Round 4 / packing (99.8%) / shipping (99.7%)

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02 Nov 2012, 01:56

Well...useless on a standard ANSI keyboard anyway. lol
Actually... I do have a question for you 7bit. ROUND3/MODIFIER150 claims to contain 18 pieces but the picture herehas 10 keys. Is the wiki out of date?

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02 Nov 2012, 04:18

How to make 7bit rage: Call key caps useless.

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02 Nov 2012, 07:42

Zehkul wrote:How to make 7bit rage: Call key caps useless.
^------------------ 7bit in reaction to Zehkul's post.


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02 Nov 2012, 07:51

metalliqaz wrote:ROUND3/MODIFIER150 claims to contain 18 pieces but the picture herehas 10 keys. Is the wiki out of date?
It seems so.

Here is the corrected version:

This is also still available:
Last edited by 7bit on 02 Nov 2012, 07:57, edited 1 time in total.

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Elite +1

02 Nov 2012, 07:53

That picture shows 19...

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02 Nov 2012, 07:58

fossala wrote:That picture shows 19...
You must start counting from 0.

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02 Nov 2012, 15:37

Post-post-Closing/Leftovers/??? payments from metalliqaz(2012-11-01), sth(2012-11-01), bnp70kr, and i488 (20120-11-02) have been received and marked as shipped for PP (although we all know that we are looking at 3 or so month for the caps to be produced, shipped for sorting, then shipped to their final destination, i.e. you). That is to avoid PP account lock ups, that they like to do. Invoices may or may not reflect the change, but they will. Please keep in mind I only account for payments made to me, not to megnin or IBAN.
Note: Addresses on the Paypal invoices are not the addresses 7bit uses to ship your keycaps/switches to. He uses whatever address that is listed on your invoice.


05 Nov 2012, 12:47

This thread needs more orange. That's what I get for placing my order however-many-months ago and then tuning out. Missed the Orange opportunity.

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05 Nov 2012, 16:08

pettijohn wrote:This thread needs more orange. That's what I get for placing my order however-many-months ago and then tuning out. Missed the Orange opportunity.
Well, there's still the orange R3 music kit and space bar? Also, your payment was received.


05 Nov 2012, 19:12

7bit wrote:
fossala wrote:That picture shows 19...
You must start counting from 0.
I'm pretty sure that 5 + 3 + 4 + 3 + 4 = 19 sir.

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05 Nov 2012, 22:20

tjcaustin wrote:I'm pretty sure that 5 + 3 + 4 + 3 + 4 = 19 sir.
Why are you so hung up on 18? In my opinion 19 is a far better number anyway...


05 Nov 2012, 22:39

You did wrong:
0 + 5 + 3 + 4 + 3 + 4 = 19
Or better yet!
0 + 1111 + 111 + 1111 + 111 + 1111 = 1111 1111 1111 1111 = 19


06 Nov 2012, 00:37

My order has been cancelled due to some issues. So, I was wondering if anyone has these kits they're willing to sell.

ROUND3/ALPHA |A-Z and Punctuation keys |32.00| 1| 54| 32.00
ROUND3/SPACEOLD/BLACK|7 units Cherry no Windows | 2.00| 1| 1| 2.00
ROUND3/SPACEOLD/GREY |7 units Cherry no Windows | 2.00| 1| 1| 2.00
ROUND3/TENKLESS |Tenkless kit ( 84- 87 keys)|78.00| 1|111| 78.00

User avatar

06 Nov 2012, 14:39

Any update on expected dates for, production, sorting, distribution ?

User avatar

06 Nov 2012, 14:59

Post-post-Closing/Leftovers/??? payments from pettijohn and kravlin have been received and marked as shipped for PP (although we all know that we are looking at 2 or so months for the caps to be produced, shipped for sorting, then shipped to their final destination, i.e. you). That is to avoid PP account lock ups, that they like to do. Invoices may or may not reflect the change, but they will. Please keep in mind I only account for payments made to me, not to megnin or IBAN.
Note: Addresses on the Paypal invoices are not the addresses 7bit uses to ship your keycaps/switches to. He uses whatever address that is listed on your invoice.
Last edited by blighty on 07 Nov 2012, 12:47, edited 1 time in total.

User avatar

07 Nov 2012, 10:51

Are we looking at Jan, Feb or March 2013 before we receive caps? Surly it can not take that long for these to be produced.


07 Nov 2012, 22:46

Sadly, it will take far longer than you want. It's a lot of work for Signature Plastics to fulfill the order, and they've got much larger clients than us. When the caps finally get to 7bit, he's got to sort through umpteen thousand keycaps - which will need careful sorting.

I'm volunteering to receive mine last - that'll help you a bit at least.

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08 Nov 2012, 09:45

hoggy wrote:Sadly, it will take far longer than you want. It's a lot of work for Signature Plastics to fulfill the order, and they've got much larger clients than us. When the caps finally get to 7bit, he's got to sort through umpteen thousand keycaps - which will need careful sorting.

I'm volunteering to receive mine last - that'll help you a bit at least.
He is around 80 invoice numbers haead of you.


As far as I know, they still do the DCS key caps.

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08 Nov 2012, 12:38

7bit, while i wait, sell me something from round1!!!!!!!

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08 Nov 2012, 19:06

phetto wrote:7bit, while i wait, sell me something from round1!!!!!!!
I've sold my Round 1 reserve kit already.

But you can order switches!



13 Nov 2012, 20:10


User avatar

13 Nov 2012, 20:43

tjcaustin wrote:EDIT: NVM
Please send the following lines to 7bit_R4:
your e-mail address
your shipping address


User avatar

13 Nov 2012, 20:50

tjcaustin wrote:EDIT: NVM
Payment received, marked shipped, Paypal, so on and so forth (You've read this message countless times now). :lol:

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formerly prdlm2009

14 Nov 2012, 02:02

I am lusting for my spherical keycaps. Ah, the waiting!

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Wild Duck

14 Nov 2012, 02:05

The waiting!

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14 Nov 2012, 19:05

Please read this for better understanding of the waiting procedure:

Code: Select all

WAIT(P)                    POSIX Programmer's Manual                   WAIT(P)

       wait - await process completion

       wait [pid...]

       When  an  asynchronous list (see Asynchronous Lists ) is started by the
       shell, the process ID of the last command in each element of the  asyn‐
       chronous  list  shall become known in the current shell execution envi‐
       ronment; see Shell Execution Environment .

       If the wait utility is invoked with no operands, it  shall  wait  until
       all  process  IDs  known to the invoking shell have terminated and exit
       with a zero exit status.

       If one or more pid operands are specified that represent known  process
       IDs,  the wait utility shall wait until all of them have terminated. If
       one or more pid operands are specified that represent  unknown  process
       IDs,  wait  shall  treat  them  as  if they were known process IDs that
       exited with exit status 127. The exit status returned by the wait util‐
       ity  shall  be the exit status of the process requested by the last pid

       The known process IDs are applicable only for invocations  of  wait  in
       the current shell execution environment.


       The following operand shall be supported:

       pid    One of the following:

               1. The  unsigned  decimal  integer process ID of a command, for
                  which the utility is to wait for the termination.

               2. A job control job ID (see the  Base  Definitions  volume  of
                  IEEE Std 1003.1-2001,  Section  3.203,  Job  Control Job ID)
                  that identifies a background process group to be waited for.
                  The job control job ID notation is applicable only for invo‐
                  cations of wait in the current shell execution  environment;
                  see  Shell  Execution  Environment . The exit status of wait
                  shall be determined by the last command in the pipeline.

                     The job control job ID type of pid is only  available  on
                     systems supporting the User Portability Utilities option.

       Not used.


       The following environment variables shall affect the execution of wait:

       LANG   Provide  a  default value for the internationalization variables
              that are unset or null. (See  the  Base  Definitions  volume  of
              IEEE Std 1003.1-2001,  Section  8.2,  Internationalization Vari‐
              ables for the precedence of internationalization variables  used
              to determine the values of locale categories.)

       LC_ALL If  set  to a non-empty string value, override the values of all
              the other internationalization variables.

              Determine the locale for  the  interpretation  of  sequences  of
              bytes  of  text  data as characters (for example, single-byte as
              opposed to multi-byte characters in arguments).

              Determine the locale that should be used to  affect  the  format
              and contents of diagnostic messages written to standard error.

              Determine the location of message catalogs for the processing of
              LC_MESSAGES .


       Not used.

       The standard error shall be used only for diagnostic messages.



       If one or more operands were specified, all of them have terminated  or
       were  not known by the invoking shell, and the status of the last oper‐
       and specified is known, then the exit status of wait shall be the  exit
       status  information of the command indicated by the last operand speci‐
       fied. If the process terminated abnormally due to the receipt of a sig‐
       nal,  the  exit  status shall be greater than 128 and shall be distinct
       from the exit status generated by other signals, but the exact value is
       unspecified.  (See  the  kill  -l  option.) Otherwise, the wait utility
       shall exit with one of the following values:

           0  The wait utility was invoked with no operands  and  all  process
              IDs known by the invoking shell have terminated.

       1-126  The wait utility detected an error.

         127  The  command  identified  by  the  last pid operand specified is


       The following sections are informative.

       On most implementations, wait is a shell built-in. If it is called in a
       subshell  or separate utility execution environment, such as one of the

              nohup wait ...
              find . -exec wait ... \;

       it returns immediately because there are no known process IDs  to  wait
       for in those environments.

       Historical  implementations  of  interactive  shells have discarded the
       exit status  of  terminated  background  processes  before  each  shell
       prompt.  Therefore, the status of background processes was usually lost
       unless it terminated while wait was waiting for it.  This  could  be  a
       serious  problem  when  a  job that was expected to run for a long time
       actually terminated quickly  with  a  syntax  or  initialization  error
       because  the  exit  status  returned  was usually zero if the requested
       process ID was not found. This volume of IEEE Std 1003.1-2001  requires
       the  implementation  to  keep  the  status of terminated jobs available
       until the status is requested, so that scripts like:

              wait $p1
              echo Job 1 exited with status $?
              wait $!
              echo Job 2 exited with status $?

       work without losing status on any of the jobs. The shell is allowed  to
       discard the status of any process if it determines that the application
       cannot get the process ID for that process from the shell. It  is  also
       required  to remember only {CHILD_MAX} number of processes in this way.
       Since the only way to get the process ID from the shell is by using the
       '!'  shell  parameter, the shell is allowed to discard the status of an
       asynchronous list if "$!" was not referenced before  another  asynchro‐
       nous  list was started. (This means that the shell only has to keep the
       status of the last asynchronous list started if the application did not
       reference  "$!" . If the implementation of the shell is smart enough to
       determine that a reference to "$!" was  not  saved  anywhere  that  the
       application  can retrieve it later, it can use this information to trim
       the list of saved information.  Note also that  a  successful  call  to
       wait  with  no  operands  discards  the exit status of all asynchronous

       If the exit status of wait is greater than 128, there is no way for the
       application to know if the waited-for process exited with that value or
       was killed by a signal. Since most utilities exit  with  small  values,
       there is seldom any ambiguity. Even in the ambiguous cases, most appli‐
       cations just need to know that the asynchronous job failed; it does not
       matter  whether  it  detected an error and failed or was killed and did
       not complete its job normally.

       Although the exact value used when a process is terminated by a  signal
       is  unspecified,  if  it is known that a signal terminated a process, a
       script can still reliably determine which signal by using kill as shown
       by the following script:

              sleep 1000&
              kill -kill $pid
              wait $pid
              echo $pid was terminated by a SIG$(kill -l $?) signal.

       If the following sequence of commands is run in less than 31 seconds:

              sleep 257 | sleep 31 &
              jobs -l %%

       either  of the following commands returns the exit status of the second
       sleep in the pipeline:

              wait <pid of sleep 31>wait %%

       The description of wait does not refer to the waitpid()  function  from
       the System Interfaces volume of IEEE Std 1003.1-2001 because that would
       needlessly overspecify this interface. However, the wording means  that
       wait  is  required  to wait for an explicit process when it is given an
       argument so that the status information of other processes is not  con‐
       sumed.  Historical  implementations  use the wait() function defined in
       the System  Interfaces  volume  of  IEEE Std 1003.1-2001  until  wait()
       returns  the  requested  process ID or finds that the requested process
       does not exist. Because this means that a shell script could not  reli‐
       ably  get  the status of all background children if a second background
       job was ever started before the first job finished, it  is  recommended
       that  the  wait utility use a method such as the functionality provided
       by the waitpid() function.

       The ability to wait for multiple pid  operands  was  adopted  from  the

       This  new functionality was added because it is needed to determine the
       exit status of any asynchronous list accurately. The only compatibility
       problem that this change creates is for a script like

              while sleep 60 do
                  job& echo Job started $(date) as $!  done

       which  causes  the  shell  to monitor all of the jobs started until the
       script terminates or runs out of memory. This would not be a problem if
       the  loop  did  not  reference "$!" or if the script would occasionally
       wait for jobs it started.


       Shell Command Language , kill() , sh , the System Interfaces volume  of
       IEEE Std 1003.1-2001, wait(), waitpid()

       Portions  of  this text are reprinted and reproduced in electronic form
       from IEEE Std 1003.1, 2003 Edition, Standard for Information Technology
       --  Portable  Operating  System  Interface (POSIX), The Open Group Base
       Specifications Issue 6, Copyright (C) 2001-2003  by  the  Institute  of
       Electrical  and  Electronics  Engineers, Inc and The Open Group. In the
       event of any discrepancy between this version and the original IEEE and
       The  Open Group Standard, the original IEEE and The Open Group Standard
       is the referee document. The original Standard can be  obtained  online
       at .

IEEE/The Open Group                  2003                              WAIT(P)

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14 Nov 2012, 19:29


User avatar

14 Nov 2012, 21:34

7bit wrote:Please read this for better understanding of the waiting procedure:

Code: Select all

$ sudo renice -10 $(pidof R4)


14 Nov 2012, 22:52


Code: Select all

 $ /usr/bin/renice: Permission denied 
POSIX! POSIX! POOOOOOOOOOOSIX! *shrieks on the background* *then wheezing*

@et al.
♪ Waiting, waiting
Waiting, waiting
Waiting, waiting
Waiting, all the way!
Sing with me!

Last edited by bebuxe on 14 Nov 2012, 23:41, edited 1 time in total.

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Wild Duck

14 Nov 2012, 23:10

You're scaring the keyboard girls!

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