What was extra special in 2013? The nominees for The Deskthority Award 2013 are:
7bit for organizing Round 4 + 5 • The winner of the Deskthority Award 2011 and 2012 and named in the Guiness World Records book as organizer of the world's biggest community keycap group buys. Round 4 and Round 5 ruled the Internet space. Can he be beaten?
Daniel Beardsmore for his continuous work on the wiki • He is a mean lean wiki machine! Beardsmore is the driving power and main author of the deskthority wiki and conquerer of the Alps vortex, turning the wiki into the world's best keyboard reference.
Douglas Engelbart, pioneer and inventor of the mouse (RIP) • Douglas Engelbart, engineer, inventor, and early computer and Internet pioneer, passed away this year. He is best known for the invention of the computer mouse and the development of hypertext, networked computers and graphical user interfaces.
matt3o for his groupbuys and keyboard builds • Matt3o crashed into the scene with all kinds of builds and tutorials, such as the Brownfox, a guide to how to build a custom keyboard and his laser cut prototyping project.
tinnie formerly known as Tinlong for the SSKs • Tinnie helped a lot of people get rare vintage keyboards such as the IBM Space Saving keyboard, "Kishsaver" and even the industrial Space Saver. Never before did we see such amounts of these wanted but rare keyboards emerge and being distributed!
And the golden Wingnut for The Deskthority Award 2013, as voted for by the members of deskthority, goes to...