Round 5 and Round 6 kits for sale!

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10 Jan 2015, 23:17

Memoren wrote: I would order violet and cream keycaps but I dont know if I will be alive in 100 years when they finally ship.
No problem!

Once you had been reincarnated, just pm the bot your new address!

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Mad Dasher

11 Jan 2015, 00:24

7bit wrote: Here is how Round 5a preorders are doing:
When you say wildcard star, this definitely includes the most important kits, right?

If you can hang on until early next month, I'll sign up for the VIOLETT mods to go with the cream alphas already down.

So many possibilities...
TKL_happy_hour.jpg (736.52 KiB) Viewed 12076 times

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11 Jan 2015, 01:38

Okay cool, at least they haven't been lost in the post, I was worried that might be the case. Any idea of an ETA? I don't really mind too much as when I get them, just that I will eventually get them!


11 Jan 2015, 01:40

Is there an updated MOQ for 5a? Will it be run through PMK or was that more of a joke post?

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11 Jan 2015, 02:09

It's always hard to tell with 7bit...


11 Jan 2015, 05:29

scottc wrote: It's always hard to tell with 7bit...
Yeah, how this thread is set up may alienate new users (I was confused at first) but the community (and 7bit) are great.

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11 Jan 2015, 12:41

01111000 wrote: Is there an updated MOQ for 5a? Will it be run through PMK or was that more of a joke post?
I already posted about that!

I will run it through PMK to make sure they deliver before Round 5.

The only customer for Round 5a via PMK will be 7bot.

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12 Jan 2015, 02:18

01111000 wrote:
scottc wrote: It's always hard to tell with 7bit...
Yeah, how this thread is set up may alienate new users (I was confused at first) but the community (and 7bit) are great.
If they can't figure it out then they're not worthy! :mrgreen:

And yeah, this is a pretty swell community.

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12 Jan 2015, 20:52

Will the prices for the kits ever fall? I would be really in for a violet/cream variant, but my setup would cost me 230€.
This is so much money...

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12 Jan 2015, 20:54

This is the phase where 7bit and PMK feel eerily similar: sky high prices until interest starts to pick up. Catch-22!

If I was in his position, I'd list them as nice and low priced, but with no promise whatsoever for ETA. Then watch the orders, and decide whether to manufacture or give people credit on SP Doomsday.

But then I wouldn't run that insane payment obfuscation empire of his. So I guess he's playing on a whole other level of the chessboard…

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13 Jan 2015, 08:21

As I wasn't in this whole mechanical keyboards topic as this groupbuy started, I don't know how the prices evolved.
So you mean, I just should order my keys and eventually the prices will fall?
You sound like 7bit ;)

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13 Jan 2015, 08:34

Yes! Order more, pay less!

Seriously though, more orders mean lower prices!

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13 Jan 2015, 08:35


I knew I would mess up the Muirium and 7bit characters one day!

Once I got the remaining Round 5 keys, I will let SP send me a price quote, based on what has been sold so far.

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13 Jan 2015, 18:29

How long, do you think, I will be able to CLEARALL? 2016? 2017? :o :D

No I meant it serious... any estimation?

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13 Jan 2015, 19:10

Your order has been locked since about 9 months!

No way you can send CLEARALL with any effect!

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13 Jan 2015, 19:18

It's about the HONEYB keys, my first order was pure HONEY godness.




Are you just kidding me again??



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14 Jan 2015, 10:33

Hows the sorting?

Hows the correction on the errors identified?

Hows the missing ones from SP coming along?

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14 Jan 2015, 11:23

whitecitadel wrote: Hows the sorting?
10% done.
whitecitadel wrote: Hows the correction on the errors identified?
They agreed to correct all those errors, let's see what happens ...
whitecitadel wrote: Hows the missing ones from SP coming along?
They promised to not interrupt production anymore ...

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14 Jan 2015, 11:24

drrtyrokka wrote: It's about the HONEYB keys, my first order was pure HONEY godness.
There are no HONEYB keys in your order.

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14 Jan 2015, 11:36

I think you didn't understand what I mean.
IF I order HONEYB, how long will I be able to CLEAR those keycaps.
It is because of the high price at the moment. I am not willing to pay 230 € for those ones and hopefully they will fall in the future.
But I want to make sure, that I have the possibility to cut down everything in the end, if I decide not to buy.
Got it now? ;)

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14 Jan 2015, 11:49


You can at least clear your order the night before I send it to SP. This will be after Round 5 has been finished!

You look into this thread from time to time!

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14 Jan 2015, 12:18

7bit wrote: You look into this thread from time to time!
Of course, usually a few times a day! ;)

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14 Jan 2015, 13:46

drrtyrokka wrote:
Of course, usually a few times a day! ;)
Refresh. Refresh. Refresh.

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14 Jan 2015, 13:48

7bit wrote: 10% done.
7bit wrote: They agreed to correct all those errors, let's see what happens ...
Fingers crossed...
7bit wrote: They promised to not interrupt production anymore ...

Thanks for update! :D

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14 Jan 2015, 17:10

7bit wrote: They promised to not interrupt production anymore ...
Yeah right...

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14 Jan 2015, 17:38

whitecitadel wrote:
drrtyrokka wrote:
Of course, usually a few times a day! ;)
Refresh. Refresh. Refresh.
Once, you got your order, you can replace the worn out keys!

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14 Jan 2015, 19:43

7bit wrote:
whitecitadel wrote:
drrtyrokka wrote:
Of course, usually a few times a day! ;)
Refresh. Refresh. Refresh.
Once, you got your order, you can replace the worn out keys!
That's the plan, I'll build my dad a custom keyboard and he will get my sweet shiny HONEYA :P
Seriously :ugeek:

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Mad Dasher

14 Jan 2015, 20:13

Good news, everyone! Soon the tidal wave of Round 5 will be up on us. The pretty plastic keycaps will engulf your keyboards, your home, and your very soul. And it'll make great photographs.

SP will be making the Out of the Vault SA keys soon (I'm very curious to see how glow in the dark legends on blue polycarbonate turn out), beyond that there should be some gap until they get going with 1976. I will be optimistic!

Given the choice I would have gone with gloss keys to start with, though I know they're not available in many sizes and the tooling costs are prohibitive. Anyone going to step up and offer a pre-shine service? :D

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Mad Dasher

14 Jan 2015, 20:34

Hm, I see another SA buy is live on GH, hoping for a fast turnaround, while not wanting to delay Round 5.

I wonder how SP will approach this.

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15 Jan 2015, 15:35

facetsesame wrote: I wonder how SP will approach this.
Well, lets look at their past track record...

... oh dear.

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