Round 5 and Round 6 kits for sale!

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24 Aug 2015, 18:55

No, they had finally the money to expand and move to a different location ...

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24 Aug 2015, 20:00

So in the event that the last undefined legend in the FUNCTION kit remains undefined by the time Round 5a goes into production, I'd like to formally nominate a row 1 "HELP" key for that last spot. Thanks!

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24 Aug 2015, 20:31

If we're in the process of nominating remaining functions, can I nominate row 4 "END"? Helps people with 75% or other compact kb's with the nav cluster next to the alphas

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24 Aug 2015, 20:57

zslane wrote: So in the event that the last undefined legend in the FUNCTION kit remains undefined by the time Round 5a goes into production, I'd like to formally nominate a row 1 "HELP" key for that last spot. Thanks!
I will add the HELP key to the FUNCTION kis.

To add [{ and }] to the CADET kits, I must wait for the price quote ...

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24 Aug 2015, 21:14



More ...

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24 Aug 2015, 21:22

Out of curiosity, what character do people plan their interrobang key to generate? Or is everyone planning to use kbd mapping software to send a two-byte Unicode stream whenever they hit that key?

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25 Aug 2015, 01:02

Not sure what it is good for, but you can map it to a special keycode that is turned into unicode character in Emacs or just sends the keycodes to type !? etc.

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25 Aug 2015, 01:43

I got the price quote and things look good and bad at the same time.

For some kits, prices are so much off that I must raise them. I will only do this after the next deadline (2015-08-31), which is in 7 days!

Everybody who alrady paid, will not have to pay more, but people who pay/order after the deadline get higher prices for some kits.

Here are the kits that will be more expansive if ordered/paid after the deadline:

Code: Select all

kit                        | now | soon
HONEYB/NUMPAD/CADET        |  $22|  $35
HONEYB/TKL                 | $129| $159
HONEYB/TKL/WHITE           | $129| $159
HONEYB/TKL/RED             | $129| $159
HONEYB/TKL/BLACK           | $129| $159
HONEYB/TKL/SPH             | $119| $149
HONEYB/TKL/BLUE            | $129| $139
HONEYB/TKL/VIOLETT         | $129| $159
HONEYB/TKL/CREAM           | $129| $219
HONEYB/TKLBASE/GREY        |  $79| $109
HONEYB/TKLBASE/RED         |  $79| $109
HONEYB/TKLBASE/BLACK       |  $79|  $99
HONEYB/TKLBASE/BLUE        |  $79|  $89
HONEYB/ALPHA/VIOLETT       |  $59|  $69
HONEYB/ALPHA/CREAM         |  $59|  $79
HONEYB/ALPHAINT/CREAM      |  $36|  $39
HONEYB/ERGOBASE/WHITE      |  $49|  $69
HONEYB/ERGOBASE/GREY       |  $49|  $69
HONEYB/ERGOBASE/RED        |  $49|  $69
HONEYB/ERGOBASE/BLACK      |  $49|  $69
HONEYB/ERGOBASE/BLUE       |  $49|  $59
HONEYB/ERGOALPHA/GREY      |  $36|  $39
HONEYB/ERGOALPHA/SPH       |  $36|  $39
HONEYB/ISO/GREY            |  $12|  $19
HONEYB/ISO/RED             |  $12|  $19
HONEYB/ISO/BLACK           |  $12|  $19
HONEYB/ISO/BLUE            |  $12|  $19
HONEYB/ISO/VIOLETT         |  $12|  $19
HONEYB/MODBASE125/GREY     |  $16|  $22
HONEYB/MODBASE125/RED      |  $16|  $22
HONEYB/MODBASE125/BLACK    |  $16|  $22
HONEYB/MODBASE125/BLUE     |  $16|  $22
HONEYB/MODBASE150/GREY     |   $9|  $12
HONEYB/MODBASE150/RED      |   $9|  $12
HONEYB/MODBASE150/BLUE     |   $9|  $12
HONEYB/MODEXTRA125/GREY    |  $16|  $22
HONEYB/MODEXTRA125/WHITE   |  $16|  $25
HONEYB/MODEXTRA125/RED     |  $16|  $22
HONEYB/MODEXTRA125/BLACK   |  $16|  $22
HONEYB/MODEXTRA125/BLUE    |  $16|  $22
HONEYB/MODEXTRA150/GREY    |  $18|  $32
HONEYB/MODEXTRA150/WHITE   |  $18|  $32
HONEYB/MODEXTRA150/RED     |  $18|  $32
HONEYB/MODEXTRA150/BLACK   |  $18|  $32
HONEYB/MODEXTRA150/BLUE    |  $18|  $32
HONEYB/NUMPAD/CREAM        |  $39|  $49
HONEYB/NUMNUM/GREY         |  $17|  $22
HONEYB/NUMNUM/WHITE        |  $17|  $22
HONEYB/NUMNUM/RED          |  $17|  $22
HONEYB/NUMNUM/BLACK        |  $17|  $22
HONEYB/NUMNUM/SPH          |  $17|  $22
HONEYB/NUMNUM/BLUE         |  $17|  $22
HONEYB/NUMNUM/CREAM        |  $17|  $29
HONEYB/TAB150/GREY         |   $2|   $5
HONEYB/TAB150/RED          |   $2|   $5
HONEYB/TAB150/BLACK        |   $2|   $5
HONEYB/TAB150/BLUE         |   $2|   $4
HONEYB/TAB150/VIOLETT      |   $2|   $5
HONEYB/VERTBSL150/GREY     |   $2|   $5
HONEYB/VERTBSL150/WHITE    |   $2|   $5
HONEYB/VERTBSL150/RED      |   $2|   $5
HONEYB/VERTBSL150/BLACK    |   $2|   $5
HONEYB/VERTBSL150/SPH      |   $2|   $5
HONEYB/VERTBSL150/BLUE     |   $2|   $4
HONEYB/BACKSPACE200/GREY   |   $2|  $10
HONEYB/BACKSPACE200/RED    |   $2|   $7
HONEYB/BACKSPACE200/BLUE   |   $2|   $5
HONEYB/CAPSLOCK175/GREY    |   $5|  $12
HONEYB/CAPSLOCK175/RED     |   $5|  $12
HONEYB/CAPSLOCK175/BLACK   |   $5|  $12
HONEYB/CAPSLOCK175/BLUE    |   $5|  $12
HONEYB/CONTROL175/GREY     |   $5|  $12
HONEYB/CONTROL175/WHITE    |   $5|  $15
HONEYB/CONTROL175/RED      |   $5|  $12
HONEYB/CONTROL175/BLACK    |   $5|  $12
HONEYB/CONTROL175/BLUE     |   $5|  $10
HONEYB/RETURN225/WHITE     |   $3|   $5
HONEYB/RETURN225/RED       |   $3|   $5
HONEYB/RETURN225/BLACK     |   $3|   $5
HONEYB/RETURN225/BLUE      |   $3|   $4
HONEYB/RETURN225/VIOLETT   |   $3|   $5
HONEYB/SHIFT125/GREY       |   $2|   $3
HONEYB/SHIFT125/RED        |   $2|   $3
HONEYB/SHIFT125/BLACK      |   $2|   $3
HONEYB/SHIFT125/BLUE       |   $2|   $3
HONEYB/SHIFT175/GREY       |   $3|   $5
HONEYB/SHIFT175/WHITE      |   $3|   $5
HONEYB/SHIFT175/RED        |   $3|   $5
HONEYB/SHIFT175/BLACK      |   $3|   $5
HONEYB/SHIFT175/BLUE       |   $3|   $4
HONEYB/SHIFT175/VIOLETT    |   $3|   $5
HONEYB/SHIFT200/VIOLETT    |   $3|   $5
HONEYB/SHIFT225/GREY       |   $3|   $5
HONEYB/SHIFT225/WHITE      |   $3|   $5
HONEYB/SHIFT225/RED        |   $3|   $5
HONEYB/SHIFT225/BLACK      |   $3|   $5
HONEYB/SHIFT225/BLUE       |   $3|   $5
HONEYB/SHIFT225/VIOLETT    |   $3|   $5
HONEYB/SHIFT275/GREY       |   $3|  $10
HONEYB/SHIFT275/RED        |   $3|  $10
HONEYB/SHIFT275/BLACK      |   $3|  $10
HONEYB/SHIFT275/BLUE       |   $3|   $6
HONEYB/SPACE625/RED        |   $6|   $8
HONEYB/SPACE625/BLACK      |   $6|   $8
HONEYB/SPACE625/SPH        |   $2|   $5
HONEYB/SPACE625/BLUE       |   $2|   $4
HONEYB/SPACE625/VIOLETT    |   $6|   $8
HONEYB/SPACE625/CREAM      |   $6|   $8
HONEYB/R3U100D/WHITE       |   $1|   $3
HONEYB/R3U150/WHITE        |   $1|   $3
HONEYB/R3U200/WHITE        |   $1|   $4
HONEYB/R2U150/GREY         |   $1|   $4
HONEYB/R3U150/GREY         |   $1|   $2
HONEYB/R3U200/GREY         |   $1|   $4
HONEYB/R3U150/RED          |   $1|   $2
HONEYB/R3U200/RED          |   $1|   $4
HONEYB/R2U150/BLACK        |   $1|   $4
HONEYB/R3U150/BLACK        |   $1|   $2
HONEYB/R3U200/BLACK        |   $1|   $4
HONEYB/R3U100D/SPH         |   $1|   $2
HONEYB/R3U100D/BLUE        |   $1|   $3
HONEYB/R2U150/BLUE         |   $1|   $3
HONEYB/R3U150/BLUE         |   $1|   $2
HONEYB/R3U200/BLUE         |   $1|   $3
HONEYB/R3U100D/VIOLETT     |   $1|   $4
HONEYB/R3U150/VIOLETT      |   $1|   $2
HONEYB/R3U200/VIOLETT      |   $1|   $3
HONEYB/R3U100D/CREAM       |   $1|   $3

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25 Aug 2015, 02:04

The "good part" I presume are all the other prices that stay the same?

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25 Aug 2015, 02:08

Do we have to be 100% paid up to get the original, lower prices? By my calculations I'm about 74% paid up at the moment...

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25 Aug 2015, 07:34

In case anyone was waiting to send payments, I am back from Alaska and will be sending payment updates to 7bot at regular intervals.

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25 Aug 2015, 10:56

The show was recorded on 08/23/2015 in the destination country Great Britain. For more information also provides the postal service of the destination country on the own homepage.
The "show" is on the road :D Shame no one is home to receive today :cry:

On the HONEYB/FUNCTION/* - are people really going to have a use for "MOQ" & "SHIPNOW", I see the humour in the context of the group buy but can't help but feel there could be more practical real world usable options?

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25 Aug 2015, 11:44

zslane wrote: Do we have to be 100% paid up to get the original, lower prices? By my calculations I'm about 74% paid up at the moment...
My hopes are that more orders come in within this week, so I don't have to raise these prcies so much and maybe some not at all.

But if your payments do not cover the kits that get higher prices for new orders ...
:shock: :cry:

For people who can't use [( and ]) from the CADET kits:

Price: $3

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25 Aug 2015, 11:48

7bit wrote: These shipped today:

It's Finally COMING.......


Words can not express my excitement in finally receiving my #0015 Order, Thank You 7bit :D .

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25 Aug 2015, 12:19

whitecitadel wrote: The show was recorded on 08/23/2015 in the destination country Great Britain.

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25 Aug 2015, 12:20

Because this was in the wrong row, here it comes again:
Price: $3

Free for everybody who got the row 2 one in Round 5.


25 Aug 2015, 12:57

New caps
New caps
new_caps.jpg (442.03 KiB) Viewed 9660 times
Didn't even see that #263 was shipped yet :D

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25 Aug 2015, 13:36

Hey 7bit - would it be possible to provide something like HONEYB/SHIFT175/CADET (i.e. like SHIFT175/BLUE but with black font)? I couldn't find a key like this on your list and I'd like to be able to do a split right shift with the cadet set. Thanks!

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25 Aug 2015, 13:41

They have arrived, they are so smooth! Here is the pohtato version.
11-08-15_1616.jpg (29.42 KiB) Viewed 9622 times

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25 Aug 2015, 14:16

First of all, massive thank you to 7bit for organising this whole group buy, it's an astonishing job you're doing considering you're just one person with a few others collecting payment etc.

As I sat down to type this I could hear the mailman trying to jam a parcel through the letterbox, and lo and behold it was my Round 5 leftovers order! I'm so excited for Round 5a now, these caps look fantastic 7bit. The grey/white and red colourway looks top notch, this is honestly the finest set of keycaps I've ever seen, definitely my end game set.

So in my excitement I decided to look at what caps I have yet to come and realised I forgot to add a spacebar, woops. I've just made a few extra orders to the bot (getting in on that sweet, sweet running keyboard cap, if only it came in red...) and need to know now, who's the new PayPal monkey? I'd like to pay ASAP to avoid any price increases and make sure 7bit has the money to make the order sooner haha.

Thanks again 7bit!

EDIT: I've just remembered that it says in the confirmation email who/where to send the money, herp. I'll try to be more patient next time haha.


25 Aug 2015, 14:42

Time to delivery: ~17 months. Pleased with what I've got but no way again :lol:

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Gotta start somewhere

25 Aug 2015, 14:44

Hey 7bit, is it possible to reserve sets? I would love some 5a caps, but don't have the money right now.

I can also see the deadline coming soon... :oops:


25 Aug 2015, 16:11

Hi 7bit
Count me in.
I've sent you a PM.

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25 Aug 2015, 16:20

dotdrew wrote: First of all, massive thank you to 7bit for organising this whole group buy, it's an astonishing job you're doing considering you're just one person with a few others collecting payment etc.

As I sat down to type this I could hear the mailman trying to jam a parcel through the letterbox, and lo and behold it was my Round 5 leftovers order! I'm so excited for Round 5a now, these caps look fantastic 7bit. The grey/white and red colourway looks top notch, this is honestly the finest set of keycaps I've ever seen, definitely my end game set.

So in my excitement I decided to look at what caps I have yet to come and realised I forgot to add a spacebar, woops. I've just made a few extra orders to the bot (getting in on that sweet, sweet running keyboard cap, if only it came in red...) and need to know now, who's the new PayPal monkey? I'd like to pay ASAP to avoid any price increases and make sure 7bit has the money to make the order sooner haha.

Thanks again 7bit!

EDIT: I've just remembered that it says in the confirmation email who/where to send the money, herp. I'll try to be more patient next time haha.
Wait. Are Round 5 leftovers already shipping? I was under the impression that they were being shipped after the initial R5 orders. I've yet to see mine ship yet (not leftovers) :cry:

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25 Aug 2015, 16:39

Round5 and Round5 leftovers are physically the same order from SP for 7bit, its all at castle 7bit being sorted.

My caps came to my house at 11:32am, sadly no one home so now they are at the mercy of Royal Mail! Might try to get down the depot before they close and retrieve them.

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25 Aug 2015, 17:00

Redmaus wrote: Hey 7bit, is it possible to reserve sets? I would love some 5a caps, but don't have the money right now.

I can also see the deadline coming soon... :oops:
You could order the HONEY5A/RESERVE kit.

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25 Aug 2015, 17:25

It does not exist, but is called HONEYB/RESERVE kit.

I hope you people realise that the earlier you pay, the more you get for your money!

In the beginning, people got 25% price reduction on every payment, called Autumn Sellout!

Then, if you paid in EUR, the exchange rate used to be at $1.29 for a EUR at the time!

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25 Aug 2015, 18:15

Yup. I used both of those. Early bird discount. So long as you're a long lived bird!

Why is Round 5a called HONEYB then?

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25 Aug 2015, 18:31

Honey Bee is more sexy that Honeya.

But, I can tell you a secret:
Internally, I run Round 5a as Round 6 and Round 4 indeed was Round 4c.
:? :roll:

In Round 6 (which will be Round 6a for real) you will be able to order HONEYA kits that fit on Alps switches!

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25 Aug 2015, 18:41

Honeybee is apis in Latin, what else should the round be called. :roll:

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