Cherry MX 5000 - Le Hampo

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26 Jun 2017, 10:18

Boas pessoal, recebi hoje o meu 3º teclado mecânico, mas este sem duvida é o mais especial! Veio do lado dos Açores por uma boa quantia de dinheiro (não se acreditariam por quanto paguei por ele, pouco, muito pouco :P)

Para quem desconhece, este modelo de teclado consegue atingir valor absurdos (artigo) por serem extremamente raros.

O teclado possui Cherry MX Brown e Cherry MX Superblack de switches.

Foi o primeiro e o único Ergo feito pela Cherry.

Mais informações: wiki/Cherry_G80-5000








Agora é só dar uma limpeza e fica como novo.

Abraço! :)
Last edited by StreetGT on 09 Jul 2020, 17:07, edited 6 times in total.


26 Jun 2017, 11:44

OMG @.@

Muitos parabens! sempre quis experimentar um, ainda por cima em PT :D awesome! acho que em termos de mx e vintage, nao fica melhor do que isso hehe

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26 Jun 2017, 12:27

omg tou nos Açores e não vi nada disso por cá ainda!! Podes dizer onde arranjaste? pode ser que tenham mais ;)


26 Jun 2017, 12:36

Se tiverem mais do que um, tambem fico em fila de espera xD

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26 Jun 2017, 12:36

eu sou o serviço de proxy oficial pá :P

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26 Jun 2017, 16:25

lolpes wrote: OMG @.@

Muitos parabens! sempre quis experimentar um, ainda por cima em PT :D awesome! acho que em termos de mx e vintage, nao fica melhor do que isso hehe
Se fores dá zona do Porto quando houver um meetup eu deixo-te dar uns clickes :D
Prelim wrote: omg tou nos Açores e não vi nada disso por cá ainda!! Podes dizer onde arranjaste? pode ser que tenham mais ;)
Sim este veio dos Açores, encontrei-o no Custojusto, quem o vendeu não tinha noção do que tinha.

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08 Jul 2020, 02:23

Estou aberto a propostas para este teclado, quem estiver interessado MP ;)

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08 Jul 2020, 12:34

StreetGT wrote: 08 Jul 2020, 12:25 Tens este a venda no eBay por 849€ ... Sw4CFY0Y4o

O meu é layout PT, faz a oferta ;)
lol, milking the PT community....

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08 Jul 2020, 12:53

Prelim wrote: 08 Jul 2020, 12:34
StreetGT wrote: 08 Jul 2020, 12:25 Tens este a venda no eBay por 849€ ... Sw4CFY0Y4o

O meu é layout PT, faz a oferta ;)
lol, milking the PT community....
É a mesma coisa do que comprar um clássico, o dono tem um preço, o valor de venda depende de quem o comprar ;)
Arranja lá um igual com layout em PT e envia fotos depois.

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08 Jul 2020, 12:57

arranjo-te pelo menos 10, e New-in-box! Mas como eu sei os preços de mercado, tb sei que não vale nem metade do teu valor de referência.
em vez participares no forum da comunidade DT tuga, tentas esmifrá-los com um teclado que te custou 9€. talvez fosse melhor fazeres o trabalho de casa e perceberes qt vale realmente um G80-5000 ISO-PT usado, para dps venderes ao "highest bidder" chines/koreano etc...
Last edited by Prelim on 08 Jul 2020, 16:58, edited 1 time in total.

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08 Jul 2020, 14:02

Arranja aí então, fico-te com os 10 🙌🏻

A mim não me custou 9€, isso era o que tu querias que eu vendesse, mas não como gelados com a testa amigo.

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08 Jul 2020, 14:17

A ti custou 9€, escusas de mentir q só te fica mal. Eu vivo em Ponta Delgada e sei a loja onde foi comprado o teclado (

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08 Jul 2020, 14:31

Prelim wrote: 08 Jul 2020, 14:17 A ti custou 9€, escusas de mentir q só te fica mal. Eu vivo em Ponta Delgada e sei a loja onde foi comprado o teclado (
Arranjas os 10 ou não?

Continuo a dizer que não custou 9€ mas até podia ter sido oferecido. Quem quer, quer, quem não quer desanda. Fácil.

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08 Jul 2020, 14:38

Esquece amigo, estás mais que apresentado @StreetGT

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08 Jul 2020, 14:41

Zylkan wrote: 08 Jul 2020, 14:38 Esquece amigo, estás mais que apresentado @StreetGT
Se tiveres interessado podes comprar ao @Prelim, acho que ele tem bastantes para venda :D 8-)

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08 Jul 2020, 15:13


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08 Jul 2020, 15:25

Já em 2017 querias ver se arranjavas um... não é para quem quer, é para quem pode... paga o preço se quiseres um!

E com esta me despeço. Abraço amigo!

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08 Jul 2020, 16:44

Exacto, em 2017 já tinha percebido a loja onde tinhas comprado por 9€! obrigado por clarificares ;)

E ainda bem que eu dispenso apresentações na DT, já no teu caso os teus poucos posts são bastante relevadores. Consegues fazer figura de otário até ao fim, congrats!!

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08 Jul 2020, 18:42

Eu paguei os 9€ como tu consegues arranjar os 10! Mas como te disse até poderia ter sido oferecido, o valor de venda nunca ira ou iria ser o de compra! Quando arranjares um (a 9€ lol) depois publica ai umas fotos ;) e lembra-te que quem começou foste tu! Pareces o pessoal que quer comprar um carro e não tem dinheiro ou não quer pagar o preço, típico tuga.

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09 Jul 2020, 01:14

dogmantime wrote: 08 Jul 2020, 19:30 No idea what you lads are saying but hell yeah I love MX5000's :duck: :duck: :duck: :duck:
Nothing special, just a dude crying because he's not able to purchase one / get one :lol:


09 Jul 2020, 12:05

StreetGT wrote: 09 Jul 2020, 01:14 Nothing special, just a dude crying because he's not able to purchase one / get one :lol:
Know your market and know your audience.

It's not that it may not be worth the price you are demanding of it, it is mainly about how you approach potential sellers. Little to no knowledge about the market, simply a link from eBay where someone has been trying to sell it for an absurd amount -> trow it at the wall and see if it sticks.

You can find loads of models Ms with asking prices on the high 100s and yet you don't see them being sold for that amount.

Enjoy the keyboard and enjoy the profits.

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09 Jul 2020, 12:36

just a completely clueless guy who's trying to rip off his fellow Portuguese, asking for a used 5000HAMPO about 850€ which was bought for 9€ lol. After been ridiculed, he then just says people are jealous and just don't have the money to pay the keyboard real value @@

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09 Jul 2020, 12:50


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09 Jul 2020, 13:27

indeed, we all saw many NIB HAMPOs sold for 250-300€ a couple of years ago.

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09 Jul 2020, 15:01

Here's what I'll say: on the hardware world, there are still people that try to sell their old hardware close to the original buying price because it's still usable. Doesn't make sense market wise, 90% of those are never sold, but people still believe that it's worth more. It's just greed and self-aggrandizing.

He's right in believing he can ask whatever he wants for it. However, he should not be offended because people are telling him it's too expensive, because effectively, pretty much no one will purchase it for that price. If it was the market's price, he would've sold it long ago.

There will always be someone willing to pay more than everyone else. You shouldn't believe that such price is the market's standard. Just that someone has more money than self control... That happens a lot with micro transactions in gaming too. Just because someone's willing to spend huge amounts of money, doesn't mean it's the market's standard, nor that it may not have some more "dark" mentalities behind it.

You are selling something rare, but not custom. Do not believe it's worth whatever you ask for. You are free to do so, but calling it envy does not make it right. It's just an attempt at self justification. Once you hit the right price, someone will buy it without arguing.

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09 Jul 2020, 16:42

Just to be clear, I didn't purchase it for 9€ and even if I did (which I didn't ) I would never sell it for 9€, 25€, 50€, 100€ and so on... also I didn't said I wanted 850€ for it. I told him that for less than 500€ no-one is going to get it.

The dude is just jealous because he was not able to get one (from his own little island) and got somehow "angry" for it.
He even told me if I wanted to get 10 of them... If he is able to get 10, why would him be interested purchasing one? :lol: :lol:

@miguelbazil Its just like a classic car, you can ask for 15000$ and the vehicle just be worth of $10000... you have the right to ask what you want for it and the seller has the right to accept it or not, when people start complaing "it's too much" or trying digging the price to see if you give it as free.... just like Prelim and his friend Zylkan thought that I would give it for free or for the price I paid for lol

Prelim and his lovely friend, you can go cry to another topic. peace out and one last kiss ;)

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09 Jul 2020, 17:22

It's useless to even argue with this guy... now states he hasn't paid 9€ for the keyboard, guess we didn't include the shipping right? lol :D :D

Like @Miguelbazil (also a friend) said, you can ask whatever you want! In the end, no one is going to pay your reference price or even your "minimum" 500€.

I have said before and will say it again loud and clear: instead of participating in the DT Portuguese community, you're only trying to rip off some fellow portuguese in here, before you can try something else. It should be better to do your homework and really know how much an used G80-5000 ISO-PT is worth, and then try to sell it to the highest bidder (asian market or otherwise).

But no, you prefer to act like an asshole and be offended by everyone who really knows their shit. And when realizing you don't have any valid arguments, say people are jealous, angry or want to buy your board for 10€?

Your place isn't here!

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09 Jul 2020, 17:25


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09 Jul 2020, 17:47

For you both couple

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09 Jul 2020, 20:29

For Sale: boring vintage Cherry™ MX SHampo keyboard. It has Cherry MX Sand™ switches (actual sand may be inside and around some of the switches, also probably some dirt too, they feel great, you can trust me on this one), great condition, VERY RARE keyboard!

Price: 800 bitcoin and your firstborn. I will also throw in some air that I carefuly removed from old Nixies to sweaten the deal if you wish.

Se tivesses 2 eu comprava os 2... um para mim e outro para o meu bobbi, ele adora velharias. :D

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