Looking for completely glossy keycaps for Model M/Unicomp

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06 Jan 2014, 22:11

Is there a place to buy a set of keycaps with non-textured tops? Something like the finish on the sides of this picture (but covering the entire keycap).
2014-01-06_13-08-59.png (185.32 KiB) Viewed 3745 times
Are glossy keys a thing? I'd love to find some.

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06 Jan 2014, 22:16

Most Model Ms have a nice shine to the front of the keys. Takes a lot of light to make them shine quite as bright as that, though.

As for glossy tops? I've no idea, but that doesn't mean they don't exist. Good luck.

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06 Jan 2014, 22:27

you... could buy normal caps from unicomp and break out the belt sander :P

collector of junk

07 Jan 2014, 00:24

I too like glossy/shiny keycaps any for cherry mx ???

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07 Jan 2014, 00:34

collector of junk wrote:I too like glossy/shiny keycaps any for cherry mx ???
Round 5 keycaps are at least "semi matte", so they are about as glossy as it gets for brand new caps.

For buckling springs I don't know where you could get some, except maybe just some heavy worn ones which got shiny through the usage.


07 Jan 2014, 04:25

Since the original IBM keycaps are dye sub'd, you could buff them to a high shine using a cloth buffing wheel. You'll need to research what buffing compound is appropriate for that type of plastic.
https://www.google.com/search?q=buffing ... or+plastic

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Topre Enthusiast

07 Jan 2014, 04:47

I wonder how many microns deep the dye sublimation goes. Deep enough to still be visible after buffing them to a shine I'd hope :)


07 Jan 2014, 04:53

Could buy the cheapest POS terminal keyboard on ebay and have ~122 victims to practice on.

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07 Jan 2014, 07:56

Sanding/buffing seems sensible enough. I'm just concerned about inconsistent finish. I'll keep looking, and post anything I find.


07 Jan 2014, 09:22

I've always dreamt of getting a full set of cosmic niqmods for my LZ. all black cosmic. But I don't think I can use blanks :/

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07 Jan 2014, 10:17

Oh my, fingerprints galore. Why would anybody want such a thing?

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07 Jan 2014, 10:24

well, for one, your caps will never go shiny if they're already shiny :p

collector of junk

08 Jan 2014, 17:09

what about acrylic gloss spray varnish may not last forever but shouldn't do any harm


08 Jan 2014, 17:21

collector of junk wrote:what about acrylic gloss spray varnish may not last forever but shouldn't do any harm
That would require multiple coats of finish, and wet-sanding between coats.

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