Red Alert Otaku RGB Moba 7bit OTD Phantom with clack

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06 Oct 2012, 16:42

My recently built 7bit board! :mrgreen:


missing one size white keycap... annoying!

7bit well done mate, it's a thing of class and beauty!

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06 Oct 2012, 17:32

League of Legends layout? ;)

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06 Oct 2012, 18:17

I've been watching the Season 2 champs over the weekend :)

I should have modified the plate to take a jreturn :evilgeek:

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06 Oct 2012, 21:05

Cool! :-D

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06 Oct 2012, 23:08

Didn't have you down as a LoL player mate, very nice board. I'm going to get some pics of mine up soon; full of ISO Cherry doubleshots ;).


07 Oct 2012, 01:49

Where did you get those white keys next to your Alt? They are 1.75x right?

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07 Oct 2012, 08:32

I wouldn't call.myself a lol player. I've played mobas since my mates dragged me out of tower defense mods in Warcraft 3. I enjoy playing the game, but hate the other players, its better in lol, the Warcraft lobby was a pit of concentrated hate and abuse.

The white keys are from sig plastics stock. Danwang sold them on to me. Just had enough to do the mods. Still missing one key the right size.

Need to photo the phantom collection :evilgeek:

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