Round 5 and Round 6 kits for sale!

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Mad Dasher

10 Mar 2014, 21:53

Muirium wrote:One day we will see this board in all its gory glory.
Speaking of which, is that 7u space bar (and associated 1.5u mods I didn't notice were sold) still available?
Muirium wrote:
7bit wrote:Yes, then I will set a new deadline and add all 4 color options for all thinkable Alps keyboard.
:cry: ---- :lol: ---- :shock: ---- :ugeek: ---- :mad: ---- :-) ---- :roll: ---- :P ---- :cool: ---- :? ---- :!: ---- :mrgreen: ---- :evilgeek: ---- ;-)
That's quite a mime act you're doing there. The whole 7 bit range of the emotional spectrum. Talent!
I didn't pick up on this at first. It's not "post every smily", it's a mini epic.


10 Mar 2014, 21:58

Muirium wrote:
notmatt wrote:Wish I found out about the GB earlier, because a "Coleman" (Colemak+Workman) kit seems like a feasible small change, obviously not at this point though.
I'd like Coleman, too. But don't they always tell you not to relabel / rearrange your keyboard because Dvorak said so and screw those guys?
I'd say it depends if your goal is "good looks" or the "best way to learn".

So yeah, screw those guys. Cause this keyboard is going to look AMAZING. :D

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10 Mar 2014, 21:59

Abso-fricking-actly! Legends are ultimately decoration, or you're doing it deeply wrong.
facetsesame wrote:
Muirium wrote:One day we will see this board in all its gory glory.
Speaking of which, is that 7u space bar (and associated 1.5u mods I didn't notice were sold) still available?
I've still got the 7u space bar and a fair selection of 1.5u mods, none of which I'm using. Must get them out and take a fresh picture

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Mad Dasher

10 Mar 2014, 22:31

Muirium wrote:Abso-fricking-actly! Legends are ultimately decoration, or you're doing it deeply wrong.
facetsesame wrote:
Muirium wrote:One day we will see this board in all its gory glory.
Speaking of which, is that 7u space bar (and associated 1.5u mods I didn't notice were sold) still available?
I've still got the 7u space bar and a fair selection of 1.5u mods, none of which I'm using. Must get them out and take a fresh picture
Hey don't worry, I know they're ABS but I'm sure they'll still be perfect.

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10 Mar 2014, 22:32

My memory is the dubious quantity, not their colour!

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10 Mar 2014, 22:43

Do you plan to make another spherical group buy in the future? Got a second keyboard in the office, would like to have some different colors...
Would be nice :)

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10 Mar 2014, 22:46

Sneak preview of Round 6:

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10 Mar 2014, 22:48

Yea, looks nice. Thought about some colored symbols like dark green or purple on white keys...

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10 Mar 2014, 22:48

Except that they can't do 2 color-double shots, this will be the direction for Round 6.

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Mad Dasher

10 Mar 2014, 22:53

Muirium wrote:My memory is the dubious quantity, not their colour!
Ah. In that case, it seems you weren't the only one. I'll wait for the update then. Do you need anything more from me?

As for Round 6, what about the wonderful DG Nova's Dasher terminals?

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10 Mar 2014, 22:54


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10 Mar 2014, 22:56

7bit wrote:Except that they can't do 2 color-double shots, this will be the direction for Round 6.
Does dye sub work on ABS? Because if it did: that's the way to add different colours, and on different surfaces of the key. Front legends!

Doesn't work for Dasher (which is awesome nonetheless) but perfect for white beam spring styles like APL triple shots.

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10 Mar 2014, 22:58

No, it does not wotk on ABS.

Front printing: yes.


10 Mar 2014, 22:59

Well, I have no idea if my order worked, as I am a bit late to the party, but I placed one and paid a few hrs ago :lol:

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10 Mar 2014, 23:00

Have there any pbt dye-sub groupbuys like these ever been / are running ?

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Mad Dasher

10 Mar 2014, 23:02

drrtyrokka wrote:Have there any pbt dye-sub groupbuys like these ever been / are running ?
I believe that's what this is all about.
I feel bad about posting that link in this topic.

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Mad Dasher

10 Mar 2014, 23:04

7bit wrote:No, it does not wotk on ABS.

Front printing: yes.
Hm, how about front printed legends in Dirge Orange in Eurostile Bold Extended or even Data Seventy/Westminster? :lol:
Distinctive but maybe a bit specialist.

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10 Mar 2014, 23:08

Dasher & Dirge would make quite a nice combo, actually.

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10 Mar 2014, 23:16

facetsesame wrote:
drrtyrokka wrote:Have there any pbt dye-sub groupbuys like these ever been / are running ?
I believe that's what this is all about.
I feel bad about posting that link in this topic.
No need to feel bad. Matt3o's group buys are indeed the closest thing in diversity to this one.


10 Mar 2014, 23:24

I didn't try hard enough - from my order: "This puts you on rank #44."

What about GMK PBT for round 6?

Surely we should be able to reach MoQ?

Something beside SP SA for a while? :)

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10 Mar 2014, 23:27

Yes, like SA's crazier brother: SS!

I think only DCS, DSA and SA have complete enough sets of molds to do full keyboards, though.


10 Mar 2014, 23:29

Wavefront wrote:My Poker II arrived today, and it's going to look sooooo good when these caps get here.
I love my Poker II with browns.

Mine now looks a little different:
Poker II with grey mods.
Poker II with grey mods.
my_poker_ii.JPG (684.94 KiB) Viewed 5741 times
I keep thinking about modding it to MX clears with 62g springs, but the work involved would be huge.

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10 Mar 2014, 23:31

Well, at least you don't have to take the switches out the plate: ... t2458.html


10 Mar 2014, 23:57

Muirium wrote:Well, at least you don't have to take the switches out the plate: ... t2458.html
Hmmm. Interesting.

Isn't the base part of the switch different from browns to clears? Or is it only the internals?

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11 Mar 2014, 00:03

All under and upper-shells are the same. The differences are only the springs and sliders.

The only exception is the MXLOCK

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Mad Dasher

11 Mar 2014, 00:26

7bit wrote:All under and upper-shells are the same. The differences are only the springs and sliders.

The only exception is the MXLOCK
:idea: In Round 6, every keycap could come with a "free" MXLOCK... :twisted:

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11 Mar 2014, 00:32

Great idea!!!!

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11 Mar 2014, 00:37

4,000 MOQ for MXLOCK, right? And (looking at my last invoice here) >80,000 caps ordered in Round 5. So a "free" MXLOCK per 20 caps ought to do it.

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11 Mar 2014, 00:37

Muirium wrote:Well, at least you don't have to take the switches out the plate: ... t2458.html
Did I miss something? I read that thread (admittedly only the bits in english) and I can't see anything about opening plate mounted switches without desoldering them?

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11 Mar 2014, 00:39

Watch CeeSA's video (if I remember correctly) which is in one of the subsequent posts. He and others show how to pop open switches while they're still mounted.

I haven't tried this yet myself. But I will.

(In fact, the OP shows it too. But the process makes more sense when you see it in motion. The lower shell remains in place, soldered to the PCB and clipped into the plate. Only the top comes off.)

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