Round 5 and Round 6 kits for sale!

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04 Sep 2014, 21:42

7bit wrote: [========================= 97% done ===================>-]

I have the feeling they finished production already, but do a quality-tripple-check, just to be sure.
Oh man, i don't even have a joke to go with this good news.


04 Sep 2014, 21:50

Hey everyone, I moved in the time I paid for these and when they should ship. Where should I send a change of address?

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04 Sep 2014, 21:54


Code: Select all

Your Name
City and postal code
to the 7bot!

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Mad Dasher

04 Sep 2014, 22:40

7bit wrote: [========================= 97% done ===================>-]

I have the feeling they finished production already, but do a quality-tripple-check, just to be sure.
Wonderful news! Are they going to send you all the weirdness that fails the quality checks too?

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05 Sep 2014, 00:49

facetsesame wrote:
7bit wrote: [========================= 97% done ===================>-]

I have the feeling they finished production already, but do a quality-tripple-check, just to be sure.
Wonderful news! Are they going to send you all the weirdness that fails the quality checks too?
They sure did last time!

Image ... ml#p116525

I won't believe Round 5 is coming until I see 7bit's pics of his home under a tidal wave of sweet, sweet sphericals…

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05 Sep 2014, 02:48

Muirium wrote: They sure did last time!

[img]http:/[/img] ... ml#p116525
Now those keycaps look cool!

7bit should separate those from the grab bags and bid them off as one-ofs this time around.

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05 Sep 2014, 05:38

7bit wrote: [========================= 97% done ===================>-]

I have the feeling they finished production already, but do a quality-tripple-check, just to be sure.
I cant stop shaking!


05 Sep 2014, 07:08

madhias wrote: Send:

Code: Select all

Your Name
City and postal code
to the 7bot!

Thank you! Message sent.

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06 Sep 2014, 02:09

This clear screen cap look disturbingly sexy...

In Germany, 97% done may may mean triple QC.
In the rest of the world, it's usually what you tell your client instead of 'OOOPS fuck sorry, we'll start tomorrow' ;)

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06 Sep 2014, 12:59

Is there anyone who ordered a 3u spacebar and has no need for it? I really want to try this set on my minila air and forgot to get it...

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06 Sep 2014, 17:02

I'm away for a few days, so please don't panic if I don't answer any questions!

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06 Sep 2014, 17:29

7bit wrote: I'm away for a few days, so please don't panic if I don't answer any questions!
Ha ha! Remember last time you were away. It was quite fun!


10 Sep 2014, 01:07

beltet wrote:
7bit wrote: I'm away for a few days, so please don't panic if I don't answer any questions!
Ha ha! Remember last time you were away. It was quite fun!
Autoforward from 7bit holiday email system.
Please see attachment.

Subject: oh darn, you wanted something for key-BOARDS, not house-key keys.
Message: Hi 7bit! We thought that doubleshots was some kind of baseball euphamism. We pretty much only make Hello Kitty style caps for insecure keys like Yale. Your last order was for over 540,000 of them in a square shape with pictures that look like letters from a typewriter. We though that was cool, but we can't print the letters and stuff. We've made them and are sending them soon; just plain colors. You must have a LOT of keys dude.
Man, we love the beach, have guns and we're awesome because we're from America, which invented spring break and freedom fries etc. Gotta run kama'aina, I'm busy carving Lewis and Clark into Mount Rushmore to set things straight. Mahalo-shaka!
Keyboard: Dell KM632 (wireless man, yeah!).
Latest production snaps
Latest production snaps
keycaps.jpg (53.38 KiB) Viewed 6093 times


10 Sep 2014, 01:34

beltet wrote:
7bit wrote: I'm away for a few days, so please don't panic if I don't answer any questions!
Ha ha! Remember last time you were away. It was quite fun!
^^you see...


10 Sep 2014, 01:38

To prove I have a keyboard; before you ask.
Filco US style, bought in Shanghai, with R4 caps.
Filco US style, bought in Shanghai, with R4 caps.
keyboard.JPG (157.42 KiB) Viewed 6110 times


10 Sep 2014, 02:01

I ask SP how long for double shots. They say:
longtime.JPG (74.34 KiB) Viewed 6107 times

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10 Sep 2014, 18:39

drrtyrokka wrote: Is there anyone who ordered a 3u spacebar and has no need for it? I really want to try this set on my minila air and forgot to get it...
Man, me too.
This was the only key that I couldn't cover after butchering a full kit together, they were all sold out.
Thankfully I don't think the stock spacebar will look too much out of place surrounded by the rest of the set.

I really love this board, but damn it's got some whack key sizing.

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11 Sep 2014, 00:15

Hm... I think SA profile is taller than oem filco. Could be uncomfortable though.

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12 Sep 2014, 19:08

The following payments have been received for this group buy: Friskywhisker

Has It Shipped?
If your payment came via PayPal, your invoice has been marked as shipped to keep them from locking up the PayPal account. Keep checking this thread for the actual ship date(s).

Additionally, note that the address on your Paypal notifications/notes are not necessarily the addresses 7bit will ship your order to, he ships to the address on your invoice.

Either ask in this thread, or PM 7bit.

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12 Sep 2014, 23:25

is it to late to order tracking and insurence?


13 Sep 2014, 09:10

Most definitely not. Go ahead and try!

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13 Sep 2014, 09:21

No, SHIPTRACKED and SHIPINSURED are still in stock!

Here is the complete list:

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/TKL/BASE/NOFUN     |    2| 23|   19|USD|TKL base no func keys kit
HONEY/TKL/BASE/WHITE     |    1| 39|   49|USD|TKL base white kit
HONEY/TKL/BASE/RED       |    1| 39|   36|USD|TKL base red kit
HONEY/ALPHAINT/RED       |    4| 31|   26|USD|ALPHA kit for DE-IT in red
HONEY/INTER/OVR2         |    1| 43|   29|USD|language kit overrun
HONEY/INTER/RED          |    5| 38|   39|USD|language kit for DE,DK,NO,SE
HONEY/INTER/RED/OVR      |    9| 35|   19|USD|language overrun kit DK,NO
HONEY/INTER/BLACK/OVR    |   14| 42|   19|USD|language kit for DE-IT overrun

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/DE                 |    2| 22|   16|USD|DE language kit
HONEY/DK                 |    1| 21|   19|USD|DK language kit
HONEY/NO                 |    1| 21|   18|USD|NO language kit
HONEY/IT                 |    1| 19|   12|USD|IT language kit
HONEY/FR                 |    7| 27|   16|USD|FR language kit
HONEY/UK                 |    3|  6|    6|USD|UK language kit
HONEY/UK/BLACK           |   16|  6|    7|USD|UK black language kit
HONEY/BEPOALPHA          |    2| 51|   34|USD|BEPO ALPHA language kit
HONEY/BEPO/OVR           |    8| 30|   19|USD|BEPO ALPHA language overrun kit
HONEY/COLRAK             |    6| 31|   29|USD|COLEMAK and DVORAK language kit
HONEY/7BIT               |   12| 12|    9|USD|7BIT language kit
HONEY/ISO                |   10|  4|    8|USD|ISO kit in grey
HONEY/ISO/RED            |    8|  4|    9|USD|ISO kit in red
HONEY/ISO/BLACK          |    5|  4|    9|USD|ISO kit in black

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/MODIFIER/OVR2      |    2| 49|   29|USD|Modifier overrun kit
HONEY/MODIFIER/OVR3      |    1| 32|   32|USD|Modifier overrun kit
HONEY/MODIFIER/OVR5      |    2|  7|    6|USD|Modifier overrun kit
HONEY/MODIFIER/WHITE/OVR1|    1| 40|   35|USD|Modifier white overrun kit
HONEY/MODIFIER/WHITE/OVR3|    9|  4|    4|USD|Modifier white overrun kit
HONEY/MODIFIER/RED/OVR1  |    4| 32|   32|USD|Modifier red overrun kit
HONEY/FUN125/RED         |    5|  1|    2|USD|FUN key kit (1.25 units)
HONEY/FUN125/BLACK       |   15|  1|    2|USD|FUN key kit (1.25 units)
HONEY/WINDOWS125/RED     |    3|  3|    4|USD|WINDOWS kit (1.25 units)
HONEY/WINDOWS125/BLACK   |    1|  3|    4|USD|WINDOWS kit (1.25 units)
HONEY/WINDOWS150         |   10|  3|    4|USD|WINDOWS kit (1.5 units)
HONEY/APPLE125           |    1|  4|    4|USD|APPLE kit (1.25 units)

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/MOD150/BLACK/OVR1  |    1| 11|   15|USD|Modifier 1.5 units black kit
HONEY/MOD175S            |   19|  2|    5|USD|Modifier 1.75 stepped kit
HONEY/MODEXTRA150/OVR    |    8| 12|    9|USD|Modifier Extra 1.5 units kit
HONEY/MODEXTRA150/R4     |    2|  8|    9|USD|Modifier Extra 1.5 u (row 4)
HONEY/MODEXTRA175        |   14|  8|   27|USD|Modifier Extra 1.75 units kit
HONEY/MODSYM100          |    1|  9|    7|USD|Modifier symbols 1 unit kit
HONEY/MODSYM100/OVR      |   12|  7|    6|USD|Modifier symbols 1 unit kit
HONEY/MODSYM125          |    5|  8|    9|USD|Modifier symbols 1.25 units kit
HONEY/MODSYM150          |   11|  9|   21|USD|Modifier symbols 1.5 units kit
HONEY/MODSYM200POS       |   19|  4|    6|USD|Modifier symbols 2 units POS
HONEY/MODSYM100/BLACK    |   20|  8|   19|USD|Modifier symbols 1 unit black
HONEY/MODSYM125/BLACK    |   17|  8|   19|USD|Modifier symbols 1.25 units

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/CURSOR/OVR3        |    9|  4|    2|USD|Cursors kit
HONEY/CURSOR/R24         |    1|  8|    9|USD|Cursor row 2/4 kit
HONEY/CURSOR/R24/TEXT    |    4|  4|    3|USD|Cursor row 2/4 text kit
HONEY/CURSOR/R3/TEXT     |    8|  4|    2|USD|Cursor row 3 text kit
HONEY/CURSORBASE/RED     |    7|  9|    7|USD|Cursor base kit
HONEY/CURSORS/RED        |    3| 22|   29|USD|Cursors red kit
HONEY/CURSOR/R24/RED     |    8|  8|   13|USD|Cursor row 2/4 red kit
HONEY/CURSOR/R3/RED      |    7|  8|    6|USD|Cursor row 3 red kit
HONEY/CURSOR/OVR/RED     |   10|  6|    5|USD|Cursor row 3/4 red kit
HONEY/CURSORS/BLACK      |    3| 22|   19|USD|Cursors black kit
HONEY/CURSOR/R34/BLACK   |    4|  8|    6|USD|Cursor row 3/4 black kit
HONEY/CURSYM100/R3/RED   |    1|  9|    8|USD|Cursor triangle kit (row 3)
HONEY/CURSYM100/OVR/RED  |    1|  5|    5|USD|Cursor triangle kit (row 3)
HONEY/CURSYM125          |    2|  4|    5|USD|Cursor triangle kit (1.25 units)
HONEY/CURSYM125/RED      |    9|  4|    5|USD|Cursor triangle kit (1.25 units)

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/NUMPAD/GREY        |    1| 24|   21|USD|Numpad grey kit
HONEY/NUMPAD/RED         |    2| 24|   25|USD|Numpad red kit_(LQ2)
HONEY/NUMNUM/GREY        |    8| 14|   13|USD|Numpad number keys grey
HONEY/NUMOP/GREY         |    4| 10|    8|USD|Numpad operator keys grey
HONEY/NUMOP/GREY/OVR     |    1| 10|    5|USD|Numpad operator keys grey
HONEY/NUMERIC7/GREY      |    8| 32|   29|USD|Numeric7 grey kit (row 3)
HONEY/NUMERIC7/WHITE     |    7| 32|   29|USD|Numeric7 white kit (row 3)
HONEY/NUMROW/WHITE       |    2| 23|   38|USD|Numrow white kit
HONEY/NUMROW/WHITE/OVR   |    9| 13|    8|USD|Numrow white overrun kit
HONEY/NUMROW             |    7| 40|   59|USD|Numrow 0-9 kit
HONEY/NUMROW/GREY        |    8| 10|   19|USD|Numrow 0-9 grey kit
HONEY/NUMROW/RED         |    8| 10|    8|USD|Numrow 0-9 red kit
HONEY/NUMROW/BLACK       |   10| 10|   19|USD|Numrow 0-9 black kit

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/FUNMOD/BLACK/OVR2  |    3| 21|   19|USD|Function and mod. kit black
HONEY/FUNCTION/R2        |    3| 11|   19|USD|Function row 2 kit
HONEY/FUNCTION/R3        |   12| 24|   36|USD|Function row 3 kit
HONEY/FUNCTION2          |    6| 16|   24|USD|Function 2 kit (rows 1-4)_(LQ1)
HONEY/FUNCTION7B         |    4| 42|   29|USD|Function 7bit kit (rows 1-4)
HONEY/FUNCTION7D         |    3| 28|    9|USD|Function 7bit kit (rows 1-4)
HONEY/FUNCTION7E         |    1| 27|   12|USD|Function 7bit kit (rows 1-4)
HONEY/FUNCTION7F         |    2| 10|    9|USD|Function 7bit kit (rows 1-4)
HONEY/FUNCTION/RED       |    3| 23|   24|USD|Function and modifier red kit
HONEY/FUNCTION/RED/OVR1  |    3| 22|   19|USD|Function and modifier red kit
HONEY/FUNCTION/R1/RED    |    9| 10|    9|USD|Function row 1 red kit
HONEY/F13TOF24           |    6| 12|   29|USD|F13-F24 in grey (row 1)
HONEY/F1TOF24            |    6| 24|   19|USD|F1-F24 in grey (row 1)
HONEY/F1TOF12/H7         |    1| 12|   10|USD|F1-F12 in grey (for Hyper7)
HONEY/F13TOF24/WHITE     |   18| 12|   12|USD|F13-F24 in white (row 1)

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/TRASH4             |    1|  5|    4|USD|Symbol and Numeric keys
HONEY/TRASH5             |    4|  4|    3|USD|Symbol and Numeric keys
HONEY/POS                |    1| 30|   19|USD|POS (2 units)
HONEY/POS/PACK1          |    9|  8|   12|USD|POS pack 1 (2 units)
HONEY/POS/PACK2          |   10|  6|    6|USD|POS pack 2 (2 units)
HONEY/POS/PACK3          |   10|  8|    6|USD|POS pack 3 (2 units)
HONEY/POS/PACK4          |    9|  8|    7|USD|POS pack 4 (2 units)

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/JRET               |    5|  1|    6|USD|J-Return key (grey)
HONEY/JRET/WHITE         |    6|  1|    6|USD|J-Return key (white)
HONEY/JRET/RED           |   13|  1|    6|USD|J-Return key (red)
HONEY/JRET/BLACK         |    1|  1|    6|USD|J-Return key (black)
HONEY/CAPS175            |   17|  1|    2|USD|CAPS LOCK key 1.75 units
HONEY/CAPS175/RED        |    9|  1|    2|USD|CAPS LOCK key 1.75 units
HONEY/CAPS175S/RED       |   12|  1|    5|USD|CAPS LOCK key 1.75 units, step
HONEY/CAPS175/BLACK      |   10|  1|    1|USD|CAPS LOCK key 1.75 units
HONEY/CAPS175S/BLACK     |   17|  1|    4|USD|CAPS LOCK key 1.75 units, step
HONEY/BACKSPACE200/BLACK |    5|  1|    2|USD|BACK SPACE key 2 units (row 1)
HONEY/RETURN175          |    8|  1|    3|USD|Return (1.75 units; grey)
HONEY/RETURN225/RED      |    4|  1|    3|USD|Return (2.25 units; red)

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/SHIFT175           |   17|  1|    2|USD|SHIFT key 1.75 units (row 3)
HONEY/SHIFT225           |   11|  1|    2|USD|SHIFT key 2.25 units (row 3)
HONEY/SHIFT275           |    9|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 2.75 units (row 3)
HONEY/SHIFT200/R4        |   18|  1|    5|USD|SHIFT key 2 units (row 4)
HONEY/SHIFT125/WHITE     |    5|  1|    1|USD|SHIFT key 1.25 units (row 3)
HONEY/SHIFT100/RED       |   21|  1|    6|USD|SHIFT key 1 unit (row 3; red)
HONEY/SHIFT125/RED       |   20|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 1.25 units (row 3; red)
HONEY/SHIFT175/RED       |    1|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 1.75 units (row 3; red)
HONEY/SHIFT200/RED       |    2|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 2 units (row 3; red)
HONEY/SHIFT225/RED       |    6|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 2.25 units (row 3; red)
HONEY/SHIFT275/RED       |   20|  1|    2|USD|SHIFT key 2.75 units (row 3; red)
HONEY/SHIFT100/R4/RED    |   21|  1|    6|USD|SHIFT key 1 u. (row 4; red)
HONEY/SHIFT200/R4/RED    |   22|  1|    5|USD|SHIFT key 2 u. (row 4; red)
HONEY/SHIFT100/BLACK     |   16|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 1 u. (row 3; black)
HONEY/SHIFT125/BLACK     |    3|  1|    1|USD|SHIFT key 1.25 u. (row 3; black)
HONEY/SHIFT275/BLACK     |   18|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 2.75 u. (row 3; black)

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/COMMA              |   14|  1|    2|USD|numpad comma (row 3; white)
HONEY/COMMA/GREY         |   18|  1|    4|USD|numpad comma (row 3; grey)
HONEY/GTLT               |    3|  1|    1|USD|greater less (row 4; white)
HONEY/GTLT/GREY          |   10|  1|    2|USD|greater less (row 4; grey)
HONEY/GTLT/RED           |    7|  1|    2|USD|greater less (row 4; red)
HONEY/GTLT/BLACK         |   18|  1|    2|USD|greater less (row 4; black)
HONEY/FJ                 |   20|  2|    2|USD|F and J (row 3; white)
HONEY/FJ/GREY            |    7|  2|    2|USD|F and J (row 3; grey)
HONEY/FJ/BLACK           |   12|  2|    2|USD|F and J (row 3; black)
HONEY/GHB/GREY           |   18|  3|    2|USD|G, H and B (grey)
HONEY/GHB/WHITE          |   14|  3|    2|USD|G, H and B (white)
HONEY/GHB/RED            |   17|  3|    2|USD|G, H and B (red)
HONEY/GHB/BLACK          |   18|  3|    2|USD|G, H and B (black)

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/TILDEBPRIME/GREY   |    7|  1|    1|USD|tilde backprime (row 1; grey)
HONEY/TILDEBPRIME/WHITE  |    9|  1|    1|USD|tilde backprime (row 1; white)
HONEY/TILDEBPRIME/RED    |    3|  1|    1|USD|tilde backprime (row 1; red)
HONEY/VERTBSL/R1         |   13|  1|    1|USD|vert bslash (row 1; white)
HONEY/VERTBSL/R2         |   19|  1|    4|USD|vert bslash (row 2; white)
HONEY/VERTBSL/R3         |    8|  1|    1|USD|vert bslash (row 3; white)
HONEY/VERTBSL/R4         |   22|  1|    2|USD|vert bslash (row 4; white)
HONEY/VERTBSL/R1/RED     |    6|  1|    1|USD|vert bslash (row 1; red)
HONEY/VERTBSL/R3/RED     |    9|  1|    1|USD|vert bslash (row 3; red)
HONEY/VERTBSL/R1/BLACK   |    8|  1|    1|USD|vert bslash (row 1; red)
HONEY/VERTBSL150         |   10|  1|    2|USD|vert bslash (row 2; white)
HONEY/VERTBSL150/BLACK   |    4|  1|    2|USD|vert bslash (row 2; black)
HONEY/REDESCAPE/R3       |    1|  1|    1|USD|ESCAPE key (row 3; red)

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/SPACE100           |   12|  2|    3|USD|Space (1 units; white)
HONEY/SPACE100/GREY      |   14|  2|    3|USD|Space (1 units; grey)
HONEY/SPACE100/BLACK     |   14|  2|    3|USD|Space (1 units; black)
HONEY/SPACE150           |   11|  2|    5|USD|Space (1.5 units; white)
HONEY/SPACE150/GREY      |    6|  2|    3|USD|Space (1.5 units; grey)
HONEY/SPACE150/RED       |   19|  2|    7|USD|Space (1.5 units; red)_(LQ2)
HONEY/SPACE150/BLACK     |   17|  2|    6|USD|Space (1.5 units; black)_(LQ2)
HONEY/SPACE400/GREY      |   14|  1|    8|USD|Space (4 units; grey)
HONEY/SPACE400/RED       |   21|  1|    8|USD|Space (4 units; red)
HONEY/SPACE400/BLACK     |   17|  1|    8|USD|Space (4 units; black)

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/SPACE450           |    3|  1|    8|USD|Space (4.5 units; white)
HONEY/SPACE450/GREY      |   15|  1|    9|USD|Space (4.5 units; grey)
HONEY/SPACE450/RED       |   20|  1|    9|USD|Space (4.5 units; red)
HONEY/SPACE450/BLACK     |   16|  1|    9|USD|Space (4.5 units; black)
HONEY/SPACE625           |    7|  1|    2|USD|Space (6.25 units white)
HONEY/SPACE625/RED       |    1|  1|    3|USD|Space (6.25 units; red)
HONEY/SPACE700           |   13|  1|    3|USD|Space (7 units white)
HONEY/SPACE700/GREY      |    6|  1|    3|USD|Space (7 units; grey)
HONEY/SPACE700/RED       |   24|  1|    3|USD|Space (7 units; red)

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/DT/GREY            |   23|  2|    2|USD|DT keys (rows 1 and 3; grey)
HONEY/DT/WHITE           |   22|  2|    2|USD|DT keys (rows 1 and 3; white)
HONEY/DT/RED             |   12|  2|    2|USD|DT keys (rows 1 and 3; red)
HONEY/DT/BLACK           |   13|  2|    2|USD|DT keys (rows 1 and 3; black)
HONEY/HELVETICA          |    4|  2|    2|USD|Swiss flag (rows 1 and 3)
HONEY/HELVETICA125       |    9|  1|    2|USD|Swiss flag (row 3)
HONEY/HELVETICA150       |   10|  1|    2|USD|Swiss flag (row 3)
HONEY/ERGOKEY/R3         |    2|  2|    2|USD|ERGO DOX keys (row 3; red)
HONEY/ERGOKEYS           |    5|  4|    4|USD|ERGO DOX keys (row 1, 3; red)
HONEY/KBDRUNNER          |    1|  1|    1|USD|Keyboard runner (row 1; grey)
HONEY/KBDRUNNER/WHITE    |    2|  1|    1|USD|Keyboard runner (row 1; white)
HONEY/KBDRUNNER/RED      |   17|  1|    1|USD|Keyboard runner (row 1; red)
HONEY/KBDRUNNER/RED/R2   |   15|  1|    1|USD|Keyboard runner (row 2; red)

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/LOTUSESC           |    3|  1|    1|USD|Lotus key (row 1; grey)
HONEY/LOTUSESC/BLACK     |   10|  1|    1|USD|Lotus key (row 1; black)
HONEY/LOTUS125           |   10|  1|    2|USD|Lotus key (row 3; grey)
HONEY/LOTUS150           |   14|  1|    3|USD|Lotus key (row 3; grey)
HONEY/LOTUS175           |   18|  1|    7|USD|Lotus key (row 3; grey)
HONEY/LOTUS175S          |    9|  1|    5|USD|Lotus key (row 3; grey)
HONEY/LOTUS125/RED       |   18|  1|    2|USD|Lotus key (row 3; red)
HONEY/LOTUS175S/RED      |   16|  1|    7|USD|Lotus key (row 3; red)
HONEY/LOTUS175S/BLACK    |   21|  1|    9|USD|Lotus key (row 3; black)

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
BLANK/R3U100C/GREY       |   10|  1|    2|USD|blank key center nub (grey)
BLANK/R3U100D/GREY       |    9|  1|    3|USD|blank key deep dish (grey)
BLANK/R3U125/GREY        |    1|  1|    1|USD|blank key (grey)
BLANK/R1U150/GREY        |    7|  1|    1|USD|blank key (grey)
BLANK/R2U175/GREY        |   14|  1|    1|USD|blank key (grey)
BLANK/R3U175/GREY        |    8|  1|    3|USD|blank key (grey)
BLANK/R3U175S/GREY       |   15|  1|    3|USD|blank stepped key (grey)
BLANK/R1U200/GREY        |    6|  1|    4|USD|blank key (grey)
BLANK/R2U200/GREY        |   13|  1|    1|USD|blank key (grey; same as R4)
BLANK/R3U275/GREY        |   11|  1|    3|USD|blank key (grey)

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
BLANK/R1U100/WHITE       |    6|  1|    1|USD|blank key (white)
BLANK/R2U100/WHITE       |    4|  1|    1|USD|blank key (white)
BLANK/R4U100/WHITE       |    2|  1|    1|USD|blank key (white)
BLANK/R3U100C/WHITE      |    6|  1|    3|USD|blank key center nub (white)
BLANK/R3U100D/WHITE      |    1|  1|    1|USD|blank key deep dish (white)
BLANK/R2U200/WHITE       |   12|  1|    3|USD|blank key (white)

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
BLANK/R3U100C/RED        |   12|  1|    4|USD|blank key center nub (red)
BLANK/R3U100D/RED        |   15|  1|    2|USD|blank key deep dish (red)
BLANK/R1U150/RED         |    3|  1|    1|USD|blank key (red)
BLANK/R2U150/RED         |   15|  1|    2|USD|blank key (red)
BLANK/R3U100C/BLACK      |   10|  1|    4|USD|blank key center nub (black)
BLANK/R3U100D/BLACK      |   16|  1|    4|USD|blank key deep dish (black)
BLANK/R3U125/BLACK       |   16|  1|    4|USD|blank key (black)
BLANK/R2U150/BLACK       |    8|  1|    2|USD|blank key (black)

SHIPTRACKED is $3 per packages and SHIPINSURED depends on your location and mass.* For these, please look into your invoice!

*) For example, if your mass is 100kg and you live at the equator, you pay less for shipping than someone at the northpole at the same mass. :?


13 Sep 2014, 13:21

Guess I just gotta get a stepped caps lock. I can't help myself.

Too bad there's not red Break key and the black cursor keys are sold out or rather the home, pg up/down keys or they would have been mine too.

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15 Sep 2014, 01:17

Has anyone started a aftermarket thread for round 5?

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15 Sep 2014, 01:39

beltet wrote: Has anyone started a aftermarket thread for round 5?
Not to my knowledge... but i would be very keen on getting one going.

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15 Sep 2014, 07:42

Go for it! Still need a 3u Spacebar ; )

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15 Sep 2014, 11:32

Autumn Sellout!
25% rebate on every payment!
Until 30 September 2014!

:o :shock: :? :roll: :-) :cool: :ugeek:

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/TKL/BASE/NOFUN     |    2| 23|   19|USD|TKL base no func keys kit
HONEY/TKL/BASE/WHITE     |    1| 39|   49|USD|TKL base white kit
HONEY/TKL/BASE/RED       |    1| 39|   36|USD|TKL base red kit
HONEY/TKL/BASE/BLACK     |    1| 39|   36|USD|TKL base black kit
HONEY/ALPHA/RED          |    1| 49|   39|USD|ALPHA kit in red
HONEY/ALPHAINT/RED       |    4| 31|   26|USD|ALPHA kit for DE-IT in red
HONEY/INTER/OVR2         |    1| 43|   29|USD|language kit overrun
HONEY/INTER/RED          |    5| 38|   39|USD|language kit for DE,DK,NO,SE
HONEY/INTER/RED/OVR      |    9| 35|   19|USD|language overrun kit DK,NO
HONEY/INTER/BLACK/OVR    |   14| 42|   19|USD|language kit for DE-IT overrun

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/DE                 |    2| 22|   16|USD|DE language kit
HONEY/DK                 |    1| 21|   19|USD|DK language kit
HONEY/NO                 |    1| 21|   18|USD|NO language kit
HONEY/IT                 |    1| 19|   12|USD|IT language kit
HONEY/FR                 |    7| 27|   16|USD|FR language kit
HONEY/UK                 |    3|  6|    6|USD|UK language kit
HONEY/UK/BLACK           |   16|  6|    7|USD|UK black language kit
HONEY/US/BLACK           |    1| 20|   16|USD|US black language kit

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/BEPOALPHA          |    2| 51|   34|USD|BEPO ALPHA language kit
HONEY/BEPO/OVR           |    8| 30|   19|USD|BEPO ALPHA language overrun kit
HONEY/COLRAK             |    6| 31|   29|USD|COLEMAK and DVORAK language kit
HONEY/7BIT               |   12| 12|    9|USD|7BIT language kit
HONEY/ISO                |   10|  4|    8|USD|ISO kit in grey
HONEY/ISO/RED            |    8|  4|    9|USD|ISO kit in red
HONEY/ISO/BLACK          |    5|  4|    9|USD|ISO kit in black

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/MODIFIER/OVR2      |    2| 49|   29|USD|Modifier overrun kit
HONEY/MODIFIER/OVR3      |    1| 32|   32|USD|Modifier overrun kit
HONEY/MODIFIER/OVR5      |    2|  7|    6|USD|Modifier overrun kit
HONEY/MODIFIER/WHITE/OVR1|    1| 40|   35|USD|Modifier white overrun kit
HONEY/MODIFIER/WHITE/OVR3|    9|  4|    4|USD|Modifier white overrun kit
HONEY/MODIFIER/RED/OVR1  |    4| 32|   32|USD|Modifier red overrun kit

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/FUN125             |    1|  1|    1|USD|FUN key kit (1.25 units)
HONEY/FUN125/RED         |    5|  1|    2|USD|FUN key kit (1.25 units)
HONEY/FUN125/BLACK       |   15|  1|    2|USD|FUN key kit (1.25 units)
HONEY/WINDOWS125/RED     |    3|  3|    4|USD|WINDOWS kit (1.25 units)
HONEY/WINDOWS125/BLACK   |    2|  3|    4|USD|WINDOWS kit (1.25 units)
HONEY/WINDOWS150         |   10|  3|    4|USD|WINDOWS kit (1.5 units)
HONEY/APPLE125           |    1|  4|    4|USD|APPLE kit (1.25 units)

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/MOD150/BLACK/OVR1  |    1| 11|   15|USD|Modifier 1.5 units black kit
HONEY/MOD175S            |   19|  2|    5|USD|Modifier 1.75 stepped kit
HONEY/MODEXTRA150/OVR    |    8| 12|    9|USD|Modifier Extra 1.5 units kit
HONEY/MODEXTRA150/R4     |    2|  8|    9|USD|Modifier Extra 1.5 u (row 4)
HONEY/MODEXTRA175        |   14|  8|   27|USD|Modifier Extra 1.75 units kit
HONEY/MODSYM100          |    1|  9|    7|USD|Modifier symbols 1 unit kit
HONEY/MODSYM100/OVR      |   12|  7|    6|USD|Modifier symbols 1 unit kit
HONEY/MODSYM125          |    5|  8|    9|USD|Modifier symbols 1.25 units kit
HONEY/MODSYM150          |   11|  9|   21|USD|Modifier symbols 1.5 units kit
HONEY/MODSYM200POS       |   19|  4|    6|USD|Modifier symbols 2 units POS
HONEY/MODSYM100/BLACK    |   20|  8|   19|USD|Modifier symbols 1 unit black
HONEY/MODSYM125/BLACK    |   17|  8|   19|USD|Modifier symbols 1.25 units

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/CURSOR/OVR3        |    9|  4|    2|USD|Cursors kit
HONEY/CURSOR/R24         |    1|  8|    9|USD|Cursor row 2/4 kit
HONEY/CURSOR/R24/TEXT    |    4|  4|    3|USD|Cursor row 2/4 text kit
HONEY/CURSOR/R3/TEXT     |    8|  4|    2|USD|Cursor row 3 text kit
HONEY/CURSORBASE/RED     |    7|  9|    7|USD|Cursor base kit
HONEY/CURSORS/RED        |    3| 22|   29|USD|Cursors red kit
HONEY/CURSOR/R24/RED     |    8|  8|   13|USD|Cursor row 2/4 red kit
HONEY/CURSOR/R3/RED      |    7|  8|    6|USD|Cursor row 3 red kit
HONEY/CURSOR/OVR/RED     |   10|  6|    5|USD|Cursor row 3/4 red kit
HONEY/CURSORS/BLACK      |    3| 22|   19|USD|Cursors black kit
HONEY/CURSOR/R34/BLACK   |    4|  8|    6|USD|Cursor row 3/4 black kit
HONEY/CURSYM100/R3/RED   |    1|  9|    8|USD|Cursor triangle kit (row 3)
HONEY/CURSYM100/OVR/RED  |    1|  5|    5|USD|Cursor triangle kit (row 3)
HONEY/CURSYM125          |    2|  4|    5|USD|Cursor triangle kit (1.25 units)
HONEY/CURSYM125/RED      |    9|  4|    5|USD|Cursor triangle kit (1.25 units)

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/NUMPAD/GREY        |    1| 24|   21|USD|Numpad grey kit
HONEY/NUMPAD/RED         |    2| 24|   25|USD|Numpad red kit_(LQ2)
HONEY/NUMPAD/BLACK       |    1| 24|   19|USD|Numpad black kit
HONEY/NUMNUM/GREY        |    8| 14|   13|USD|Numpad number keys grey
HONEY/NUMOP/GREY         |    4| 10|    8|USD|Numpad operator keys grey
HONEY/NUMOP/GREY/OVR     |    1| 10|    5|USD|Numpad operator keys grey
HONEY/NUMERIC7/GREY      |    8| 32|   29|USD|Numeric7 grey kit (row 3)
HONEY/NUMERIC7/WHITE     |    7| 32|   29|USD|Numeric7 white kit (row 3)

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/NUMROW/WHITE       |    2| 23|   38|USD|Numrow white kit
HONEY/NUMROW/WHITE/OVR   |    9| 13|    8|USD|Numrow white overrun kit
HONEY/NUMROW             |    7| 40|   59|USD|Numrow 0-9 kit
HONEY/NUMROW/GREY        |    8| 10|   19|USD|Numrow 0-9 grey kit
HONEY/NUMROW/RED         |    8| 10|    8|USD|Numrow 0-9 red kit
HONEY/NUMROW/BLACK       |   10| 10|   19|USD|Numrow 0-9 black kit

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/FUNMOD/BLACK/OVR2  |    2| 21|   19|USD|Function and mod. kit black
HONEY/FUNCTION/R2        |    3| 11|   19|USD|Function row 2 kit
HONEY/FUNCTION/R3        |   12| 24|   36|USD|Function row 3 kit
HONEY/FUNCTION2          |    6| 16|   24|USD|Function 2 kit (rows 1-4)_(LQ1)
HONEY/FUNCTION7B         |    4| 42|   29|USD|Function 7bit kit (rows 1-4)
HONEY/FUNCTION7D         |    3| 28|    9|USD|Function 7bit kit (rows 1-4)
HONEY/FUNCTION7E         |    1| 27|   12|USD|Function 7bit kit (rows 1-4)
HONEY/FUNCTION7F         |    2| 10|    9|USD|Function 7bit kit (rows 1-4)
HONEY/FUNCTION/RED       |    3| 23|   24|USD|Function and modifier red kit
HONEY/FUNCTION/RED/OVR1  |    3| 22|   19|USD|Function and modifier red kit
HONEY/FUNCTION/R1/RED    |    9| 10|    9|USD|Function row 1 red kit

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/F13TOF24           |    6| 12|   29|USD|F13-F24 in grey (row 1)
HONEY/F1TOF24            |    6| 24|   19|USD|F1-F24 in grey (row 1)
HONEY/F1TOF12/H7         |    1| 12|   10|USD|F1-F12 in grey (for Hyper7)
HONEY/F13TOF24/WHITE     |   18| 12|   12|USD|F13-F24 in white (row 1)
HONEY/TRASH4             |    1|  5|    4|USD|Symbol and Numeric keys
HONEY/TRASH5             |    4|  4|    3|USD|Symbol and Numeric keys

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/POS                |    1| 30|   19|USD|POS (2 units)
HONEY/POS/PACK1          |    9|  8|   12|USD|POS pack 1 (2 units)
HONEY/POS/PACK2          |   10|  6|    6|USD|POS pack 2 (2 units)
HONEY/POS/PACK3          |   10|  8|    6|USD|POS pack 3 (2 units)
HONEY/POS/PACK4          |    9|  8|    7|USD|POS pack 4 (2 units)

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/JRET               |    5|  1|    6|USD|J-Return key (grey)
HONEY/JRET/WHITE         |    6|  1|    6|USD|J-Return key (white)
HONEY/JRET/RED           |   13|  1|    6|USD|J-Return key (red)
HONEY/JRET/BLACK         |    1|  1|    6|USD|J-Return key (black)
HONEY/CAPS175            |   17|  1|    2|USD|CAPS LOCK key 1.75 units
HONEY/CAPS175/RED        |    9|  1|    2|USD|CAPS LOCK key 1.75 units
HONEY/CAPS175S/RED       |   12|  1|    5|USD|CAPS LOCK key 1.75 units, step
HONEY/CAPS175/BLACK      |    9|  1|    1|USD|CAPS LOCK key 1.75 units
HONEY/CAPS175S/BLACK     |   17|  1|    4|USD|CAPS LOCK key 1.75 units, step
HONEY/BACKSPACE200/BLACK |    5|  1|    2|USD|BACK SPACE key 2 units (row 1)

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/RETURN175          |    8|  1|    3|USD|Return (1.75 units; grey)
HONEY/RETURN225/RED      |    4|  1|    3|USD|Return (2.25 units; red)
HONEY/SHIFT175           |   17|  1|    2|USD|SHIFT key 1.75 units (row 3)
HONEY/SHIFT225           |   11|  1|    2|USD|SHIFT key 2.25 units (row 3)
HONEY/SHIFT275           |    9|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 2.75 units (row 3)
HONEY/SHIFT200/R4        |   18|  1|    5|USD|SHIFT key 2 units (row 4)
HONEY/SHIFT125/WHITE     |    5|  1|    1|USD|SHIFT key 1.25 units (row 3)
HONEY/SHIFT100/RED       |   21|  1|    6|USD|SHIFT key 1 unit (row 3; red)
HONEY/SHIFT125/RED       |   20|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 1.25 units (row 3; red)
HONEY/SHIFT200/RED       |    2|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 2 units (row 3; red)
HONEY/SHIFT225/RED       |    6|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 2.25 units (row 3; red)
HONEY/SHIFT275/RED       |   20|  1|    2|USD|SHIFT key 2.75 units (row 3; red)
HONEY/SHIFT100/R4/RED    |   21|  1|    6|USD|SHIFT key 1 u. (row 4; red)
HONEY/SHIFT200/R4/RED    |   22|  1|    5|USD|SHIFT key 2 u. (row 4; red)
HONEY/SHIFT100/BLACK     |   16|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 1 u. (row 3; black)
HONEY/SHIFT125/BLACK     |    3|  1|    1|USD|SHIFT key 1.25 u. (row 3; black)
HONEY/SHIFT275/BLACK     |   18|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 2.75 u. (row 3; black)

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/COMMA              |   14|  1|    2|USD|numpad comma (row 3; white)
HONEY/COMMA/GREY         |   18|  1|    4|USD|numpad comma (row 3; grey)
HONEY/GTLT               |    3|  1|    1|USD|greater less (row 4; white)
HONEY/GTLT/GREY          |   10|  1|    2|USD|greater less (row 4; grey)
HONEY/GTLT/RED           |    7|  1|    2|USD|greater less (row 4; red)
HONEY/GTLT/BLACK         |   18|  1|    2|USD|greater less (row 4; black)
HONEY/FJ                 |   20|  2|    2|USD|F and J (row 3; white)
HONEY/FJ/GREY            |    7|  2|    2|USD|F and J (row 3; grey)
HONEY/FJ/BLACK           |   12|  2|    2|USD|F and J (row 3; black)

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/GHB/GREY           |   18|  3|    2|USD|G, H and B (grey)
HONEY/GHB/WHITE          |   14|  3|    2|USD|G, H and B (white)
HONEY/GHB/RED            |   17|  3|    2|USD|G, H and B (red)
HONEY/GHB/BLACK          |   18|  3|    2|USD|G, H and B (black)
HONEY/TILDEBPRIME/GREY   |    7|  1|    1|USD|tilde backprime (row 1; grey)
HONEY/TILDEBPRIME/WHITE  |   10|  1|    1|USD|tilde backprime (row 1; white)
HONEY/TILDEBPRIME/RED    |    4|  1|    1|USD|tilde backprime (row 1; red)
HONEY/VERTBSL/R1         |   13|  1|    1|USD|vert bslash (row 1; white)
HONEY/VERTBSL/R2         |   19|  1|    4|USD|vert bslash (row 2; white)
HONEY/VERTBSL/R3         |    8|  1|    1|USD|vert bslash (row 3; white)
HONEY/VERTBSL/R4         |   22|  1|    2|USD|vert bslash (row 4; white)
HONEY/VERTBSL/R1/RED     |    6|  1|    1|USD|vert bslash (row 1; red)
HONEY/VERTBSL/R3/RED     |    9|  1|    1|USD|vert bslash (row 3; red)
HONEY/VERTBSL/R1/BLACK   |    8|  1|    1|USD|vert bslash (row 1; red)
HONEY/VERTBSL150         |   10|  1|    2|USD|vert bslash (row 2; white)
HONEY/VERTBSL150/BLACK   |    4|  1|    2|USD|vert bslash (row 2; black)

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/REDESCAPE/R3       |    1|  1|    1|USD|ESCAPE key (row 3; red)
HONEY/SPACE100           |   12|  2|    3|USD|Space (1 units; white)
HONEY/SPACE100/GREY      |   14|  2|    3|USD|Space (1 units; grey)
HONEY/SPACE100/BLACK     |   14|  2|    3|USD|Space (1 units; black)
HONEY/SPACE150           |   11|  2|    5|USD|Space (1.5 units; white)
HONEY/SPACE150/GREY      |    6|  2|    3|USD|Space (1.5 units; grey)
HONEY/SPACE150/RED       |   19|  2|    7|USD|Space (1.5 units; red)_(LQ2)
HONEY/SPACE150/BLACK     |   17|  2|    6|USD|Space (1.5 units; black)_(LQ2)

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/SPACE400/GREY      |   13|  1|    8|USD|Space (4 units; grey)
HONEY/SPACE400/RED       |   21|  1|    8|USD|Space (4 units; red)
HONEY/SPACE400/BLACK     |   17|  1|    8|USD|Space (4 units; black)
HONEY/SPACE450           |    3|  1|    8|USD|Space (4.5 units; white)
HONEY/SPACE450/GREY      |   15|  1|    9|USD|Space (4.5 units; grey)
HONEY/SPACE450/RED       |   20|  1|    9|USD|Space (4.5 units; red)
HONEY/SPACE450/BLACK     |   16|  1|    9|USD|Space (4.5 units; black)
HONEY/SPACE625           |    7|  1|    2|USD|Space (6.25 units white)
HONEY/SPACE625/GREY      |    1|  1|    2|USD|Space (6.25 units; grey)
HONEY/SPACE625/RED       |    1|  1|    3|USD|Space (6.25 units; red)
HONEY/SPACE625/BLACK     |    1|  1|    3|USD|Space (6.25 units; black)
HONEY/SPACE700           |   13|  1|    3|USD|Space (7 units white)
HONEY/SPACE700/GREY      |    6|  1|    3|USD|Space (7 units; grey)
HONEY/SPACE700/RED       |   24|  1|    3|USD|Space (7 units; red)

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/DT/GREY            |   23|  2|    2|USD|DT keys (rows 1 and 3; grey)
HONEY/DT/WHITE           |   22|  2|    2|USD|DT keys (rows 1 and 3; white)
HONEY/DT/RED             |   13|  2|    2|USD|DT keys (rows 1 and 3; red)
HONEY/DT/BLACK           |   12|  2|    2|USD|DT keys (rows 1 and 3; black)
HONEY/HELVETICA          |    6|  2|    2|USD|Swiss flag (rows 1 and 3)
HONEY/HELVETICA125       |    9|  1|    2|USD|Swiss flag (row 3)
HONEY/HELVETICA150       |   10|  1|    2|USD|Swiss flag (row 3)
HONEY/ERGOKEY/R3         |    2|  2|    2|USD|ERGO DOX keys (row 3; red)
HONEY/ERGOKEYS           |    5|  4|    4|USD|ERGO DOX keys (row 1, 3; red)
HONEY/KBDRUNNER          |    1|  1|    1|USD|Keyboard runner (row 1; grey)
HONEY/KBDRUNNER/WHITE    |    2|  1|    1|USD|Keyboard runner (row 1; white)
HONEY/KBDRUNNER/RED      |   18|  1|    1|USD|Keyboard runner (row 1; red)
HONEY/KBDRUNNER/RED/R2   |   15|  1|    1|USD|Keyboard runner (row 2; red)

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/LOTUSESC           |    4|  1|    1|USD|Lotus key (row 1; grey)
HONEY/LOTUSESC/RED       |    1|  1|    1|USD|Lotus key (row 1; red)
HONEY/LOTUSESC/BLACK     |   10|  1|    1|USD|Lotus key (row 1; black)
HONEY/LOTUS125           |   12|  1|    2|USD|Lotus key (row 3; grey)
HONEY/LOTUS150           |   14|  1|    3|USD|Lotus key (row 3; grey)
HONEY/LOTUS175           |   18|  1|    7|USD|Lotus key (row 3; grey)
HONEY/LOTUS175S          |    9|  1|    5|USD|Lotus key (row 3; grey)
HONEY/LOTUS125/RED       |   18|  1|    2|USD|Lotus key (row 3; red)
HONEY/LOTUS175S/RED      |   16|  1|    7|USD|Lotus key (row 3; red)
HONEY/LOTUS175S/BLACK    |   21|  1|    9|USD|Lotus key (row 3; black)

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
BLANK/R3U100C/GREY       |   10|  1|    2|USD|blank key center nub (grey)
BLANK/R3U100D/GREY       |    9|  1|    3|USD|blank key deep dish (grey)
BLANK/R3U125/GREY        |    1|  1|    1|USD|blank key (grey)
BLANK/R1U150/GREY        |    7|  1|    1|USD|blank key (grey)
BLANK/R2U175/GREY        |   14|  1|    1|USD|blank key (grey)
BLANK/R3U175/GREY        |    8|  1|    3|USD|blank key (grey)
BLANK/R3U175S/GREY       |   15|  1|    3|USD|blank stepped key (grey)
BLANK/R1U200/GREY        |    6|  1|    4|USD|blank key (grey)
BLANK/R2U200/GREY        |   13|  1|    1|USD|blank key (grey; same as R4)
BLANK/R3U275/GREY        |   11|  1|    3|USD|blank key (grey)

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
BLANK/R1U100/WHITE       |    6|  1|    1|USD|blank key (white)
BLANK/R2U100/WHITE       |    4|  1|    1|USD|blank key (white)
BLANK/R4U100/WHITE       |    2|  1|    1|USD|blank key (white)
BLANK/R3U100C/WHITE      |    6|  1|    3|USD|blank key center nub (white)
BLANK/R3U100D/WHITE      |    1|  1|    1|USD|blank key deep dish (white)
BLANK/R2U200/WHITE       |   12|  1|    3|USD|blank key (white)

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
BLANK/R3U100C/RED        |   12|  1|    4|USD|blank key center nub (red)
BLANK/R3U100D/RED        |   15|  1|    2|USD|blank key deep dish (red)
BLANK/R1U150/RED         |    3|  1|    1|USD|blank key (red)
BLANK/R2U150/RED         |   15|  1|    2|USD|blank key (red)

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
BLANK/R3U100C/BLACK      |   10|  1|    4|USD|blank key center nub (black)
BLANK/R3U100D/BLACK      |   16|  1|    4|USD|blank key deep dish (black)
BLANK/R3U125/BLACK       |   16|  1|    4|USD|blank key (black)
BLANK/R2U150/BLACK       |    8|  1|    2|USD|blank key (black)

Autumn Sellout!
25% rebate on every payment!
Until 30 September 2014!

:o :shock: :? :roll: :-) :cool: :ugeek:

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Mad Dasher

15 Sep 2014, 12:37

Oh my. Now what do I do?

There's a perfect red set available!

Code: Select all

HONEY/TKL/BASE/RED       |    1| 39|   36|USD|TKL base red kit
HONEY/ALPHA/RED          |    1| 49|   39|USD|ALPHA kit in red
HONEY/SPACE625/RED       |    1|  1|    3|USD|Space (6.25 units; red)
HONEY/NUMPAD/RED         |    2| 24|   25|USD|Numpad red kit_(LQ2)
HONEY/FUNCTION/RED       |    3| 23|   24|USD|Function and modifier red kit
HONEY/CAPS175S/RED       |   12|  1|    5|USD|CAPS LOCK key 1.75 units, step
HONEY/DT/RED             |   13|  2|    2|USD|DT keys (rows 1 and 3; red)
$134.00 $100.50 :shock:

User avatar

15 Sep 2014, 12:43

7bit wrote: Autumn Sellout!
25% rebate on every payment!
Until 30 September 2014!

:o :shock: :? :roll: :-) :cool: :ugeek:

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/TKL/BASE/NOFUN     |    2| 23|   19|USD|TKL base no func keys kit
HONEY/TKL/BASE/WHITE     |    1| 39|   49|USD|TKL base white kit
HONEY/TKL/BASE/RED       |    1| 39|   36|USD|TKL base red kit
HONEY/TKL/BASE/BLACK     |    1| 39|   36|USD|TKL base black kit
HONEY/ALPHA/RED          |    1| 49|   39|USD|ALPHA kit in red
HONEY/ALPHAINT/RED       |    4| 31|   26|USD|ALPHA kit for DE-IT in red
HONEY/INTER/OVR2         |    1| 43|   29|USD|language kit overrun
HONEY/INTER/RED          |    5| 38|   39|USD|language kit for DE,DK,NO,SE
HONEY/INTER/RED/OVR      |    9| 35|   19|USD|language overrun kit DK,NO
HONEY/INTER/BLACK/OVR    |   14| 42|   19|USD|language kit for DE-IT overrun

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/DE                 |    2| 22|   16|USD|DE language kit
HONEY/DK                 |    1| 21|   19|USD|DK language kit
HONEY/NO                 |    1| 21|   18|USD|NO language kit
HONEY/IT                 |    1| 19|   12|USD|IT language kit
HONEY/FR                 |    7| 27|   16|USD|FR language kit
HONEY/UK                 |    3|  6|    6|USD|UK language kit
HONEY/UK/BLACK           |   16|  6|    7|USD|UK black language kit
HONEY/US/BLACK           |    1| 20|   16|USD|US black language kit

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/BEPOALPHA          |    2| 51|   34|USD|BEPO ALPHA language kit
HONEY/BEPO/OVR           |    8| 30|   19|USD|BEPO ALPHA language overrun kit
HONEY/COLRAK             |    6| 31|   29|USD|COLEMAK and DVORAK language kit
HONEY/7BIT               |   12| 12|    9|USD|7BIT language kit
HONEY/ISO                |   10|  4|    8|USD|ISO kit in grey
HONEY/ISO/RED            |    8|  4|    9|USD|ISO kit in red
HONEY/ISO/BLACK          |    5|  4|    9|USD|ISO kit in black

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/MODIFIER/OVR2      |    2| 49|   29|USD|Modifier overrun kit
HONEY/MODIFIER/OVR3      |    1| 32|   32|USD|Modifier overrun kit
HONEY/MODIFIER/OVR5      |    2|  7|    6|USD|Modifier overrun kit
HONEY/MODIFIER/WHITE/OVR1|    1| 40|   35|USD|Modifier white overrun kit
HONEY/MODIFIER/WHITE/OVR3|    9|  4|    4|USD|Modifier white overrun kit
HONEY/MODIFIER/RED/OVR1  |    4| 32|   32|USD|Modifier red overrun kit

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/FUN125             |    1|  1|    1|USD|FUN key kit (1.25 units)
HONEY/FUN125/RED         |    5|  1|    2|USD|FUN key kit (1.25 units)
HONEY/FUN125/BLACK       |   15|  1|    2|USD|FUN key kit (1.25 units)
HONEY/WINDOWS125/RED     |    3|  3|    4|USD|WINDOWS kit (1.25 units)
HONEY/WINDOWS125/BLACK   |    2|  3|    4|USD|WINDOWS kit (1.25 units)
HONEY/WINDOWS150         |   10|  3|    4|USD|WINDOWS kit (1.5 units)
HONEY/APPLE125           |    1|  4|    4|USD|APPLE kit (1.25 units)

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/MOD150/BLACK/OVR1  |    1| 11|   15|USD|Modifier 1.5 units black kit
HONEY/MOD175S            |   19|  2|    5|USD|Modifier 1.75 stepped kit
HONEY/MODEXTRA150/OVR    |    8| 12|    9|USD|Modifier Extra 1.5 units kit
HONEY/MODEXTRA150/R4     |    2|  8|    9|USD|Modifier Extra 1.5 u (row 4)
HONEY/MODEXTRA175        |   14|  8|   27|USD|Modifier Extra 1.75 units kit
HONEY/MODSYM100          |    1|  9|    7|USD|Modifier symbols 1 unit kit
HONEY/MODSYM100/OVR      |   12|  7|    6|USD|Modifier symbols 1 unit kit
HONEY/MODSYM125          |    5|  8|    9|USD|Modifier symbols 1.25 units kit
HONEY/MODSYM150          |   11|  9|   21|USD|Modifier symbols 1.5 units kit
HONEY/MODSYM200POS       |   19|  4|    6|USD|Modifier symbols 2 units POS
HONEY/MODSYM100/BLACK    |   20|  8|   19|USD|Modifier symbols 1 unit black
HONEY/MODSYM125/BLACK    |   17|  8|   19|USD|Modifier symbols 1.25 units

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/CURSOR/OVR3        |    9|  4|    2|USD|Cursors kit
HONEY/CURSOR/R24         |    1|  8|    9|USD|Cursor row 2/4 kit
HONEY/CURSOR/R24/TEXT    |    4|  4|    3|USD|Cursor row 2/4 text kit
HONEY/CURSOR/R3/TEXT     |    8|  4|    2|USD|Cursor row 3 text kit
HONEY/CURSORBASE/RED     |    7|  9|    7|USD|Cursor base kit
HONEY/CURSORS/RED        |    3| 22|   29|USD|Cursors red kit
HONEY/CURSOR/R24/RED     |    8|  8|   13|USD|Cursor row 2/4 red kit
HONEY/CURSOR/R3/RED      |    7|  8|    6|USD|Cursor row 3 red kit
HONEY/CURSOR/OVR/RED     |   10|  6|    5|USD|Cursor row 3/4 red kit
HONEY/CURSORS/BLACK      |    3| 22|   19|USD|Cursors black kit
HONEY/CURSOR/R34/BLACK   |    4|  8|    6|USD|Cursor row 3/4 black kit
HONEY/CURSYM100/R3/RED   |    1|  9|    8|USD|Cursor triangle kit (row 3)
HONEY/CURSYM100/OVR/RED  |    1|  5|    5|USD|Cursor triangle kit (row 3)
HONEY/CURSYM125          |    2|  4|    5|USD|Cursor triangle kit (1.25 units)
HONEY/CURSYM125/RED      |    9|  4|    5|USD|Cursor triangle kit (1.25 units)

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/NUMPAD/GREY        |    1| 24|   21|USD|Numpad grey kit
HONEY/NUMPAD/RED         |    2| 24|   25|USD|Numpad red kit_(LQ2)
HONEY/NUMPAD/BLACK       |    1| 24|   19|USD|Numpad black kit
HONEY/NUMNUM/GREY        |    8| 14|   13|USD|Numpad number keys grey
HONEY/NUMOP/GREY         |    4| 10|    8|USD|Numpad operator keys grey
HONEY/NUMOP/GREY/OVR     |    1| 10|    5|USD|Numpad operator keys grey
HONEY/NUMERIC7/GREY      |    8| 32|   29|USD|Numeric7 grey kit (row 3)
HONEY/NUMERIC7/WHITE     |    7| 32|   29|USD|Numeric7 white kit (row 3)

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/NUMROW/WHITE       |    2| 23|   38|USD|Numrow white kit
HONEY/NUMROW/WHITE/OVR   |    9| 13|    8|USD|Numrow white overrun kit
HONEY/NUMROW             |    7| 40|   59|USD|Numrow 0-9 kit
HONEY/NUMROW/GREY        |    8| 10|   19|USD|Numrow 0-9 grey kit
HONEY/NUMROW/RED         |    8| 10|    8|USD|Numrow 0-9 red kit
HONEY/NUMROW/BLACK       |   10| 10|   19|USD|Numrow 0-9 black kit

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/FUNMOD/BLACK/OVR2  |    2| 21|   19|USD|Function and mod. kit black
HONEY/FUNCTION/R2        |    3| 11|   19|USD|Function row 2 kit
HONEY/FUNCTION/R3        |   12| 24|   36|USD|Function row 3 kit
HONEY/FUNCTION2          |    6| 16|   24|USD|Function 2 kit (rows 1-4)_(LQ1)
HONEY/FUNCTION7B         |    4| 42|   29|USD|Function 7bit kit (rows 1-4)
HONEY/FUNCTION7D         |    3| 28|    9|USD|Function 7bit kit (rows 1-4)
HONEY/FUNCTION7E         |    1| 27|   12|USD|Function 7bit kit (rows 1-4)
HONEY/FUNCTION7F         |    2| 10|    9|USD|Function 7bit kit (rows 1-4)
HONEY/FUNCTION/RED       |    3| 23|   24|USD|Function and modifier red kit
HONEY/FUNCTION/RED/OVR1  |    3| 22|   19|USD|Function and modifier red kit
HONEY/FUNCTION/R1/RED    |    9| 10|    9|USD|Function row 1 red kit

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/F13TOF24           |    6| 12|   29|USD|F13-F24 in grey (row 1)
HONEY/F1TOF24            |    6| 24|   19|USD|F1-F24 in grey (row 1)
HONEY/F1TOF12/H7         |    1| 12|   10|USD|F1-F12 in grey (for Hyper7)
HONEY/F13TOF24/WHITE     |   18| 12|   12|USD|F13-F24 in white (row 1)
HONEY/TRASH4             |    1|  5|    4|USD|Symbol and Numeric keys
HONEY/TRASH5             |    4|  4|    3|USD|Symbol and Numeric keys

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/POS                |    1| 30|   19|USD|POS (2 units)
HONEY/POS/PACK1          |    9|  8|   12|USD|POS pack 1 (2 units)
HONEY/POS/PACK2          |   10|  6|    6|USD|POS pack 2 (2 units)
HONEY/POS/PACK3          |   10|  8|    6|USD|POS pack 3 (2 units)
HONEY/POS/PACK4          |    9|  8|    7|USD|POS pack 4 (2 units)

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/JRET               |    5|  1|    6|USD|J-Return key (grey)
HONEY/JRET/WHITE         |    6|  1|    6|USD|J-Return key (white)
HONEY/JRET/RED           |   13|  1|    6|USD|J-Return key (red)
HONEY/JRET/BLACK         |    1|  1|    6|USD|J-Return key (black)
HONEY/CAPS175            |   17|  1|    2|USD|CAPS LOCK key 1.75 units
HONEY/CAPS175/RED        |    9|  1|    2|USD|CAPS LOCK key 1.75 units
HONEY/CAPS175S/RED       |   12|  1|    5|USD|CAPS LOCK key 1.75 units, step
HONEY/CAPS175/BLACK      |    9|  1|    1|USD|CAPS LOCK key 1.75 units
HONEY/CAPS175S/BLACK     |   17|  1|    4|USD|CAPS LOCK key 1.75 units, step
HONEY/BACKSPACE200/BLACK |    5|  1|    2|USD|BACK SPACE key 2 units (row 1)

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/RETURN175          |    8|  1|    3|USD|Return (1.75 units; grey)
HONEY/RETURN225/RED      |    4|  1|    3|USD|Return (2.25 units; red)
HONEY/SHIFT175           |   17|  1|    2|USD|SHIFT key 1.75 units (row 3)
HONEY/SHIFT225           |   11|  1|    2|USD|SHIFT key 2.25 units (row 3)
HONEY/SHIFT275           |    9|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 2.75 units (row 3)
HONEY/SHIFT200/R4        |   18|  1|    5|USD|SHIFT key 2 units (row 4)
HONEY/SHIFT125/WHITE     |    5|  1|    1|USD|SHIFT key 1.25 units (row 3)
HONEY/SHIFT100/RED       |   21|  1|    6|USD|SHIFT key 1 unit (row 3; red)
HONEY/SHIFT125/RED       |   20|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 1.25 units (row 3; red)
HONEY/SHIFT200/RED       |    2|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 2 units (row 3; red)
HONEY/SHIFT225/RED       |    6|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 2.25 units (row 3; red)
HONEY/SHIFT275/RED       |   20|  1|    2|USD|SHIFT key 2.75 units (row 3; red)
HONEY/SHIFT100/R4/RED    |   21|  1|    6|USD|SHIFT key 1 u. (row 4; red)
HONEY/SHIFT200/R4/RED    |   22|  1|    5|USD|SHIFT key 2 u. (row 4; red)
HONEY/SHIFT100/BLACK     |   16|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 1 u. (row 3; black)
HONEY/SHIFT125/BLACK     |    3|  1|    1|USD|SHIFT key 1.25 u. (row 3; black)
HONEY/SHIFT275/BLACK     |   18|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 2.75 u. (row 3; black)

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/COMMA              |   14|  1|    2|USD|numpad comma (row 3; white)
HONEY/COMMA/GREY         |   18|  1|    4|USD|numpad comma (row 3; grey)
HONEY/GTLT               |    3|  1|    1|USD|greater less (row 4; white)
HONEY/GTLT/GREY          |   10|  1|    2|USD|greater less (row 4; grey)
HONEY/GTLT/RED           |    7|  1|    2|USD|greater less (row 4; red)
HONEY/GTLT/BLACK         |   18|  1|    2|USD|greater less (row 4; black)
HONEY/FJ                 |   20|  2|    2|USD|F and J (row 3; white)
HONEY/FJ/GREY            |    7|  2|    2|USD|F and J (row 3; grey)
HONEY/FJ/BLACK           |   12|  2|    2|USD|F and J (row 3; black)

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/GHB/GREY           |   18|  3|    2|USD|G, H and B (grey)
HONEY/GHB/WHITE          |   14|  3|    2|USD|G, H and B (white)
HONEY/GHB/RED            |   17|  3|    2|USD|G, H and B (red)
HONEY/GHB/BLACK          |   18|  3|    2|USD|G, H and B (black)
HONEY/TILDEBPRIME/GREY   |    7|  1|    1|USD|tilde backprime (row 1; grey)
HONEY/TILDEBPRIME/WHITE  |   10|  1|    1|USD|tilde backprime (row 1; white)
HONEY/TILDEBPRIME/RED    |    4|  1|    1|USD|tilde backprime (row 1; red)
HONEY/VERTBSL/R1         |   13|  1|    1|USD|vert bslash (row 1; white)
HONEY/VERTBSL/R2         |   19|  1|    4|USD|vert bslash (row 2; white)
HONEY/VERTBSL/R3         |    8|  1|    1|USD|vert bslash (row 3; white)
HONEY/VERTBSL/R4         |   22|  1|    2|USD|vert bslash (row 4; white)
HONEY/VERTBSL/R1/RED     |    6|  1|    1|USD|vert bslash (row 1; red)
HONEY/VERTBSL/R3/RED     |    9|  1|    1|USD|vert bslash (row 3; red)
HONEY/VERTBSL/R1/BLACK   |    8|  1|    1|USD|vert bslash (row 1; red)
HONEY/VERTBSL150         |   10|  1|    2|USD|vert bslash (row 2; white)
HONEY/VERTBSL150/BLACK   |    4|  1|    2|USD|vert bslash (row 2; black)

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/REDESCAPE/R3       |    1|  1|    1|USD|ESCAPE key (row 3; red)
HONEY/SPACE100           |   12|  2|    3|USD|Space (1 units; white)
HONEY/SPACE100/GREY      |   14|  2|    3|USD|Space (1 units; grey)
HONEY/SPACE100/BLACK     |   14|  2|    3|USD|Space (1 units; black)
HONEY/SPACE150           |   11|  2|    5|USD|Space (1.5 units; white)
HONEY/SPACE150/GREY      |    6|  2|    3|USD|Space (1.5 units; grey)
HONEY/SPACE150/RED       |   19|  2|    7|USD|Space (1.5 units; red)_(LQ2)
HONEY/SPACE150/BLACK     |   17|  2|    6|USD|Space (1.5 units; black)_(LQ2)

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/SPACE400/GREY      |   13|  1|    8|USD|Space (4 units; grey)
HONEY/SPACE400/RED       |   21|  1|    8|USD|Space (4 units; red)
HONEY/SPACE400/BLACK     |   17|  1|    8|USD|Space (4 units; black)
HONEY/SPACE450           |    3|  1|    8|USD|Space (4.5 units; white)
HONEY/SPACE450/GREY      |   15|  1|    9|USD|Space (4.5 units; grey)
HONEY/SPACE450/RED       |   20|  1|    9|USD|Space (4.5 units; red)
HONEY/SPACE450/BLACK     |   16|  1|    9|USD|Space (4.5 units; black)
HONEY/SPACE625           |    7|  1|    2|USD|Space (6.25 units white)
HONEY/SPACE625/GREY      |    1|  1|    2|USD|Space (6.25 units; grey)
HONEY/SPACE625/RED       |    1|  1|    3|USD|Space (6.25 units; red)
HONEY/SPACE625/BLACK     |    1|  1|    3|USD|Space (6.25 units; black)
HONEY/SPACE700           |   13|  1|    3|USD|Space (7 units white)
HONEY/SPACE700/GREY      |    6|  1|    3|USD|Space (7 units; grey)
HONEY/SPACE700/RED       |   24|  1|    3|USD|Space (7 units; red)

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/DT/GREY            |   23|  2|    2|USD|DT keys (rows 1 and 3; grey)
HONEY/DT/WHITE           |   22|  2|    2|USD|DT keys (rows 1 and 3; white)
HONEY/DT/RED             |   13|  2|    2|USD|DT keys (rows 1 and 3; red)
HONEY/DT/BLACK           |   12|  2|    2|USD|DT keys (rows 1 and 3; black)
HONEY/HELVETICA          |    6|  2|    2|USD|Swiss flag (rows 1 and 3)
HONEY/HELVETICA125       |    9|  1|    2|USD|Swiss flag (row 3)
HONEY/HELVETICA150       |   10|  1|    2|USD|Swiss flag (row 3)
HONEY/ERGOKEY/R3         |    2|  2|    2|USD|ERGO DOX keys (row 3; red)
HONEY/ERGOKEYS           |    5|  4|    4|USD|ERGO DOX keys (row 1, 3; red)
HONEY/KBDRUNNER          |    1|  1|    1|USD|Keyboard runner (row 1; grey)
HONEY/KBDRUNNER/WHITE    |    2|  1|    1|USD|Keyboard runner (row 1; white)
HONEY/KBDRUNNER/RED      |   18|  1|    1|USD|Keyboard runner (row 1; red)
HONEY/KBDRUNNER/RED/R2   |   15|  1|    1|USD|Keyboard runner (row 2; red)

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/LOTUSESC           |    4|  1|    1|USD|Lotus key (row 1; grey)
HONEY/LOTUSESC/RED       |    1|  1|    1|USD|Lotus key (row 1; red)
HONEY/LOTUSESC/BLACK     |   10|  1|    1|USD|Lotus key (row 1; black)
HONEY/LOTUS125           |   12|  1|    2|USD|Lotus key (row 3; grey)
HONEY/LOTUS150           |   14|  1|    3|USD|Lotus key (row 3; grey)
HONEY/LOTUS175           |   18|  1|    7|USD|Lotus key (row 3; grey)
HONEY/LOTUS175S          |    9|  1|    5|USD|Lotus key (row 3; grey)
HONEY/LOTUS125/RED       |   18|  1|    2|USD|Lotus key (row 3; red)
HONEY/LOTUS175S/RED      |   16|  1|    7|USD|Lotus key (row 3; red)
HONEY/LOTUS175S/BLACK    |   21|  1|    9|USD|Lotus key (row 3; black)

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
BLANK/R3U100C/GREY       |   10|  1|    2|USD|blank key center nub (grey)
BLANK/R3U100D/GREY       |    9|  1|    3|USD|blank key deep dish (grey)
BLANK/R3U125/GREY        |    1|  1|    1|USD|blank key (grey)
BLANK/R1U150/GREY        |    7|  1|    1|USD|blank key (grey)
BLANK/R2U175/GREY        |   14|  1|    1|USD|blank key (grey)
BLANK/R3U175/GREY        |    8|  1|    3|USD|blank key (grey)
BLANK/R3U175S/GREY       |   15|  1|    3|USD|blank stepped key (grey)
BLANK/R1U200/GREY        |    6|  1|    4|USD|blank key (grey)
BLANK/R2U200/GREY        |   13|  1|    1|USD|blank key (grey; same as R4)
BLANK/R3U275/GREY        |   11|  1|    3|USD|blank key (grey)

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
BLANK/R1U100/WHITE       |    6|  1|    1|USD|blank key (white)
BLANK/R2U100/WHITE       |    4|  1|    1|USD|blank key (white)
BLANK/R4U100/WHITE       |    2|  1|    1|USD|blank key (white)
BLANK/R3U100C/WHITE      |    6|  1|    3|USD|blank key center nub (white)
BLANK/R3U100D/WHITE      |    1|  1|    1|USD|blank key deep dish (white)
BLANK/R2U200/WHITE       |   12|  1|    3|USD|blank key (white)

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
BLANK/R3U100C/RED        |   12|  1|    4|USD|blank key center nub (red)
BLANK/R3U100D/RED        |   15|  1|    2|USD|blank key deep dish (red)
BLANK/R1U150/RED         |    3|  1|    1|USD|blank key (red)
BLANK/R2U150/RED         |   15|  1|    2|USD|blank key (red)

Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
BLANK/R3U100C/BLACK      |   10|  1|    4|USD|blank key center nub (black)
BLANK/R3U100D/BLACK      |   16|  1|    4|USD|blank key deep dish (black)
BLANK/R3U125/BLACK       |   16|  1|    4|USD|blank key (black)
BLANK/R2U150/BLACK       |    8|  1|    2|USD|blank key (black)
Autumn Sellout!
25% rebate on every payment!
Until 30 September 2014!

:o :shock: :? :roll: :-) :cool: :ugeek:
Oooh man! I just ordered more. Have to see if there is something I can find again.

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15 Sep 2014, 12:46

@facetsesame: I'd order until it's too late!

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