I did it! It involved some magicks, and I won't be able to produce anything decent out of those 4 modules mouser accidentally sent me instead of 2 because they don't have USB and I'm a bit too lazy to rewrite whole control interface to use bluetooth - BUT the scanner works!
It looks like this:
- PSoC6-scanner.png (134.89 KiB) Viewed 1536 times
And externally, it's pretty nasty lol
- psoc6-final-proto.jpg (341.16 KiB) Viewed 1536 times
fun fact - it reuses my first CS prototype board - in fact, the first PCB I ever ordered - as a carrier board:
- psoc6-proto1.jpg (198.23 KiB) Viewed 1536 times
- psoc6-proto2.jpg (367.58 KiB) Viewed 1536 times
Definitely not prod-ready, but "it's not just good - it's good enough!"
From this point, I can produce a BLE+USB (not "BLE but charged via USB", the real thing: USB-configurable, USB and BLE outputs, switched from keyboard by a key combination, battery- or bus-powered) capsense controller.
Unfortunately, this involves BGA soldering, so I'm only willing to do that for the MoQ of 50 (because stencils, solder paste etc etc) - and I doubt there will ever be demand for that much.
,,also, since making a BLE device requires paying $8000 ransom to BlueTooth SIG (they threaten to block you at customs otherwise), this will likely be US-only. Although nothing prevents us from having a non-BLE firmware, which will be changed to BLE-enabled one via bootloader for those who want LOL