Round 5 and Round 6 kits for sale!


28 Sep 2015, 11:50

Hi Miurium/7bit,

Is there any chance in the future there will be blanks for the rest of the keys that are currently unavailable? (i.e. Row 3: 125, 175, 200, 225, 275, numpad '+', and numpad 'Enter'). I'd really love to build a blank keyboard with a few highlights.

Thanks. I appreciate your group buy.
Something like this :)
Something like this :)
Untitled-1.jpg (840.06 KiB) Viewed 8008 times

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28 Sep 2015, 14:56

Future plans is 7bit's department. I run the dark ops side of this engagement.


29 Sep 2015, 00:05

@7bit! finally it's coming through!
Screen Shot 2015-09-28 at 3.18.29 PM.png
Screen Shot 2015-09-28 at 3.18.29 PM.png (184.7 KiB) Viewed 7940 times

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29 Sep 2015, 00:46

sqapy wrote: @7bit! finally it's coming through!
Do you have an estimate of the time between when it shipped out and when you got it? I'm in NC, so I should be looking at about the same amount of time. Thanks.


29 Sep 2015, 01:52

Wet wrote:
skaloola wrote: I sent an order to 7bot yesterday hoping for some extras/ stuff from round5a but its just sitting in my "Outbox"
That's how the system works, you'll get a reply in your email within 24 hours. In the meantime you can check for any errors to prevent any further corrections :lol:

It's now been 48 hours.. still just sitting in my outbox.

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29 Sep 2015, 01:56

skaloola wrote:
Wet wrote:
skaloola wrote: I sent an order to 7bot yesterday hoping for some extras/ stuff from round5a but its just sitting in my "Outbox"
That's how the system works, you'll get a reply in your email within 24 hours. In the meantime you can check for any errors to prevent any further corrections :lol:

It's now been 48 hours.. still just sitting in my outbox.
A bunch of those "sit" in the Outbox. All of my initial sent messages are still unread in the Outbox, but they've been replied to long ago.

If you've gotten the Sent screen after you first sent it, you're fine.
I made another payment for my Round 5a order and have yet to receive a revised invoice. He's probably just busy.


29 Sep 2015, 02:55

justcallmecrash wrote:
sqapy wrote: @7bit! finally it's coming through!
Do you have an estimate of the time between when it shipped out and when you got it? I'm in NC, so I should be looking at about the same amount of time. Thanks.
So Initially i found out the tracking number on my invoice by 7bot on 21st, then for couple days it didn't appear neither on deuchepost or USPS, after 7Bit told me just keep looking on USPS site with same tracking number, it finally appeared there in 25th, and it went to NJ today, but destination is California, i hope it will come this week, will let you know once i get it!


29 Sep 2015, 03:03

romevi wrote:
skaloola wrote:
It's now been 48 hours.. still just sitting in my outbox.
A bunch of those "sit" in the Outbox. All of my initial sent messages are still unread in the Outbox, but they've been replied to long ago.

If you've gotten the Sent screen after you first sent it, you're fine.
I made another payment for my Round 5a order and have yet to receive a revised invoice. He's probably just busy.
Hmm ok, well I never got any reply either. I'm confused by what you mean by "busy"? I thought it was a bot..?

Also, is there a way to check that the stuff in my order is actually in stock?

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29 Sep 2015, 03:40

If you order leftovers the stock will be shown in the response email. All the 5a have yet to be made, so are not "in stock".


29 Sep 2015, 13:42

Does 7bot get updated periodically with those who have paid? Couldn't find any sort of information via the wiki/FAQ really. Submitted an order, paid through Google Wallet and put in the text 7bot told me to.

Waited a few days and sent a WASSUP to 7bot and it sent me another invoice like I hadn't paid yet.

Order number was 677.

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29 Sep 2015, 14:47

Yeah evilcamels (separate person) collects money, tells 7bit, then 7bit updates it and bot will give you a paid invoice. It's like a 4 step process, you're fine, I know it's confusing if you're new.

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29 Sep 2015, 17:32

Quick question, why does SP have 400 space mold when they don't have 6.0? Makes no sense to me...

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29 Sep 2015, 17:38

Presumably because someone paid for it. That's how they roll.

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29 Sep 2015, 17:41

Does make perfect sense!

They have an 8 units space bar, which was very popular at the time those keys have been originally designed.

The only odd thing for me is why they don't have the tools for 10 units space bar.

4 units seems to be popular among POS keyboard manufacturers, like Tipro for example.

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29 Sep 2015, 17:48


OK, I've been thinking, and this is what I'm planning to order:
TKL/CADET, cause duh.
ALPHA/WHITE cause purdy
TKLBASE/BLACK cause black is the new black is the new orange is the new whatever.

That gives me white/blue, white/black, gray/blue (cadet) and grey/black as color options. In addition I've ordered a few red mods like spacebar, return and escape to liven up.

Thoughts? I considered TKLBASE/RED, but I think red will look better as a color pop three places on the keyboard. As a whole modbase it gets too busy dominating.


29 Sep 2015, 18:59

Hello, I had one of the first orders that was listed as being packed (0200). I never received a shipment confirmation, I just want to make sure it's not lost...

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29 Sep 2015, 19:01

Guess what is missing:
356 Night place
San Jose, CA
Your name!!!


29 Sep 2015, 19:21

Thanks for the help. Maybe ease up on the sugar.


29 Sep 2015, 20:21

Phill1 wrote: Yeah evilcamels (separate person) collects money, tells 7bit, then 7bit updates it and bot will give you a paid invoice. It's like a 4 step process, you're fine, I know it's confusing if you're new.
Thank you very much! I know patience is a virtue, so I'm not alarmed at all it isn't coming through just yet.

Looking forward to joining the wait for 5a. I'll have to buy a couple of new keyboards to put the caps on anyway. :lol:

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29 Sep 2015, 21:25

What's going to be the difference between 5A and 6, btw? I see 7bit is working on legends, but are they the same legends somehow? Better versions of the legends? Doesn't quite seem worth it to redo the same kit with different legends _again_...

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29 Sep 2015, 22:25

tofagerl wrote: What's going to be the difference between 5A and 6, btw? I see 7bit is working on legends, but are they the same legends somehow? Better versions of the legends? Doesn't quite seem worth it to redo the same kit with different legends _again_...
These are new legends that do not exist in SP's repertoire.


If you mean that Symbiosis kit, they are partly wrong and are too small and some look ugly.

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29 Sep 2015, 22:31

Is Q getting a real bar this time? SP's doubleshot Q looks too much like an O to me.

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29 Sep 2015, 22:50

Order deadline is 9/30!? I don't think I am going to make it :cry:

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29 Sep 2015, 23:02

7bit wrote:
tofagerl wrote: What's going to be the difference between 5A and 6, btw? I see 7bit is working on legends, but are they the same legends somehow? Better versions of the legends? Doesn't quite seem worth it to redo the same kit with different legends _again_...
These are new legends that do not exist in SP's repertoire.


If you mean that Symbiosis kit, they are partly wrong and are too small and some look ugly.
I count 26 new legends there. That's $1300 just for the legend plates. Was that additional cost folded into the price for the CADET kits?

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29 Sep 2015, 23:27

I reckon 7bit ought to run a poll with multiple options for the new legends in Round 6. I'm ***much*** more interested in icon mods than a whole new design of alphas. Though maybe Greek, or a complete Helvetica doubleshot set would get me aboard…

As much as I love IBM's APLs, they're really all about the tripleshot / dual legend colours. If both legends are the same colour, it just looks crowded.
nosage wrote: Order deadline is 9/30!? I don't think I am going to make it :cry:
Don't worry. It's a rolling deadline.

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29 Sep 2015, 23:29

Do you mean Helvetica Rounded?

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29 Sep 2015, 23:32

Possibly, given doubleshot's limitations. I'm more into Helvetica Neue myself, but I'm used to the ideal world of pixels, not plastic.


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29 Sep 2015, 23:45

nosage wrote: Order deadline is 9/30!? I don't think I am going to make it :cry:
No worry, just order right before the 10/31 deadline.
zslane wrote: I count 26 new legends there. That's $1300 just for the legend plates. Was that additional cost folded into the price for the CADET kits?
Costs for new tools are always spread accross all kits.


29 Sep 2015, 23:47

I received the wrong spacebar with my order. I ordered a spacebar 6.25 units but I got one that looks to be 7 units wide (see attachments). Is there a way to still receive the correct spacebar?
IMG_1620.JPG (98.25 KiB) Viewed 7809 times

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29 Sep 2015, 23:54

Muirium wrote: Possibly, given doubleshot's limitations. I'm more into Helvetica Neue myself, but I'm used to the ideal world of pixels, not plastic.
Yeah, given the issues involved with double-shot legends and the methods with which they are made at SP, asking for non-rounded anything (like Helvetica or Helvetica Neue) is sort of pointless. Dye subbing is another matter, of course, but even there I don't feel the results are quite as sharp as double-shot plastic (to say nothing of the light-on-dark problem).

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