7bit wrote:"mechanical keyboard club" -> "mechanischer Tastatur Verein" or "mechanischer Tastatur Club" […]
We should at the very least respect the grammatical rules of the German language.
In this case they command one of the following forms (where Verein can be replaced with Club):
- Mechanischetastaturverein
- Mechanischetastaturenverein
- Mechanische-Tastatur-Verein
- Mechanische-Tastaturen-Verein
This is because:
- You cannot inflect "mechanisch" according to "Verein" as the keyboards are mechanical, not the club.
- You must either link all words together or have hyphens between all.
- The first letter must be a capital as the whole expression is a substantive.
All in all, I find that all four forms named above, while being grammatically correct, are not usual German (in the sense that nobody would spontaneously call such a club by such a name).
Besides, translating is not a matter of repeating all (and only) the words contained in the expression to be translated, but of conveying its meaning, the best case being when the reader cannot recognize the translation as a translation.
So I would propose (again Club can be taken instead of Verein):
- Verein für mechanische Tastaturen
- Verein der Freunde mechanischer Tastaturen
- Verein zur Förderung mechanischer Tastaturen
But again, in any case we should at the very least respect the grammatical rules of the German language.