Round 5 and Round 6 kits for sale!

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06 Feb 2014, 23:25

Re: Craps Lock. It makes a nice left Function key at least.

And about those modded switches Jmneuv made: I've tried one (an MX black) and it is indeed very well damped. That's why I'm keen to try it. Might as well ask about the punch on the original thread where he'll find it.

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07 Feb 2014, 08:20

Muirium wrote:Funny you should mention it, I've been thinking of trying this out when I open switches up for lube: ... t6118.html
This isn't easy on plate mounted switches? Well, and what's about putting two o-rings on a cap? I'm asking, because i do love my MX blues with o-rings, to only have the click-sound and the let's say "soft ending" just feels great.

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07 Feb 2014, 11:19

tricheboars wrote:have any of you guys figured out how to silence SA caps? o-rings do not seem to work due to how deep the caps are. the best solution i have thought up is to put EliteKeyboard dampening pads on the plate between switches. but i dont know if that will actually work or how it will feel.

whatchu fellas think?

All the reason to have thick key caps is the pleasant sound they make when bottoming out!

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07 Feb 2014, 11:25

Kits of the day:

price: $59

price: $6

price: $159

price: $79

price: $38



07 Feb 2014, 12:58

Two questions I can't seem to find the answers to by looking at the list of the kits:

Is there a spacebar for the HHKB? Are there colored modifiers for Topre switches?

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07 Feb 2014, 13:16

There are ZERO Topre caps in this GB. It is exclusively MX.

And this is why I think the HHKB kits are asking for trouble. It's only natural for someone to think an HHKB kit will fit on their HHKB. But these don't! They're for… custom made MX keyboards with HHKB layouts? I don't even know.


07 Feb 2014, 13:36

@Mu: Thanks for pointing that out. It should probably say so on the wiki page, where it says HHKB. Let's see, can I edit this...

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07 Feb 2014, 13:39

There's a big old warning at the top of the page, I think, but who reads the whole thing when it's as large as that!


07 Feb 2014, 15:25

Muirium wrote:There are ZERO Topre caps in this GB. It is exclusively MX.

And this is why I think the HHKB kits are asking for trouble. It's only natural for someone to think an HHKB kit will fit on their HHKB. But these don't! They're for… custom made MX keyboards with HHKB layouts? I don't even know.
Yes there are custom MX boards with HHKB layouts and coming soon there is hope of modding the actual HHKB with sliders from the CM NovaTouch so that it would be able to use MX caps. The only potential trouble makers will be the stabilizers.

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07 Feb 2014, 16:24

GH60 had a HHKB option on it. You should start to see MX 60% boards with HHKB layouts as soon as boards are shipped from that group buy.

I would hope anyone purchasing Round 5 caps would realize this is only for MX. You cant even really buy after market topre keycaps anymore. PFU and Topre hate cap cash.

O-rings on SA Caps. I tried to stack o-rings inside the caps to get them to dampen. it didnt work. at all. that is why i was looking to dampen with a foam on the plate or now look to the inner switch dampening method linked above.

i just want to use SA caps at the office.

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07 Feb 2014, 16:32

tricheboars wrote:I would hope anyone purchasing Round 5 caps would realize this is only for MX. You cant even really buy after market topre keycaps anymore. PFU and Topre hate cap cash.
Never underestimate the blinding power of a little hope. Plenty of people want to mod their HHKBs, so it's dangerous to put "GB", "caps" and "HHKB" anywhere near each other and expect everyone to read. They don't.

I'm keen to see some pictures of these HHKB layout MX keyboards people are / will be working on. Here's the standard to beat:
Image ... ilit=hhfox

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07 Feb 2014, 19:13

while hope is certainly a factor any buyer on this site or geekhack should know better than to think 7-bit is selling topre caps. i have high expectations i guess.

love those dsa matt3o caps. i bought a DSA Dolch set sold by REDLINE months and months ago and still have not received them. Your Retro DSA set makes me jelly. also nice realfoce ya jerk!

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07 Feb 2014, 19:50

Yeah, just stick in there for size comparison's sake!

I'm waiting on DSA Dolch, too. Strange to think the slowest GB I've ever been in isn't 7bit's.

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08 Feb 2014, 13:13

Just ordered two full ErgoDox gray base with white Alpha+Colemak and red ESC/Lotus-as-Teensy-button kits.

Thanks to kungfoo for making me aware of this GB, and huge thanks to 7bit for making this possible!

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08 Feb 2014, 18:43

Is there a non-expensive way to get a white R3 1.75 "Control" (replacing Capslock)? Gray Control seems to be in the honey/mod175 set.

Couldn't find something like that for white though. Did I miss it?

Great idea for a theme, btw.

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08 Feb 2014, 19:17

My thoughts exactly! As I have the original keyboard:

Image ... t6296.html

White 1.75u CONTROL is a TENKLESS/WHITE exclusive, according to my spreadsheet. Unless 7bit's updated things since he last published his list, you're out of luck. Which one are you after: centre stemmed or stepped? I might have one spare if that kit hits 7bit's target for including white mods.

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08 Feb 2014, 19:38

^^^ Nice 'board!

If I had a choice I'd prefer offset stemmed, non-stepped. But anything would be fine, really. Thank you.

Oh and there aren't any R4 1.25 blanks, no?

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08 Feb 2014, 19:42

All 1.25u caps are row 3 according to my data, which doesn't include blanks. But as I recall there is no row 4 1.25u mold for SA profile anyway. 7bit will know.

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08 Feb 2014, 20:06

Thank you. Now I understand why there are so many R3 caps in the sets which are usually in R4 or R5.

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08 Feb 2014, 20:14

Right. That's 7bit working with what's available in SA. Row 3 mods work quite well, really:
That board now has row 1 ESCAPE, and with the SPH/REPAIR kit in Round 5 it'll get an improved set of mods. But still no row 4.

I would like row 4 shifts. There's a few in this GB, but again only what's doable.


08 Feb 2014, 22:24

Muirium wrote:Right. That's 7bit working with what's available in SA. Row 3 mods work quite well, really:
That board now has row 1 ESCAPE, and with the SPH/REPAIR kit in Round 5 it'll get an improved set of mods. But still no row 4.

I would like row 4 shifts. There's a few in this GB, but again only what's doable.
That is a crazy sexy keyboard (and keycaps). What is it called? or is it custom


08 Feb 2014, 22:45

I want to put an order for my Leopold FC200 but want to make sure everything will fit. Thinking about getting:

Code: Select all


Anything I should keep in mind fit wise?


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08 Feb 2014, 23:43

7bit wrote:Kits of the day:

price: $38

Would love it, but...Dvorak. hint hint :)


09 Feb 2014, 00:02

Any reason the NUMROWs aren't just the num row?

I'd love to get R1 numbers without the symbols but can't use or have no need of the other caps. Just the numbers. If it was just those it would be so much cheaper...

7bit, can you do anything about that?

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09 Feb 2014, 11:46

Every key in that kit is imbued with an awesome power! (And it's already endangered, I doubt he'd want to split it.)
seferphier wrote:That is a crazy sexy keyboard (and keycaps). What is it called? or is it custom
Thanks. It's one I made myself in Matt3o's group build last year. (Which he aims to run again in 2014. I'll be back for more!) The caps are Round 4 SPH, which are a good example of what Round 5 will be like when it ships. Just different colours.
Family Tree.jpg
Family Tree.jpg (876.05 KiB) Viewed 5035 times

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09 Feb 2014, 11:56

Kits of the day:
price: $49

price: $19

price: $2

price: $2

price: $2

price: $2

price: $26


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09 Feb 2014, 12:08

New stuff! Now if only the legends were in Helvetica…

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09 Feb 2014, 12:42

Time to change my order then. :roll:


09 Feb 2014, 15:09

I have been doing my share of spamming 7bot with ordering stuff and changing my order today :lol:
have not received a updated total for the last coupe of hours so I might have broken it :P hehe

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Mad Dasher

09 Feb 2014, 15:39

Hm yes, I wonder if I'm getting too used to seeing the renders with their Helvetica-ish likeness. I can only hope the Swiss flag was added for the reason as a pun :)

I think I might have been got by the kits of the day - I've dismissed the red alphas for so long because of the lack of chance the UK layout had, but seeing the HONEY/ALPHAINT/RED I realise I could literally just have the 26 letter keys in red as part of a two or three way colourscheme, with a white stripe of numbers above...

Seeing Muirium's board again it bothers me that the Escape isn't row 1. Why don't we have a row 1 SPH escape in Round 5? ;D

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