Round 5 and Round 6 kits for sale!

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7 bit

17 May 2014, 18:58

8bit wrote:lol, seven-space-bit :P
The space came free with my Round 4 SHIF T.

Order more!

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Prisoner of Technology

17 May 2014, 19:01

A new topre lover... :)


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17 May 2014, 21:10

7=E2=80=8Abit wrote:...
Keys will be produced starting in March 2015 and should be complete by October, except the letter K which will take an extra four months because of the special mold.

Order more!
This trolling is totally stupid!

Everybody knows that it is the new letter T which requires a new design, so we can have SHIFT instead of SHI T !

Also: If there is any further delay then it is caused by people registering here without ordering!

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17 May 2014, 22:56

Dear Mr. Joker,

You've got a perfect sense of humor, thank you for all the jokes.

Although, not all of us could understand and/or accept them, I'm afraid.

Thank you in advance for understanding.


18 May 2014, 04:15

just got updated invoice from 7bot without asking for it.
does this mean the keycaps are getting produced?

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18 May 2014, 04:34

no new invoice for me but it happens when your order/amount has changed, for example after a price drop.

(7bit, I relayed the price drop information in the bépo community channels)
A question : can I add switches into my actual CherryMX bot order with the amount due from 7bot or should I make a switch order with 7bot to use this amount ? Is it even possible to order switches with this amount (I should have asked this one first)

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18 May 2014, 04:43

I got a new invoice / general bot mail a few days ago. No changes in my order, no price shifts, and no caps in production yet! Sometimes the bot just feels a bit chatty. I've had a few of these before.

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18 May 2014, 06:16

i am undecided between the row 3 function kit row 1 function kit leftovers:(

i will be using them on my tipro mid 96 and it seems that row 3 SA in a matrix would look better and type better on it.

but the row 1 kit has greater value... with more keys and in a cheaper price.
seems like it is a more popular choice which leads to a lower price? or why is it cheaper? :?:

any idea of which is a better choice for my case?

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18 May 2014, 10:46

argcargv wrote:just got updated invoice from 7bot without asking for it.
does this mean the keycaps are getting produced?
No, that means that 7bot was bored about too few orders coming in.

So, he had to send some spam ...
Vierax wrote:no new invoice for me but it happens when your order/amount has changed, for example after a price drop.

(7bit, I relayed the price drop information in the bépo community channels)
Vierax wrote:A question : can I add switches into my actual CherryMX bot order with the amount due from 7bot or should I make a switch order with 7bot to use this amount ? Is it even possible to order switches with this amount (I should have asked this one first)
Currently, I have to move the amount manually.

But in the near future, 7bot will handle everything!

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18 May 2014, 10:54

7bit wrote: But in the near future, 7bot will handle everything!
The day of the 10-tackle ! :o :shock:

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18 May 2014, 11:31

Kits of the day:
price: $2

price: $8

price: $29

price: $19

price: $9

price: $25

price: $7


Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
SPH/SHIFT225             |    2|  1|    2|USD|SPH-style repair kit
HONEY/TKL/BASE/NOFUN     |    9| 23|   19|USD|TKL base no func keys kit
HONEY/TKL/BASE/WHITE     |    7| 39|   49|USD|TKL base white kit
HONEY/TKL/BASE/RED       |    2| 39|   36|USD|TKL base red kit
HONEY/TKL/BASE/BLACK     |    3| 39|   36|USD|TKL base black kit
HONEY/ALPHA/RED          |    3| 49|   39|USD|ALPHA kit in red
HONEY/ALPHA/BLACK        |    1| 52|   39|USD|ALPHA kit in black
HONEY/ALPHAINT/RED       |   10| 31|   26|USD|ALPHA kit for DE-IT in red
HONEY/ALPHAINT/BLACK     |    2| 31|   25|USD|ALPHA kit for DE-IT in black
HONEY/INTER/OVR2         |    1| 43|   29|USD|language kit overrun
HONEY/INTER/RED          |    8| 38|   44|USD|language kit for DE,DK,NO,SE
HONEY/INTER/RED/OVR      |    9| 35|   19|USD|language overrun kit DK,NO
HONEY/INTER/BLACK        |    1| 44|   39|USD|language kit for DE-IT
HONEY/INTER/BLACK/OVR    |   15| 42|   24|USD|language kit for DE-IT overrun
HONEY/DE                 |    3| 22|   16|USD|DE language kit
HONEY/DK                 |    1| 21|   19|USD|DK language kit
HONEY/NO                 |    1| 21|   18|USD|NO language kit
HONEY/IT                 |    3| 19|   12|USD|IT language kit
HONEY/FR                 |    7| 27|   16|USD|FR language kit
HONEY/UK                 |    3|  6|    6|USD|UK language kit
HONEY/UK/BLACK           |   16|  6|    9|USD|UK black language kit
HONEY/US/RED             |    1| 20|   19|USD|US red language kit
HONEY/US/BLACK           |    2| 20|   16|USD|US black language kit
HONEY/BEPOALPHA          |    2| 51|   36|USD|BEPO ALPHA language kit
HONEY/BEPO/OVR           |    8| 30|   19|USD|BEPO ALPHA language overrun kit
HONEY/COLRAK             |    8| 31|   29|USD|COLEMAK and DVORAK language kit
HONEY/7BIT               |   12| 12|    9|USD|7BIT language kit
HONEY/ISO                |   14|  4|    8|USD|ISO kit in grey
HONEY/ISO/WHITE          |    3|  4|    7|USD|ISO kit in white
HONEY/ISO/RED            |    8|  4|    9|USD|ISO kit in red
HONEY/ISO/BLACK          |    5|  4|    9|USD|ISO kit in black
HONEY/MODIFIER/OVR1      |    2| 61|   35|USD|Modifier overrun kit
HONEY/MODIFIER/OVR2      |    3| 49|   33|USD|Modifier overrun kit
HONEY/MODIFIER/OVR3      |    1| 32|   32|USD|Modifier overrun kit
HONEY/MODIFIER/OVR4      |    1| 17|   19|USD|Modifier overrun kit
HONEY/MODIFIER/OVR5      |    3|  7|    6|USD|Modifier overrun kit
HONEY/MODIFIER/WHITE/OVR1|    4| 40|   35|USD|Modifier white overrun kit
HONEY/MODIFIER/WHITE/OVR2|    2| 36|   25|USD|Modifier white overrun kit
HONEY/MODIFIER/WHITE/OVR3|    9|  4|    5|USD|Modifier white overrun kit
HONEY/MODIFIER/RED/OVR1  |    5| 32|   32|USD|Modifier red overrun kit
HONEY/MODIFIER/RED/OVR2  |    1| 22|   29|USD|Modifier red overrun kit
HONEY/FUN125/RED         |    9|  1|    2|USD|FUN key kit (1.25 units)
HONEY/FUN125/BLACK       |   17|  1|    2|USD|FUN key kit (1.25 units)
HONEY/WINDOWS125/RED     |    6|  3|    4|USD|WINDOWS kit (1.25 units)
HONEY/WINDOWS125/BLACK   |    4|  3|    4|USD|WINDOWS kit (1.25 units)
HONEY/WINDOWS150         |   10|  3|    4|USD|WINDOWS kit (1.5 units)
HONEY/APPLE125           |    2|  4|    4|USD|APPLE kit (1.25 units)
HONEY/APPLE125/BLACK     |    5|  4|    4|USD|APPLE kit (1.25 units)
HONEY/MOD150/BLACK/OVR1  |    3| 11|   15|USD|Modifier 1.5 units black kit
HONEY/MOD175S            |   20|  2|    5|USD|Modifier 1.75 stepped kit
HONEY/MODEXTRA125        |    1| 10|   19|USD|Modifier Extra 1.25 units kit
HONEY/MODEXTRA150/OVR    |   10| 12|    9|USD|Modifier Extra 1.5 units kit
HONEY/MODEXTRA150/R4     |    3|  8|    9|USD|Modifier Extra 1.5 u (row 4)
HONEY/MODEXTRA175        |   14|  8|   27|USD|Modifier Extra 1.75 units kit
HONEY/MODSYM100          |    6|  9|    7|USD|Modifier symbols 1 unit kit
HONEY/MODSYM100/OVR      |   12|  7|    6|USD|Modifier symbols 1 unit kit
HONEY/MODSYM125          |    9|  8|    9|USD|Modifier symbols 1.25 units kit
HONEY/MODSYM150          |   12|  9|   21|USD|Modifier symbols 1.5 units kit
HONEY/MODSYM200POS       |   19|  4|    6|USD|Modifier symbols 2 units POS
HONEY/MODSYM100/BLACK    |   21|  8|   19|USD|Modifier symbols 1 unit black
HONEY/MODSYM125/BLACK    |   19|  8|   19|USD|Modifier symbols 1.25 units
HONEY/WASD/RED           |    2|  4|    3|USD|WASD keys in red
HONEY/CURSOR/OVR3        |    9|  4|    2|USD|Cursors kit
HONEY/CURSOR/R24         |    2|  8|    9|USD|Cursor row 2/4 kit
HONEY/CURSOR/R24/TEXT    |    5|  4|    3|USD|Cursor row 2/4 text kit
HONEY/CURSOR/R3/TEXT     |   11|  4|    2|USD|Cursor row 3 text kit
HONEY/CURSORBASE/RED     |   12|  9|    7|USD|Cursor base kit
HONEY/CURSORS/RED        |    5| 22|   29|USD|Cursors red kit
HONEY/CURSOR/R24/RED     |    8|  8|   13|USD|Cursor row 2/4 red kit
HONEY/CURSOR/R3/RED      |   13|  8|    6|USD|Cursor row 3 red kit
HONEY/CURSOR/OVR/RED     |   10|  6|    5|USD|Cursor row 3/4 red kit
HONEY/CURSOR/OVR1/RED    |    1|  5|    3|USD|Cursor row 3/4 red kit
HONEY/CURSORS/BLACK      |    5| 22|   19|USD|Cursors black kit
HONEY/CURSOR/R34/BLACK   |    6|  8|    6|USD|Cursor row 3/4 black kit
HONEY/CURSYM100/RED      |    1| 10|    9|USD|Cursor triangle kit (rows 2-4)
HONEY/CURSYM100/R3/RED   |    2|  9|    8|USD|Cursor triangle kit (row 3)
HONEY/CURSYM100/OVR/RED  |    1|  5|    5|USD|Cursor triangle kit (row 3)
HONEY/CURSYM125          |    2|  4|    5|USD|Cursor triangle kit (1.25 units)
HONEY/CURSYM125/RED      |    9|  4|    5|USD|Cursor triangle kit (1.25 units)
HONEY/NUMPAD/GREY        |    6| 24|   21|USD|Numpad grey kit
HONEY/NUMPAD/WHITE       |    2| 24|   27|USD|Numpad white kit_(LQ3)
HONEY/NUMPAD/RED         |    5| 24|   25|USD|Numpad red kit_(LQ2)
HONEY/NUMNUM/GREY        |   12| 14|   13|USD|Numpad number keys grey
HONEY/NUMNUM/WHITE/OVR   |    1| 12|    9|USD|Numpad number keys white
HONEY/NUMNUM/RED         |    4| 14|   14|USD|Numpad number keys red
HONEY/NUMOP/GREY         |    6| 10|    8|USD|Numpad operator keys grey
HONEY/NUMOP/GREY/OVR     |    5| 10|    5|USD|Numpad operator keys grey
HONEY/NUMOP/BLACK        |    1| 10|    9|USD|Numpad operator keys black
HONEY/NUMERIC7/GREY      |    8| 32|   29|USD|Numeric7 grey kit (row 3)
HONEY/NUMERIC7/WHITE     |    8| 32|   29|USD|Numeric7 white kit (row 3)
HONEY/NUMROW/WHITE       |    4| 23|   38|USD|Numrow white kit
HONEY/NUMROW/WHITE/OVR   |   11| 13|    9|USD|Numrow white overrun kit
HONEY/NUMROW             |    7| 40|   59|USD|Numrow 0-9 kit
HONEY/NUMROW/GREY        |    8| 10|   19|USD|Numrow 0-9 grey kit
HONEY/NUMROW/RED         |   12| 10|    9|USD|Numrow 0-9 red kit
HONEY/NUMROW/BLACK       |   11| 10|   19|USD|Numrow 0-9 black kit
HONEY/FUNMOD/BLACK/OVR2  |    5| 21|   19|USD|Function and mod. kit black
HONEY/FUNCTION/R1        |    1| 35|   29|USD|Function row 1 kit_(LQ2)
HONEY/FUNCTION/R2        |    4| 11|   19|USD|Function row 2 kit
HONEY/FUNCTION/R3        |   13| 24|   36|USD|Function row 3 kit
HONEY/FUNCTION2          |    6| 16|   24|USD|Function 2 kit (rows 1-4)_(LQ1)
HONEY/FUNCTION7B         |    5| 42|   29|USD|Function 7bit kit (rows 1-4)
HONEY/FUNCTION7C         |    1| 36|   12|USD|Function 7bit kit (rows 1-4)
HONEY/FUNCTION7D         |    4| 28|    9|USD|Function 7bit kit (rows 1-4)
HONEY/FUNCTION7E         |    1| 27|   12|USD|Function 7bit kit (rows 1-4)
HONEY/FUNCTION7F         |    2| 10|    9|USD|Function 7bit kit (rows 1-4)
HONEY/FUNCTION/RED       |    4| 23|   24|USD|Function and modifier red kit
HONEY/FUNCTION/RED/OVR1  |    6| 22|   19|USD|Function and modifier red kit
HONEY/FUNCTION/RED/OVR2  |    1| 19|   12|USD|Function and modifier red kit
HONEY/FUNCTION/R1/RED    |   15| 10|    9|USD|Function row 1 red kit
HONEY/F1TOF12            |    1| 12|    8|USD|F1-F12 in grey (row 1)
HONEY/F13TOF24           |    6| 12|   29|USD|F13-F24 in grey (row 1)
HONEY/F1TOF24            |   11| 24|   19|USD|F1-F24 in grey (row 1)
HONEY/F1TOF12/H7         |    1| 12|   10|USD|F1-F12 in grey (for Hyper7)
HONEY/F13TOF24/WHITE     |   19| 12|    9|USD|F13-F24 in white (row 1)
HONEY/F1TOF24/WHITE      |    1| 24|   19|USD|F1-F24 in white (row 1)
HONEY/TRASH1             |    2| 69|   25|USD|Sym, Fun and Numeric keys
HONEY/TRASH2             |    1| 29|    8|USD|Sym, Fun and Numeric keys
HONEY/TRASH3             |    1| 15|    6|USD|Sym, Fun and Numeric keys
HONEY/TRASH4             |    3|  5|    4|USD|Symbol and Numeric keys
HONEY/TRASH5             |    5|  4|    3|USD|Symbol and Numeric keys
HONEY/POS                |    2| 30|   19|USD|POS (2 units)
HONEY/POS/PACK1          |    9|  8|   12|USD|POS pack 1 (2 units)
HONEY/POS/PACK2          |   10|  6|    7|USD|POS pack 2 (2 units)
HONEY/POS/PACK3          |   10|  8|    7|USD|POS pack 3 (2 units)
HONEY/POS/PACK4          |   10|  8|    7|USD|POS pack 4 (2 units)
HONEY/JRET               |    5|  1|    6|USD|J-Return key (grey)
HONEY/JRET/WHITE         |    7|  1|    6|USD|J-Return key (white)
HONEY/JRET/RED           |   13|  1|    6|USD|J-Return key (red)
HONEY/JRET/BLACK         |    1|  1|    6|USD|J-Return key (black)
HONEY/CAPS175            |   18|  1|    2|USD|CAPS LOCK key 1.75 units
HONEY/CAPS175/RED        |    9|  1|    2|USD|CAPS LOCK key 1.75 units
HONEY/CAPS175S/RED       |   12|  1|    5|USD|CAPS LOCK key 1.75 units, step
HONEY/CAPS175/BLACK      |   10|  1|  1.5|USD|CAPS LOCK key 1.75 units
HONEY/CAPS175S/BLACK     |   18|  1|    4|USD|CAPS LOCK key 1.75 units, step
HONEY/BACKSPACE200/BLACK |    8|  1|    2|USD|BACK SPACE key 2 units (row 1)
HONEY/RETURN175          |   10|  1|    3|USD|Return (1.75 units; grey)
HONEY/RETURN225/RED      |   11|  1|    3|USD|Return (2.25 units; red)
HONEY/SHIFT150           |    2|  1|    1|USD|SHIFT key 1.5 units (row 3)
HONEY/SHIFT175           |   19|  1|    2|USD|SHIFT key 1.75 units (row 3)
HONEY/SHIFT225           |   13|  1|    2|USD|SHIFT key 2.25 units (row 3)
HONEY/SHIFT275           |    9|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 2.75 units (row 3)
HONEY/SHIFT200/R4        |   18|  1|    5|USD|SHIFT key 2 units (row 4)
HONEY/SHIFT125/WHITE     |    9|  1|    1|USD|SHIFT key 1.25 units (row 3)
HONEY/SHIFT100/RED       |   21|  1|    6|USD|SHIFT key 1 unit (row 3; red)
HONEY/SHIFT125/RED       |   20|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 1.25 units (row 3; red)
HONEY/SHIFT175/RED       |    1|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 1.75 units (row 3; red)
HONEY/SHIFT200/RED       |    3|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 2 units (row 3; red)
HONEY/SHIFT225/RED       |    6|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 2.25 units (row 3; red)
HONEY/SHIFT275/RED       |   20|  1|  2.5|USD|SHIFT key 2.75 units (row 3; red)
HONEY/SHIFT100/R4/RED    |   22|  1|    6|USD|SHIFT key 1 u. (row 4; red)
HONEY/SHIFT200/R4/RED    |   22|  1|    5|USD|SHIFT key 2 u. (row 4; red)
HONEY/SHIFT100/BLACK     |   17|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 1 u. (row 3; black)
HONEY/SHIFT125/BLACK     |    3|  1|    1|USD|SHIFT key 1.25 u. (row 3; black)
HONEY/SHIFT200/BLACK     |    4|  1|    4|USD|SHIFT key 2 u. (row 3; black)
HONEY/SHIFT225/BLACK     |    2|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 2.25 u. (row 3; black)
HONEY/SHIFT275/BLACK     |   18|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 2.75 u. (row 3; black)
HONEY/COMMA              |   15|  1|    2|USD|numpad comma (row 3; white)
HONEY/COMMA/GREY         |   20|  1|    4|USD|numpad comma (row 3; grey)
HONEY/GTLT               |    3|  1|    1|USD|greater less (row 4; white)
HONEY/GTLT/GREY          |   10|  1|    2|USD|greater less (row 4; grey)
HONEY/GTLT/RED           |    7|  1|    2|USD|greater less (row 4; red)
HONEY/GTLT/BLACK         |   19|  1|    2|USD|greater less (row 4; black)
HONEY/FJ                 |   22|  2|    2|USD|F and J (row 3; white)
HONEY/FJ/GREY            |    7|  2|    2|USD|F and J (row 3; grey)
HONEY/FJ/BLACK           |   12|  2|    2|USD|F and J (row 3; black)
HONEY/GHB/GREY           |   19|  3|    2|USD|G, H and B (grey)
HONEY/GHB/WHITE          |   14|  3|    2|USD|G, H and B (white)
HONEY/GHB/RED            |   17|  3|    2|USD|G, H and B (red)
HONEY/GHB/BLACK          |   18|  3|    2|USD|G, H and B (black)
HONEY/TILDEBPRIME/GREY   |    9|  1|    1|USD|tilde backprime (row 1; grey)
HONEY/TILDEBPRIME/WHITE  |   12|  1|    1|USD|tilde backprime (row 1; white)
HONEY/TILDEBPRIME/RED    |    7|  1|    1|USD|tilde backprime (row 1; red)
HONEY/VERTBSL/R1         |   15|  1|    1|USD|vert bslash (row 1; white)
HONEY/VERTBSL/R2         |   20|  1|    4|USD|vert bslash (row 2; white)
HONEY/VERTBSL/R3         |    8|  1|    1|USD|vert bslash (row 3; white)
HONEY/VERTBSL/R4         |   23|  1|    2|USD|vert bslash (row 4; white)
HONEY/VERTBSL/R1/RED     |    7|  1|    1|USD|vert bslash (row 1; red)
HONEY/VERTBSL/R3/RED     |    9|  1|    1|USD|vert bslash (row 3; red)
HONEY/VERTBSL/R1/BLACK   |   11|  1|    1|USD|vert bslash (row 1; red)
HONEY/VERTBSL150         |   11|  1|    2|USD|vert bslash (row 2; white)
HONEY/VERTBSL150/BLACK   |    4|  1|    2|USD|vert bslash (row 2; black)
HONEY/REDESCAPE/R3       |    8|  1|    1|USD|ESCAPE key (row 3; red)
HONEY/SPACE100           |   14|  2|    3|USD|Space (1 units; white)
HONEY/SPACE100/GREY      |   15|  2|    3|USD|Space (1 units; grey)
HONEY/SPACE100/BLACK     |   14|  2|    3|USD|Space (1 units; black)
HONEY/SPACE150           |   11|  2|    5|USD|Space (1.5 units; white)
HONEY/SPACE150/GREY      |    6|  2|    3|USD|Space (1.5 units; grey)
HONEY/SPACE150/RED       |   19|  2|    7|USD|Space (1.5 units; red)_(LQ2)
HONEY/SPACE150/BLACK     |   17|  2|    6|USD|Space (1.5 units; black)_(LQ2)
HONEY/SPACE400/GREY      |   14|  1|    8|USD|Space (4 units; grey)
HONEY/SPACE400/RED       |   21|  1|    8|USD|Space (4 units; red)
HONEY/SPACE400/BLACK     |   19|  1|    8|USD|Space (4 units; black)
HONEY/SPACE450           |    5|  1|    8|USD|Space (4.5 units; white)
HONEY/SPACE450/GREY      |   19|  1|    9|USD|Space (4.5 units; grey)
HONEY/SPACE450/RED       |   20|  1|    9|USD|Space (4.5 units; red)
HONEY/SPACE450/BLACK     |   18|  1|    9|USD|Space (4.5 units; black)
HONEY/SPACE625           |   16|  1|    2|USD|Space (6.25 units white)
HONEY/SPACE625/RED       |   11|  1|    3|USD|Space (6.25 units; red)
HONEY/SPACE625/BLACK     |    6|  1|    3|USD|Space (6.25 units; black)
HONEY/SPACE700           |   17|  1|    3|USD|Space (7 units white)
HONEY/SPACE700/GREY      |    9|  1|    3|USD|Space (7 units; grey)
HONEY/SPACE700/RED       |   26|  1|    3|USD|Space (7 units; red)
HONEY/DT/GREY            |   26|  2|    2|USD|DT keys (rows 1 and 3; grey)
HONEY/DT/WHITE           |   27|  2|    2|USD|DT keys (rows 1 and 3; white)
HONEY/DT/RED             |   17|  2|    2|USD|DT keys (rows 1 and 3; red)
HONEY/DT/BLACK           |   18|  2|    2|USD|DT keys (rows 1 and 3; black)
HONEY/VIM                |    3|  4|    8|USD|VIM key in all 4 colors (row 1)
HONEY/HELVETICA          |    7|  2|    2|USD|Swiss flag (rows 1 and 3)
HONEY/HELVETICA125       |   13|  1|    2|USD|Swiss flag (row 3)
HONEY/HELVETICA150       |   16|  1|    2|USD|Swiss flag (row 3)
HONEY/ERGOKEY/R3         |    3|  2|    2|USD|ERGO DOX keys (row 3; red)
HONEY/ERGOKEYS           |    7|  4|    4|USD|ERGO DOX keys (row 1 and 3; red)
HONEY/KBDRUNNER          |    6|  1|    1|USD|Keyboard runner (row 1; grey)
HONEY/KBDRUNNER/WHITE    |    9|  1|    1|USD|Keyboard runner (row 1; white)
HONEY/KBDRUNNER/RED      |   27|  1|    1|USD|Keyboard runner (row 1; red)
HONEY/KBDRUNNER/RED/R2   |   18|  1|    1|USD|Keyboard runner (row 2; red)
HONEY/KBDRUNNER/RED/R3   |    2|  1|    1|USD|Keyboard runner (row 3; red)
HONEY/KBDRUNNER/BLACK    |    8|  1|    1|USD|Keyboard runner (row 1; black)
HONEY/LOTUSESC           |   11|  1|    1|USD|Lotus key (row 1; grey)
HONEY/LOTUSESC/RED       |    1|  1|    1|USD|Lotus key (row 1; red)
HONEY/LOTUSESC/BLACK     |   14|  1|    1|USD|Lotus key (row 1; black)
HONEY/LOTUS100           |   10|  1|    1|USD|Lotus key (row 3; grey)
HONEY/LOTUS125           |   12|  1|    2|USD|Lotus key (row 3; grey)
HONEY/LOTUS150           |   16|  1|    3|USD|Lotus key (row 3; grey)
HONEY/LOTUS175           |   18|  1|    7|USD|Lotus key (row 3; grey)
HONEY/LOTUS175S          |    9|  1|    5|USD|Lotus key (row 3; grey)
HONEY/LOTUS100/RED       |    1|  1|    1|USD|Lotus key (row 3; red)
HONEY/LOTUS125/RED       |   20|  1|    2|USD|Lotus key (row 3; red)
HONEY/LOTUS175S/RED      |   16|  1|    7|USD|Lotus key (row 3; red)
HONEY/LOTUS100/BLACK     |    7|  1|    1|USD|Lotus key (row 3; black)
HONEY/LOTUS125/BLACK     |    2|  1|    2|USD|Lotus key (row 3; black)
HONEY/LOTUS175S/BLACK    |   21|  1|    9|USD|Lotus key (row 3; black)
BLANK/R3U100C/GREY       |   14|  1|    3|USD|blank key center nub (grey)
BLANK/R3U100D/GREY       |   11|  1|    3|USD|blank key deep dish (grey)
BLANK/R3U125/GREY        |    1|  1|    1|USD|blank key (grey)
BLANK/R1U150/GREY        |   21|  1|    1|USD|blank key (grey)
BLANK/R2U150/GREY        |    2|  1|    1|USD|blank key (grey; same as R4)
BLANK/R2U175/GREY        |   18|  1|    1|USD|blank key (grey)
BLANK/R3U175/GREY        |    8|  1|    3|USD|blank key (grey)
BLANK/R3U175S/GREY       |   16|  1|    3|USD|blank stepped key (grey)
BLANK/R1U200/GREY        |   10|  1|    4|USD|blank key (grey)
BLANK/R2U200/GREY        |   17|  1|    1|USD|blank key (grey; same as R4)
BLANK/R3U200P/GREY       |    8|  1|    1|USD|blank POS fits on 2 sws (grey)
BLANK/R3U275/GREY        |   11|  1|    3|USD|blank key (grey)
BLANK/R1U100/WHITE       |    6|  1|    1|USD|blank key (white)
BLANK/R2U100/WHITE       |    8|  1|    1|USD|blank key (white)
BLANK/R4U100/WHITE       |    8|  1|    1|USD|blank key (white)
BLANK/R3U100C/WHITE      |    9|  1|    3|USD|blank key center nub (white)
BLANK/R3U100D/WHITE      |    5|  1|    1|USD|blank key deep dish (white)
BLANK/R1U150/WHITE       |   12|  1|    1|USD|blank key (white)
BLANK/R2U150/WHITE       |    1|  1|    2|USD|blank key (white)
BLANK/R3U150/WHITE       |    1|  1|    2|USD|blank key (white)
BLANK/R2U200/WHITE       |   14|  1|    3|USD|blank key (white)
BLANK/R3U100C/RED        |   18|  1|    2|USD|blank key center nub (red)
BLANK/R3U100D/RED        |   19|  1|    2|USD|blank key deep dish (red)
BLANK/R1U150/RED         |    3|  1|    1|USD|blank key (red)
BLANK/R2U150/RED         |   17|  1|    2|USD|blank key (red)
BLANK/R3U150/RED         |    8|  1|    1|USD|blank key (red)
BLANK/R3U100/BLACK       |    3|  1|    1|USD|blank key (black)
BLANK/R3U100C/BLACK      |   10|  1|    2|USD|blank key center nub (black)
BLANK/R3U100D/BLACK      |   16|  1|    2|USD|blank key deep dish (black)
BLANK/R3U125/BLACK       |   20|  1|    2|USD|blank key (black)
BLANK/R2U150/BLACK       |   14|  1|    2|USD|blank key (black)

User avatar
Awake Sheep

18 May 2014, 14:35


User avatar
Mad Dasher

18 May 2014, 14:50

t!ng wrote:Deadline?
facetsesame wrote:
Muirium wrote:The real, final deadline is when he sells out. That point has already passed for many kits.
At this stage, I don't feel that this will really be over until the final particle of material that was once a component of the ABS in question has been returned to the stars.
The fact that there have been pricing revisions suggests there may be some movement, which is promising. The date in the topic subject "31 May 2016" is hopefully another troll.

User avatar
Un petit village gaulois d'Armorique…

18 May 2014, 16:22

I guess is just bad taste trolling... It should have stated 1 January 1970 ....

User avatar
emacs -nw

18 May 2014, 16:40

It's trolling alright - the user was "7[space]bit", not 7bit

User avatar
Mad Dasher

18 May 2014, 16:53

It's the topic I was thinking of, as set by user 7bot.
"[Group buy] Round 5 / Honey Sphericals / Deadline: 31 May 2016"

User avatar
emacs -nw

18 May 2014, 16:59

Ah! It looks like 7bot *did* win over 7bit then ...


18 May 2014, 17:35

Oh god. this group buy is being perpetually delayed.

User avatar

18 May 2014, 17:56

t!ng wrote:Deadline?
You did not send your medical certificate. Please make your doctor fill it and post it below. :roll:
medical_certificate.png (63.54 KiB) Viewed 5525 times

User avatar

18 May 2014, 20:06

7bip wrote:
t!ng wrote:Deadline?
You did not send your medical certificate. Please make your doctor fill it and post it below. :roll:
If you are going to post troll shit, at least proofread. Or is "GH goup buys" a thing?

User avatar

18 May 2014, 20:45

blighty wrote:
7bip wrote:
t!ng wrote:Deadline?
You did not send your medical certificate. Please make your doctor fill it and post it below. :roll:
If you are going to post troll shit, at least proofread. Or is "GH goup buys" a thing?
Wait, you mean you haven't participated in a GH Goup Buy?!?

User avatar

18 May 2014, 22:56

blighty wrote:If you are going to post troll shit, at least proofread. Or is "GH goup buys" a thing?
Sorry if it is not funny for you. Everybody is impatient to get the keycaps now, so a bit of trolling is kind of entertaining...

This is a GH goup buy. Who is trolling now ?


18 May 2014, 23:07

So is the keycaps being produced?
Some many pages of comments and I'm still confused...

User avatar

18 May 2014, 23:12

7bip wrote:
blighty wrote:If you are going to post troll shit, at least proofread. Or is "GH goup buys" a thing?
Sorry if it is not funny for you. Everybody is impatient to get the keycaps now, so a bit of trolling is kind of entertaining...

This is a GH goup buy. Who is trolling now ?
You still are. All I was saying was to proofread. I think my V2 order (board/assembly/extra pcb) is only slightly more than what I have already put into this buy. Hell, caps from R5 will end up on one of the builds (eventually)...

Edit: with any luck, R5 will only be 6 months off of the original ETA of the caps. R4 took how long?
Last edited by blighty on 20 May 2014, 01:58, edited 1 time in total.

User avatar

18 May 2014, 23:31

7bip, 7(space)bit please stop : this is not funny at all.

User avatar

18 May 2014, 23:43

seferphier wrote:
facetsesame wrote:For what it's worth, I had an e-mail from Melissa earlier.
7bit wrote:edit: Just get a message!
:o Please do tell!
Update us!

User avatar

19 May 2014, 04:31

Goop buy?


19 May 2014, 04:54

1. I ordered 91.52$. paypal paid.
2. order check HONEY/CURSOR/OVR3 1
3. invoice locked 91.52$+HONEY/CURSOR/OVR3 => 93.60$ locked

q1. How i can remove HONEY/CURSOR/OVR3 ?
- HONEY/CURSOR/OVR3 0 sended but still 93.60$
q2. I want add this order (SHIPTRACKED 3$)
- paypal 3$ payment? or Other payment?

User avatar
Un petit village gaulois d'Armorique…

19 May 2014, 09:42

Ok, all this trolling is really nice, refreshing I might say, especially when you have money blocked in stuff you don't know when it will be produced not to mention delivered.
I missed on the Granite GB because I had money stuck in almost 1kg of Round 5, it was pure luck Dolch DSA was made available at an incredible price, this way I can put some decent keycaps on my boards.
Rolling deadline is not bad, but trolling deadline is a little bit of a bad joke for someone who paid upfront for goods.

User avatar

19 May 2014, 09:48

fksdp13 wrote:#0396
1. I ordered 91.52$. paypal paid.
2. order check HONEY/CURSOR/OVR3 1
3. invoice locked 91.52$+HONEY/CURSOR/OVR3 => 93.60$ locked

q1. How i can remove HONEY/CURSOR/OVR3 ?
- HONEY/CURSOR/OVR3 0 sended but still 93.60$
q2. I want add this order (SHIPTRACKED 3$)
- paypal 3$ payment? or Other payment?
About paying for low amounts:
7bot wrote:Please order more to make it worth to do another payment!!!!

Do not pay small amounts, especially via PayPal!!!!

You will get another invoice with payment instructions
shortly before the deadline.

Thank you for your order!

In the next round, I will take an extra of $0.3 for each payment to cover PayPal costs for real.

About removing items: It's just $2, so no problem, but otherwise, the bot is strictly against this!!!
DanielT wrote:Ok, all this trolling is really nice, refreshing I might say, especially when you have money blocked in stuff you don't know when it will be produced not to mention delivered.
I missed on the Granite GB because I had money stuck in almost 1kg of Round 5, it was pure luck Dolch DSA was made available at an incredible price, this way I can put some decent keycaps on my boards.
Rolling deadline is not bad, but trolling deadline is a little bit of a bad joke for someone who paid upfront for goods.
So sorry, but I indeed submitted the order about 1 month ago and only got an answer last week. We will pay the rest this week and production will begin whenever SP has the time to do so.

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