Designing the next Topre keycap set

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13 Aug 2015, 13:58

Yeah, it's a shit name.
The term "moogle kit" is named after the Geekhack user who first proposed it: Moogle Stiltzkin. A "Moogle" is a type of creature that appear in several games by Square Enix, such as the Final Fantasy series.[1]

I'd also consider "Muirium kit" to be a shit name, by the way. Who are we to force people to memorise our dumb handles?

Language protip: use actual words.

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13 Aug 2015, 15:31

I actually like the name, "Moogle kit". The question of "actual" words is interesting. English is such a dynamic language that it can incorporate new words as easily as the Borg can assimilate new beings into the collective. That said, I still cringe when I see words like "irregardless", despite the fact that this word now appears in some "official" dictionaries.

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13 Aug 2015, 15:36

People can be wrong all they like. That's pretty much the English language in a nut. I've nothing against dictionaries describing the language as it is, instead of defining what it should be. You won't even see me oppose the addition of a new primary definition for hypercritical to the dictionary, marked "see hypocritical". People use it that way all the time, and we already have flammable and inflammable being the same thing! Mere mortal danger isn't enough to put us off our stupidity.

But you won't catch me calling those kits after some random guy's name. Call me a hypercrite if you like! Neologisms are best when theyre witty, like Unsaver, instead of merely random.

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13 Aug 2015, 15:38

Nothing is random. ;)

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13 Aug 2015, 15:40

You haven't read Stephen Wolfram…

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13 Aug 2015, 15:55

Wolfram's book is on my shelf, and I use Mathematica from time to time, but I haven't fully grasped his notion of natural systems generating their own randomness. This concept appears to be different from, say, the sensitivity of some systems to initial conditions that gives rise to apparent chaos. In any event, the question of randomness is deeply intriguing.

Meanwhile, back to the Topre keycap set . . . .

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13 Aug 2015, 16:01

Have a look at the first few chapters. I read it years ago, and the key stuff is in there. His point is essentially that even the simplest discrete systems can readily produce infinitely complex results even when given perfectly simple input conditions. It's not the same as chaos theory, but related to and perhaps encompassing it. He later tries to explain pretty much everything given his cellular automata approach. As in cosmology, genetics, free will vs. determinism… that's why it's such a hefty book! But the beginning is the keeper.

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Offtopicthority Instigator

13 Aug 2015, 16:11

I'm generally very sceptical of these advanced theories. Are these authors able to warp into cellular and interstellar environments? Nope. Theories. That's all.

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13 Aug 2015, 16:14

Uh huh…

And gravity is wrong because Newton couldn't destroy the earth with the moon?

I like Wolfram's stuff. You can verify his fundamental premise with a simple program, or even with graph paper and a pencil if you like. That's the difference between science and fantasy: falsifiable, objectivity.

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Offtopicthority Instigator

13 Aug 2015, 16:22

Right, on the other hand a very restrictive attitude like mine towards any theory will leave no room for the researcher or philosopher or scientist. Often these folks are all those in one genius. Fine by me, just don't tell me what reality is in some abstract form.

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13 Aug 2015, 16:36

That Moogle Stilzkin proposed the set, so why not name it after him? That's a pretty standard procedure, right? It wasn't his idea either, but 7bit's. ... #msg284302
Last edited by Halvar on 13 Aug 2015, 16:44, edited 1 time in total.

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13 Aug 2015, 16:38

I'm calling it a Halvar set for now, just to annoy you. I'll make a stupid backronym too!

Halvar Adds Link Verifying Arbitrary Randomness kit. Done.

@Seebart: Well, even you do, at least you'll have something good to burn in winter!

Wolfram's an interesting character. He doesn't have the tact to realise he can't propose ideas in isolation, without the world reacting to him, the man. We are social creatures, quick to our pitchforks. He's smart enough to know that. But simultaneously dumb enough to walk right on into it, with the title of his book (the thing you're likely reacting to) and the way that it's written (with all mention of prior science, including von Neuman who invented the bloody thing Wolfram is using throughout, stuck away in the massive footnotes at the back).

Perhaps he likes to annoy. But if so he could try much harder, and make an everyday nuisance of himself. Instead, he merely undermines his own theories. Not enough to make them untouchable or forgotten, but more like a bad fart persisting in the air…

That vindaloo had better have been worth it.

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13 Aug 2015, 16:49

Mu, your objections are a bit late, I mean people know what a Moogle kit entails do they not? People might not even know its named after someone. I mean, ErgoDox is a good example of that.

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Offtopicthority Instigator

13 Aug 2015, 16:49

Straw men, pitchforks and bad vindaloo farts. Now you're making sense! :D

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13 Aug 2015, 16:53

It's metaphor Monday, after all… (looks angrily at calendar)

@Sleighty: Dox put a fair old bit of work into his creation. As did Xwhatsit in his controller, and Soarer in his converter, etc. I don't dispute those names. They're about authorship.

You know, like the sterling effort Halvar just put into the correct citation of the Halvar kit's genesis.

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13 Aug 2015, 17:00

I was saying that most people dont know that Dox is a person.

This is more common on /r/MK or Geekhack, but it happens.

Moogle likewise is just a term to some, esp as its a long established kit.

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13 Aug 2015, 17:06

More understandable when the dude goes quiet. Dox left the community because of some bad dealing with MassDrop. Which I suspect is the ultimate reason for Webwit's passionate hatred for that company. Perhaps they ripped him off?

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13 Aug 2015, 17:06

People who were there in the early days get the fun of naming basic things. Like Pythagoras and Thales ...

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13 Aug 2015, 17:08

I had a really old maths teacher. He knew Pythagoras back in the day. He did some real work to reach his theorem, I'll tell you! People think reverie is easy. They are doing it wrong!

The Halvar kit is much too obvious. More like naming the ten digits after people. You know, besides 7bit…

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13 Aug 2015, 18:07

@Mu: Speaking of naming things in math and science, I had wrongly assumed that Mu was a fake element. I was partly right. There is no Muirium (as a chemical element), but there is Muonium (Mu), which is regarded as the second radioisotope of hydrogen -- an electron orbiting a muon particle. The element has a half-life of 2.2 microseconds, decaying via positron emission. But no doubt you knew all this already.

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13 Aug 2015, 18:16

just to be clear (and to go back in topic), this will be produced by Topre, Massdrop will make a group buy for it, but I'm sure it will be available on all channels Topre usually sells (ie: very few).

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13 Aug 2015, 19:18

Is the spacebar PBT or ABS?

@Hyper: My username's just a palinilap. Sorry, palindrome. It's there as a little unconscious reminder of how much I like symmetry. And yes there will be a muirium someday. How could we ignore the perfect name forever!

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13 Aug 2015, 19:21

if topre don't make it PBT, I will...

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13 Aug 2015, 19:25

Steely resolve!

Ditto for the HHKB addon pack, I hope. All we need is 1.75u Shift, Fn, 1u backslash and HHKB style backspace. We can do this!

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13 Aug 2015, 19:38

that would be harder. but I'll try

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13 Aug 2015, 19:54

Awesome. Being able to use these caps on more than one keyboard really helps when trying to justify the purchase. And we don't want to discriminate against the HHKB purists like Cookie, either.

Now, about those Leopolds…


2x 2.25u Shifts? Very sneaky! I like those 1.25u mods as well. The inability to swap Alt and GUI keys on a Realforce is going to bite me in the arse. Command is 1.5u. Option is 1u. Not be other way around!

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13 Aug 2015, 20:15

Question, are any of these colorways going to be considered for the Hi Pro style or just the OEM/Cherry/DCS sort of profile.

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13 Aug 2015, 20:27

hi-pro unfortunately is not an option.

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13 Aug 2015, 20:45

Are blanks an option?

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13 Aug 2015, 20:46

matt3o wrote: hi-pro unfortunately is not an option.

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