F104+SSK+122+62+77+50+Ergo orders now open! New Kishsaver+Industrial Model F Keyboards


01 Sep 2015, 13:34

Sorry not from me Mac. On a related note I do expect to make extra F62, F77, F107, F122 (can be used for an unsaver), and PC AT foam as well.

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01 Sep 2015, 14:57

Elrick wrote: ...You actually might be the ONE to turn me into a rabid IBM switch zealot and that is what scares me the most.
This is what I'm afraid of too! I'm in for an F77.

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01 Sep 2015, 15:24

I'm already in the IBM snob club. My Kishsaver is a fantastic board, and Ellipse's new batch sound like they'll be epic. Being spoiled for Model F doesn't put me off other switches entirely, though. But yeah, I'm pretty damn picky now! The only clicks I care for are IBM and NMB.


01 Sep 2015, 16:33

Nmb... Hmm haven't tried those, yet.

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01 Sep 2015, 17:09

Best known as "Space Invaders":

http://deskthority.net/review-f45/nmb-r ... t8469.html

Very different to buckling spring. But I like them a lot, too.

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01 Sep 2015, 17:33

As I was reassembling my 107 key model F (with my newly powdercoated case), something occurred to me that I don't think has been brought up in this thread at all.

What is the feasibility of also getting a new long bar foot created for these keyboards? I am not sure how many people who have 4704 boards, also have the long bar foot with theirs, or whether they use them or not, but I quite like mine. The only gripe I have with mine is that I am missing a single rubber foot on mine and thus, it slides around on my desk...

I know that the Kishsaver has holes in the back for the bar foot, but I haven't seen one with the foot intact (and I don't know if you Ellipse, have one for your F77) but I think it would be cool to look into.

For reference, here is the long bar foot on the back of my F107:


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01 Sep 2015, 17:36

Ellipse wrote: Sorry not from me Mac. On a related note I do expect to make extra F62, F77, F107, F122 (can be used for an unsaver), and PC AT foam as well.
Oh yes. I like this idea! (consider the XT as well)


01 Sep 2015, 18:04

Just thought of a suggestion: Would it be possible to run the usb cable from the center of the rear, rather than the left as seen in http://deskthority.net/resources/image/16568


01 Sep 2015, 18:33

Sorry the designs were already finalized and paid for fish.

Chzel- I will look into XT foam tooling but not sure how many people use their XTs and want replacement foam.

Pyre-instead of a bar, may I suggest taller rubber or cork posts for the back side if you want. A number of my F107s used rubber posts as the plastic bars often did not survive usage/storage.

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01 Sep 2015, 20:02

Muirium wrote: Best known as "Space Invaders":

http://deskthority.net/review-f45/nmb-r ... t8469.html

Very different to buckling spring. But I like them a lot, too.
Likewise, I have narrowed the scope of my switches, which currently include Silenced Topre 55g and 45g, IBM capacitive buckling spring (Model F), IBM membrane buckling spring (Model M), Matias Click, Matias Quiet Click, and various other Alps or Alps-like switches (e.g., Monterey, blue, orange).

I do like tactile and clicky NBM switches as well (Space Invaders or Angry Bears), but I've found them only in full-size boards and don't feel up to desoldering and installing them in custom boards. In addition, it is difficult to source keycaps for them.

Model F switches are at the top of my list along with Silenced Topre 55/45, and so I am very excited about Ellipse's project to create new Model F boards.

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01 Sep 2015, 22:34

Ellipse wrote: Chzel- I will look into XT foam tooling but not sure how many people use their XTs and want replacement foam.
Even providing uncut blank sheets of approx. the right size would be enough.
A reliable source of known good quality foam would be perfect.

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01 Sep 2015, 23:27

@chzel: There are at least a couple of extensive theads on replacement foam for IBM Model F keyboards that you might wish to visit to get opinions on the best foam and sources:

http://deskthority.net/keyboards-f2/rep ... t8033.html


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03 Sep 2015, 04:25

I know, I have watched them over time, but I'm having trouble sourcing something I like locally at sane prices for the quantity I need. Once I got quoted ~50€ for about a sq. meter of 2mm silicone foam...Considering I got my XT for 25$ and my AT for 65€, I'm not too happy to pay that kind of money for something that might not work well enough.
A GB would be really nice, but a vendor would do fine as well!


09 Sep 2015, 01:23

An update: the barrel and flipper tooling have gone into production!

Also I expect to mix the gray and beige paint colors locally to try to get just the right color and then mail the paint to China, as there is not a close enough RAL or Pantone color to match the originals. Shipping will be expensive but I hope to have close to accurate colors.

Some have questioned RAL 7030 for the industrial gray color, so I expect to just bring in an Industrial SSK case and painted F77 or F122 case when they are doing the color matching/paint mixing and make sure they are appropriate colors.

Who has a preference for the 4704 color vs. the F122 color, for those who have seen both in person (they are tough to photograph)? My 4704 examples have more of a greenish beige/off white color but their colors are much more variable compared to my painted F122s. My photo can't accurately capture the difference which is more noticeable in person.

Interestingly the F77 keys approximately match the tinting of the case paint while my F122 keys approximately match the tinting of my painted 6/1984 F122 case.
DSC_7851 cc.jpg
DSC_7851 cc.jpg (703.14 KiB) Viewed 6467 times

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Gotta start somewhere

09 Sep 2015, 01:53

Make the cases neon green! :P


09 Sep 2015, 03:11

hmm for uniqueness-sake, why not go with the 4704 color? :D

Just to confirm, the 3 colors being offered are: black, the finalized beige, and the finalized industrial grey, right? I don't think I was specific about my color choice...Too bad I can't burn $1050:(


09 Sep 2015, 03:54

confirmed! And you can buy just the cases if you want extra colors.
Last edited by Ellipse on 09 Sep 2015, 04:03, edited 1 time in total.


09 Sep 2015, 04:00

How difficult would it be to add and meet demand for a porcelain white color option?


09 Sep 2015, 04:04

I don't have the cost figures yet for extra colors but the more people interested, the lower the setup cost.


09 Sep 2015, 04:19

I'm going to go with industrial grey, but Just to gauge interest, would anyone be interested in something slightly more bluish-grey, like RAL7031? A quick google search will bring up some real life pics of things of that color... It might go nicely with a red esc button...

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Techno Trousers
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09 Sep 2015, 06:03

I was originally hoping for more of a bare metal look, but with these final choices it will be Industrial Gray for me, as close as possible to the original.

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09 Sep 2015, 07:50

RAL 7032 is VERY similar, not identical, but VERY similar to the original colour. A little bit darker.


I am using it with my beamsprings.


09 Sep 2015, 09:47

Holding myself back from filling the form. Waiting for the prototype. Looks great so far.


10 Sep 2015, 01:31

Personally I think Ellipse should make crowd-source campaign after he gets the first prototype. I'm sure that with a bit of social media marketing, he can get more buyers thus lower the cost per unit ( Massdrop would be perfect place to do this).

@Rottencat: totally understand why you hesitated to fill in the form, however we should all trust Ellipse on this as Unicomp has failed to deliver any model F or SSK for very long time.


10 Sep 2015, 05:30

modology - good idea - I want to first make whatever people order in the next month or two and make sure everything is good with that batch before doing a kickstarter campaign, which would take a couple months longer (I don't want to keep everyone waiting!). I could definitely use some help from the forums to get the word out on the kickstarter campaign. Massdrop seems to be a site that primarily works with vendors to get a discount on something.

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10 Sep 2015, 21:20

Ellipse wrote: confirmed! And you can buy just the cases if you want extra colors.
Interesting. How much would it cost to get just a case?


11 Sep 2015, 05:01

It should be about $125 each extra case, but maybe more if it is a custom powdercoated color.

A reminder - the cases are not compatible with the original F62 / F77 insides so you would need the new inner assembly as well. Please see the first post for more info/renderings of the differences.

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12 Sep 2015, 13:15

Oh yeah, are the colors matte or glossy? :)

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12 Sep 2015, 13:26



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12 Sep 2015, 13:36

I wouldn't mind sparkly as long as it's not glossy. :D

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