Round 5 and Round 6 kits for sale!

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11 Mar 2014, 22:48

Yes, you can still send orders, but some kits might be sold out.

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Mad Dasher

11 Mar 2014, 22:54

7bit wrote:HONEY/HYPER7/OVR is a kit to compensate overruns (OVerRun). I will add more of these ...
Interesting, I'll keep a look out. Thank you!


11 Mar 2014, 23:36

Put in my (better be last...) order, hopefully the kits aren't sold out!


12 Mar 2014, 00:04

so is it to late to add one last tiny addition to my order?


12 Mar 2014, 00:16

You can try.. I got an incomplete invoice back after trying my latest order.. not sure if that means I won't be getting what I want, or if it means I really have to bother 7bit about it to get what I want :|


12 Mar 2014, 00:25

well if there is one thing I am good at its bothering people


12 Mar 2014, 03:54

Kinda want to buy a Hyper7 kit, but I don't want to spend so much on keys for a keyboard that may or may not exist years from now :ugeek: Maybe Round 6 will have a Hyper7 kit


12 Mar 2014, 04:07

so I got my invoice for when I added HONEY/F1TOF12/R3. It told me where to pay the money to. Can I get a confirmation that if I pay this money I will get HONEY/F1TOF12/R3 and my money wont just be shot off into space only to be told later that it was too late?

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12 Mar 2014, 09:52

No, before Round 6 starts the Hyper keyboard will be available.

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12 Mar 2014, 14:42

7bit wrote:No, before Round 6 starts the Hyper keyboard will be available.
How are you making it? CNC milled aluminium?
7bit wrote: This is how it should look like:
An angled design like that can't be done with straightforward laser cutting. Got an OEM?

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12 Mar 2014, 14:50

These are 2 PCBs with 2 different mount-plates. Just needs a case that holds everything in position.

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12 Mar 2014, 14:56

Right, just a case. What could possibly go wrong?

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12 Mar 2014, 15:25

7BIT-layout keyboards are unfailable.


12 Mar 2014, 15:42


12 Mar 2014, 20:22

All paid up, for realz this time. Caps gon look so gud!

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12 Mar 2014, 21:48

I'm still preparing and fine-tune, but you can send orders again ...

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13 Mar 2014, 00:36

Wiki updated!

Code: Select all

Order-ID               |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
SPH/REPAIR             |    6|  7|   14|USD|SPH-style repair kit
SPH/SHIFT225           |    4|  1|    2|USD|SPH-style repair kit
SPH/SHIFT275           |    4|  1|    3|USD|SPH-style repair kit
SPH/RETURN225          |    4|  1|    2|USD|SPH-style repair kit
SPH/ISO/RETURN         |    5|  1|    4|USD|SPH-style repair kit
SPH/TAB150             |    5|  1|    2|USD|SPH-style repair kit
SPH/BACKSPACE150       |    3|  1|    2|USD|SPH-style repair kit
SPH/BACKSPACE200       |    2|  1|    2|USD|SPH-style repair kit
HONEY/HYPER7           |    1|183|  199|USD|Hyper7 kit
HONEY/HYPER7/OVR       |   21|  4|    4|USD|Hyper7 overrun kit
HONEY/STANDARD         |    2|160|  129|USD|Standard kit
HONEY/STANDARD/BLACK   |    1|131|  129|USD|Standard black kit
HONEY/STD/BASE/WHITE   |    4|104|  139|USD|Standard base white kit
HONEY/STDISO/BASE/WHITE|    5|103|  139|USD|Standard ISO base white kit
HONEY/TENKLESS         |    1|131|  105|USD|Tenkeyless kit
HONEY/TENKLESS/RED     |    1|127|  139|USD|Tenkeyless red kit
HONEY/TENKLESS/GRAPHITE|    1|131|  139|USD|Tenkeyless black/grey kit
HONEY/TKL              |    2| 86|   59|USD|TKL kit
HONEY/TKL/WHITE        |    1| 86|   86|USD|TKL white kit
HONEY/TKL/RED          |    1| 86|   75|USD|TKL red kit
HONEY/TKL/BLACK        |    1| 86|   75|USD|TKL black kit
HONEY/TKL/GRAPHITE     |    1| 86|   79|USD|TKL black/grey kit
HONEY/TKL/BASE         |    5| 39|   31|USD|TKL base kit
HONEY/TKL/BASE/WHITE   |    4| 39|   49|USD|TKL base white kit
HONEY/TKL/BASE/RED     |    9| 39|   36|USD|TKL base red kit
HONEY/TKL/BASE/BLACK   |    9| 39|   36|USD|TKL base black kit+
HONEY/TKLISOBASE       |    2| 39|   35|USD|TKL ISO base kit
HONEY/TKLISOBASE/WHITE |    3| 39|   49|USD|TKL ISO base white kit
HONEY/TKLISOBASE/RED   |    1| 39|   43|USD|TKL ISO base red kit
HONEY/TKLISOBASE/BLACK |    1| 39|   39|USD|TKL ISO base black kit
HONEY/SIXTY            |    1| 89|   75|USD|60 percent kit
HONEY/FORTY            |    1| 39|   29|USD|40 percent kit
HONEY/FORTY/BASE       |    1| 13|   13|USD|40 percent base kit
HONEY/ALPHA            |    8| 49|   32|USD|ALPHA kit in white
HONEY/ALPHA/GREY       |    3| 52|   45|USD|ALPHA kit in grey
HONEY/ALPHA/RED        |   10| 49|   39|USD|ALPHA kit in red
HONEY/ALPHA/BLACK      |    9| 52|   39|USD|ALPHA kit in black+
HONEY/ALPHAINT         |    1| 31|   21|USD|ALPHA kit for DE-IT
HONEY/INTER            |    6| 58|   49|USD|language kit for DE-IT+_(LQ3)
HONEY/INTER/RED        |   16| 38|   59|USD|language kit for DE,DK,NO,SE_(LQ1)
HONEY/INTER/BLACK      |   17| 44|   59|USD|language kit for DE-IT
HONEY/DK               |    4| 21|   19|USD|DK language kit
HONEY/FR               |    6| 27|   21|USD|FR language kit
HONEY/UK               |    5|  6|    6|USD|UK language kit
HONEY/UK/BLACK         |   17|  6|   13|USD|UK language kit
HONEY/BEPOALPHA        |    6| 51|   59|USD|BEPO ALPHA language kit_(LQ1)
HONEY/BEPO/OVR         |    8| 31|   29|USD|BEPO ALPHA overrun kit
HONEY/DVORAK           |    8| 26|   26|USD|DVORAK language kit
HONEY/COLRAK           |    2| 31|   29|USD|COLEMAK and DVORAK language kit
HONEY/7BIT             |    9| 12|   12|USD|7BIT language kit
HONEY/ISO/BLACK        |    4|  4|    9|USD|ISO kit in black+
HONEY/MODIFIEREXTRA    |    2| 51|   65|USD|Modifier extra kit
HONEY/FUN125/RED       |    1|  1|    2|USD|FUN key kit (1.25 units)+
HONEY/WINDOWS150       |   22|  3|    9|USD|WINDOWS kit (1.5 units)+
HONEY/APPLE125/RED     |    4|  4|    5|USD|APPLE kit (1.25 units)+
HONEY/APPLE150         |   12|  4|    8|USD|APPLE kit (1.5 units)+
HONEY/MODEXTRA125      |   10| 10|   19|USD|Modifier Extra 1.25 units kit+
HONEY/MODEXTRA150      |    2| 25|   36|USD|Modifier Extra 1.5 units kit+
HONEY/MODEXTRA150/OVR  |    9| 12|   19|USD|Modifier Extra 1.5 units kit+
HONEY/MODEXTRA175      |   11|  8|   27|USD|Modifier Extra 1.75 units kit+
HONEY/MODSYM150        |   15|  9|   21|USD|Modifier symbols 1.5 units kit+
HONEY/MODSYM200POS     |    1|  4|    6|USD|Modifier symbols 2 units POS
HONEY/MODSYM100/BLACK  |   22|  8|   39|USD|Modifier symbols 1 unit black+
HONEY/MODSYM125/BLACK  |   19|  8|   19|USD|Modifier symbols 1.25 units
HONEY/WASD/RED         |   11|  4|    3|USD|WASD keys in red+
HONEY/CURSORS          |    9| 22|   23|USD|Cursors kit+_(LQ1)
HONEY/CURSORBASE/RED   |    2|  9|    7|USD|Cursor base kit+
HONEY/CURSORS/RED      |   18| 22|   29|USD|Cursors red kit+
HONEY/CURSOR/R24/RED   |    3|  8|   13|USD|Cursor row 2/4 red kit+
HONEY/CURSORS/BLACK    |    8| 22|   19|USD|Cursors black kit+
HONEY/CURSOR/R34/BLACK |    4|  8|    6|USD|Cursor row 3/4 black kit+
HONEY/CURSYM100/RED    |    5| 10|    9|USD|Cursor triangle kit (rows 2-4)+
HONEY/CURSYM100/R3/RED |    9|  9|    8|USD|Cursor triangle kit (row 3)+
HONEY/CURSYM125/RED    |   10|  4|    5|USD|Cursor triangle kit (1.25 units)+
HONEY/CURSYM125/BLACK  |    1|  4|    5|USD|Cursor triangle kit (1.25 units)+
HONEY/NUMPAD           |    2| 24|   19|USD|Numpad white/grey kit
HONEY/NUMPAD/RED       |    3| 24|   25|USD|Numpad red kit+_(LQ2)
HONEY/NUMPAD/BLACK     |    1| 24|   19|USD|Numpad black kit+
HONEY/NUMNUM/GREY      |    3| 14|   13|USD|Numpad number keys grey
HONEY/NUMNUM/BLACK     |    1| 14|   14|USD|Numpad number keys black+
HONEY/NUMOP/GREY       |    1| 10|    8|USD|Numpad operator keys grey+
HONEY/NUMOP/RED        |    2| 10|   12|USD|Numpad operator keys red+
HONEY/NUMERIC7/GREY    |    9| 32|   29|USD|Numeric7 grey kit (row 3)
HONEY/NUMERIC7/WHITE   |    8| 32|   29|USD|Numeric7 white kit (row 3)
HONEY/NUMROW/WHITE     |   11| 23|   38|USD|Numrow white kit
HONEY/NUMROW/WHITE/OVR |    5| 11|   12|USD|Numrow white overrun kit
HONEY/NUMROW           |    1| 40|   59|USD|Numrow 0-9 kit
HONEY/NUMROW/GREY      |   17| 10|   19|USD|Numrow 0-9 grey kit+
HONEY/NUMROW/RED       |   18| 10|   19|USD|Numrow 0-9 red kit+
HONEY/NUMROW/BLACK     |   18| 10|   19|USD|Numrow 0-9 black kit+
HONEY/FUNMOD/BLACK/OVR |    7|  7|    9|USD|Function and mod. kit black+
HONEY/FUNCTION/R2      |   12| 11|   19|USD|Function row 2 kit
HONEY/FUNCTION/R3      |   13| 24|   36|USD|Function row 3 kit+
HONEY/FUNCTION/R4      |   10| 12|   17|USD|Function row 4 kit
HONEY/FUNCTION/OVR1    |    9|  7|    9|USD|Function R2 R4 overrun kit
HONEY/FUNCTION2        |   12| 16|   24|USD|Function 2 kit (rows 1-4)_(LQ1)
HONEY/FUNCTION7A       |    2| 57|   49|USD|Function 7bit kit (rows 1-4)
HONEY/FUNCTION7B       |    6| 36|   29|USD|Function 7bit kit (rows 1-4)
HONEY/FUNCTION/RED     |    1| 23|   24|USD|Function and modifier red kit
HONEY/FUNCTION/R1/RED  |    4| 10|    9|USD|Function row 1 red kit+
HONEY/FUNCTION/RED/OVR1|    3| 17|   19|USD|Function and modifier red kit+
HONEY/FUNCTION/RED/OVR2|    8|  4|    9|USD|Function and modifier red kit+
HONEY/F13TOF24         |   15| 12|   29|USD|F13-F24 in grey (row 1)+
HONEY/F1TOF24          |    3| 24|   36|USD|F1-F24 in grey (row 1)+
HONEY/F1TOF12/R3       |   12| 12|   19|USD|F1-F12 in grey (row 3)+
HONEY/F1TOF12/H7       |    2| 12|   14|USD|F1-F12 in grey (for Hyper7)
HONEY/F1TOF12/WHITE    |    1| 12|    9|USD|F1-F12 in white (row 1)
HONEY/F13TOF24/WHITE   |   21| 12|   39|USD|F13-F24 in white (row 1)+
HONEY/F1TOF12/RED      |    4| 12|    9|USD|F1-F12 in red (row 1)+
HONEY/F1TOF12/BLACK    |    1| 12|    9|USD|F1-F12 in black (row 1)+
HONEY/POS              |    1| 30|   49|USD|POS (2 units)
HONEY/POS/PACK1        |   10|  8|   19|USD|POS pack 1 (2 units)
HONEY/POS/PACK2        |   10|  6|   16|USD|POS pack 2 (2 units)
HONEY/POS/PACK3        |   10|  8|   19|USD|POS pack 3 (2 units)
HONEY/POS/PACK4        |    1|  8|   19|USD|POS pack 4 (2 units)
HONEY/POS/PACK4/OVR    |    9|  4|    9|USD|POS pack 4 (2 units)
HONEY/JRET/RED         |    8|  1|    6|USD|J-Return key (red)+
HONEY/CAPS175/RED      |    3|  1|    2|USD|CAPS LOCK key 1.75 units (row 3)+
HONEY/CAPS175S/RED     |    1|  1|    5|USD|CAPS LOCK key 1.75 units, step+
HONEY/CAPS175S/BLACK   |    3|  1|    4|USD|CAPS LOCK key 1.75 units, step+
HONEY/RETURN225/RED    |    3|  1|    3|USD|Return (2.25 units; red)+
HONEY/SHIFT200/R4      |   18|  1|    5|USD|SHIFT key 2 units (row 4)+
HONEY/SHIFT100/RED     |   22|  1|    6|USD|SHIFT key 1 unit (row 3; red)+
HONEY/SHIFT125/RED     |    4|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 1.25 units (row 3; red)+
HONEY/SHIFT150/RED     |    3|  1|    2|USD|SHIFT key 1.5 units (row 3; red)+
HONEY/SHIFT175/RED     |    3|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 1.75 units (row 3; red)+
HONEY/SHIFT200/RED     |    3|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 2 units (row 3; red)+
HONEY/SHIFT225/RED     |    1|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 2.25 units (row 3; red)+
HONEY/SHIFT275/RED     |    3|  1|    4|USD|SHIFT key 2.75 units (row 3; red)
HONEY/SHIFT100/R4/RED  |   22|  1|   12|USD|SHIFT key 1 u. (row 4; red)+
HONEY/SHIFT200/R4/RED  |   22|  1|    5|USD|SHIFT key 2 u. (row 4; red)+
HONEY/SHIFT100/BLACK   |   17|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 1 u. (row 3; black)+
HONEY/SHIFT200/BLACK   |    2|  1|    4|USD|SHIFT key 2 u. (row 3; black)
HONEY/SHIFT225/BLACK   |    4|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 2.25 u. (row 3; black)+
HONEY/COMMA            |   15|  1|    2|USD|numpad comma (row 3; white)+
HONEY/COMMA/GREY       |   20|  1|    4|USD|numpad comma (row 3; grey)+
HONEY/GTLT/RED         |    3|  1|    2|USD|greater less (row 4; red)+
HONEY/FJ/RED           |    4|  2|    2|USD|F and J (row 3; red)+
HONEY/FJ/BLACK         |    3|  2|    2|USD|F and J (row 3; black)+
HONEY/GHB/RED          |    2|  3|    2|USD|G, H and B (red)+
HONEY/GHB/BLACK        |    3|  3|    2|USD|G, H and B (black)+
HONEY/TILDEBPRIME/BLACK|    4|  1|    1|USD|tilde backprime (row 1; black)+
HONEY/VERTBSL/R2       |   20|  1|    4|USD|vert bslash (row 2; white)+
HONEY/VERTBSL/R1/RED   |    6|  1|    1|USD|vert bslash (row 1; red)+
HONEY/VERTBSL/R3/RED   |    7|  1|    1|USD|vert bslash (row 3; red)+
HONEY/VERTBSL150/RED   |    1|  1|    2|USD|vert bslash (row 2; red)+
HONEY/SPACE100         |   15|  2|    3|USD|Space (1 units; white)+
HONEY/SPACE100/GREY    |   14|  2|    3|USD|Space (1 units; grey)+
HONEY/SPACE100/BLACK   |   13|  2|    3|USD|Space (1 units; black)+
HONEY/SPACE150         |   11|  2|    5|USD|Space (1.5 units; white)+
HONEY/SPACE150/GREY    |    6|  2|    3|USD|Space (1.5 units; grey)+
HONEY/SPACE150/RED     |   17|  2|    7|USD|Space (1.5 units; red)+_(LQ2)
HONEY/SPACE150/BLACK   |   15|  2|    6|USD|Space (1.5 units; black)+_(LQ2)
HONEY/SPACE300         |    1|  1|    7|USD|Space (3 units; white)_(LQ2)
HONEY/SPACE400         |    2|  1|    5|USD|Space (4 units; white)_(LQ4)
HONEY/SPACE400/GREY    |   12|  1|    8|USD|Space (4 units; grey)
HONEY/SPACE400/RED     |   19|  1|    8|USD|Space (4 units; red)
HONEY/SPACE400/BLACK   |   18|  1|    8|USD|Space (4 units; black)
HONEY/SPACE450         |    6|  1|    8|USD|Space (4.5 units; white)
HONEY/SPACE450/GREY    |   17|  1|    9|USD|Space (4.5 units; grey)
HONEY/SPACE450/RED     |   18|  1|    9|USD|Space (4.5 units; red)
HONEY/SPACE450/BLACK   |   16|  1|    9|USD|Space (4.5 units; black)
HONEY/SPACE625         |   19|  1|    2|USD|Space (6.25 units white)
HONEY/SPACE625/GREY    |    5|  1|    2|USD|Space (6.25 units; grey)
HONEY/SPACE625/RED     |    8|  1|    3|USD|Space (6.25 units; red)
HONEY/SPACE625/BLACK   |    2|  1|    3|USD|Space (6.25 units; black)
HONEY/SPACE700         |    7|  1|    3|USD|Space (7 units white)
HONEY/SPACE700/GREY    |    5|  1|    3|USD|Space (7 units; grey)
HONEY/SPACE700/RED     |   10|  1|    3|USD|Space (7 units; red)
HONEY/SPACE700/BLACK   |    5|  1|    3|USD|Space (7 units; black)
HONEY/DT/GREY          |   14|  2|    2|USD|DT keys (rows 1 and 3; grey)
HONEY/DT/WHITE         |   11|  2|    2|USD|DT keys (rows 1 and 3; white)
HONEY/DT/RED           |   13|  2|    2|USD|DT keys (rows 1 and 3; red)
HONEY/DT/BLACK         |    8|  2|    2|USD|DT keys (rows 1 and 3; black)
HONEY/HELVETICA        |    5|  2|    2|USD|Swiss flag (rows 1 and 3)
HONEY/HELVETICA125     |   12|  1|    2|USD|Swiss flag (row 3)
HONEY/HELVETICA150     |    8|  1|    2|USD|Swiss flag (row 3)
HONEY/ERGOKEY/R1       |    4|  2|    2|USD|ERGO DOX keys (row 1; red)+
HONEY/KBDRUNNER        |    9|  1|    1|USD|Keyboard runner (row 1; grey)
HONEY/KBDRUNNER/WHITE  |   13|  1|    1|USD|Keyboard runner (row 1; white)
HONEY/KBDRUNNER/RED    |   20|  1|    1|USD|Keyboard runner (row 1; red)
HONEY/KBDRUNNER/RED/R2 |    5|  1|    1|USD|Keyboard runner (row 2; red)
HONEY/KBDRUNNER/RED/R3 |    8|  1|    1|USD|Keyboard runner (row 3; red)
HONEY/KBDRUNNER/BLACK  |    4|  1|    1|USD|Keyboard runner (row 1; black)
HONEY/LOTUSESC         |    9|  1|    1|USD|Lotus key (row 1; grey)
HONEY/LOTUSESC/RED     |   16|  1|    1|USD|Lotus key (row 1; red)
HONEY/LOTUSESC/BLACK   |   12|  1|    1|USD|Lotus key (row 1; black)
HONEY/LOTUS100         |    8|  1|    1|USD|Lotus key (row 3; grey)
HONEY/LOTUS125         |    6|  1|    2|USD|Lotus key (row 3; grey)
HONEY/LOTUS150         |   16|  1|    3|USD|Lotus key (row 3; grey)
HONEY/LOTUS175         |   19|  1|    7|USD|Lotus key (row 3; grey)
HONEY/LOTUS175S        |   12|  1|    5|USD|Lotus key (row 3; grey)
HONEY/LOTUS100/RED     |    6|  1|    1|USD|Lotus key (row 3; red)
HONEY/LOTUS125/RED     |   10|  1|    2|USD|Lotus key (row 3; red)
HONEY/LOTUS175S/RED    |   16|  1|    7|USD|Lotus key (row 3; red)
HONEY/LOTUS100/BLACK   |    5|  1|    1|USD|Lotus key (row 3; black)
HONEY/LOTUS125/BLACK   |    6|  1|    2|USD|Lotus key (row 3; black)
HONEY/LOTUS175S/BLACK  |   21|  1|    9|USD|Lotus key (row 3; black)
HONEY/MUIRIUM/BLANK    |    1| 32|   19|USD|Muirium's special blank kit
BLANK/R1U100/GREY      |    2|  1|    1|USD|blank key (grey)+
BLANK/R3U100/GREY      |    4|  1|    1|USD|blank key (grey)+
BLANK/R3U100C/GREY     |   16|  1|    7|USD|blank key center nub (grey)+
BLANK/R3U100D/GREY     |   13|  1|    3|USD|blank key deep dish (grey)+
BLANK/R3U125/GREY      |    4|  1|    1|USD|blank key (grey)
BLANK/R2U175/GREY      |   22|  1|    3|USD|blank key (grey)+
BLANK/R3U175/GREY      |   10|  1|    3|USD|blank key (grey)+
BLANK/R3U175S/GREY     |   17|  1|    6|USD|blank stepped key (grey)+
BLANK/R1U200/GREY      |   11|  1|    4|USD|blank key (grey)+
BLANK/R2U200/GREY      |   21|  1|    1|USD|blank key (grey)+
BLANK/R3U200/GREY      |    2|  1|    1|USD|blank key (grey)+
BLANK/R3U275/GREY      |   13|  1|    5|USD|blank key (grey)
BLANK/R3U100C/WHITE    |   16|  1|    3|USD|blank key center nub (white)+
BLANK/R1U150/WHITE     |   17|  1|    2|USD|blank key (white)+
BLANK/R2U150/WHITE     |    7|  1|    2|USD|blank key (white)+
BLANK/R3U150/WHITE     |    2|  1|    2|USD|blank key (white)+
BLANK/R2U200/WHITE     |   22|  1|    3|USD|blank key (white)+
BLANK/R3U200/WHITE     |   11|  1|    3|USD|blank key (white)+
BLANK/R1U100/RED       |    1|  1|    1|USD|blank key (red)
BLANK/R3U100C/RED      |   18|  1|    6|USD|blank key center nub (red)+
BLANK/R3U100D/RED      |   20|  1|    6|USD|blank key deep dish (red)+
BLANK/R2U150/RED       |    4|  1|    2|USD|blank key (red)+
BLANK/R3U200/RED       |    4|  1|    2|USD|blank key (red)
BLANK/R1U100/BLACK     |    4|  1|    1|USD|blank key (black)
BLANK/R2U100/BLACK     |    4|  1|    1|USD|blank key (black)
BLANK/R3U100/BLACK     |    4|  1|    1|USD|blank key (black)
BLANK/R3U100C/BLACK    |   14|  1|    5|USD|blank key center nub (black)+
BLANK/R3U100D/BLACK    |   16|  1|    5|USD|blank key deep dish (black)+
BLANK/R3U125/BLACK     |   21|  1|    7|USD|blank key (black)+
BLANK/R1U150/BLACK     |    3|  1|    2|USD|blank key (black)+
SHIPTRACKED            |     |   |    3|USD|Ship tracked worldwide
SHIPINSURED            |     |   |    0|USD|Ship insured

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13 Mar 2014, 00:51

Explaining to inquisitive noobs what you mean by "stock" is going to be fun, I suspect. Yes it is in stock. No it has not been manufactured yet.

By the way, what are the chances of a 6.0 unit space bar for Round 6? We might need them for our MX adapted HHKBs and Topres…

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13 Mar 2014, 00:59

I just realised I removed the SPH/RETURN225 from my order at some point and forgot to put it back in, but I'm paid up to the penny and I know the minimum payment amount is more then $2...


13 Mar 2014, 01:04

Yslen wrote:I just realised I removed the SPH/RETURN225 from my order at some point and forgot to put it back in, but I'm paid up to the penny and I know the minimum payment amount is more then $2...
Any chance you can pay Google Wallet? If so don't worry about the minimum payment.

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13 Mar 2014, 01:13

jefferai wrote:
Yslen wrote:I just realised I removed the SPH/RETURN225 from my order at some point and forgot to put it back in, but I'm paid up to the penny and I know the minimum payment amount is more then $2...
Any chance you can pay Google Wallet? If so don't worry about the minimum payment.
I can't find any way to make a payment using Google Wallet, unfortunately. I am in the UK, I don't know if the full service exists here yet.


13 Mar 2014, 05:26

I imagine you'll be able to pay with paypal just fine. I believe the worry about small payments with paypal is that 7bit is charging 4% for paypal fees, which in most cases isn't exactly what paypal is charging. What paypal will actually charge is either 2.9% or 3.9% + $0.30 flat. In most cases (international payment) it will be 3.9% + $0.30 which is very close to 7bit's 4%. My assumption is that the 1.1% saved by domestic payments and the 0.1% saved on international payments makes up for the $0.30 flat charges per payment. This, however, starts to become a larger portion of the cost when it's a small payment, since $0.30 flat on $2.00 is %15 of the item cost, and the 1.1% or 0.1% on $2.00 certainly won't come anywhere close to making up the $0.30 flat fee.

What you could easily do, however, is send $2.39 for it, and there should be no complaints! (except maybe about how you'd be overpaying the invoice!) [Astute readers may notice I've added an extra $0.01. This is because I don't know if paypal adds the $0.30 flat fee before or after assessing the percentage fee]

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13 Mar 2014, 07:55

Yslen wrote:
jefferai wrote:
Yslen wrote:I just realised I removed the SPH/RETURN225 from my order at some point and forgot to put it back in, but I'm paid up to the penny and I know the minimum payment amount is more then $2...
Any chance you can pay Google Wallet? If so don't worry about the minimum payment.
I can't find any way to make a payment using Google Wallet, unfortunately. I am in the UK, I don't know if the full service exists here yet.
You could probably send a bank payment using IBAN for free (for both parties). I Think a payment in € should be free within the EU regardless if you have a different local currency.

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Prisoner of Technology

13 Mar 2014, 08:35

7bit, ordered now a HONEY/FORTY but it was removed from the invoice, can I still order it?

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13 Mar 2014, 08:47

Yslen wrote:I just realised I removed the SPH/RETURN225 from my order at some point and forgot to put it back in, but I'm paid up to the penny and I know the minimum payment amount is more then $2...
Just order now and pay later when you added more.

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Prisoner of Technology

13 Mar 2014, 10:38

Just received a new invoice with HONEY/FORTY and made the payment.
Thanks. :)


13 Mar 2014, 10:43

Leftovers? but they're not made yet? :/

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13 Mar 2014, 11:24


13 Mar 2014, 11:59

TIL: am an inquisitive noob xD

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13 Mar 2014, 16:09

Well, aren't we all?

Trust me, confusion reigns around here. Where "stock" means "there will be stock" and leftovers means "they're not made yet".

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