[SHIPPING] Granite Set ~ 100% PBT ~ Dye Sub ~ DSA

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08 Apr 2014, 18:25

OK thanks for the instant reply :)
As I see with chinese traders, when the package is huge Chinapost is less interresting than DHL in term of price and time so maybe it's the same with USPS. I'll send them an email to confirm or maybe could you with your experience ?

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08 Apr 2014, 18:55

you may try to ask but to my experience with SP, DHL has been always way more expensive.

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08 Apr 2014, 20:04

QQ: Why dyesub & not doubleshot?

Sorry if you mentioned this somewhere else and i missed it. :?

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08 Apr 2014, 20:07


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08 Apr 2014, 20:38

ABS is for rookies. PBT is your master.


09 Apr 2014, 06:28

matt3o wrote:I made some tests with the cyrillic set, the only viable alternative for the num-row I could think of is the following


It doesn't look horrible. If you have other ideas, please speak

Great job! I think this is perfect solution. :shock:

Count Troller

09 Apr 2014, 10:31

@matt3o: you might want to correct the "L / Д" legend and not make Cherry's mistake. "Д" should be the same level as "Л" and "Ц" (and just about everything else).


Code: Select all


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09 Apr 2014, 10:38

I see what you mean, it's like q or g, not like A

thanks for pointing that out.

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09 Apr 2014, 11:28

Cyrillic kit almost there


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09 Apr 2014, 16:02

who dares to untip the int. german layout?? grrrh :evil:

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10 Apr 2014, 01:41

One question:
How come the huge difference in price?

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Fancy Rank

10 Apr 2014, 07:50

There are two keys in ISO ENTER and apparently they are very expensive to dye sub (it's a large key), plus it's the only "kit" in DCS profile, so I guess that also adds to the setup cost.


10 Apr 2014, 08:25

When I buy the wasd kit, will I get all colors or choose one of them?

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10 Apr 2014, 08:38

all of them of course


Few updates

- The Nerdom kit now includes both the bitcoin logo AND the MX Switch at the same price
- You can add a key puller to your order!


10 Apr 2014, 09:35

I really would like to order but I am a bit worried about taxas bcs I never ordered anything outside of EU
Last edited by noobie94 on 10 Apr 2014, 09:57, edited 1 time in total.

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10 Apr 2014, 09:45

I feel your pain


10 Apr 2014, 10:32

matt3o wrote:I feel your pain

aren´t you from Italy? :D

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10 Apr 2014, 10:39

Just calculate with about 30€ to Austria for any "normal" order of these caps. We could also order together? I'm already part of the game, but I'll write a PM.

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10 Apr 2014, 10:47

The picture for the nerdom kit should be updated, that everyone who isn't part of the forum threads gets to know what will be inside finally. (What about the red Amiga, and the additional caps you wanted to add?)

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10 Apr 2014, 10:48

One more Text RGB someone!

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10 Apr 2014, 10:49

drrtyrokka wrote:The picture for the nerdom kit should be updated, that everyone who isn't part of the forum threads gets to know what will be inside finally. (What about the red Amiga, and the additional caps you wanted to add?)
Yes, i thought there's a Bitcoin cap, but unfortunately not anymore (changed to Cherry switch?).

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10 Apr 2014, 10:51

madhias wrote:One more Text RGB someone!
You could, but you better go for icons ;)
madhias wrote:Yes, i thought there's a Bitcoin cap, but unfortunately not anymore (changed to Cherry switch?).
You will get both:
matt3o wrote: Few updates

- The Nerdom kit now includes both the bitcoin logo AND the MX Switch at the same price
- You can add a key puller to your order!
Last edited by drrtyrokka on 10 Apr 2014, 10:52, edited 1 time in total.

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10 Apr 2014, 10:52

Amiga will be black since I don't have color proves (and at this point I don't think I'll get them in time).

I sent the new Nerdom image to SP, they should be updating it today.

Unfortunately it seems I can't add more keys to the nerdom.

Nerdom includes BOTH bitcoin AND cherry mx top view (at the same price). (look the first post)
Last edited by matt3o on 10 Apr 2014, 10:52, edited 1 time in total.

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10 Apr 2014, 10:52

drrtyrokka wrote:who dares to untip the int. german layout?? grrrh :evil:
zulios wrote:I need to make a change in my order, and that means cancelling everything and re submitting. Don't worry if you see the numbers decreasing today (I have 3 FR kits), I'll order again tonight or tomorrow at latest.

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10 Apr 2014, 10:54

It's all fine now :)
Still hoping for ISO Enter and RGB Icon reach 25 tier...
Hopefully with this tempo we'll reach it in a few days

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10 Apr 2014, 10:56

drrtyrokka wrote:
madhias wrote:One more Text RGB someone!
You could, but you better go for icons ;)
Have it already, but all text for me.
matt3o wrote:Nerdom includes BOTH bitcoin AND cherry mx top view (at the same price). (look the first post)
Sorry, i have seen the last version yesterday or two days ago, uhoh :roll:

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10 Apr 2014, 10:58

not your fault, SP updated me just last night about the nerdom kit.

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10 Apr 2014, 11:02

matt3o wrote:Amiga will be black since I don't have color proves (and at this point I don't think I'll get them in time).
Is the shade of the red color really that important? I would just go for the same red as in the heart and nerv cap for consistence...

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10 Apr 2014, 11:06

Exactly. The beauty of the two Amiga keys is the ability to use them as common mods, while remaining distinct. Red and black is the way.

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10 Apr 2014, 11:18

drrtyrokka wrote:
matt3o wrote:Amiga will be black since I don't have color proves (and at this point I don't think I'll get them in time).
Is the shade of the red color really that important? I would just go for the same red as in the heart and nerv cap for consistence...
the problem is not the shade of red, but the base color that is dark gray for Amiga (ie: it's hard to use colors over those keys).

I asked for color proves to SP but I doubt I'll get them in time.

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