Post your keyboard/keycaps!


11 Dec 2018, 14:38

Fantastic. Using my silver LZ CLS s x h as my SKCM Blue board myself.

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11 Dec 2018, 19:55

How do they sound in there? I find my blues sound quite poor in aluminium customs, but I only have them in 60% trays and have done very little to help them as I lost most of my interest in Alps.


11 Dec 2018, 20:15

The only plate material available for the GB was SS, but imo, they feel and sound perfect. But I also use MX most of the time. Alps is fun though.

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14 Dec 2018, 20:54

Was filthy, has been cleaned, is, unsurprisingly, still quite yellow. That sums it up pretty nicely


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14 Dec 2018, 21:07

Khers wrote: Was filthy, has been cleaned, is, unsurprisingly, still quite yellow. That sums it up pretty nicely

The king of all Cherry boards.
Why Cherry is not making these any more... what a pity.

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17 Dec 2018, 00:45

3BAE7FA4-421E-4506-A14F-AD67AD7299FC.jpeg (2.33 MiB) Viewed 12512 times
Topre Realforce RGB, SA Honeywell, some random extra SA caps, RollerMouse (fml, carpal tunnel!)

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Member of the Beam Spring cult

31 Dec 2018, 17:14

Collection shot as 2018 comes to an end

The Nyquist has SKCL Yellow and Alps64 has SKCL Green and the rest of the boards are pretty self explanatory
Panskus collection
Panskus collection
IMG_20181211_165319.jpg (1.49 MiB) Viewed 12442 times

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14 Jan 2019, 04:03

My "newest" acquisition, as described in the "Stuff you just bought" thread.

A regular Model M turned into an M104 (converted from ANSI to ISO, and the numpad made into a 19-key cluster). APL keycaps from an M122 that I got on eBay; blanks on the numpad that will later be subject to artisan lettering.


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17 Jan 2019, 19:05

I usually go for gray-scale colors on my keyboards but I felt like having some color in my life:





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17 Jan 2019, 19:34

Got some great condition Blue Alps at last on this OEMMAX/ORTEK MAC105 keyboard.
0110191851.jpg (2 MiB) Viewed 12204 times

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17 Jan 2019, 19:53

Highly jealous, congrats :)

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17 Jan 2019, 19:57

20190114-SAM_2605.jpg (481.08 KiB) Viewed 12185 times

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19 Jan 2019, 21:41

20190119_185737.jpg (3.34 MiB) Viewed 12115 times

Worth making a header off of :mrgreen: ?

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20 Jan 2019, 02:32

Since I am onto something, here is mine :)
hhkb.jpg (260.87 KiB) Viewed 12093 times

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20 Jan 2019, 19:09

Myoth wrote: 19 Jan 2019, 21:41Worth making a header off of :mrgreen: ?

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25 Jan 2019, 01:58

So I recently bought a couple sets of Alcatel MMK keycaps; both have the Portuguese layout.

These keycap sets use a mix of double shots and pad printing; I decided to shoot a picture of both of them, with one set facing up and the other facing down. Enjoy the photato!
Alcatel MMK keycap sets (Portuguese layout).
Alcatel MMK keycap sets (Portuguese layout).
mmk.jpg (560.02 KiB) Viewed 11969 times

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25 Jan 2019, 02:45

Here's my first new caps in a long time: KBDfans Topre set. In Cherry and Japanese styles.
_MG_2458.JPG (1.4 MiB) Viewed 11960 times
_MG_2457.JPG (1.18 MiB) Viewed 11960 times
_MG_2450.JPG (1.46 MiB) Viewed 11960 times

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25 Jan 2019, 14:40

As pure coincidence would have it, a whole new set of caps just showed up out of the (Italian…) blue today!
_MG_2493.JPG (1.39 MiB) Viewed 11906 times
Fantastic set! Pretty sure I've put on on all wrong! Anyone got the official dev/tty Elven key chart?
_MG_2487.JPG (1.03 MiB) Viewed 11906 times
Now, there are a few oddities: my Left Shift is, I'm assured by the robot himself, the only yellow one of this set in the world. (It's the prototype I think.) I've got a nice green ISO Return but no ISO Left Shift. (Do have the HHKB layout version, though, he knows me well!) And you may have noticed I'm missing a spacebar! But man, these caps have character and I'm delighted we meet at last!

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25 Jan 2019, 19:13

The heavy DOF makes it real hard to see and appreciate those Sindarin keycaps.

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25 Jan 2019, 19:26

It looks like the up and down arrows are switched.

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25 Jan 2019, 19:56

zslane wrote: 25 Jan 2019, 19:13 The heavy DOF makes it real hard to see and appreciate those Sindarin keycaps.
That's the northern light. My camera's shutter priority was leaning real hard into my fast glass just for static stuff like this! I won't even show you the versions I took in f/8 and higher, the motion blur was ugly! Better pics when I've better lighting. (I do have my flash, but it's Burns Night…)
zrrion wrote: 25 Jan 2019, 19:26 It looks like the up and down arrows are switched.
Correct, and corrected. I bunged them on first before I had the row profile subtleties worked out.


25 Jan 2019, 20:01

Photato of my new keyboard, first time on a split keyboard :D

UHK.jpg (2.39 MiB) Viewed 11836 times

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25 Jan 2019, 20:01

That's actually quite a nice shot. A good example of how the right light makes all the difference.

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25 Jan 2019, 22:12

Muirium wrote: 25 Jan 2019, 14:40 Fantastic set! Pretty sure I've put on on all wrong! Anyone got the official dev/tty Elven key chart?
Do you mean this?:
dev_tty_elven.jpg (40.89 KiB) Viewed 11795 times
This arrangement seems to be sorted just by the looks of the characters though - without any "deeper meaning", or can someone tell more about the thoughts behind this?

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26 Jan 2019, 05:40

I believe the keycap assignments correspond to one of the Sindarin fonts out there.

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26 Jan 2019, 10:44

Yes, sure, but if I would have done it, I might have taken a Sindarin character, that stands for a sound like "s" and would have put it in the normal position of the "S" key and so on. It could probably not be done for every key perfectly, but I would do it where possible.

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26 Jan 2019, 13:15

That is indeed the official layout. Matteo sent me this picture of the actual set he shipped me: (he just forgot the spacebar!)


I get AJM's point. Here's the thing, though, see those Hiragana caps on my Realforce? They don't correspond to the sounds of QWERTY's letters either.


Look at the rather distinctive の on K. That Hiragana character is called "no" and has nothing to do with K at all. Japanese has plenty of K sounds, however, and Hiragana has a whole row of them. Yet none of these is on the K key! Strange, huh? And yet, this is the standard:
Japanese MacBook.png
Japanese MacBook.png (836.42 KiB) Viewed 11709 times
If I was designing Japan's keyboards, I'd have taken AJM's approach as well. But things don't always work out that way.

Now, Sindarin is a complex beast. Glancing at Wikipedia, I know I don't understand it. But is its writing system a syllabary like Japanese (in Hiragana and Katakana)? I like those—I may even have one of my own in the early stages—but I think they all rather break any hope of 1:1 compatibility with alphabet representations, as we're so used to on our keyboards. Syllabaries are more about grids. Indeed, they're more attuned to matrix layouts and Tipro!

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26 Jan 2019, 13:19

AJM wrote: 26 Jan 2019, 10:44 Yes, sure, but if I would have done it, I might have taken a Sindarin character, that stands for a sound like "s" and would have put it in the normal position of the "S" key and so on. It could probably not be done for every key perfectly, but I would do it where possible.
that wouldn't be possible. First because there are not enough letters for the sindarin sounds, secondly because each language has different sounds.

I used a standard for typing Sindaring, this way it's not just a fancy otaku set, but it's also a functional set. If you really want to write in sindarin, now you can.

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26 Jan 2019, 13:58

If some Sindarin experts have designed that layout, I'm already quite happy. Should you have any links to more detailed information about how that was thought out, I would be very interested and grateful.

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26 Jan 2019, 14:01

AJM wrote: 26 Jan 2019, 13:58 If some Sindarin experts have designed that layout, I'm already quite happy. Should you have any links to more detailed information about how that was thought out, I would be very interested and grateful.
this might be helpful

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