... 42b4c0d82e
(I might be willing to make 3 and part with two since alps switches come in packs of 200 and oshpark sells their PCBs in batches of 3)
I have been thinking about replacing the "Nav Mod" key and the corresponding (bottom most) fn layer with one of these (or something similar): ... fac575509b ... -uTY_ldX8g
I don't actually intend to use it like a trackpoint... I want to use it to send the up/down/left/right scan codes... so the analog function isn't very useful to me.
So here are the problems I have to solve:
Does the analog stick close a circuit (like a key switch) when it is actuated?
Will it fit between the other keyswitches on the pcb?
Will I have enough pins left over on the teensy? (although, assuming it is two pins per direction, I can't imagine this being two big of an issue)
What do you guys think? Too much effort for too little gain? I don't really mind macro layers (I use a ton on my other customs XD)