How to lube a wire stabilizer located under the plate ?


26 Nov 2015, 20:25

Hi !
I very recently acquired a CoolerMaster Quickfire XTI and the spacebar makes a very annonying extremely high pitched clicky noise. It didn't make that noise on my previous KBT Pure Pro. And the other stabilized keys of the keyboard don't make a similar noise...
Therefore I've been looking into lubricating the stabilizer, which is actually PCB mounted and kinda hidden under the plate.
I was wondering if any of you knew if that could be done without touching the plate and desoldering anything, or if any of you had an idea of how to solve the problem ;)
Thanks in advance, and sorry for not being part of the IBM-Pok3r master race :lol: !

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26 Nov 2015, 20:38

vektr wrote: Pok3r master race
No such thing exists!

If the wire is mounted towards the top (cvbnm,) there is little you can do besides putting some thin oil at the gap on the top of the stabilizer and hope it will penetrate deep enough to stop the squeak. Or desolder every switch and lube it properly. :cry:

If the wire is toward the bottom add a bit of lubrication where the wire clips on the stabilizer.

And welcome!


26 Nov 2015, 21:57

So you mean this bit ?
IMG_20151126_215021.jpg (213.82 KiB) Viewed 3477 times

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26 Nov 2015, 22:03

Yes, but mainly the lower end of the visible wire (where it bends towards the right - it's where it clips to the stab).
Is this from the XTI? If so, this is a plate mounted stabilizer, and you can remove it by desoldering just the spacebar switch.


26 Nov 2015, 22:12

Right ok I'll try that.
Yes it's from the xti, my bad I messed up my explanation.
However I don't want to go into desoldering anything as I don't have the equipment required. I'll just lubricate the visible part and see how it goes.
Thank you so much :)

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