Round 4 / packing (99.8%) / shipping (99.7%)


09 Jun 2013, 12:55

fair enough, on your own i guess its not an easy task. I think you burnt yourself out with the sorting it was that quick.

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10 Jun 2013, 02:04

Just looking for a point of clarification since I know it's too early to be asking about extras.

I'm one of those "weirdos" that likes all the keys on the right side to be the same color. This means that I'm on the lookout for the " \ " key on right side in black to go with my ROUND3/TKL. Is the only way to get that key in black is to have ordered the ROUND3/TKL/BLACK?

Thanks in advance.
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10 Jun 2013, 02:22

International weirdo experts agree: you could use ISO... ;)

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10 Jun 2013, 02:27

Halvar wrote:International weirdo experts agree: you could use ISO... ;)
LOL! Thank you Halvar. :lol:

Actually, I plan on building up a GH60 in ISO, so you might have a convert by the end of the year. 8-)


10 Jun 2013, 02:34

you could say that ANSI and the color layout makes more sense because you have all printables in the main block the same color (besides tab and space, they vary - they're not exactly printables though).

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10 Jun 2013, 03:58

mashby wrote:Just looking for a point of clarification since I know it's too early to be asking about extras.

I'm one of those "weirdos" that likes all the keys on the right side to be the same color. This means that I'm on the lookout for the " \ " key on right side in black to go with my ROUND3/TKL. Is the only way to get that key in black is to have ordered the ROUND3/TKL/BLACK?

Thanks in advance.
From the end of the invoices had a list of things sold. I see 12 kits sold that would include the dark backslash (I think).
ROUND3/STANDARD125/BLACK | 1|116|sold out | $82|Standard kit (104 keys)
ROUND3/TENKLESS/BLACK | 4|111|sold out | $78|Tenkless kit ( 84- 87 keys)
ROUND3/TKL/BLACK | 3| 94|sold out | $66|TKL kit (87 keys)
ROUND3/ALPHA/BLACK | 4| 55|sold out | $32|A-Z and Punctuation keys

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10 Jun 2013, 10:00

I've got some spares of these.


10 Jun 2013, 12:44

7bit wrote:I've got some spares of these.
Could I get one of these :D ? (my order hasn't shipped yet)

Also, 7bit is super awesome for doing this entire group buy. I have no idea how you've managed this entire operation, sorted all of the keys, and kept your sanity!

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10 Jun 2013, 13:03

What makes you think I'm still sane?



10 Jun 2013, 13:55

Got my order, thanx 7bit! :)

Now to hang my head in shame because I ordered keys for the wrong row! :oops:

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10 Jun 2013, 19:34

7bit wrote:What makes you think I'm still sane?
What makes him think anybody on this forum is sane?

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10 Jun 2013, 20:31

Zehkul wrote:
7bit wrote:What makes you think I'm still sane?
What makes him think anybody on this forum is sane?

It's true that spending so much money for plastic pieces...

By the way 7bit the "7bit Mode" keycap is in which set ?


10 Jun 2013, 20:45

Even though I made a booboo in my order it works out great!


It's the modifiers and spacebar.. great! Hard to get fitting keycaps for a 11800!
(already had the orange arrow keys, psyched about the orange spacebar :D)

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Wild Duck

10 Jun 2013, 20:46

Hey man, I'm not crazy. :x I'm a duck.

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10 Jun 2013, 20:50

Gilgam wrote:...
By the way 7bit the "7bit Mode" keycap is in which set ?

Only 18 kits were sold, to 10 different people!

Good luck to find one in the free market.

ps: want one?


10 Jun 2013, 21:49

7bit wrote:
Gilgam wrote:ps: want one?
Are you going to sell that one for €127.000 ?

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Game Theory
Mr. Despair

11 Jun 2013, 03:31

Anyone have a SPH/STANDARD they are interested in parting with? I have a SPH/TENKEYLESS I am using at work atm but would likely get a new full keyboard if a kind soul would sell a SPH/STANDARD. If not then enjoy your keycaps. I'm enjoying mine.


11 Jun 2013, 03:52

Is it still possible to change address?
I don't live there anymore.
The people that do now will most likely give the package to me but I would prefer changing my shipping address.

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11 Jun 2013, 12:55

JBert wrote:
7bit wrote:
Gilgam wrote:ps: want one?
Are you going to sell that one for €127.000 ?
No i'm a friend so 120.000 will be a fair price :-)

Damn i miss that 7bit key, but i REALLY have too many keys. I'll have to buy some keyboards :mrgreen: then new keys, then new keyboards, then new keys, then new home, then new wife .....

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11 Jun 2013, 12:57

ReAzem wrote:Is it still possible to change address?
I don't live there anymore.
The people that do now will most likely give the package to me but I would prefer changing my shipping address.
Just send your new address to 7bit_R4:

New Address Street 1234
New Town, NW 12345


11 Jun 2013, 18:50

Hey 7bit

I made a mistake in my order and I thought spacebar is included with the TKL set :(
So now my keyboard is looking ugly with a black spacebar.

Do you have any standar spacebar for Filco/Quickfire Rapid from the Retro set?
How should I order it?

Thanks in advance

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11 Jun 2013, 21:01

I'm quite sure there will be a space bar left over for you.


11 Jun 2013, 21:54

Thank god :mrgreen:

Awaiting instructions for payment :geek:

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12 Jun 2013, 03:13

I might have fallen into the same category as SeNte, and have forgotten to order an SPH spacebar. Would it be possible to get another one?


12 Jun 2013, 14:20

Just wanted to pop in and say I received my R4 order yesterday. Everything is as it should be. Thanks to 7bit for running this epic GB.

Cheers, OddOne

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12 Jun 2013, 14:35

The folks who received, are you in the US?

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12 Jun 2013, 14:48

hsu wrote:The folks who received, are you in the US?
Yes, I am in the US.

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12 Jun 2013, 14:58

Replacement key caps will be delayed by customs. I don't know for how long. They might even get back to SP to be re-shipped in a more appropriate way: invoice attached outside the package, filled in customs declaration, both are missing. They declared the packages as merchandise, nothing about key caps or a customs code or anything like that.

ps: same for my own DSA-order, it had been declared as Gift.


12 Jun 2013, 15:28

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :/

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12 Jun 2013, 15:30

Noooooo.....stupid SP! :evil:

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