I would like to introduce you to a new profile that I am referring to as SCM Profile.
There are six distinct row profiles and row five will have two options, a 14 degree face or an 11 degree face. The rows are numbered from the top down. All keys will be reversible.
ROW1 -16 degrees -12 degrees
ROW2 -12 degrees -9 degrees
ROW3 -9 degrees -6 degrees
ROW4 +4 degrees
ROW5 +14 / +11 degrees
ROW6 +/-3 degrees (+/-2 degree space bar)
Vertical keys will be sculpted to match the theoretical curve between the rows they cover. Keep in mind that this is just entering the prototyping stage and there may be some adjustments based on feedback or other unforeseen issues, but I am eager to see it move forward as quickly as possible.
My plan is to ultimately offer as many key sizes as possible and focus on short to possibly moderately sized runs. If time permits I will probably even consider requests for special one-off projects. I really enjoy custom work and will try to be available for it as much as it is feasible.
I have posted this in the workshop because nothing is for sale at this point. However I am open to suggestions for an initial offering.
The images below are rendered with the 14 degree row 5.
*** edited for updates / images