Round 5: The Cappening

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17 Jun 2015, 21:42

Following in the grand tradition of Round 4 (remember that? I was but a newb when I saw those pics show up) here's 7bit's magnificent followup: Round 5 in all its flaunty glory! Feel free to post your own shots in the thread, once yours arrives.

So, first up, here's the basic HONEY colourway on a NovaTouch, compared to the original Honeywell terminal keyboard this GB was designed against.
Honey Overview.JPG
Honey Overview.JPG (290.09 KiB) Viewed 40100 times
Pretty close. The GPA grey we're using is a little darker than the Honeywell original, but just as warm. I don't think this does any harm. It's a subtle difference, and even I'm not putting these caps on the Honeywell! Ours contrasts just as well with both white and black. Useful for all the Round 5 mixes ahead.
Honey Shine.JPG
Honey Shine.JPG (246.52 KiB) Viewed 40100 times
The original Honeywell caps are super shiny on the sides. Ours are a little more matte. But still plenty reflective in the grand scheme of things, as you'll see in later shots.
Red JRET.JPG (229.25 KiB) Viewed 40100 times
I really like how the ISO Return pops in red! Unlike Round 4 SPH, these chunky fellas are true doubleshot in Round 5. No engraving here!
ISO Haze.JPG (216.76 KiB) Viewed 40100 times
There's nothing quite like a desk full of caps! Especially when they're brand new tall sphericals, aw yeah! Accept no substitute. The sheer spherical sheen of these white alphas is just too juicy. These guys are epic.
Spherical Shine.JPG
Spherical Shine.JPG (245 KiB) Viewed 40100 times
I like using NovaTouches to pose caps. The one at the top wearing a set of Cherry doubleshots sent to me by DanielT. They're incomplete, so I threw some black Round 5s its way. Not quite the same, low, Cherry profile of course!
Black Cherry.JPG
Black Cherry.JPG (241.79 KiB) Viewed 40100 times
Ah well. Let's try something else…
Brothers.JPG (323.81 KiB) Viewed 40100 times
That's more like it. Granite! And I'm not talking DSA. This is IBM style!
Low Side.JPG
Low Side.JPG (260.59 KiB) Viewed 40100 times
Note the fixed rows and all new 2.25u caps. At last! All we're missing now is row 4 SHIF Ts. (Also SHIFT keys!) Naturally I got the blue REPAIR kit for my Round 4 SPH set. I'll post pics of that on something soon enough.
Close Keys.JPG
Close Keys.JPG (240.02 KiB) Viewed 40100 times
Classics, both.
SquareTouch.JPG (327.19 KiB) Viewed 40100 times
Guess which one I'm typing on tonight?

So, there you have it. The Cappening is upon us. Share your shots, and raise a glass for the man that made it happen: 7bit! And if you're wondering where to get them: go ask in the thread. It's complicated.

Best. Caps. Yet.

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17 Jun 2015, 21:53

Very, very handsome boards. I love both colourways a huge amount, though I actually expected that I'd prefer the GRAPHITE set more. Looks very well.

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17 Jun 2015, 21:58

Bugger, you're right: it's GRAPHITE, not GRANITE! Technically, I didn't order one, but pieced it together from different sets. It's a complex old order, all right…

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17 Jun 2015, 21:59

Didn't even notice that when reading it! Did I mention that I'm jealous?!?

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17 Jun 2015, 22:06

I didn't even read...I was drooling at the pics...SO JEALOUS...

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17 Jun 2015, 22:07


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17 Jun 2015, 22:09

Muirium wrote: That's more like it. Granite! And I'm not talking DSA. This is IBM style!
Don't you mean Graphite?

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17 Jun 2015, 22:15


With all that TENKLESS action, I only got one numpad kit. Hmm…

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17 Jun 2015, 22:17

I have like, all the numpads and maybe extras, so lmk if you need any of them. Plus there are extras iirc.

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17 Jun 2015, 22:30

Is it just me, or are the legends on the numrow and function row dancing all over the place? :?


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17 Jun 2015, 22:31

The NovaTouch isn't the best aligned board out there. Compare: ... t8488.html

Also, I shot all these with a wide lens. Expect some barrel distortion, especially on the whole keyboard shots.

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17 Jun 2015, 22:33

I was just gonna say that. Also the legends on R5 are noticeably smaller / thinner. But it makes it more 'modern' i guess.

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17 Jun 2015, 22:39

The "Graphite" one looks really cool by the way. A bit Dolch-y, but the deep black really makes it pop.

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17 Jun 2015, 22:41

Want my caps!

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Cherry Picker

17 Jun 2015, 22:42

The keycaps are taller than the keyboard!


17 Jun 2015, 23:11

Wait, that Round 5 group buy was for cherry caps? I just saw the pictures of the non-cherry keys in the first post and moved on since I don't have a keyboard that fits those caps. They should have made that clearer because those caps are very nice.

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17 Jun 2015, 23:25

OP def stated MX mounts made by Signature Plastics in SA profile. I'm sure there will be some for sale soon, either by cap shops or people parting with theirs.

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18 Jun 2015, 00:56

Yeah, always helps to read the OP. I don't think even 7bit's nutty enough to do a GB for vintage Micro Switch caps!

janvkn wrote: The "Graphite" one looks really cool by the way. A bit Dolch-y, but the deep black really makes it pop.
Yeah, I reckon so too. I've got a Dolch DSA set, but Round 5's Graphite combo is bolder. Besides, I really do prefer Round 5's tall SA profile over DSA.

Round 5 Graphite: (bottom keyboard)


DSA Dolch:


The red TRANSMIT key doesn't hurt either! I'll shoot it with a grey spacebar tomorrow for a clearer contest.

By the way, I've already prepared the next keyboard. This one's native Cherry MX. And it's wearing a whole different colour scheme again. Pretty dazzling… but no light! It'll be tomorrow's.


18 Jun 2015, 03:19

Wow.. The Round 5 caps look great. The darker grey looks nice, and all the non-yellowy whiteness. :-) These caps/colors should be standard issue and perpetually for sale. They are timeless and mix & match in so many ways. Thanks for the pics, Muirium!

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18 Jun 2015, 05:24

Excellent photos once again, and really fast, Mu, thanks!

So looking forward to my caps.

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18 Jun 2015, 07:22

Oh jesus, I'm so jealous. :shock:

I've got some of the leftovers from Round 5 coming in too, but nowhere near a full set. Will have to wait until Round 5A to finally complete my endgame keyset. :cry:

Enjoy them!

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18 Jun 2015, 09:05

Ooh! Round 5 Honey looks really nice! Was it worth the wait? Have SP done their QC homework? I've been hesitant to get any SP stuff since both my Granite and Nuclear Data sets had it's issues.

Anyway, I'm pretty jealous, but find comfort in my HHKB... Guessing Round 5a might take off soon if you continue bombarding the forum with your pics, Mu :evilgeek:

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Un petit village gaulois d'Armorique…

18 Jun 2015, 11:45

Really nice shots :) Round 5 looks very good, I still don't regret selling my order, I just can't type on SA caps, way too high :(

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18 Jun 2015, 12:41

Really nice, the red RETURN is a nice color splash, I can't wait now until I get my caps! So I can only post my mockup for now, which I have made in various combinations, but this one is my favourite...


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18 Jun 2015, 12:57

DanielT wrote: Really nice shots :) Round 5 looks very good, I still don't regret selling my order, I just can't type on SA caps, way too high :(
I have never typed on them but have a quite big order anyway :D
If they are to tall I going to extend my fingers surgically.

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18 Jun 2015, 12:58

Madhias wrote: Really nice, the red RETURN is a nice color splash, I can't wait now until I get my caps! So I can only post my mockup for now, which I have made in various combinations, but this one is my favourite...

Looks nice! Interesting bottom row.

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Cooler Master Employee

18 Jun 2015, 12:59

Those caps look real sweet on the NovaTouch TKL Murium :mrgreen: !!

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18 Jun 2015, 13:01

Well everything looks good on the NovaTouch. But these look that and then some!


Yeah, I wish I ordered more than one red ISO Return now. It's the boss. Of course, back when I ordered these, I didn't have the same keyboards I do today! I think I did a pretty good job making my order adaptable. (Translation: I ordered almost everything…)

@DanielT & Photekq.

I know where you Cherry profile guys are coming from. I like low caps too. My recent exposure to Cherry PBTs in particular has been pretty good. But I'm a vintage man and these SA's feel every bit as good as they look, to me. Loving them!

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18 Jun 2015, 14:22

Very nice. Are these what SP calls "semi matte top and sides" or gloss?

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18 Jun 2015, 14:30

Yeah, they're semi matte. If you want shiny: just type on them! I'll shoot some pictures with my well used Round 4 SPH set included so you can see the effect of wear.

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