The Granite aftermarket thread

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12 Jul 2016, 06:06

I am not sure if such a thing even exists but I am looking for a 6u spacebar from this set. Let me know if you've got one, thanks!

EDIT: I looked at the original GB thread and I don't see anything there... so I am doubtful such a thing exists. Darn.
Last edited by Wingpad on 12 Jul 2016, 06:35, edited 1 time in total.

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12 Jul 2016, 06:23

I'm looking for any of the following colored symbols:


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12 Jul 2016, 17:50

Wingpad wrote: I am not sure if such a thing even exists but I am looking for a 6u spacebar from this set. Let me know if you've got one, thanks!

EDIT: I looked at the original GB thread and I don't see anything there... so I am doubtful such a thing exists. Darn.
It was the first Massdrop GB a 6.0u Spacebar, but in blue and ABS. I don't know for which boards the stems fit, which are positioned differently than in 6.25u Spacebar.
P1010181g.jpg (1.02 MiB) Viewed 8196 times

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12 Jul 2016, 18:38

usopia wrote:
Wingpad wrote: I am not sure if such a thing even exists but I am looking for a 6u spacebar from this set. Let me know if you've got one, thanks!

EDIT: I looked at the original GB thread and I don't see anything there... so I am doubtful such a thing exists. Darn.
It was the first Massdrop GB a 6.0u Spacebar, but in blue and ABS. I don't know for which boards the stems fit, which are positioned differently than in 6.25u Spacebar.
Ah, well in that case I would love to find a Blue ESC (symbol) and 6u spacebar.

Sent from my LG-D851 using Tapatalk

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ISO Advocate

14 Jul 2016, 23:25

Looking for a Granite 3u space bar from anywhere in the world :)

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16 Aug 2016, 17:02

anybody has a letter G and/or letter H, also a red C maybe.. any sublegend and ANY color (so not strictly granite) to sell? :)

of course I'm still also looking for:

Code: Select all

 . (blank)                    2.75u
 . (text) Shift               1.75u
 . (text) Alt                 1u
 . (text) Alt Gr              1u
 . (text) Alt Gr              1.25u
 . (text) Delete              1.5u
 . (icon) Backspace           2u
 . (icon) Esc BLUE            1u
 . (text) Ctrl                1u
 . (text) Ctrl                1.25u
 . (text) Fn                  1u
 . (text) Super               1u
 . (text) Tab                 1u
Last edited by tentator on 12 Oct 2016, 16:02, edited 1 time in total.

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16 Aug 2016, 17:20

Looking for a blue 1.75u return symbol from the Bonus Pack Icon set. I would buy or trade. I have the 1.5u blue return from the same kit.

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24 Sep 2016, 13:26

looking for blanks: 1.25u and 2.75. Please!

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09 Oct 2016, 01:14

Selling all those caps, they are unused, perfect condition. I'm selling inside Europe.
- several F1-F12 caps
- complete set of german-specific caps, from the international kit
- 1.25u's: blank (grey), blank (blue), blank (red), blank (pink)
- 1.5u's: blank (grey),
- Several other pink blanks.
- 1u's: copy, paste, cut,
- 1u's: undo, redo, save.
- 1u's: open, close.
- 1u's: Fn, Alt, Ctrl, Menu, Tab, Super, AltGr, Backspace.
- 1u's: PgUp, PgDn
- several other caps, see picture
k.jpg (321.14 KiB) Viewed 7965 times

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09 Oct 2016, 10:23

Interested in 1.75u controls (stepped, non-stepped), 1.5u backspace, 1.5u delete. How much are you looking for?

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10 Oct 2016, 21:23

I'm interested in the 1.75u shift (if I counted the size correctly) a 1u alt and a 1u ctrl thanks! Eszett


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19 Nov 2016, 00:14

still looking for (updated):

Code: Select all

 . G                          1u
 . H                          1u
 . B                          1u
 . Z                          1u
 . X                          1u
 . Q                          1u
 . U                          1u
 . K                          1u
 . L                          1u
 . N                          1u
 . (blank) VIOLET             1.25u
 . (blank) VIOLET             1u
 . (blank)                    2.75u
 . (text) Shift               1.75u
 . (text) Alt Gr              1.25u
 . (text) Delete              1.5u
 . (icon) Backspace           2u
 . (icon) Esc BLUE or VIOLET  1u
 . (text) Ctrl                1u
 . (text) Tab                 1u
G and H can also have sublegends, doesn't matter.
I can consider *any* VIOLET 1u and 1.25u

Last edited by tentator on 10 Apr 2017, 23:06, edited 1 time in total.

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10 Apr 2017, 23:04

up? :)

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11 Apr 2017, 11:13

I am looking for a right SHIFT key. Can be symbol or not, grey preferred!


10 Jul 2018, 09:37

I'm still looking for the § key from Mono-Legend International:


Please PM me if you have one to sell.


10 May 2020, 18:14

Hello guys,
It's been a while.
Is there anybody (possibly located in the EU) selling a full Granite set, international keys included?
Thanks in advance.

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