Round 5 and Round 6 kits for sale!

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24 Sep 2015, 10:05

Please try the date of yesterday (23 September 2015) or today (24 September 2015).


24 Sep 2015, 17:42

7bit wrote: Please try the date of yesterday (23 September 2015) or today (24 September 2015).
Thank you 7bit, tried all dates, it's not showing up, probably needs few days.

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24 Sep 2015, 21:35

^^^ Deutsche Post tracking is really bad. If you are in the USA, go to and enter just the tracking number. It does not work immediatley, but once the package arrived in the USA.

I did not yet find out how it works for other countries.

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24 Sep 2015, 21:36

I'm creating the legneds for the CADET kits:
FGH_cadet.jpg (42.76 KiB) Viewed 7326 times

It seems I should increase the gap a little bit ...

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24 Sep 2015, 21:57

Please let me know if I can be of any assistance. The Space Cadet set is of prime interest to me, as you may have already surmised.

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24 Sep 2015, 22:14

I can draw straight lines and circles.

Here is the code to make the upside down T / A legend:

Code: Select all

$VAR W=25
$VAR V=W/2
$VAR H=380
$VAR J=H/2
$VAR G=32
$REM upside down T
$MOVE(  0, -G)
$LINE(  0, -T)
$MOVE(-60, -G)
$LINE( 60, -G)
$MOVE( -65, T)
$LINE(   0, G)
$LINE(  65, T)
$MOVE(  42, 136)
$LINE( -42, 136)
$EOF .

To make the S-legend, all I need to do is reading this:

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24 Sep 2015, 22:24

I have no doubt you are completely capable, 7bit. I was merely proposing a division of labor to get us closer to production that much sooner. But I understand the reluctance you might feel towards entrusting any of the work to someone else. My offer still stands if you ever change your mind.

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25 Sep 2015, 01:40

7bit wrote: I'm creating the legneds for the CADET kits:
APL here we come!

Space Cadet makes more sense, really. Because APL seriously needs tripleshot to come out right. APL is Red.

But Greek legends will be nice.

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25 Sep 2015, 05:46

Hey 7bit, I'm gonna ask again just in case you didn't see it, but can we please get the HONEYB/MODEXTRA100/WHITE? Oddly, every other color is available. I won't be able to finish my board without those in white. Which would be really weird considering how empty my wallet is because of this GB. :lol:

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25 Sep 2015, 09:56

Finally got my keycaps, thanks 7bit! Really happy with them so far – I've been typing on thick Ducky PBT keys for the last year and a half, but I think I like the feel of these more.

I realized I forgot to order some things – just small annoying oversights , like a black 1.25 "fun" key. If I want to order leftovers now that my main order is delivered, do I just PM the bot with what I want plus shipping?

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25 Sep 2015, 11:05

zslane wrote: I have no doubt you are completely capable, 7bit. I was merely proposing a division of labor to get us closer to production that much sooner. But I understand the reluctance you might feel towards entrusting any of the work to someone else. My offer still stands if you ever change your mind.
Yes, thanks!

But, I'm making progress:
S_legend_001.jpg (71.15 KiB) Viewed 7168 times

Code: Select all

$MOVEB( 67,-66, -135,80)
$DRAWB(-70,-48,  270,40)
$MOVEB moves to point 67,-66 and sets the angle to -135 degrees and the scale factor to 80.
$DRAWB draws the Bezier curve to -70,-48 at angle 270 degrees and scale factor 40.

Angle and scale factor do nothing but defining P1 and P2. This way, I don't have to calculate so much, just measure and enter the figures. A little adjustment here, a little there and the legend is ready. Finally, scaling it down to the space cadet legend size, is plain sailing.

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25 Sep 2015, 16:49

I simply can't wait HONEYB to finish this :cry::cry::cry:

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25 Sep 2015, 17:09

What happened!

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25 Sep 2015, 19:30

Nice! :D

Please work heart aches for these keycaps.


25 Sep 2015, 20:37

Finally got my keycaps! They are awesome!
Thanks to 7bot and 7bit of cource !
IMG_20150923_193409.jpg (837.23 KiB) Viewed 7767 times

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25 Sep 2015, 22:00

drrtyrokka wrote: I simply can't wait HONEYB to finish this :cry::cry::cry:
I can do that for you. :roll:
It's also a Ducky G2Pro with Clears...but now I see I reversed Scroll Lock + Print. :shock:
IMG_1053b.jpg (753.56 KiB) Viewed 7751 times
I wait for ISO-DE alphas in grey. Sadly they weren't available in R5.

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25 Sep 2015, 22:47

Looks superb.
Ergo Clears I hope ;)

But I don't use clears anymore, they strain my wrists. Go for lighter lubed blues :P

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25 Sep 2015, 23:08

AS_cadet.jpg (27.03 KiB) Viewed 7729 times


26 Sep 2015, 01:13

Just received my first shipment of caps and they are fantastic. On my invoice it appears that I still owe $3.00 for the HONEYB caps I ordered, but there are no instructions on how to pay included in the email. I am located in USA, can you please advise?

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26 Sep 2015, 01:28

7bit wrote: :o
Nice work, 7bit!

Now don't stop until you've done them all. :!:

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26 Sep 2015, 08:36

Progress can't be stopped anymore!
cadetASD.jpg (38.55 KiB) Viewed 7642 times
My little Perl script also makes progress:

Code: Select all

$VAR M=72.5

$REM            T
$MOVE(  M,  0)
$LINE( -M,  0)
$MOVE(  M, -58)
$LINE(  M,  58)

$REM            F
$EOF .
and F is defined here:

Code: Select all

$REM        F
$VAR  L= 73
$VAR  R= 27
$VAR  S= -8
$VAR  T=104
$MOVE( L,-T)
$LINE(-L, T)
$MOVE(-L, S)
$LINE( R, S)
$EOF .

edit: ROTATE command added!

User avatar

26 Sep 2015, 12:57

The circle has been closed:

Thanks for your help, zslane!
shift.png (3.4 KiB) Viewed 7629 times
Messed up by SP:
shift_rot2.png (5.22 KiB) Viewed 7619 times

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26 Sep 2015, 17:14

Should the deadline be removed from the topic, or will it be a joke we'll laugh at in generations to come?

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26 Sep 2015, 23:36

ASDFGHJKL and W are done.

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27 Sep 2015, 22:33

cadet_legends.png (27.95 KiB) Viewed 7475 times

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27 Sep 2015, 22:53

Very nice...

Now get production started please! :P

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28 Sep 2015, 00:03

zslane wrote: Very nice...

Now get production started please! :P
Yes! Right after we get HONEYB/MODEXTRA100/WHITE... ;)


28 Sep 2015, 05:21

I sent an order to 7bot yesterday hoping for some extras/ stuff from round5a but its just sitting in my "Outbox"

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28 Sep 2015, 06:09

skaloola wrote: I sent an order to 7bot yesterday hoping for some extras/ stuff from round5a but its just sitting in my "Outbox"
That's how the system works, you'll get a reply in your email within 24 hours. In the meantime you can check for any errors to prevent any further corrections :lol:

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28 Sep 2015, 10:13

Comparsion to Symbiosis:
Symbiosis_vs_Round6.gif (42.59 KiB) Viewed 7367 times

As you can see, the legendable area of the key has been used 100% by both (0.38"x0.38"), but the Round 6 symbols are larger.

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