Shoul'da included one of those retro keyboard condoms with every order! ... SX355_.jpg
Shoul'da included one of those retro keyboard condoms with every order!
Very appropriate here.Vewy_nice wrote: Shoul'da included one of those retro keyboard condoms with every order! ... SX355_.jpg
Damn it looks like I have to head back to my local Newsagent, haven't done that in about 23 years. Only this time it'll be for Popular Mechanics instead of Mayfair or Playboy
I'll be there for sure, it's only a few minutes away from me via train. (and at my alma mater)Ellipse wrote: Please check out the Popular Mechanics March 2018 print issue and take a look at the article “The Hunt for the Modern Model F”! I can't seem to find the article online just yet - the print issue was just released.
This one's different from the other great Model F article on the Popular Mechanics web site over the summer.
Yes hopefully I can meet some of you at the NJ Keyboard Meetup on Saturday!
YES, having the F77 finally on our desks waiting to be used for our pleasure would be the ultimate climax here.
I would imagine you could buy extra Model F springs and use them in a Model M.
Holy shit....codemonkeymike wrote: Just one, my phone doesn't take good pics so I decided to not go hm on photo taking.
The new one piece key caps were quite nice, basically perfect texture. The keyboards are MUCH heavier then they look. It is hard to explain how heavy they are even the compact. Typing on it was, dare I say, better then typing on a real kish, of which someone had at the event
Thanks for sharing! Now I'm even more excited to receive mine, in some distant futurecodemonkeymike wrote: Just one, my phone doesn't take good pics so I decided to not go hm on photo taking.
The new one piece key caps were quite nice, basically perfect texture. The keyboards are MUCH heavier then they look. It is hard to explain how heavy they are even the compact. Typing on it was, dare I say, better then typing on a real kish, of which someone had at the event. The case texture was also very close to something that IBM would have done, which also surprised me.
It does, you can even see the miniaturized xwhatsit in my photoFXT wrote: I thought all the new Model Fs will come with an xwhatsit controller so it should be pretty easy to remap the layout. I think having a nav lock is a great idea, one of my biggest gripes with 60% and smaller layouts is the lack of arrow keys which I use a lot when programming. I despise arrow keys behind a FN layer and placed in some weird location in the middle of the board.
You mean you don't use the arrow keys where God intended? hjkl or 5678?
hkjl is vim. What's the story behind 5678?__red__ wrote:You mean you don't use the arrow keys where God intended? hjkl or 5678?
I'm sure many will recognize the origin of the hjkl, but I wonder how many would know the keyboard that originated 5678?
There's a specific demographic that will