring. And we're only finding out about it now, 30 years later!

These four are all a bit dirty (I've cleaned worse) and all keys are clicking just nicely except for the right column of one of them, which seems to need some seeing to as they're stuck quite hard. Who's the most knowledgeable in Model F-fu amongst our little shipment?

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16 Dec 2013, 15:32


The sticky right column could just mean that the key frame isn't aligned with the case - I think there's a little bit of adjustment available where it bolts on.

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16 Dec 2013, 21:10

Did anyone from the first batch of ssk's already received theirs?

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16 Dec 2013, 21:11

Daniel wrote:Did anyone from the first batch of ssk's already received theirs?
from the very first batch? yes, got mine.

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16 Dec 2013, 21:20

Me too. Tinnie's the source of the SSK in the photos above, as well as all the Kishsavers!

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16 Dec 2013, 21:44

Any news from the Zoll snoopy? Preferably good ones ;)

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Game Theory
Mr. Despair

16 Dec 2013, 21:56

A Kishsaver has landed in Wisconsin in the US. Very happy with the condition (missing a couple of keytops). Feels heavier almost heavier than a beam spring. Looking forward to the new project!

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16 Dec 2013, 21:59

Game Theory wrote:Feels heavier almost heavier than a beam spring.
Amazing aren't they? Perhaps the case is made of depleted uranium

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Wild Duck

17 Dec 2013, 19:20

I have received!


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Daemon Raccoon

17 Dec 2013, 19:37 lied to me :cry: said my Kishsaver was 'Out for Delivery'. Postal worker didn't even get out of their vehicle.

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17 Dec 2013, 19:40

Technically, I'm still waiting on the postcard from Royal Mail to tell me about the arrival of the big box of Kishsavers I picked up from them yesterday. "Delivery."

Hey Webwit, you need to paint your matrix board to match your Kishsaver's colour…

We need a good name for those 6019273's. Now I've seen one (en route to Soarer) I'm sure it's the best Tipro I have encountered. Thank goodness it doesn't take Round 5 caps, or I'd already be in touch with Tinnie for another!

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Wild Duck

17 Dec 2013, 21:25

The days keyboards came with a pen holder...

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17 Dec 2013, 21:30

You guys are going to spend christmas cleaning keyboards.

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17 Dec 2013, 21:31

You say that like it's a bad thing?


17 Dec 2013, 22:30

webwit wrote:The days keyboards came with a pen holder...
My boss used to collect pens from computer companies -- promotional pens with a computer company logo. He likened them to a car company giving away buggy whips.

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Daemon Raccoon

21 Dec 2013, 00:55

Daemon Raccoon lied to me :cry: said my Kishsaver was 'Out for Delivery'. Postal worker didn't even get out of their vehicle.
I should have posted sooner, but several hours after I made this post a USPS truck dropped off a Kishsaver made in week 32 of 1983.

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24 Dec 2013, 15:06

Have you picked the Kishsavers up from the Zoll yet snoopy?


24 Dec 2013, 16:10

Got some problem on der Zoll. Snoop will call them after the new year. ;)

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Daemon Raccoon

24 Dec 2013, 17:13

Soarer wrote:Sweet!

The sticky right column could just mean that the key frame isn't aligned with the case - I think there's a little bit of adjustment available where it bolts on.
Mine had the barrel plate shifted to the right, I needed to give it a love-tap with a rubber mallet to get the keys to stop sticking.

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28 Dec 2013, 11:25

2 tons of kishsaver arrived at my doorstep. Had some trouble with Der Zoll and after they passed customs, they got somehow redirected wrong within germany. But they are finally here.

good news? - we have overall 8 boards.

bad news? - they are all in very bad condition. dirty, a lot of missing paint (especially at the edges). Additionally there are four boards with missing keys (between 1 and 3 missing) and two boards with non-clicky or sticking spacebar. I overall found 3 damaged keys in the package that I think got damaged during shipping.

I sadly don't have much time this weekend, so a closer check, repacking and shipping will happen next week. Pictures will follow on monday or tuesday.

any idea how to proceed from here? should I just randomly send them? There are no real good or bad ones. One has missing paint here and one has missing paint there... a bit more dirty a bit less dirty. the main difference are the missing keys and kind of defective spacebars (should be reparable with maybe a new wire).

After we decided how to proceed I will send all of you a pm, asking for your address and payment for shipping within DE and customs (don't worry, will not be that much)


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