I will be soon receiving a brand new (old stock) IBM Model M (1390120) and I was wondering if anyone had any advice on:
- Care
- Modification for use via USB
- Bolt/Screw modding before necessary
- Etc...
The reason I ask is that this is my 'first' IBM Model M, sure, I have used them back in the day heavily, but have not used one in years or even over a decade now and I really want to properly care for this 1390120, especially since it is such an early model IBM Model M and since it is basically untouched now for nearly 31 years!
I have a question about modifying or 'converting' the XT/AT interface of the 1390120. Since this was an early IBM Model M, it has an interesting hybrid connection setup, that being XT/AT, as opposed to the next Model M, the 1390131, which is of course AT/PS2. Is there anything in particular that needs to be taken into account or considered when interfacing to the controller on the 1390120?
In terms of 'available' converters, it seems that, through my reading the forum posts, that Soarer's converter is closed source and is now abandonware? Has anyone undertaken an effort to produce an open source uC converter variant? If the answer is no, then I might seriously consider using the test equipment resources I have and produce such an open source converter for my own use, and as well as other's of course.
Thoughts on any of the above?