Request for AEK restoration ideas/help


21 Jan 2022, 21:24

So I recently bought this good looking japanese AEK :
kb.jpg (50.21 KiB) Viewed 4248 times
However, upon closer inspection, the board is absolutely rusted to rot:
IMG_20220116_175941~2.jpg (2.11 MiB) Viewed 4248 times
So, is this salvageable? Should I consider designing and manufacturing a new plate? I'm guessing the pcb/electronics are probably in quite the bad condition too, but haven't checked yet.

Would you recommend just salvaging the switches and keycaps and doing an alps tkl build instead?

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21 Jan 2022, 21:37

I have spare AEK parts if needed. Located in the USA. Send me a DM if you would like a replacement plate and/or a PCB/Case.

Example of a plate I can send out to you:



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21 Jan 2022, 21:43

Plates can usually be sanded back and painted unless they're really rusty. Biggest issue I've had on corroded boards is definitely the switches. Worth popping a few open to see how bad they are.
IMG_20210424_231235.jpg (479.09 KiB) Viewed 4229 times


22 Jan 2022, 22:08

Thanks for the replies! Shipping from USA is unfortunately impossible for me for the next 6 months due to my life situation, so I'll try to salvage it first.

The switches feel pretty good so I'm hopeful, but in worst case I have some donor switchplates from salmons and isopropanol.

Does anyone have any recommendations for adb converter repos for arduino pro micros? There seem to be at least a few different.

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22 Jan 2022, 22:44

The TMK (and QMK as far as I recall) adb_usb converter firmware works flawlessly for me (and has lots of nifty features)

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