I did the same, waited until yesterday, and I tried to send a "dfbsjk" message to 7bot.
I got a updated invoice that way, with confirmation that I have paid. But I pay over SEPA. I dont know if it works over paypal payment.
I did the same, waited until yesterday, and I tried to send a "dfbsjk" message to 7bot.
Amount Due | | | | | 0.00
Everything has been paid up to the penny!
Thank you for your order!
Seems like 7bit is not at home for the moment so maybe he can't update payments just now, even if the bot can recieve new orders.Muirium wrote: Roll a dice. Count that many final deadlines when they come. And maybe right around then the real waiting begins.
But first add a few weeks. The man's AFK!
I've heard the the 7bot controls 7bit, not the other way around.
Yikes! Glad I own a 122key Model M I can try to defend myself with if the bot decides to show up. Maybe shall mod the case with some nails....
Great thanks for the quick reply.
Code: Select all
HONEYB/this/red 2
HONEYB/that/green 2
Your Name
post code
Thanks, couple more questions.chzel wrote: Welcome,
Read the first post, it has all the info you need, and note the date...it takes ages!![]()
First of all find out what you need and note the names.
Then PM 7bot with the order like so:You will see your PM stay in outbox, that is normal.Code: Select all
HONEYB/whatever HONEYB/whatever/blue HONEYB/this/red 2 HONEYB/that/green 2 PAYPAL your@mail.com ADDRESS Your Name street city post code country
Some time later, maybe next day, you will get an email with your order, sum, and instructions for payment.
Review, change as needed, and pay.
Forget whole thing, continue life.
Sometime later (in a couple of months hopefully) production will have finished and we will get our caps!![]()
Ask away if you need anything, but have a look around first!