Round 5 and Round 6 kits for sale!

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31 May 2014, 21:46

No, it's not. What makes you think that it is sold out? There are still 9 kits in stock, which is so specified in the Invoice. In the invoices before it was listed correctly and I've paid already.

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Mad Dasher

31 May 2014, 22:16

Hm, my invoice (11:15 CEST this morning) says 9 kits are available too, but 7bit's list above (8:35 CEST this morning) says only 8 are available.

This maybe suggests it was removed somehow? :-? Why not try sending a variation of the popular FHGHGFHG to get an updated invoice confirm if it's still missing, and if it's not there send another order for it?

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31 May 2014, 22:40

yes, the one kit that is no longer in my invoice is returned to stock. ;)
I just wanted to first wait if 7bit replies. Get tomorrow request a new invoice.

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Mad Dasher

01 Jun 2014, 00:52

facetsesame's idea for using a NOFUN n°1:
nofun_idea.png (49.8 KiB) Viewed 4678 times
total price: $123

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01 Jun 2014, 09:25

You can still have the HONEY/CURSORBASE/RED, no need to use blanks.

Kits of the day:
price: $39

price: $6

price: $2

price: $5

price: $9

price: $7


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01 Jun 2014, 09:41

Wow, i have about 20$ in my account again!

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Mad Dasher

01 Jun 2014, 11:05

7bit wrote:You can still have the HONEY/CURSORBASE/RED, no need to use blanks.
Indeed, I was just trying to show the flexibility of what's on offer (don't forget: blanks are available!), and add some "character" to the board with a white stripe.

However I notice I forgot to choose a cursor kit :oops: so I will bow to your wisdow and choose HONEY/CURSOR/OVR/RED at $5, making a new total of $127 :geek:

I might try for a second NOFUN set in a bit.
madhias wrote:Wow, i have about 20$ in my account again!
Very nice! You could add a NOFUN and a HONEY/LOTUSESC with that :)

I only have $3, I might get a FUN key and a fun key :)

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01 Jun 2014, 11:14

I added the red function overrun 1 kit, so now i have a PANIC, TURBO and FIRE key! I always wanted the red FIRE key, unfortunately not row 1, but that's no problem at all. And this simple DT key...

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Mad Dasher

01 Jun 2014, 11:30

madhias wrote:I added the red function overrun 1 kit, so now i have a PANIC, TURBO and FIRE key! I always wanted the red FIRE key, unfortunately not row 1, but that's no problem at all. And this simple DT key...
Ah, great choice! FUNCTION/RED is an excellent, almost essential kit, and the overrun 1 version is great value.

Hm, I think I might be getting overexcited again.

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01 Jun 2014, 17:16

What exactly is the difference between these two anyway?



Just that one backspace key? The price suggests more than that.

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01 Jun 2014, 17:26

BACK SPACE is missing and I lowered thge price to sell the remaining kits.

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01 Jun 2014, 17:26

Fair enough. Just checking the picture was accurate. Those red keys are tasty!

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01 Jun 2014, 17:34

What stage is this group buy in? I might need some caps for my ergodox..

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01 Jun 2014, 17:44

I would say in the final stage - there are some leftovers you can grab!

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Mad Dasher

01 Jun 2014, 17:58

Did someone say leftovers?
nofun_idea2.png (62.06 KiB) Viewed 5100 times

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01 Jun 2014, 18:28

He he :-)

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01 Jun 2014, 18:55

Spiderkeyboardrunner, Spiderkeyboardrunner, does whatever a spiderkeyboardrunner does!

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02 Jun 2014, 08:09

Kits of the day:
price: $32

price: $2

price: $36

price: $5

price: $19

price: $1


Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/TKL/BASE/NOFUN     |    7| 23|   19|USD|TKL base no func keys kit
HONEY/TKL/BASE/WHITE     |    3| 39|   49|USD|TKL base white kit
HONEY/TKL/BASE/RED       |    1| 39|   36|USD|TKL base red kit
HONEY/ALPHA/RED          |    1| 49|   39|USD|ALPHA kit in red
HONEY/ALPHAINT/RED       |    8| 31|   26|USD|ALPHA kit for DE-IT in red
HONEY/INTER/OVR2         |    1| 43|   29|USD|language kit overrun
HONEY/INTER/RED          |    6| 38|   39|USD|language kit for DE,DK,NO,SE
HONEY/INTER/RED/OVR      |    9| 35|   19|USD|language overrun kit DK,NO
HONEY/INTER/BLACK/OVR    |   15| 42|   19|USD|language kit for DE-IT overrun
HONEY/DE                 |    3| 22|   16|USD|DE language kit
HONEY/DK                 |    1| 21|   19|USD|DK language kit
HONEY/NO                 |    1| 21|   18|USD|NO language kit
HONEY/IT                 |    3| 19|   12|USD|IT language kit
HONEY/FR                 |    7| 27|   16|USD|FR language kit
HONEY/UK                 |    3|  6|    6|USD|UK language kit
HONEY/UK/BLACK           |   16|  6|    7|USD|UK black language kit
HONEY/US/BLACK           |    1| 20|   16|USD|US black language kit
HONEY/BEPOALPHA          |    2| 51|   34|USD|BEPO ALPHA language kit
HONEY/BEPO/OVR           |    8| 30|   19|USD|BEPO ALPHA language overrun kit
HONEY/COLRAK             |    8| 31|   29|USD|COLEMAK and DVORAK language kit
HONEY/7BIT               |   12| 12|    9|USD|7BIT language kit
HONEY/ISO                |   13|  4|    8|USD|ISO kit in grey
HONEY/ISO/WHITE          |    1|  4|    7|USD|ISO kit in white
HONEY/ISO/RED            |    8|  4|    9|USD|ISO kit in red
HONEY/ISO/BLACK          |    5|  4|    9|USD|ISO kit in black
HONEY/MODIFIER/OVR2      |    3| 49|   29|USD|Modifier overrun kit
HONEY/MODIFIER/OVR3      |    1| 32|   32|USD|Modifier overrun kit
HONEY/MODIFIER/OVR5      |    3|  7|    6|USD|Modifier overrun kit
HONEY/MODIFIER/WHITE/OVR1|    2| 40|   35|USD|Modifier white overrun kit
HONEY/MODIFIER/WHITE/OVR2|    1| 36|   25|USD|Modifier white overrun kit
HONEY/MODIFIER/WHITE/OVR3|    9|  4|    4|USD|Modifier white overrun kit
HONEY/MODIFIER/RED/OVR1  |    5| 32|   32|USD|Modifier red overrun kit
HONEY/FUN125/RED         |    9|  1|    2|USD|FUN key kit (1.25 units)
HONEY/FUN125/BLACK       |   17|  1|    2|USD|FUN key kit (1.25 units)
HONEY/WINDOWS125/RED     |    4|  3|    4|USD|WINDOWS kit (1.25 units)
HONEY/WINDOWS125/BLACK   |    2|  3|    4|USD|WINDOWS kit (1.25 units)
HONEY/WINDOWS150         |    9|  3|    4|USD|WINDOWS kit (1.5 units)
HONEY/APPLE125           |    2|  4|    4|USD|APPLE kit (1.25 units)
HONEY/APPLE125/BLACK     |    3|  4|    4|USD|APPLE kit (1.25 units)
HONEY/MOD150/BLACK/OVR1  |    1| 11|   15|USD|Modifier 1.5 units black kit
HONEY/MOD175S            |   19|  2|    5|USD|Modifier 1.75 stepped kit
HONEY/MODEXTRA125        |    1| 10|   19|USD|Modifier Extra 1.25 units kit
HONEY/MODEXTRA150/OVR    |   10| 12|    9|USD|Modifier Extra 1.5 units kit
HONEY/MODEXTRA150/R4     |    3|  8|    9|USD|Modifier Extra 1.5 u (row 4)
HONEY/MODEXTRA175        |   14|  8|   27|USD|Modifier Extra 1.75 units kit
HONEY/MODSYM100          |    4|  9|    7|USD|Modifier symbols 1 unit kit
HONEY/MODSYM100/OVR      |   12|  7|    6|USD|Modifier symbols 1 unit kit
HONEY/MODSYM125          |    5|  8|    9|USD|Modifier symbols 1.25 units kit
HONEY/MODSYM150          |   11|  9|   21|USD|Modifier symbols 1.5 units kit
HONEY/MODSYM200POS       |   19|  4|    6|USD|Modifier symbols 2 units POS
HONEY/MODSYM100/BLACK    |   21|  8|   19|USD|Modifier symbols 1 unit black
HONEY/MODSYM125/BLACK    |   18|  8|   19|USD|Modifier symbols 1.25 units
HONEY/CURSOR/OVR3        |   10|  4|    2|USD|Cursors kit
HONEY/CURSOR/R24         |    2|  8|    9|USD|Cursor row 2/4 kit
HONEY/CURSOR/R24/TEXT    |    4|  4|    3|USD|Cursor row 2/4 text kit
HONEY/CURSOR/R3/TEXT     |    9|  4|    2|USD|Cursor row 3 text kit
HONEY/CURSORBASE/RED     |    9|  9|    7|USD|Cursor base kit
HONEY/CURSORS/RED        |    4| 22|   29|USD|Cursors red kit
HONEY/CURSOR/R24/RED     |    8|  8|   13|USD|Cursor row 2/4 red kit
HONEY/CURSOR/R3/RED      |    9|  8|    6|USD|Cursor row 3 red kit
HONEY/CURSOR/OVR/RED     |   10|  6|    5|USD|Cursor row 3/4 red kit
HONEY/CURSORS/BLACK      |    3| 22|   19|USD|Cursors black kit
HONEY/CURSOR/R34/BLACK   |    6|  8|    6|USD|Cursor row 3/4 black kit
HONEY/CURSYM100/R3/RED   |    2|  9|    8|USD|Cursor triangle kit (row 3)
HONEY/CURSYM100/OVR/RED  |    1|  5|    5|USD|Cursor triangle kit (row 3)
HONEY/CURSYM125          |    2|  4|    5|USD|Cursor triangle kit (1.25 units)
HONEY/CURSYM125/RED      |    9|  4|    5|USD|Cursor triangle kit (1.25 units)
HONEY/NUMPAD/GREY        |    3| 24|   21|USD|Numpad grey kit
HONEY/NUMPAD/RED         |    5| 24|   25|USD|Numpad red kit_(LQ2)
HONEY/NUMNUM/GREY        |   11| 14|   13|USD|Numpad number keys grey
HONEY/NUMNUM/RED         |    2| 14|   14|USD|Numpad number keys red
HONEY/NUMOP/GREY         |    5| 10|    8|USD|Numpad operator keys grey
HONEY/NUMOP/GREY/OVR     |    4| 10|    5|USD|Numpad operator keys grey
HONEY/NUMERIC7/GREY      |    8| 32|   29|USD|Numeric7 grey kit (row 3)
HONEY/NUMERIC7/WHITE     |    8| 32|   29|USD|Numeric7 white kit (row 3)
HONEY/NUMROW/WHITE       |    4| 23|   38|USD|Numrow white kit
HONEY/NUMROW/WHITE/OVR   |   11| 13|    8|USD|Numrow white overrun kit
HONEY/NUMROW             |    7| 40|   59|USD|Numrow 0-9 kit
HONEY/NUMROW/GREY        |    8| 10|   19|USD|Numrow 0-9 grey kit
HONEY/NUMROW/RED         |   12| 10|    8|USD|Numrow 0-9 red kit
HONEY/NUMROW/BLACK       |   10| 10|   19|USD|Numrow 0-9 black kit
HONEY/FUNMOD/BLACK/OVR2  |    5| 21|   19|USD|Function and mod. kit black
HONEY/FUNCTION/R1        |    1| 35|   29|USD|Function row 1 kit_(LQ2)
HONEY/FUNCTION/R2        |    4| 11|   19|USD|Function row 2 kit
HONEY/FUNCTION/R3        |   13| 24|   36|USD|Function row 3 kit
HONEY/FUNCTION2          |    6| 16|   24|USD|Function 2 kit (rows 1-4)_(LQ1)
HONEY/FUNCTION7B         |    5| 42|   29|USD|Function 7bit kit (rows 1-4)
HONEY/FUNCTION7D         |    4| 28|    9|USD|Function 7bit kit (rows 1-4)
HONEY/FUNCTION7E         |    1| 27|   12|USD|Function 7bit kit (rows 1-4)
HONEY/FUNCTION7F         |    2| 10|    9|USD|Function 7bit kit (rows 1-4)
HONEY/FUNCTION/RED       |    3| 23|   24|USD|Function and modifier red kit
HONEY/FUNCTION/RED/OVR1  |    2| 22|   19|USD|Function and modifier red kit
HONEY/FUNCTION/R1/RED    |   13| 10|    9|USD|Function row 1 red kit
HONEY/F13TOF24           |    6| 12|   29|USD|F13-F24 in grey (row 1)
HONEY/F1TOF24            |   10| 24|   19|USD|F1-F24 in grey (row 1)
HONEY/F1TOF12/H7         |    1| 12|   10|USD|F1-F12 in grey (for Hyper7)
HONEY/F13TOF24/WHITE     |   19| 12|   12|USD|F13-F24 in white (row 1)
HONEY/F1TOF24/WHITE      |    1| 24|   19|USD|F1-F24 in white (row 1)
HONEY/TRASH1             |    1| 69|   25|USD|Sym, Fun and Numeric keys
HONEY/TRASH3             |    1| 15|    5|USD|Sym, Fun and Numeric keys
HONEY/TRASH4             |    1|  5|    4|USD|Symbol and Numeric keys
HONEY/TRASH5             |    5|  4|    3|USD|Symbol and Numeric keys
HONEY/POS                |    2| 30|   19|USD|POS (2 units)
HONEY/POS/PACK1          |    9|  8|   12|USD|POS pack 1 (2 units)
HONEY/POS/PACK2          |   10|  6|    6|USD|POS pack 2 (2 units)
HONEY/POS/PACK3          |   10|  8|    6|USD|POS pack 3 (2 units)
HONEY/POS/PACK4          |    9|  8|    7|USD|POS pack 4 (2 units)
HONEY/JRET               |    5|  1|    6|USD|J-Return key (grey)
HONEY/JRET/WHITE         |    7|  1|    6|USD|J-Return key (white)
HONEY/JRET/RED           |   13|  1|    6|USD|J-Return key (red)
HONEY/JRET/BLACK         |    1|  1|    6|USD|J-Return key (black)
HONEY/CAPS175            |   18|  1|    2|USD|CAPS LOCK key 1.75 units
HONEY/CAPS175/RED        |    9|  1|    2|USD|CAPS LOCK key 1.75 units
HONEY/CAPS175S/RED       |   12|  1|    5|USD|CAPS LOCK key 1.75 units, step
HONEY/CAPS175/BLACK      |    9|  1|    1|USD|CAPS LOCK key 1.75 units
HONEY/CAPS175S/BLACK     |   17|  1|    4|USD|CAPS LOCK key 1.75 units, step
HONEY/BACKSPACE200/BLACK |    7|  1|    2|USD|BACK SPACE key 2 units (row 1)
HONEY/RETURN175          |   10|  1|    3|USD|Return (1.75 units; grey)
HONEY/RETURN225/RED      |   10|  1|    3|USD|Return (2.25 units; red)
HONEY/SHIFT150           |    2|  1|    1|USD|SHIFT key 1.5 units (row 3)
HONEY/SHIFT175           |   18|  1|    2|USD|SHIFT key 1.75 units (row 3)
HONEY/SHIFT225           |   13|  1|    2|USD|SHIFT key 2.25 units (row 3)
HONEY/SHIFT275           |    9|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 2.75 units (row 3)
HONEY/SHIFT200/R4        |   18|  1|    5|USD|SHIFT key 2 units (row 4)
HONEY/SHIFT125/WHITE     |    7|  1|    1|USD|SHIFT key 1.25 units (row 3)
HONEY/SHIFT100/RED       |   21|  1|    6|USD|SHIFT key 1 unit (row 3; red)
HONEY/SHIFT125/RED       |   20|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 1.25 units (row 3; red)
HONEY/SHIFT200/RED       |    3|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 2 units (row 3; red)
HONEY/SHIFT225/RED       |    6|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 2.25 units (row 3; red)
HONEY/SHIFT275/RED       |   20|  1|    2|USD|SHIFT key 2.75 units (row 3; red)
HONEY/SHIFT100/R4/RED    |   21|  1|    6|USD|SHIFT key 1 u. (row 4; red)
HONEY/SHIFT200/R4/RED    |   22|  1|    5|USD|SHIFT key 2 u. (row 4; red)
HONEY/SHIFT100/BLACK     |   16|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 1 u. (row 3; black)
HONEY/SHIFT125/BLACK     |    3|  1|    1|USD|SHIFT key 1.25 u. (row 3; black)
HONEY/SHIFT200/BLACK     |    3|  1|    4|USD|SHIFT key 2 u. (row 3; black)
HONEY/SHIFT225/BLACK     |    2|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 2.25 u. (row 3; black)
HONEY/SHIFT275/BLACK     |   18|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 2.75 u. (row 3; black)
HONEY/COMMA              |   15|  1|    2|USD|numpad comma (row 3; white)
HONEY/COMMA/GREY         |   20|  1|    4|USD|numpad comma (row 3; grey)
HONEY/GTLT               |    3|  1|    1|USD|greater less (row 4; white)
HONEY/GTLT/GREY          |   10|  1|    2|USD|greater less (row 4; grey)
HONEY/GTLT/RED           |    7|  1|    2|USD|greater less (row 4; red)
HONEY/GTLT/BLACK         |   19|  1|    2|USD|greater less (row 4; black)
HONEY/FJ                 |   22|  2|    2|USD|F and J (row 3; white)
HONEY/FJ/GREY            |    7|  2|    2|USD|F and J (row 3; grey)
HONEY/FJ/BLACK           |   12|  2|    2|USD|F and J (row 3; black)
HONEY/GHB/GREY           |   19|  3|    2|USD|G, H and B (grey)
HONEY/GHB/WHITE          |   14|  3|    2|USD|G, H and B (white)
HONEY/GHB/RED            |   17|  3|    2|USD|G, H and B (red)
HONEY/GHB/BLACK          |   18|  3|    2|USD|G, H and B (black)
HONEY/TILDEBPRIME/GREY   |    9|  1|    1|USD|tilde backprime (row 1; grey)
HONEY/TILDEBPRIME/WHITE  |   12|  1|    1|USD|tilde backprime (row 1; white)
HONEY/TILDEBPRIME/RED    |    6|  1|    1|USD|tilde backprime (row 1; red)
HONEY/VERTBSL/R1         |   15|  1|    1|USD|vert bslash (row 1; white)
HONEY/VERTBSL/R2         |   19|  1|    4|USD|vert bslash (row 2; white)
HONEY/VERTBSL/R3         |    8|  1|    1|USD|vert bslash (row 3; white)
HONEY/VERTBSL/R4         |   23|  1|    2|USD|vert bslash (row 4; white)
HONEY/VERTBSL/R1/RED     |    7|  1|    1|USD|vert bslash (row 1; red)
HONEY/VERTBSL/R3/RED     |    9|  1|    1|USD|vert bslash (row 3; red)
HONEY/VERTBSL/R1/BLACK   |   11|  1|    1|USD|vert bslash (row 1; red)
HONEY/VERTBSL150         |   11|  1|    2|USD|vert bslash (row 2; white)
HONEY/VERTBSL150/BLACK   |    4|  1|    2|USD|vert bslash (row 2; black)
HONEY/REDESCAPE/R3       |    5|  1|    1|USD|ESCAPE key (row 3; red)
HONEY/SPACE100           |   13|  2|    3|USD|Space (1 units; white)
HONEY/SPACE100/GREY      |   14|  2|    3|USD|Space (1 units; grey)
HONEY/SPACE100/BLACK     |   14|  2|    3|USD|Space (1 units; black)
HONEY/SPACE150           |   11|  2|    5|USD|Space (1.5 units; white)
HONEY/SPACE150/GREY      |    6|  2|    3|USD|Space (1.5 units; grey)
HONEY/SPACE150/RED       |   19|  2|    7|USD|Space (1.5 units; red)_(LQ2)
HONEY/SPACE150/BLACK     |   17|  2|    6|USD|Space (1.5 units; black)_(LQ2)
HONEY/SPACE400/GREY      |   14|  1|    8|USD|Space (4 units; grey)
HONEY/SPACE400/RED       |   21|  1|    8|USD|Space (4 units; red)
HONEY/SPACE400/BLACK     |   19|  1|    8|USD|Space (4 units; black)
HONEY/SPACE450           |    4|  1|    8|USD|Space (4.5 units; white)
HONEY/SPACE450/GREY      |   19|  1|    9|USD|Space (4.5 units; grey)
HONEY/SPACE450/RED       |   20|  1|    9|USD|Space (4.5 units; red)
HONEY/SPACE450/BLACK     |   18|  1|    9|USD|Space (4.5 units; black)
HONEY/SPACE625           |   14|  1|    2|USD|Space (6.25 units white)
HONEY/SPACE625/RED       |    9|  1|    3|USD|Space (6.25 units; red)
HONEY/SPACE625/BLACK     |    2|  1|    3|USD|Space (6.25 units; black)
HONEY/SPACE700           |   15|  1|    3|USD|Space (7 units white)
HONEY/SPACE700/GREY      |    6|  1|    3|USD|Space (7 units; grey)
HONEY/SPACE700/RED       |   23|  1|    3|USD|Space (7 units; red)
HONEY/DT/GREY            |   25|  2|    2|USD|DT keys (rows 1 and 3; grey)
HONEY/DT/WHITE           |   27|  2|    2|USD|DT keys (rows 1 and 3; white)
HONEY/DT/RED             |   14|  2|    2|USD|DT keys (rows 1 and 3; red)
HONEY/DT/BLACK           |   18|  2|    2|USD|DT keys (rows 1 and 3; black)
HONEY/VIM                |    1|  4|    8|USD|VIM key in all 4 colors (row 1)
HONEY/HELVETICA          |    7|  2|    2|USD|Swiss flag (rows 1 and 3)
HONEY/HELVETICA125       |   11|  1|    2|USD|Swiss flag (row 3)
HONEY/HELVETICA150       |   12|  1|    2|USD|Swiss flag (row 3)
HONEY/ERGOKEY/R3         |    3|  2|    2|USD|ERGO DOX keys (row 3; red)
HONEY/ERGOKEYS           |    7|  4|    4|USD|ERGO DOX keys (row 1 and 3; red)
HONEY/KBDRUNNER          |    1|  1|    1|USD|Keyboard runner (row 1; grey)
HONEY/KBDRUNNER/WHITE    |    3|  1|    1|USD|Keyboard runner (row 1; white)
HONEY/KBDRUNNER/RED      |   20|  1|    1|USD|Keyboard runner (row 1; red)
HONEY/KBDRUNNER/RED/R2   |   17|  1|    1|USD|Keyboard runner (row 2; red)
HONEY/KBDRUNNER/BLACK    |    2|  1|    1|USD|Keyboard runner (row 1; black)
HONEY/LOTUSESC           |   11|  1|    1|USD|Lotus key (row 1; grey)
HONEY/LOTUSESC/RED       |    1|  1|    1|USD|Lotus key (row 1; red)
HONEY/LOTUSESC/BLACK     |   12|  1|    1|USD|Lotus key (row 1; black)
HONEY/LOTUS100           |    4|  1|    1|USD|Lotus key (row 3; grey)
HONEY/LOTUS125           |   12|  1|    2|USD|Lotus key (row 3; grey)
HONEY/LOTUS150           |   16|  1|    3|USD|Lotus key (row 3; grey)
HONEY/LOTUS175           |   18|  1|    7|USD|Lotus key (row 3; grey)
HONEY/LOTUS175S          |    9|  1|    5|USD|Lotus key (row 3; grey)
HONEY/LOTUS125/RED       |   20|  1|    2|USD|Lotus key (row 3; red)
HONEY/LOTUS175S/RED      |   16|  1|    7|USD|Lotus key (row 3; red)
HONEY/LOTUS100/BLACK     |    4|  1|    1|USD|Lotus key (row 3; black)
HONEY/LOTUS175S/BLACK    |   21|  1|    9|USD|Lotus key (row 3; black)
BLANK/R3U100C/GREY       |   13|  1|    2|USD|blank key center nub (grey)
BLANK/R3U100D/GREY       |   11|  1|    3|USD|blank key deep dish (grey)
BLANK/R3U125/GREY        |    1|  1|    1|USD|blank key (grey)
BLANK/R1U150/GREY        |    9|  1|    1|USD|blank key (grey)
BLANK/R2U150/GREY        |    2|  1|    1|USD|blank key (grey; same as R4)
BLANK/R2U175/GREY        |   14|  1|    1|USD|blank key (grey)
BLANK/R3U175/GREY        |    8|  1|    3|USD|blank key (grey)
BLANK/R3U175S/GREY       |   15|  1|    3|USD|blank stepped key (grey)
BLANK/R1U200/GREY        |   10|  1|    4|USD|blank key (grey)
BLANK/R2U200/GREY        |   17|  1|    1|USD|blank key (grey; same as R4)
BLANK/R3U200P/GREY       |    8|  1|    1|USD|blank POS fits on 2 sws (grey)
BLANK/R3U275/GREY        |   11|  1|    3|USD|blank key (grey)
BLANK/R1U100/WHITE       |    8|  1|    1|USD|blank key (white)
BLANK/R2U100/WHITE       |    6|  1|    1|USD|blank key (white)
BLANK/R4U100/WHITE       |    4|  1|    1|USD|blank key (white)
BLANK/R3U100C/WHITE      |    9|  1|    3|USD|blank key center nub (white)
BLANK/R3U100D/WHITE      |    5|  1|    1|USD|blank key deep dish (white)
BLANK/R1U150/WHITE       |   12|  1|    1|USD|blank key (white)
BLANK/R2U150/WHITE       |    1|  1|    2|USD|blank key (white)
BLANK/R3U150/WHITE       |    1|  1|    2|USD|blank key (white)
BLANK/R2U200/WHITE       |   14|  1|    3|USD|blank key (white)
BLANK/R3U100C/RED        |   18|  1|    4|USD|blank key center nub (red)
BLANK/R3U100D/RED        |   19|  1|    2|USD|blank key deep dish (red)
BLANK/R1U150/RED         |    3|  1|    1|USD|blank key (red)
BLANK/R2U150/RED         |   17|  1|    2|USD|blank key (red)
BLANK/R3U150/RED         |    4|  1|    1|USD|blank key (red)
BLANK/R3U100/BLACK       |    2|  1|    1|USD|blank key (black)
BLANK/R3U100C/BLACK      |   10|  1|    4|USD|blank key center nub (black)
BLANK/R3U100D/BLACK      |   16|  1|    4|USD|blank key deep dish (black)
BLANK/R3U125/BLACK       |   20|  1|    4|USD|blank key (black)
BLANK/R2U150/BLACK       |   14|  1|    2|USD|blank key (black)

User avatar

02 Jun 2014, 16:13

Joined Deskthority and placed my first order! :D


02 Jun 2014, 16:15

Any news from Signature Plastics ? Is the production launched ?

User avatar

02 Jun 2014, 16:42

They need 2 weeks to prepare the order.


02 Jun 2014, 17:18

2 weeks from now or from an unspecified date? :D

User avatar

02 Jun 2014, 20:55

In theory, they should start today, because they had been paid for production and rumors say they want to start when they've got the money.

User avatar

02 Jun 2014, 21:06

A Google search for "round 5 rumors" turns up nothing. I wanna read the blog!

User avatar

02 Jun 2014, 22:49

Muirium wrote:A Google search for "round 5 rumors" turns up nothing. I wanna read the blog!
This forum definately needs a like button. :mrgreen:

User avatar

03 Jun 2014, 00:18

Newbie Question. I PMed my order for this Group Buy and I was sent an e-mail invoice. I just paid for the invoice by sending the money to the e-mail I was instructed to along with my 'identifying text' (I assumed that means the text which reads R5 ##### Username). question is will I at some point get a confirmation message saying that my order has been taken/paid for? Otherwise do I just get a notification message when my order has been shipped?


User avatar

03 Jun 2014, 00:33

I waited a day after paying and then sent a PM to 7bot with a random message, followed by my email address.



Got my invoice saying everything was paid a few minutes later.

User avatar

03 Jun 2014, 00:34

Payments are processed manually, while the invoices are generated automatically. That means there's some lag. So keep an eye on your emails, and if your payment doesn't show in up in the next invoice or two, kick up a fuss about it.

As for when things are shipped, we've been looking forward to that for months now! I think the only notification is when 7bit announces order numbers in this thread. At least that's how he does it with MX switches.

User avatar

03 Jun 2014, 00:40

Thanks for the info guys!

I'll try sending a dummy/blank PM to receive a confirmation invoice tomorrow or later if I don't receive one by then.

Interesting ordering process I must say, kind of intimidating at first but once you've gone through it once it seems pretty straightforward.

User avatar

03 Jun 2014, 09:10

Boxx wrote:I waited a day after paying and then sent a PM to 7bot with a random message, followed by my email address.



Got my invoice saying everything was paid a few minutes later.
It works without your address.

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