Alinh's Vim cap madness group buy • How do you like your Vim? Tall SA? Flat DSA? It had better be spherical! Alinh and DanielT unleashed a green tidal wave on the novelty caps scene with their pioneering, and more than a little nutty, promotional work on PMK. Extra points for sharing their data. And if Vim wasn't enough, they did it again with Debian!
BSP keycaps from Imsto • What do you get when you take thick PBT Cherry profile blanks from BSP Europe, and let Imsto dyesub them? The answer is this delicious trio of Desko, Cyrillic and Czech replica sets. Another contender for this year's prize that popular demand had come back for an encore!
Facetsesame's "webwit" keys • Bizarre. Surreal. And that was just the design thread. Facetsesame's distinctive addon pack for Round 5 shipped way ahead of Round 5. Fortunately, distinguished ducks go well with SPH.
The Granite set by matt3o • Granite was the pioneering first PBT dyesub set in Signature Plastics low-spherical DSA profile. Boy, did that experiment pay off! Matt3o's elegant design, and a world of effort on the entirely bespoke legends set in gorgeous Gotham, made Granite an instant classic. Already run twice in its first year!
Vortex thick double-shot PBT sets • Vortex!?! Not usually prized for their quality, Vortex took a big step forward this year by bringing doubleshot PBT to the mainstream. Then they topped it off with transparent legends, making the holy grail of thick, backlight compatible caps. Remarkable progress in keycap technology!
And the Wingnut for Best keycaps 2014, as voted for by the members of deskthority, goes to...