Round 5 and Round 6 kits for sale!


08 Oct 2014, 01:07

facetsesame wrote: Get the function set! :D
Speaking of which, where are all the suggestions for legends? Don't let me suggest row 4 keys SHIF and T...
I might be tempted to buy a red Row 1 BREAK key.

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08 Oct 2014, 01:16

INVERT and ISOLATE would actually (shock!) be relevant for how I use Print Screen etc…


08 Oct 2014, 06:56

I promised myself I wouldn't spend anymore money but those purple and creams look so nice. Before I wanted this GB to end as soon as possible so I could get my caps but now I want it to keep going so I can come up with 130 dollars :(

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Mad Dasher

08 Oct 2014, 17:49

Row 1 BREAK sound great to me! INVERT and ISOLATE are curious, are you thinking of row 1 too, Mu? ISOLATE would probably end up as ISO-
LATE, or would ISO work?

I am resigned to my addiction to SA caps... :happy sigh: :miserable sigh:

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08 Oct 2014, 19:03

Invert and Isolate are a pair of macros I often use. They're the first two of the three keys I have #!s on just now. Invert triggers negative colours mode (white on black for the bleary eyed win) and the second triggers this:

So, yeah, they're fairly specific! Pretty cool names though. I'm not sure what profile to put them in. Row 1 is naturally awesome, but the function row running to the left of them is all row 3… curses!

Did we ever get anywhere with media keys like LOUD, QUIET, MUTE, BRIGHT and DARK?

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Mad Dasher

08 Oct 2014, 22:13

So it's down to which keys you use them with. Row 3 for R4 SPH, Row 1 for Round 5 (including 5a SPH).
But you could get F1TOF12 kits for your Round 4 keys anyway! :twisted:

Hm, I don't remember LOUD, QUIET, MUTE, BRIGHT and DARK. They could have been in their own kit with F13 to F15.
Should we they all go in to FUNCTION, with some of the sillier ones going out?

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08 Oct 2014, 22:23

Oh, thanks for reminding me. I'd forgotten Round 5 has a row 1 function row. Much better!


If 7bit was around right now, I bet the idea of a MULTIMEDIA kit would cross his mind, like Granite's.

Image ... media-kit/

That one was a must buy for me.

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Mad Dasher

08 Oct 2014, 22:30

They'd all be text legends, of course. Just as well really, we've felt the potential pain of the two shot graphics.

Hm, 7bit isn't around is he? Stand by for PANIC!*

* I'll likely have some PANIC keys available when Round 5 ships!

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08 Oct 2014, 23:00

Yes, the text look works well with SPH and Round 5.

But just out of curiosity, how much were our custom legends in Extras again? SP did a good job with them the first 2 of the 3 times they tried! (Not double counting ducks, which I could.)

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Mad Dasher

08 Oct 2014, 23:09

Bizzarely (and almost ashamedly), all the custom legends in Extras have effectively been free.
This was due to SP honouring their initial quotes which excluded them in error, and then free "correction". :(

The fee I was quoted was $45 per custom single space (1u) two shot graphical legend, excluding all other setup and manufacturing costs.

And yes, once you have these dealt with, horizontal flips are free!

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08 Oct 2014, 23:11

We'll get Greek from them yet!

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Mad Dasher

08 Oct 2014, 23:47

I asked about SA Greek in May:
Melissa wrote:I just did a quick search through our legend library and I am not finding any Greek alphabet legends - Upon some research, it looks like we might have done this as sublimation or pad-print over the years, but not as a 2shot key. To create any new legends for this, we would need SVG files from you and the new legend fees would apply.

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09 Oct 2014, 00:12

Indeed. And if we and SP played by the rules, it'd cost a fortune. Yet we don't! Intriguing…

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09 Oct 2014, 20:15

The following payments have been received for this group buy: pyrelink, efrj, chzel, cdodd, Muirium, Friskywhisker (twice), sean4star, and musicalwoods

Has It Shipped?
If your payment came via PayPal, your invoice has been marked as shipped to keep them from locking up the PayPal account. Keep checking this thread for the actual ship date(s).

Additionally, note that the address on your Paypal notifications/notes are not necessarily the addresses 7bit will ship your order to, he ships to the address on your invoice.

Either ask in this thread, or PM 7bit.

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09 Oct 2014, 20:17

Thanks Mashby!


09 Oct 2014, 21:00

So if Round 5a ships separately from the Round 5 order and ordering any of them will not delay the Round 5 shipping. How long will round 5a last? Is this another year long GB or will this one only have 4 rolling deadlines? Essentially how much time , roughly, do I have before I can no longer order round 5a.

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09 Oct 2014, 21:10

Roll a dice. Count that many final deadlines when they come. And maybe right around then the real waiting begins.

But first add a few weeks. The man's AFK!

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Mad Dasher

09 Oct 2014, 22:20

Thanks Mu, I didn't spot that. Does this mean September is getting even more days beyond the 37th?
Though I suppose it always has been since 1993! :geek:
7bit wrote:
Muirium wrote: So your CherryMX self is away for 3 weeks, but your 7bot self will be getting right on with sorting Round 5… surely? (Dangit!)
No, the bots stay at home and I will be away.

Also: the bots will post in the thread things like:

What makes you think you want to order 90 MXBROWNs from me?

Has it to do with your childhood that you want to order 65 MXRED/NW?

Eearlier on you said you want to order ALPSMLs, could you elaborate on that?

eliza_horizon_tv920cjpf.jpg (694.37 KiB) Viewed 5486 times
Eliza running on a NorthStar Horizon / Televideo 920C combo at The National Museum of Computing.
The greys are a bit light for Round 5, but the blacks so close! And what a missed opportunity for an inverse T in that layout...

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09 Oct 2014, 22:28

I'd like a concave spherical monitor like that to go with my concave spherical key caps.

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09 Oct 2014, 22:32

It's convex, like all CRTs*, but the housing is concave which lends a nice effect.

*Guiding the electron beam to a flat image, like later TVs and monitors, is harder than to the surface of a sphere. I'm not sure how they pulled off the geometric calculations in analogue electronics, but they took their time to get around to it. Concave, meanwhile, would be harder to render a good picture to than even a perfectly flat plane.

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09 Oct 2014, 23:23

Muirium wrote: It's convex, like all CRTs*, but the housing is concave which lends a nice effect.
Well thanks, I had noticed that! :mrgreen: I meant the very nice 70's design of this terminal's case.

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Mad Dasher

09 Oct 2014, 23:54

For a while I wanted an ADM-3A, but I'm not sure I want an integrated keyboard.

Some of you will guess what else I thought of.

I feel the G3 iMac was a sort of follow up to this school of thought, but no concave profile. Maybe this is another potential GB...

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12 Oct 2014, 16:31

The ADM-3A had one of the worst feeling keyboards I've ever used, so don't beat yourself up about giving up the hunt.
It was much like using a manual typewriter - it required an incredible amount of force. As you might have guessed from the screenshot it could only do uppercase in normal form.

Around that time (the ADM-3A's I used were hooked up to MECB 68k development machines with a single electroluminescent display for output other than the terminal) I also used Wyse terminals. The feelings regarding the keyboard was completely reversed - which is why I'm using one now with vintage Cherry Blacks. Hmmm...


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13 Oct 2014, 19:49

7Bit sets new record for "Longest Lasting Group Buy" by Ripster.

But it is a wrong background image there, since this group buy is hosted on Deskthority and not Geekhack :?:

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13 Oct 2014, 20:50

Must be an honest mistake. You'd never catch the esteemed and honourable fellow trolling… perish!

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13 Oct 2014, 20:52

The following payments have been received for this group buy: spacecadet1016, unoab, mashby

Has It Shipped?
If your payment came via PayPal, your invoice has been marked as shipped to keep them from locking up the PayPal account. Keep checking this thread for the actual ship date(s).

Additionally, note that the address on your Paypal notifications/notes are not necessarily the addresses 7bit will ship your order to, he ships to the address on your invoice.

Either ask in this thread, or PM 7bit.

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13 Oct 2014, 21:37

Anyone know when 7bit is coming back? I have to cancel my order :(

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13 Oct 2014, 22:09

I'm still waiting for confirmation about my transfer coming through. It's been a week. :roll:

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Mad Dasher

13 Oct 2014, 23:33

7bit said he'd be away for three weeks on the 2nd, so I'd budget for Friday 24th October.
Plus or minus a deadline extension or two.
urbancamo wrote: The ADM-3A had one of the worst feeling keyboards I've ever used, so don't beat yourself up about giving up the hunt.
It was much like using a manual typewriter - it required an incredible amount of force. As you might have guessed from the screenshot it could only do uppercase in normal form.

Around that time (the ADM-3A's I used were hooked up to MECB 68k development machines with a single electroluminescent display for output other than the terminal) I also used Wyse terminals. The feelings regarding the keyboard was completely reversed - which is why I'm using one now with vintage Cherry Blacks. Hmmm...

Thanks, it's great to hear from someone who's used one! I took the picture of that Televideo and got to try it - the feel was uneven which I put down to age and wear, and yes, very high activation force and no obvious tactile point at all! I wonder if it's the same switch tech you used.

And no DeskThority, I didn't think it was good form to pull a cap from one of the exhibits! Maybe I'll ask next time... and take a wire puller and a duck key.

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Wild Duck

13 Oct 2014, 23:51



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