Thock Thock Thock * PING *

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14 Jun 2022, 01:26

I have acquired a Leading Edge DC-2014 with blue Alps. I don't have any mechanical problems with the KB. However, the spacebar stabilizer goes PING whenever I hit the spacebar. It's comically higher pitch than the other keys, even the other stabilized keys.

The spacebar is 9U and is ABS. The stabilizer, itself, looks more or less like ---____--- The stabilizer sliders on the spacebar and "hooks" on the keyboard, itself, are lubed with Super Lube grease.

Any ideas?


14 Jun 2022, 05:20

Maybe put a thin layer of something soft under the wire to keep it from pinging on the plate?

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15 Jun 2022, 04:51

Lanrefni wrote: 14 Jun 2022, 05:20 Maybe put a thin layer of something soft under the wire to keep it from pinging on the plate?
I was doing some random Googling and I came across kuritakey's Magnavox Videowriter build. Same stabilizer. 9U spacebar. It looks like loading up the spacebar with something might be the route to take. I don't know if I have anything suitable around. Maybe art foam...?

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15 Jun 2022, 06:36

Twangy sound? Try a strip of paper between the wire and plate. I did that on one of my Alps boards, don't remember which one, but it worked. Brown paper bag paper is what I used.

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