Cherry MX and Matias switches

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08 Dec 2015, 19:34

No, the official term is pins.

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08 Dec 2015, 20:34

Wrong! Plugs! You are all witnesses!

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08 Dec 2015, 20:37

I didn't hear or see anything!

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09 Dec 2015, 11:35

These switches are in stock:


Code: Select all

Order-ID  |Stock|Price|Cur|  Pcs|Description
OMRON75   | >500| 0.80|EUR|    1|Omron 02F switch;  75g actuation force; (in stock)
Matias Alps

Code: Select all

Order-ID  |Stock|Price|Cur|  Pcs|Description
ALPSMC    | >500| 0.36|EUR|    1|Clicky  (in stock)
ALPSML    | >500| 0.36|EUR|    1|Linear  (in stock)
ALPSMT    | >500| 0.36|EUR|    1|Tactile (in stock)
Cherry M5, M8 and M9

Code: Select all

Order-ID      |   Stock| Price|Cur|Product code
M5GREY        |     78 |  0.10|EUR|M51-0131  (in stock)
M8CLEAR       |     75 |  0.60|EUR|M84A-0100 (in stock)
M9CLEAR       |    >500|  0.10|EUR|M94A-18NI (in stock)
Cherry MX/JW PCB and Plate mount (with pins and jumper wire / for all Hyper kbds!)

Code: Select all

Order-ID     |Stock|Price|Cur|  Pcs|Description
MXBLACK/JW   | >500| 0.65|EUR|    1|MX1A-11JW (in stock)
Cherry MX/DW PCB and Plate mount (with pins and diodes / for all Hyper kbds!)

Code: Select all

Order-ID     |Stock|Price|Cur|  Pcs|Description
MXBLUE/DW    | >500| 0.65|EUR|    1|MX1A-E1DW  with diode! (in stock)
MXBROWN/DW   | >500| 0.65|EUR|    1|MX1A-G1DW  with diode! (in stock)
MXRED/DW     | >500| 0.65|EUR|    1|MX1A-L1DW  with diode! (in stock)
Cherry MX/NW PCB and Plate mount (with pins for all Hyper kbds!)

Code: Select all

Order-ID     |Stock|Price|Cur|  Pcs|Description
MXBROWN/NW   | >500| 0.65|EUR|    1|MX1A-G1NW (in stock)
MXCLEAR/NW   |  410| 0.65|EUR|    1|MX1A-C1NW (in stock)
MXGREY/NW    | >500| 0.65|EUR|    1|MX1A-D1NW (in stock)
MXWHITE/NW   | >500| 0.65|EUR|    1|MX1A-A1NW (in stock)
MXBLUE/NW    | >500| 0.65|EUR|    1|MX1A-E1NW (in stock)
MXRED/NW     |  280| 0.65|EUR|    1|MX1A-L1NW (in stock)
Cherry MX/NN Plate mount only (without pins)

Code: Select all

Order-ID     |Stock|Price|Cur|  Pcs|Description
MXGREY/NN    | >500| 0.65|EUR|    1|MX1A-D1NN (in stock)
MXWHITE/NN   |   70| 0.65|EUR|    1|MX1A-A1NN (in stock)
MXGREEN/NN   |  142| 0.65|EUR|    1|MX1A-F1NN (in stock)

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09 Dec 2015, 11:55

Orange Omrons plz. BGwhatevs. You know the ones…

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Offtopicthority Instigator

09 Dec 2015, 11:59

Muirium wrote: Orange Omrons plz. BGwhatevs. You know the ones…


09 Dec 2015, 13:03

7bit wrote: Stabilisers PCB mount

Code: Select all

Order-ID     |Stock|Price|Cur|  Pcs|Description
STAB204P     | >500| 6   |EUR|    4|ANSI-TKL kit (in stock)

Hey 7-bit, just want to confirm, the stab kits contain all 2-2.75u stabs correct? So I need to get a spacebar stab in addition to the kit?

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09 Dec 2015, 13:54

Yes, it is all stabilisers you need for a ANSI-TKL keyboard (regular layout), ie for 2.25 and 2.75 Shift and 2.25 Return, 2 units Back Space.

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09 Dec 2015, 15:06

Not Spacebar? Damnit! And you just sent mine as well...
Last edited by tofagerl on 09 Dec 2015, 15:11, edited 1 time in total.

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09 Dec 2015, 15:07

7bit wrote: ...2 units Back Space.

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09 Dec 2015, 15:12


10 Dec 2015, 17:27

7bit wrote: These ship today:
Hey 7bit,

I received my order today !
Thanks a lot,


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14 Dec 2015, 12:03



17 Dec 2015, 13:55

How is the re-delivery of #930 going?

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17 Dec 2015, 16:20

7bit, I tried to order another batch of stabilizers from CherryMX, but while he has no problems adding the extra 6.25U wires which I've never ordered before, it just ignores it when I try ordering the STAB207P kit which I have ordered before. How do I fix this?


29 Dec 2015, 10:58

any update on the delivery of #0772? thanks


30 Dec 2015, 20:23

any news on #0987 ? thanks!

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03 Jan 2016, 22:36

Are the MXGREY/NW and MXGREY/NN tactile or linear variant?

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03 Jan 2016, 22:36

Are the MXGREY/NW and MXGREY/NN tactile or linear variant?


05 Jan 2016, 01:06

Any updates on the #0990? Anyone got news btw?

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05 Jan 2016, 02:22

my was 989 I think, and arrived 31 of December


05 Jan 2016, 03:35

#0987 showed up today, thanks again.


07 Jan 2016, 15:17

Are there no
in stock?

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07 Jan 2016, 15:36



07 Jan 2016, 16:33

I guess I could just order a bunch of 6.25 and cut/bend them down for what I need. Do you have 20 STAB625P in stock?


08 Jan 2016, 13:21

Hi, 7bit.
I received my stabilizers recently but only got to installing them yesterday.
It seems like you sent me the wrong ones :oops:

I attached a photo.
Order on the paper is correct but instead of 6.25 plate mount you sent me two 7x wires.
So I received one STAB625 and two STAB700P(one is visible, the other is installed in keyboard above), so STAB625P is missing(the one without the bends).

Is there any way we can fix this, I really waited long for this wire to finally finish my main keyboard :|
IMG_20160108_130512.jpg (337.12 KiB) Viewed 5524 times


12 Jan 2016, 18:17

Hello keyboard people,
got a n00b question here: what's the MX/DW and MX/JW? Also what is meant by Hyper kbds?
Roll on!

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Finally 60%

12 Jan 2016, 18:43

Hello katamari,
It is really quite simple, check out the descriptions! MX=Cherry MX, J is jumper wire, D are Diodes, W is for with pins, N is for no pins.

DW = Diodes with pins
NW = No diode/jumper wire, with pins
NN = No diode/jumper, no pins

I believe referring to Hyper Keyboards 7-bit means this: ... t4185.html


12 Jan 2016, 19:29

Thanks, but its still not totally clear, does the diode/jumper wire come preattached/soldered to the switches or just bundled in a package?

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12 Jan 2016, 23:29

The following payments have been received for this group buy: FranksNewLiver.

Has It Shipped?
If your payment came via PayPal, your invoice has been marked as shipped to keep them from locking up the PayPal account. Keep checking this thread for the actual ship date(s).

Additionally, note that the address on your Paypal notifications/notes are not necessarily the addresses 7bit will ship your switches to, he ships to the address on your invoice.

Either ask in this thread, or PM 7bit.

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