I work for a few months (years ?) on keyboards of my own. I recently posted some pictures on http://forum.bepo.fr where I was advised to post on http://deskthority.net.
Here I discovered Dox work (http://deskthority.net/workshop-f7/spli ... t1753.html) and Suka work (http://deskthority.net/workshop-f7/my-d ... t2534.html) that are close to what I'm looking for.
I present you quickly my first experiment. It's a split keyboard using thumb modifiers and integrating a mouse. It is based on a teensy connected with a PS2 chip from an old keyboard for matrix detection. The keys are from an old wyse keyboard.
It's as a proof of concept for my own purpose, it's a prototype. Dox and Suka made a much cleaner job, I mainly worked with recycled materials.
Layout is not optimized that much. It's mainly a bepo layout (http://bepo.fr)
I upload the code at https://github.com/Bigot/cladeon. You are warned, I code like I solder...
I'm now working on a new version, I hope a bit lighter and more usable.