Hypocritical French Lead The Charge Against Gaddafi


29 Apr 2011, 22:33

OK, you Brits.



16 May 2011, 23:23

What's taking you guys so long?

We just send in modified Apache helicopters undetected into Pakistani airspace, crash one helicopter, kill a few people (but no Women or Children because that's we follow the Code Of John Wayne), and then kill the guy. Simple.

Oh, that's right - it was the FRENCH guys idea. It's the Germans I hope that pay for reconstruction.


19 May 2011, 18:09

What IS it with you guys.

First you say you're going to "Protect Civilians".

Then the French World Bank dude rapes a maid. Then an Austrian has a love child with a maid.

Stop accosting our American Maids please. We consider them uniformed civilians.

Also TIL that French press aren't allowed to show the "perp walk".

This is the perp walk.





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23 May 2011, 17:10

Ah Ripster, how the world would be simple with your wisdom.
I really wonder how can have america gone into financial crisis, Irak war, Future climate global warming with such clever minds from the US. What i"ve read on that fantastic thread msut have came from a tea-partier superior brain i think.

Please open our darkened minds with your holly wisdom.

France is not perfect, and that governement must be the worst we've ever had for years ( some good ideas, but middle men and politicians are lame) but do you know the 'paille et la poutre' story.

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The Tiproman

23 May 2011, 17:40

Gilgam wrote:Ah Ripster,
but do you know the 'paille et la poutre' story.
Perhaps you should try to say that in English - known to be the only language worth of being spoken and understood :lol:

Maybe a hint (found there: http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=354815 )
Matthew 7:5: Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye

By the way, I thought that "Austrian" guy shown in the last picture is an American citizen :mrgreen:
Last edited by kbdfr on 23 May 2011, 17:42, edited 1 time in total.


23 May 2011, 17:42

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IMF Nom Nom Nom.png (133.92 KiB) Viewed 5415 times

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23 May 2011, 17:51

kbdfr wrote: By the way, I thought that "Austrian" guy shown in the last picture is an American citizen :mrgreen:
Well you know in the USA you can't be president if you're not born in the US, but you can be an american citizen. So if i understand ripster you are still a stranger if you can't be president :-)

talking about the Kahn guy, if he raped this girl he is guilty. Final point.
About the first porn industry in the world, still shocked by a nude breast...
How do you call this



23 May 2011, 18:04


Nice ThreadCrapping job in this Geekhack Classifieds post!

http://geekhack.org/showthread.php?1822 ... post349850

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23 May 2011, 18:23

yes indeed

Was i really wrong ? I don't think so as it was really overpriced ;-)

By the way what is a fuckin prick ?
I learned a lot of US slang thanks to geekhack but that one no translation ever gave me an understandable meaning.

Nice troll this thread, there always some bad men and good men in every country and french/british against gaddafi is more complicated than rafale and egotism from some president or prime minister.

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The Tiproman

23 May 2011, 18:28

Gilgam wrote:(...)By the way what is a fuckin prick ?
I learned a lot of US slang thanks to geekhack but that one no translation ever gave me an understandable meaning.
For English slang I recommend urbandictionary.com:
http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.p ... king+prick

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The Tiproman

23 May 2011, 18:34

ripster wrote:Gilgam.

Nice ThreadCrapping job in this Geekhack Classifieds post!

http://geekhack.org/showthread.php?1822 ... post349850
...which proves, of course, that Gilgam is a bad guy and anything he writes cannot be of any value whatsoever.
...but which on the other hand shows that ripster's actuation weight is quite below 1 dime.

(I always wanted to make friends with Americans and never succeeded. I wonder why.) :lol:


23 May 2011, 18:36

Fuckin Prick is quite different than Fucking Prick.

There are many subtleties to the English language, making it's the World's Richest Language.

Especially for puns
Eye Browse.png
Eye Browse.png (590.14 KiB) Viewed 5399 times


23 May 2011, 19:11

So many mixed emotions about that pic. I mean, I nearly choked on throw-up I was laughing so hard.


23 May 2011, 19:44

Thought of you today when I read today's Dilbert.

Hey, is your boss still Hawt?


23 May 2011, 20:25

ripster wrote:Hey, is your boss still Hawt?
Well, my boss' boss' boss, but yeah. When I got to work, we had a nice conversation about the merits of getting to work at 5:30 a.m. Mainly, it centered around getting things done, but I don't think we were on the same page.

I like the Dilbert strip. I can't remember the last time I went to GH. Oh well, it allows me to get work done. In fact, I'm getting another promotion soon. Hilarious story behind it, but it's long and you kinda had to be there.


23 May 2011, 20:30


The eventual goal is a WHOLE OFFICE of leggy blondes.

And remember, WWDDD


23 May 2011, 20:42

Good advice. I will be adventuring into the territory known as "Middle Management."

I tried to find a funny Drew Carey pic, but failed epically.


27 May 2011, 17:42

Obama had a nice trip.

The message was:

"France and England - you got yourself INTO this mess now you get yourself out of it. Please talk to George Bush about Iraq for further advice."

The use of American made Apache helicopters by Britain is a great idea though. Israelis used those to kill lots of terrorists and Palestinian civilian bystanders.

Oh WAIT, this is to PROTECT civilians. Maybe not such a good idea.


10 Jun 2011, 17:18

The EU had hard evidence that Gaddaffi is giving Viagra to his troops.



Have to admit, this guy seems to be frustrating your guys efforts. Have you thought of using US Navy Seals?

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The Tiproman

10 Jun 2011, 19:54

ripster wrote:The EU had hard evidence that Gaddaffi is giving Viagra to his troops.



Have to admit, this guy seems to be frustrating your guys efforts. Have you thought of using US Navy Seals?


10 Jun 2011, 20:13



18 Jun 2011, 16:09

I'd like to apologize for our Secretary of Defense telling the EU they should do their fair share in NATO and the big countries like the UK/Germany/France should do more. However we DO pay 75% of the budget so I do support his right to free speech.

This Gaddaffi thing seems to be taking a while.

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The Tiproman

18 Jun 2011, 16:40

ripster wrote:This Gaddaffi thing seems to be taking a while.
Sure. Vietnam too was not devastated in two weeks. It took years.
But of course, that might have been because such a care was taken to avoid any harm to civil populations.



18 Jun 2011, 18:01

We learned from that one.

Now you guys seem to not have learned much from WWII. Another war the Americans won for you.

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The Tiproman

18 Jun 2011, 18:14

Lafayette helped you in the first place. You should thank the French.


18 Jun 2011, 18:19

Actually it's the Russians that won WWII (they killed 4/5 germans) but I hope nobody here likes the Russians and will admit it.

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The Tiproman

18 Jun 2011, 18:41

ripster wrote:(...) I hope nobody here likes the Russians (...)

You think in weird categories. Just replace "ripster" with "Goebbels" and "Russians" with "Jews", it will fit.


18 Jun 2011, 21:28

Can you even say Nazi on a German keyboard forum?

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The Tiproman

19 Jun 2011, 07:06

ripster wrote:Can you even say Nazi on a German keyboard forum?
Of course you can.

Look, you’re the one who always criticizes everything that’s not American and, worse than that, takes any criticism of anythin American as a personal insult. And that is exactly what the Nazis did.

But I have only little hope you are going to reflect on that.


19 Jun 2011, 13:33

ripster wrote:What IS it with you guys.

First you say you're going to "Protect Civilians".

Then the French World Bank dude rapes a maid. Then an Austrian has a love child with a maid.

Stop accosting our American Maids please. We consider them uniformed civilians.

Also TIL that French press aren't allowed to show the "perp walk".

This is the perp walk.




The eu has had to learn something from us-senators :D
Wait a year and some lowlife eu minister starts twittering shoots of his privat parts..

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