Seeking Soarer - evidence thread

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27 May 2021, 21:10

esr wrote: 27 May 2021, 19:30
mode1ace wrote: 27 May 2021, 19:05 Have you considered just doing some programming tho? seems easier.
Yes, it would be that. I maintain, at last count, somewhere over 50 open-source projects. I'm never short of work to do.

But it also true that lots of people can sling code. Far fewer also know IP law, have a nodding acquaintance with civil procedure in U.S. and Great Britain, have founded and run an organization that curates open-source licenses, and have rubber-meets-the-road experience in major IP litigation. In fact, as far as I know, that set is a singleton.

The hacker ethic I live by is that you apply your skills for the good of all where they're least replaceable, not where it's easiest.
So is that why you need a "team of lawyers" and are asking for everyones help in doing this when you could just improve qmk or just write your own thing?

Yeah im sure if he is dead his family wouldnt mind whatsoever about his address being published publically. Im sure someone whos lost a family member wants a bunch of neckbeards harassing them over it 7 years later

If soarer is alive and reading this Id imagine hes laughing his ass off at this thread. Comparing it to Shakespeare, and talking about international lawsuits over a vintage keyboard converter. Truly one for the books

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27 May 2021, 21:12

webwit wrote: 27 May 2021, 21:05 Meanwhile...

Soarer had THREE hands? No wonder he was so prolific with the keyboards.

That, or he's secretly Zaphod and has expertly hidden one of his heads. 8-)

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E TwentyNine

27 May 2021, 21:12

webwit wrote: 27 May 2021, 21:05 Meanwhile...

:lol: Honestly, this was something I was pondering. What if he's not dead, and instead he got hauled away for some heinous crime and we're going to find out about it by doxxing him?

There's any number of reasons he could have gone quiet online, death is only one.

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27 May 2021, 21:14

E TwentyNine wrote: 27 May 2021, 21:12
webwit wrote: 27 May 2021, 21:05 Meanwhile...

:lol: Honestly, this was something I was pondering. What if he's not dead, and instead he got hauled away for some heinous crime and we're going to find out about it by doxxing him?

There's any number of reasons he could have gone quiet online, death is only one.
Well, if it's for tax reasons, he's supposed to spend only one year dead, not a decade. :mrgreen:


27 May 2021, 21:17

Meanwhile, I have checked the land registry for the address that webwit had, and it's not owned by Soarer. So if you'd decided to post it publicly you'd have doxed some family that had nothing to do with this mess.

Good job.

Maybe we can put this stupid thread to bed now? This seems like it has the potential for an awful lot of collateral damage for no good reason. Gives me big "reddit investigating the boston bomber and pinning it on the wrong guy" vibes.

edit: have now deleted all of my copies of the results of the land registry search and the PM from webwit because i comply with the Data Protection Act 2018, don't ask me for it
Last edited by shallot on 27 May 2021, 21:36, edited 2 times in total.

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27 May 2021, 21:19

jmaynard wrote: 27 May 2021, 21:00
zrrion wrote: 27 May 2021, 20:37
jmaynard wrote: 27 May 2021, 16:36I use "his" in the classic English sense when an non-sex-specific third person pronoun is called for.
Point of order here, but using him in that situation is improper English. The correct gender neutral third person pronoun is "they." Whoever told you him was gender neutral was mistaken.
Singular "they" is very recent.
It actually isn't, it was and has been the rule for a while. There have been a few spelling/grammar reforms through the years that have attempted to inject rules into English without ever reflecting common use.

Less vs fewer is a good example, that "rule" is derived from an individual person's preference for how those words should be used, but did not reflect usage at the time and continues to not reflect common usage, another rule of this type is not splitting infinitives (to boldly go vs to go boldly) was lifted out of Latin just because the people attempting these reforms liked Latin.

Singular they/them is another of these changes but there was never a common use replacement for singular they and people generally still used they/them the entire time. "If you have a new clerk and haven't met them yet, how do you know their name?" Is a fairly typical use for the word that changes meaning if you try and use him as a neutral pronoun.

Recent adoption of they/them as a *non-ambiguous* neutral pronoun is relatively new but isn't applicable to how you were using him incorrectly. (I suspect it would be older if previous reforms didn't baselessly insist it was incorrect to use it in that way though, especially since it would be very useful in describing people from cultures that don't have a binary grammatical/social gender and those cultures aren't exactly new.)


27 May 2021, 21:35

E TwentyNine wrote: 27 May 2021, 20:11 You're saying "you think", which is simply not a convincing statement. You said you have a lawyer who was going to chime up in this thread if needed. Have they done so and identified themselves?
No. And at this point I'd have a much more difficult time persuading the attorney to show up than I would have three days ago. My friend who's a license-compliance officer at a hyperscale has been monitoring the thread and exclaiming with increasing disgust.

There are costs to behaving like a mob of poo-flinging howler monkeys. If those of you with a modicum of manners can't put enough pressure on to quell that behavior, I'm certainly not going to pull my friends into this thread to be abused.


27 May 2021, 21:38

esr wrote: 27 May 2021, 21:35I'm certainly not going to pull my friends into this thread to be abused.


27 May 2021, 21:39

depletedvespene wrote: 27 May 2021, 20:37 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWW, a BAE lover. Time for cancellation! 8-)
I like BAEs and I cannot lie.


27 May 2021, 21:39

esr wrote: 27 May 2021, 21:35
E TwentyNine wrote: 27 May 2021, 20:11 You're saying "you think", which is simply not a convincing statement. You said you have a lawyer who was going to chime up in this thread if needed. Have they done so and identified themselves?
No. And at this point I'd have a much more difficult time persuading the attorney to show up than I would have three days ago. My friend who's a license-compliance officer at a hyperscale has been monitoring the thread and exclaiming with increasing disgust.

There are costs to behaving like a mob of poo-flinging howler monkeys. If those of you with a modicum of manners can't put enough pressure on to quell that behavior, I'm certainly not going to pull my friends into this thread to be abused.
My legal team and I are appalled that you told me to piss my pants.

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27 May 2021, 21:43

mode1ace wrote: 27 May 2021, 21:38
esr wrote: 27 May 2021, 21:35I'm certainly not going to pull my friends into this thread to be abused.
Who'd have guessed that a small mob *within* DT would out-toxic the toxic gits in the TG channel? :roll: :roll: :roll:

Thanks for nothing, JERKS.

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ISO Advocate

27 May 2021, 21:57

chimp wrote: 27 May 2021, 21:53
depletedvespene wrote: 27 May 2021, 21:43 Who'd have guessed that a small mob *within* DT would out-toxic the toxic gits in the TG channel? :roll: :roll: :roll:

Thanks for nothing, JERKS.
Let's ask @Solsed to do a video of those! She can, in one fell swoop, show off her typing skills, her hands (of which we've only seen part of so far) AND the artisans she makes (with a cameo of the pink+blue cable, of course). 👍
Yeah creepy grooming like that lead to the creation of special TG channel for all the creeps. Didn‘t miguel get his invite?

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E TwentyNine

27 May 2021, 22:09

esr wrote: 27 May 2021, 21:35
E TwentyNine wrote: 27 May 2021, 20:11 You're saying "you think", which is simply not a convincing statement. You said you have a lawyer who was going to chime up in this thread if needed. Have they done so and identified themselves?
No. And at this point I'd have a much more difficult time persuading the attorney to show up than I would have three days ago. My friend who's a license-compliance officer at a hyperscale has been monitoring the thread and exclaiming with increasing disgust.

There are costs to behaving like a mob of poo-flinging howler monkeys. If those of you with a modicum of manners can't put enough pressure on to quell that behavior, I'm certainly not going to pull my friends into this thread to be abused.
You're not that delicate and I doubt your friend is either. If they've been monitoring the thread they're already seen the monkeys.

It's simple enough to wade past the dung and provide answers to straightforward questions.


27 May 2021, 22:10

shallot wrote: 27 May 2021, 21:17 Meanwhile, I have checked the land registry for the address that webwit had, and it's not owned by Soarer.
Well, that's progress. It raises the Bayesian weight on the theory that he's dead, which is unhappy but I was already assigning that a 70%+ probability, so not much has really changed.
So if you'd decided to post it publicly you'd have doxed some family that had nothing to do with this mess.
Incorrect and tendentious use of "doxxed", since nobody intends any harm to them, cares who they are, or even gives a crap about the address given that Soarer no longer lives there. The mere existence of a particular street address with random people living at it is in no way sensitive information.
edit: have now deleted all of my copies of the results of the land registry search and the PM from webwit because i comply with the Data Protection Act 2018, don't ask me for it
Nevertheless, you've done some good.

Knowing that this fact can be established by a land registry search is important. In the event of litigation Soarer's name is gong to come out. Being able to say "We know he's gone from where he was living" is significant in applying for a declaration of presumptive death, both under Anglo-American common law and British procedure after it was reformed in 2013.

Maybe some of the rest of you could consider finding useful searches to do? It would be more constructive than screaming.

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27 May 2021, 22:10

esr wrote: 27 May 2021, 21:35
E TwentyNine wrote: 27 May 2021, 20:11 You're saying "you think", which is simply not a convincing statement. You said you have a lawyer who was going to chime up in this thread if needed. Have they done so and identified themselves?
No. And at this point I'd have a much more difficult time persuading the attorney to show up than I would have three days ago. My friend who's a license-compliance officer at a hyperscale has been monitoring the thread and exclaiming with increasing disgust.

There are costs to behaving like a mob of poo-flinging howler monkeys. If those of you with a modicum of manners can't put enough pressure on to quell that behavior, I'm certainly not going to pull my friends into this thread to be abused.
Hey there, I too have been having a good laugh at this thread with my team of lawyers, government spies and CEOs.

They told me to tell you how much of a joke this whole thing is. Just improve qmk if youre so savvy with code and stop trynna bigman.

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27 May 2021, 22:10

chimp wrote: 27 May 2021, 21:53 Let's ask…
Please keep your useless, toxic garbage in the TG channel. Thank you.


27 May 2021, 22:13

E TwentyNine wrote: 27 May 2021, 22:09 It's simple enough to wade past the dung and provide answers to straightforward questions.
Ask your questions and I'll pass them on. If my friends aren't too disgusted with the lot of you to bother, I will relay their answers.

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E TwentyNine

27 May 2021, 22:21

esr wrote: 27 May 2021, 22:13
E TwentyNine wrote: 27 May 2021, 22:09 It's simple enough to wade past the dung and provide answers to straightforward questions.
Ask your questions and I'll pass them on. If my friends aren't too digusted with the lot of you to bother, I will relay their answers.
I asked above but will restate: What is the necessity to make a name, address, or other personal information public? If Soarer is tracked down in private and that information is provided to the parties than can verify willingness to release the source code by Soarer('s family) to their satisfaction, why release the personal info? Just notify the world that the conditions have been met so the code can then be open sourced.


27 May 2021, 22:32

esr wrote: 27 May 2021, 22:10
shallot wrote: 27 May 2021, 21:17 Meanwhile, I have checked the land registry for the address that webwit had, and it's not owned by Soarer.
Well, that's progress. It raises the Bayesian weight on the theory that he's dead, which is unhappy but I was already assigning that a 70%+ probability, so not much has really changed.
So if you'd decided to post it publicly you'd have doxed some family that had nothing to do with this mess.
Incorrect and tendentious use of "doxxed", since nobody intends any harm to them, cares who they are, or even gives a crap about the address given that Soarer no longer lives there. The mere existence of a particular street address with random people living at it is in no way sensitive information.
edit: have now deleted all of my copies of the results of the land registry search and the PM from webwit because i comply with the Data Protection Act 2018, don't ask me for it
Nevertheless, you've done some good.

Knowing that this fact can be established by a land registry search is important. In the event of litigation Soarer's name is gong to come out. Being able to say "We know he's gone from where he was living" is significant in applying for a declaration of presumptive death, both under Anglo-American common law and British procedure after it was reformed in 2013.

Maybe some of the rest of you could consider finding useful searches to do? It would be more constructive than screaming.
Yeah keep trying to drag a potentially dead man's family into court over a keyboard converter, Jesus Christ. Dude might have been renting or anything, you don't know shit. Just leave off and clean room it if you want a converter that works like soarers. I know you're Mr. Open Source and this carries some philosophical meaning to you but there is a line where you go too far. You've long crossed that line.

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Gotta start somewhere

27 May 2021, 22:32

Why bother with any of it? I don't know why anyone would feel obligated to get "permission" to decompile something that's been abandoned for almost a decade. Just post it on github and open source it.

Exactly like shallot stated...
There is ZERO NEED to search around and look at laws and court procedure, or try to find personal information of any kind on soarer. If he's dead I wouldn't want to bother his family and remind them that he's dead. If he isn't dead and hasn't cared to message once in over 8 years I don't think he will care if it's open sourced. I see two options. Either decompile the firmware and open source so others can contribute, or work on a better alternative such as TMK/QMK. Quit wasting time with this detective bullshit :lol:
Last edited by Redmaus on 27 May 2021, 22:33, edited 1 time in total.


27 May 2021, 22:33

I'm aware that I have also crossed a line relentlessly trolling you, before anyone else pipes up with that, but I'm unrepentant. At least I'm not planning to fuck with a dead guy's family.


27 May 2021, 22:33

Or yeah. Open source it and if you get a c&d... cease and desist. it's not hard.

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27 May 2021, 22:36

Redmaus wrote: 27 May 2021, 22:32 Why bother with any of it? I don't know why anyone would feel obligated to get "permission" to decompile something that's been abandoned for almost a decade. Just post it on github and open source it.
A GOOD FAITH EFFORT TO FIND THE OWNER HAS TO BE MADE FIRST. This is true for intellectual property, true for real estate, etcetera. I don't understand why some people insist on glossing this over, FFS.

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27 May 2021, 22:38

shallot wrote: 27 May 2021, 22:33 I'm aware that I have also crossed a line relentlessly trolling you, before anyone else pipes up with that, but I'm unrepentant. At least I'm not planning to fuck with a dead guy's family.
And you have proven today to be an abusive person that not few people will have trouble trusting. You have done quite a lot of damage to yourself for no good reason.

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27 May 2021, 22:39

Webwit, please lock this thread already. The shiRt has hit the fLan beyond any other thread in the last two years.

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27 May 2021, 22:41

I have to say, I'm appalled and surprised by the behaviour of certain members.


27 May 2021, 22:43

depletedvespene wrote: 27 May 2021, 22:10
chimp wrote: 27 May 2021, 21:53 Let's ask…
Please keep your useless, toxic garbage in the TG channel. Thank you.
Except it was exactly, word by word, what you sent there. Wasn’t that hilarious that solsed is actually pornhub verified? And you were jealous about it? :lol:

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E TwentyNine

27 May 2021, 22:46

depletedvespene wrote: 27 May 2021, 22:39 Webwit, please lock this thread already. The shiRt has hit the fLan beyond any other thread in the last two years.
Not yet. Though it could use a pruning of the name calling and if DT has some kind of temporary ban for such, that too.

But there's still open questions.

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Gotta start somewhere

27 May 2021, 22:47

depletedvespene wrote: 27 May 2021, 22:36 A GOOD FAITH EFFORT TO FIND THE OWNER HAS TO BE MADE FIRST. This is true for intellectual property, true for real estate, etcetera. I don't understand why some people insist on glossing this over, FFS.
A good faith effort has already been made. Not that it matters. I don't remember soarer ever putting his converter under any license. Also this isn't real estate either. It's a KEYBOARD CONVERTER that hasn't been touched in 8 years.

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27 May 2021, 22:51

Redmaus wrote: 27 May 2021, 22:47
depletedvespene wrote: 27 May 2021, 22:36 A GOOD FAITH EFFORT TO FIND THE OWNER HAS TO BE MADE FIRST. This is true for intellectual property, true for real estate, etcetera. I don't understand why some people insist on glossing this over, FFS.
A good faith effort has already been made. Not that it matters. I don't remember soarer ever putting his converter under any license. Also this isn't real estate either. It's a KEYBOARD CONVERTER that hasn't been touched in 8 years.
A GOOD piece of software that still sees active usage and is different enough in approach to be a viable alternative to QMK. If it were just "yet another X", no one would care, but that is not the case.

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