Round 5 and Round 6 kits for sale!

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13 Jun 2015, 14:36

Yeah, here we go, damn you slow shipping to Scotland! I needed a week's head start to be first!

Ahem, I mean: looks sweet, like HONEY.

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Mad Dasher

13 Jun 2015, 14:55

Congratulations rindorbrot! I'm not sure I can imagine how you must feel.

I'd lost sight of how good the WFK keys would look. Very elegant, even with the fun splashes of RAS! How'd you like the red?

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13 Jun 2015, 15:21

Very nice! What board are they on btw.

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13 Jun 2015, 15:25

it's my newest baby, a GON NerD TKL 2.0 DTA Edition ;)
The combination feels very great!

I will do a photo thread on it someday...
Last edited by rindorbrot on 13 Jun 2015, 17:33, edited 2 times in total.

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13 Jun 2015, 15:33

Enjoy it, and live on in history as the first person to get Round 5!

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13 Jun 2015, 16:44

Wow! The great cappening is happening!

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13 Jun 2015, 17:43

uuhh, just realized my order is already packed :o

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13 Jun 2015, 18:33


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13 Jun 2015, 20:29

Damn those RAS accents look amazing there. I'm rethinking my decisions.

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13 Jun 2015, 22:50

Hey 7bit, I wanted to switch my R5a order for some R5 leftovers, so I did clearall and then sent the new order in. The bot sent me an email with just my old order cleared but not the new order for leftovers. I know you're shipping like a madman, but tell me when you have time if the new order for leftovers went through

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13 Jun 2015, 23:03

I cant stop looking at rindorbrot's picture.

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13 Jun 2015, 23:10

SL89 wrote: I cant stop looking at rindorbrot's picture.
Do you want another photo, but with backlight on now?



As you can see, unfortunately the red caps are letting some light through. :(

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13 Jun 2015, 23:22

Intriguing. Seems that light of the same colour as a cap is transmitted much more easily. I saw the same thing at work with the yellow PBT caps on my yellow backlit Ducky Shine 3. Not that Round 4 SPH was letting anything through:


ABS behaves similarly to PBT then.

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13 Jun 2015, 23:54

You are right Mu, when I put the red caps on a yellow LED key, it does not shine through.

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14 Jun 2015, 01:53

Gound 5 is a real thing? :o :o
Can't belive its finally happening :shock:

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14 Jun 2015, 08:30

Seriously, Round 5 is one of the most sexy looking keycap sets out there! Wow, that grey-red-white combo is perfect! Can't wait to get my big order now. I don't think the cap order will come about the same time as the Novatouch test board, but I will definitely get some Topre sliders then.

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14 Jun 2015, 09:37

rindorbrot wrote: You are right Mu, when I put the red caps on a yellow LED key, it does not shine through.
Physics :D :ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:

Or... well technically chemistry I guess. Dang chemists.

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14 Jun 2015, 09:40

Hmm, the numrow legends look really wonky on your pics, rindorbrot. For example the 2 sits much lower than the 3 and the 7 and 8 look way smaller than the rest. Is that the case or is it just an optical illusion?
Last edited by Nuum on 14 Jun 2015, 10:42, edited 1 time in total.

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14 Jun 2015, 09:57

Yes they look a bit off :(

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14 Jun 2015, 15:59

In what "speed" do you package and ship?
The thing is I'm going on vacation on the 29th and can't get the package from the post office after that. Shall I send a "ship later"?
Or maybe you already packed it? Order 0068

Edit: Kinda bad luck and quite frustrating that when you have longed for these for.... Quite a while... You are going away when they are shipping. :(

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14 Jun 2015, 16:04

Tracking numbers required!

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15 Jun 2015, 09:32

Muirium you not got yours yet? I am much further south than you near old London town, I was out washing the car last night and a flying pig went overhead - just assumed it was your Round5 delivery...

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15 Jun 2015, 09:52

I'm currently looking at Round 5a and I'm a little confused:



These sets look very similar, only that the first costs $40 less, while having special legends on the alphas. How does that work?

Also, are the legends for HONEYB/TKL/CADET different from the Symbiosis legends? (at least I hope so, because I'm not really a fan of the latter)

Another thing: What is the difference between HONEYB/SPACE625/GREY


I'm talking about the color, SPH and GREY look like similar shades of grey, but to which set do they fit? :|


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15 Jun 2015, 11:27

IIRC the Cadet was priced to compete with the Symbiosis set on PMK. Generally prices on the sets will shift as more people sign up for them, but an exception was made for this set.

There are two different grays. The SPH is the Round 4 gray while the GRAY is the Round 5 gray. Both the sets you have linked above are SPH.

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15 Jun 2015, 11:43


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15 Jun 2015, 12:33

Kind of a bummer, that Cadet is so much cheaper. :( I really like the Spacecadet keycaps, but it looks weird on SA and I find the normal SPH set to look better:
DGbdKVn.jpg (230.95 KiB) Viewed 8296 times

The the SA keycap surface feels too big compared to the legends. (assuming 7bit will use the same legends) The mockup looks so much juicier... :?

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15 Jun 2015, 12:37

rindorbrot wrote: A miracle has happened!

All praise the lord of keycaps!
Shit just got real.

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15 Jun 2015, 18:43

Come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on.

Uh. Yeah, where's my damn delivery already, universe?

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15 Jun 2015, 18:46

Nuum wrote: Hmm, the numrow legends look really wonky on your pics, rindorbrot. For example the 2 sits much lower than the 3 and the 7 and 8 look way smaller than the rest. Is that the case or is it just an optical illusion?
quite a bit of lens+perspective distortion making it appear as if the keys are angled all crazy, too. would be better to judge if we can get a zoomed-in shot from further out. more pics wouldn't hurt anyway :)

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15 Jun 2015, 18:48

also, can't wait to put together my set on my GON 60. with fatty ISO return key too :p

still have most of the switches to solder on...

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