Round 5 and Round 6 kits for sale!

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22 Apr 2015, 15:31

dotdrew wrote: 7bit you sly devil you. The kits I'm after would be (with the current amount of orders in brackets):

HONEYB/TKL (4 orders)
HONEYB/NUMNUM/WHITE (2 orders, and 2 NUMPAD - same keys)
HONEYB/ISO/BLUE (18 orders)

I'm guessing there'd be nothing to worry about with the red escape key and blue iso, but what about the TKL kit and numberpad keys, would they definitely be made?
SP produced a few more keys of each kind, so I can cover these. Should there be too many to cover, the quantity should be OK for a new production run.

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22 Apr 2015, 16:02

7bit wrote: SP produced a few more keys of each kind, so I can cover these. Should there be too many to cover, the quantity should be OK for a new production run.
Excellent! I'll put my order in now then. :D

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23 Apr 2015, 01:11

Yslen wrote: 7bit should be sorting live on a twitch stream, could be raising ad revenue to pay for new R6 legends or something :P
I would watch the shit out of that.

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Wild Duck

23 Apr 2015, 01:18

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23 Apr 2015, 01:36

An adoring crowd is nice, but what music does 7bit play for his bot? "What are your bots listening to at the moment?"
7bit wrote: The payment for shipping and customs fees had been done from the US collector, to avoid the bad exchange rate.
I'm usually critical of your batshit insane ordering and proxy payment system. But I've got to admit you dodged a killer bullet right there. We managed to score a lot more caps at the old exchange rate, that's for sure. Even if it did take a mean, mean wait…

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23 Apr 2015, 01:39

But wouldn't the exchange rate effect the last leg of payments. (Mostly the ones I've collected)

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Wild Duck

23 Apr 2015, 01:42

7bit is busy programming the bot to recognise all the different legends. Which, considering the number of different legends, will take two more years.

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23 Apr 2015, 01:48

Speaking of legends, I had to ask Unicomp how to describe things like individual multi-legend numpad keys when the textfield only takes one line. The answer: describe it to the human being who will process that order. Numpad ". Del" key, etc.

I appreciate 7bit doesn't have this leeway with his bots.


Imagine if all the early payments like mine had been taken in Euros, then the dollar went ahead and did this…
USD1.gif (9.86 KiB) Viewed 6992 times
We'd be so short! Fortunately, collecting dollars meant the early guys simply got a better deal, instead of stiffed! Our Euros (or indeed Pounds) simply stretched better back then.

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23 Apr 2015, 02:00

Thanks for explaining it, currency is all imaginary burgerbucks to me. One big mass shared delusion. Like Round 5 itself!

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23 Apr 2015, 02:01

Only tall spherical caps are legal tender.


23 Apr 2015, 02:51

Then it's definitely time to start a 7bit GB futures market.


23 Apr 2015, 04:11

7bit, I'm curious...with all the troubles with SP, have you looked into the guys that BunnyLake has been collaborating with? They are making a lot of promises of quality vs price and manufacturing time but the sample pictures look pretty good. See if you don't know what I'm talking about...


23 Apr 2015, 10:48

If I cancelled my group 5a order now, I would get so much back my group 5 order would cost only 20-ish euros. Fortunately for 7bit I need those blue caps. :lol:

Or is that not how it works? :twisted:


23 Apr 2015, 14:40

7bit wrote: There must be a color sample ring floating around.

Muirium, did you throw it into the surprise box?

I'm sorting the HONEY/ALPHAUK kit in a few minutes!
Oh UK :p (pics look nice)

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23 Apr 2015, 19:51

7bit wrote: There must be a color sample ring floating around.

Muirium, did you throw it into the surprise box?
Yup, last year, and I think someone took it out too. Another ring went through a nice scientific scanning (all calibrated and shit I don't understand) in some thread or another a while back.

But Mrs. XMIT does have a very good point!

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[ XMIT ]

23 Apr 2015, 19:55

I hope to be part of the next surprise box. Sorry I missed it this time around.

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25 Apr 2015, 09:08

I'm currently sorting the language kits.

2 boxes full of language specific keys.

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25 Apr 2015, 09:09

Muirium wrote:
7bit wrote: There must be a color sample ring floating around.

Muirium, did you throw it into the surprise box?
Yup, last year, and I think someone took it out too. Another ring went through a nice scientific scanning (all calibrated and shit I don't understand) in some thread or another a while back.

But Mrs. XMIT does have a very good point!
The switch samples are also gone. I will throw some in but not such a complete collection again.

Enough interruption!

Back to my key caps ...

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25 Apr 2015, 21:00

You rock dude. Thanks for all the hard work.

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26 Apr 2015, 18:25

I've found the first error:
< { [ ( are not symmetric on the key, so turning them around to get ) ] } > looks unsymmetric (left too low down, right too high up).

At least they got those É, Ê, È, Ë and Ȩ right.

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Mad Dasher

26 Apr 2015, 22:15

Ooh, you got to the 7bit language kits already :) The other colours can't be too far away...

Are you thinking about getting the < { [ ( keys remade?


27 Apr 2015, 14:51

post some pics!

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29 Apr 2015, 12:59

Your order will be shipped insured, with tracking, in 1 pack, at a weight of 1905g.

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29 Apr 2015, 16:40

Quite a bit for someone with the user text "BS TORPE" ... :-) (And about three times as much as I have coming...)


29 Apr 2015, 17:09

Y'all got any more of them photos? Maybe with the keys on an actual board?


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29 Apr 2015, 20:01

Halvar wrote: Quite a bit for someone with the user text "BS TORPE" ... :-) (And about three times as much as I have coming...)
Yes, especially because I use a Realforce at home, and a SSK at work - and change them from time to time! I only have a 60% MX keyboard left, which I rarely use... My Filco has my sister, and I sold my Ducky. But I am part of the TX1800 group buy, to have a nice Cherry MX keyboard.

It was the first big group buy for me, so I ordered a set for an ISO TKL keyboard.
Then I added more color options.
Then I added funny caps.
Then I saw matt3os custom keyboards, and ordered for a custom keyboard a set too.
Then I decided to order all single legend caps (like the HONEY_NUMROW). In all colors.
Then I had to order ANSI options too, because I completely switched from ISO to ANSI.
Then 7bit always sent me invoices with money in my account which I spent again on more caps.

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29 Apr 2015, 20:37

The first period of the great key caps sorting has been ended today, with the last grey and white kits (HONEY/WINDOWS150).

Tomorrow I will start to pack and ship CherryMX orders. This will only stop when everything is out.

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29 Apr 2015, 22:57



30 Apr 2015, 00:47

7bit wrote: The first period of the great key caps sorting has been ended today, with the last grey and white kits (HONEY/WINDOWS150).

Tomorrow I will start to pack and ship CherryMX orders. This will only stop when everything is out.
What is left to be sorted??

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30 Apr 2015, 04:01

Our each and every dreams…

Seriously, 7bit, c'mon with the Round 5 man. Forget those Cherry MX guys already! Have we not a Cappening going on here?

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