Best input device photo 2015

Best input device photo 2015

Poll ended at 14 Dec 2015, 01:59

HAL - Keyboard laundry
Lastpilot - LZ-S in the pink backlight
Madhias - IBM Space Saving Keyboard at Work
Madhias - Moody IBM Space Saving Keyboard
Muirium - Round 5
Ramnes - 60% Hammer case keyboard
Total votes: 97

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Wild Duck

09 Dec 2015, 01:59


Please vote for your winner of the Best input device photo 2015.

By voting in this category you can win a Quick Fire Rapid SI and a yet-to-be-released mouse from Cooler Master!

This is the final round. See the first round and second round for reference.

The final round ends on Monday 14 December, 20:00hrs UTC. You can change your vote until the end of the round. The winner and full results will be released soon after the vote closes. EDIT: The winner has been announced here.

There are 6 instead of 5 nominees because the last two nominees had an equal number of votes. The official nominees are, as presented by Muirium:

HAL - Keyboard laundry
HAL read one of those articles about throwing a dirty keyboard in the dishwasher. Then dialled it up! Please don’t tell us you closed the door on that SSK.


Lastpilot - LZ-S in the pink backlight
Lastpilot is right. Such an expensive custom keyboard needs to be flaunted! It seems to be almost floating in the pink backlight.


Madhias - IBM Space Saving Keyboard at Work
Madhias caught another smart shot here, in a place where few of us would think. This SSK isn’t posing for the camera on a spotless desk, it’s sneaked away in the server rack at work. Looks tasty even so!


Madhias - Moody IBM Space Saving Keyboard
Soft light, after dark, where everything lurks in the glow of a hard night’s work. We’ve all been there. Madhias captured that after hours SSK feeling very nicely indeed.


Muirium - Round 5
2015’s biggest event, on the desk. Mu’s NovaTouch isn’t so much the star here, but the chaos of brand new caps it’s buried underneath!


Ramnes - 60% Hammer case keyboard
Clean and stark, Ramnes captured the essence of his 60% quite elegantly in this shot. The reflection, and the lighting on the cable, quite delicious!



09 Dec 2015, 08:22

Ramnes photo is wonderfull.

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Offtopicthority Instigator

09 Dec 2015, 10:03

pcaro wrote: Ramnes photo is wonderfull.
Yeah I nominated that one and voted for it. Great shot.

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09 Dec 2015, 10:17

SSK at work was my nomination and vote. Some keyboards have to make a living! Even SSKs…

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09 Dec 2015, 12:17

I'll stand by my nomination of HAL's dishwasher pic!
The humour is strong with this one.

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09 Dec 2015, 20:43

Muirium wrote: SSK at work was my nomination and vote. Some keyboards have to make a living! Even SSKs…
And you see there for what they were made for - to fit nicely into a server rack!


09 Dec 2015, 21:18

I love the washing machine picture , but where is our keyboard with pounding action!

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09 Dec 2015, 21:40

Oh, you mean the ones with a solenoid? Tack, tack, tack...

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Wild Duck

11 Dec 2015, 21:33

The vote closes on Monday 14 December at 20:00 UTC. Vote now!

The two nominees with currently the most votes are (in alphabetical order):
Madhias - IBM Space Saving Keyboard at Work
Ramnes - 60% Hammer case keyboard

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12 Dec 2015, 02:51

SSK voters unite: it's SSK at Work vs. the Hammer for the prize! They're both fantastic pictures, but Madhias' is my favourite of all the nominees this year. That shot tells a story.

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12 Dec 2015, 03:53

Muirium wrote: SSK voters unite: it's SSK at Work vs. the Hammer for the prize! They're both fantastic pictures, but Madhias' is my favourite of all the nominees this year. That shot tells a story.
As a fellow, Hammarian, I must give the Hammer my vote!

I will say that Madhias' is great though, because it blends the old trope of washing your keyboard with the feel of fanaticism that washing machine enthusiasts have, haha.

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12 Dec 2015, 09:38

SSK at work it is! :)

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12 Dec 2015, 17:09

This one's on a knife edge. Come on IBMers, we can do this!

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12 Dec 2015, 17:31

Releasing results AND being able to change your vote is wrong!
Now Mu has me arguing with myself if I should change my vote from HAL's to Madhias'...And I nominated that photo!

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12 Dec 2015, 19:19

Imagine being able to see the vote totals live, but knowing you'll make a certain powerful duck get in a flap if you speak too much…

I'll just say that this contest is the most exciting of the lot, for me. And it's not because my own photo has a chance… it doesn't!

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Offtopicthority Instigator

12 Dec 2015, 19:47

I am very confident this will remain a fair and reputable competition. Who would provoke trouble for no reason... :evilgeek:
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Cherry Picker

12 Dec 2015, 19:52

Muirium wrote: This one's on a knife edge. Come on IBMers, we can do this!
Hold on now..

People should not be voting because they prefer IBM or Cherry. They should vote based on the photo, and not their personal keyboard preferences.

I don't think you should rally "IBMers" to vote for a particular photo.

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12 Dec 2015, 20:13

How about SSKers? Madhias's vote is split between two SSK pictures. (Two great pictures that I nominated, I'll add.) One of them is out of contention, but the margin between SSK at work and Ramnes very nice Hammer shot literally could not be any closer right now.

I agree this is really about pictures. But there's no prize for second place, let alone third and fourth. Pick between those two contenders for the Wingnut, folks!

To be honest, all the finalists are great pictures and I'll be happy with any of them winning. But my personal favourite is SSK at Work and I'd be happiest of all if it gets the trophy. That's the thing with this particular award: the best stuff does reach the top. Some of the other categories, I'm not nearly as invested in.


12 Dec 2015, 22:16

I voted for HAL's keyboard washing machine. It seems like it must have been some work to take that picture. There's only one opening and no way to get external lighting in, and still the picture came out right.

Also, isn't it another SSK?

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13 Dec 2015, 09:22

It is indeed. And a fine photo in its own right. But HAL stormed to victory last year, and (being able to see the current vote totals) I can confirm that SSK at Work and Hammer are way out front ahead of all the others, with only hours to go.

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