The long journey of the WhiteFox

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12 Dec 2015, 14:22

XMIT wrote: Zealio purple switches are still unavailable as of this writing. :-(
they been added and ran out in an heart beat.

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12 Dec 2015, 14:54

They added greens! But its and extra $50 I might as well get a gateron kit and just buy my own greens elsewhere. Barebones is close, but i want the caps if i get in on this.

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12 Dec 2015, 20:01

@matt3o: Naive question -- Regarding the DIY kit, does this circuitry work okay if you omit the LEDs and solder only the switches in place?


12 Dec 2015, 20:09

I tryed PM'ing you Matt3o, but no ansver. So ill try here instead

What keycap sets support the ISO layout for the Whitefox ? Ive jumped on the massdrop, but now im getting more and more unsure, if i can find keycap sets for it, since its not 100% standard layout.

Oh and might be a stupid question, but can you get white arrow keys on the Whitefox ? Instead of the blue ones and maybe the ESC key. Sorta OCD i guess, but i prefer just all white keycaps or black


12 Dec 2015, 20:12

"The WhiteFox comes stocked with thick PBT Cherry profile keycaps, with crisp dye-sublimated and centered legends designed by Matteo himself." Pulled directly from massdrop

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12 Dec 2015, 20:13

@grogak I'd be willing to be any and all DSA sets would make sense, Granite would work, you could make SA retro work, and Round 5 for sure.

@codemonkeymike that hardly answers it, because cherry profile in its standard form would probably have different row assignments then this custom set for the WhiteFox

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12 Dec 2015, 20:15

Grogak wrote: I tryed PM'ing you Matt3o, but no ansver. So ill try here instead

What keycap sets support the ISO layout for the Whitefox ? Ive jumped on the massdrop, but now im getting more and more unsure, if i can find keycap sets for it, since its not 100% standard layout.

Oh and might be a stupid question, but can you get white arrow keys on the Whitefox ? Instead of the blue ones and maybe the ESC key. Sorta OCD i guess, but i prefer just all white keycaps or black
sorry, I haven't received your PM.

Granite is 100% compatible with all whitefox layouts, probably all keycaps designed by me are compatible with the whitefox starting from DSA Retro, SA Retro, Midnight. Round 5 is definitely compatible, too.

Sorry, you gotta fight your OCD and enjoy the blue arrows :)


12 Dec 2015, 21:06

one quick question: if assembled, do we still get all the keycap from the kit? (including the ISO)


12 Dec 2015, 22:44

Are the cherry MX key switches are PCB or PLATE mounted?

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12 Dec 2015, 23:03

kri5 wrote: Are the cherry MX key switches are PCB or PLATE mounted?
"You can use both plate and pcb mounted switches (you always get a plate even with the barebone kit). If you want to use the PCB alone of course you need PCB mounted but the case doesn't support that, you'd need quite some modding."



13 Dec 2015, 00:11

What a great project an execution. I see more than one thousand people had already put their money at Massdrop's buy.

I've already started to save in case there are plans for future versions.


13 Dec 2015, 01:13

Just noticed they upped the max quantity to 2000, the second batch being shipped in May.

Last edited by Matt_ on 13 Dec 2015, 01:46, edited 1 time in total.

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13 Dec 2015, 01:35

@matt3o: Congratulations on the success of this project! It is amazing to see how quickly these have sold on Massdrop!

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13 Dec 2015, 04:27

Just bought one of the last of the first batch from 30,000 feet in the air (side-note: Lufthansa are awesome). Couldn't resist. You're the boss, matt3o.

Related note... does anyone have a 1.5u backspace for granite?!

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13 Dec 2015, 04:34

(Free inflight wifi level awesome, or just the fact they have it for purchase? I was playing that game on United back on Thursday night. Cost me a couple of coffees, but was well worth it as my first internet access since leaving home.)

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13 Dec 2015, 04:59

It was €12.50, but for a 12-hour flight, 6 hour layover and a further 2 hour flight I'd easily pay 4x that. *

* I'm expensing it anyway...


13 Dec 2015, 07:42

A really awesome keyboard you've of together here! I'm just about to hit the trigger, but being Danish, it kind of saddens me that I would have to replace this awesome keycap set with something else to get my native legends. Well you release the a "full set" in the future, which might include these?

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13 Dec 2015, 09:18

julientaq wrote: one quick question: if assembled, do we still get all the keycap from the kit? (including the ISO)
I believe so, if not that would be an error.
Hypersphere wrote: @matt3o: Congratulations on the success of this project! It is amazing to see how quickly these have sold on Massdrop!
thanks :)

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13 Dec 2015, 11:33

God damn it, I wasn't supposed to buy any more keyboards for a while. Now I've ordered a barebones WhiteFox, and I'll have to get switches and more keys. And find my soldering iron, and probably buy more solder. And diodes, possibly. And then solder the whole thing together without breaking it, after which I'll have to find out a way to justify having more keyboards than I have computers. Oh, the agony!


13 Dec 2015, 14:50

Just joined the drop on massdrop. Can't wait to get it!

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emacs -nw

13 Dec 2015, 15:48

josm wrote: Just joined the drop on massdrop. Can't wait to get it!
You'll only have to wait until the start of June, probably ...


13 Dec 2015, 19:16

Laser wrote:
josm wrote: Just joined the drop on massdrop. Can't wait to get it!
You'll only have to wait until the start of June, probably ...
Oh, I'm fully aware of that :P

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14 Dec 2015, 04:26

Is there actually a mute key in the set?

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14 Dec 2015, 08:53

stuplarosa wrote: Is there actually a mute key in the set?

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14 Dec 2015, 14:04

Just a quick heads-up if you get the barebone kit without keycaps, Signature Plastics is selling the Midnight Set ( ... et-50-off/ ) with a 50% discount! Just remember to grab the additional modifiers to cover the whitefox!

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emacs -nw

14 Dec 2015, 14:36

Tentative question: would ordering a barebone kit make it ship ... earlier?

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14 Dec 2015, 15:44

Laser wrote: Tentative question: would ordering a barebone kit make it ship ... earlier?

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14 Dec 2015, 19:44

Love the quality ...And the attention to detail..Awesome looking..
My compliments :D matt3o

But to be truthful i rather like the Leopold and the VA68M layout..

Also..getting this from massdrop assembled with mx-clears. (don't have a solder iron)
would cost $217,40 around €200
adding 21% tax (EU tax NL) and 10% DHL custom fees.. That's an extra €61
Making the grand total around €260 ..ouch ..

It sucks living in Netherlands .....

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14 Dec 2015, 19:49

let's find an European distributor. The WhiteFox is open hardware, we can produce it any time we want.

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14 Dec 2015, 20:23

matt3o wrote: let's find an European distributor. The WhiteFox is open hardware, we can produce it any time we want.
Last time i went on a mission to find a EU distributor was for the KUL ES-87. In the end the reseller/distributor that previously never heard of KUL is now selling only that brand..And when i had (still have) problems with KUL ES-87 both manufacture and reseller dropped me like a ton bricks..

So i don't really care much for distributors to tell you the truth.. :cry:
Really a shame i have no experience or knowledge needed to become a distributor..
Because i feel we need someone that cares more about keyboards then making a $$ above all.. :ugeek:
First rule would be not being dependable on that store..So one could keep quality high..
So that's why i opted to hold of diving in ..And finish my Linux Cert studies..

Still the idea is playing around in my head.. :idea: :idea:

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