Deskthority 5th Anniversary

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24 Jan 2016, 21:55

I came here almost exactly a year ago to get in on Round 5a. Still no caps but it's been quite a ride.

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24 Jan 2016, 22:20

I first found Geekhack in 2012, and then later DT through the wiki. Especially the page about Cherry article numbers back then...

I have learned and experienced so much here I don't even know where to start ... Soarer's converter & wit, Hasu's controller with Matteo's explanations, Arduino and AVR C, Mr Interface's switch sample bag and surprise boxes, Hataa's finds and explanations, Beardsmore's switch expertise, 7bit's gigantic GBs round 4 and 5 with their overwhelming keycap choice, Mu's good spirit and photo skills, webwit's written good humour and his brilliant idea to turn a web forum into a club, personal help from Findecanor, Muirium, kbdfr, matteo and others that went beyond what I had experienced on internet forums before. And much more.

So thanks everyone, congratulations Deskthority, and to the next 5! :ugeek:

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Cherry Picker

24 Jan 2016, 22:32

I can't remember why I first came here actually. I was certainly active on Geekhack before I was active here. I expect I was drawn by the wiki, and the bountiful photos section (particularly Sixty's photos). I know that I was a lurker here until I started my TEK-80 project. At that point I started posting and asking for feedback on the project.

After that I slowly came closer to DT. Nowadays I certainly prefer it to GH, as the signal:noise ratio is much higher here. No bollocks novelty caps, no drama, no childishness. Just nice keyboards, nice people and good banter. Much more civilized on the whole! I do wish it were a little busier here, but I expect that the signal:noise ratio might go down a little if it were.

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Fancy Rank

24 Jan 2016, 23:35

Muirium wrote: What's 55's?
The name "Ripster" was apparently taken on Reddit when he was thrown out of GH, so he had to go with "Ripster55". Funny, as he has always boasted being #1 :lol:

But the anniversary reminds me I have to rejoin the club again! It's been on my to-do-list since the "time-to-cough-up-again-cheapskates" was send out last year to all club members... or was it the year before :?

Oh, I joined DT because I was sick and tired of the non-linear feel of rubber domes, DT provided all the answers while being pretty professional about it.
I will see if I can contribute a bit to the Wiki again, as it really is a great piece of work!
Last edited by Broadmonkey on 24 Jan 2016, 23:48, edited 2 times in total.

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24 Jan 2016, 23:41

Ah, good, I need to catch up on club stuff. Expect an invitation PM sometime deep in the small hours of night!

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Fancy Rank

24 Jan 2016, 23:47

Will it be possible to get my old number back? I think it was 13 or something like that :evilgeek: (although, I don't think I need more "number 13" in my life)

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24 Jan 2016, 23:58

We haven't recycled old numbers… yet. But I do have plans!


25 Jan 2016, 00:44

I discovered the DT wiki in mid-2014 through links in one of those "odd hardware forum megathreads" but I remained a lurker until I had something somewhat interesting to share. Both the wiki and the forum are the no.1 place I recommend to mech newbies, and that feeling of dealing with a mature and self-moderating community is very pleasant.

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25 Jan 2016, 01:52

Muirium wrote: We haven't recycled old numbers… yet.
Can confirm: got 040 back.

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25 Jan 2016, 03:08

I found DT when I started going through the mountain of keyboards in the attic to see what they were, and if anyone might be interested. Then I started looking for boards the group wanted :-) I had a great time. Thanks guys (and ladies) for everything! I hope there are another 5 years of good times. I learned so much here. The other forums I found could not hold a candle to DT.


25 Jan 2016, 04:32

When I use to buy the mechanical, deskthority gave me much more information about keyboard and switch!
I LOVE this forum and wiki so much! Hope I can help to improve more details and photos here.
Let's celebrate it!

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2 girls 1 cuprubber

25 Jan 2016, 08:55

happy anniversary ya filthy animals

my most notable addition to dt might be :maverick: so thanks to everybody who contributes real content/backend stuff to the forum and wiki!

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Topre Enthusiast

25 Jan 2016, 09:07

I joined DT not long after its creation. I was originally on geekhack and I remember the drama when webwit left and the funny things like webwit replacing linked images with risqué topless girls or webwit vs ripster on the topic of switch actuation measurement and dithering and blah blah blah -- good fun. I remember reading a lot of wiki articles on geekhack written by ripster as he was pretty much doing everything on the wiki back then.

I eventually decided on deskthority as my home primarily because I felt it was run by a more adept people and was a cleaner interface with a wiki that made sense. geekhack always had more of a "wild west" vibe in the wrong way I feel and it eventually got out of control. DT is "wild west" in the sense that if you are a wandering cowboy looking for a fight, you will be met by a bunch of vigilantes. geekhack is everyone is shooting at everyone and the saloon is on fire.

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Master Kiibohd Hunter

25 Jan 2016, 09:16

I joined solely to park my username :lol:

Tbh, I was getting grumpy at the GeekHack forums around that time. And DT seemed to be attracting everyone that actually cared about my recent finds. The wiki was nice/needed addition though it took me almost a year until I decided to contribute...again, blamed on GH...

Oh, and that forum vs. IRC nonsense...bleh.

I don't post nearly as much as I used to (mostly because I'm busy with Input Club). However, I'm happy to give input on threads if I get a PM nudge (forums or irc).

*runs away to take pictures of more keyboards*

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25 Jan 2016, 09:27

I joined DT one day after it opened, because I had not been informed in time.

At the beginning, it seemed next to impossible to run successful group buys exclusively at DT. But now, it seems most of DT's userbase has been dragged in by my group buys.

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√(4) != -2

25 Jan 2016, 12:19

Can't believe it's been so long :o

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25 Jan 2016, 16:43

First post updated! SO 5th ANNIVERSARY! MUCH GIVE AWAY!

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25 Jan 2016, 16:53

Awesome! Nice one, CM. :)

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25 Jan 2016, 16:58

Honored to be part of DT's 5th.

My interest in ALPS lead me to frequent the wiki. Good stuff I must say.


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25 Jan 2016, 17:43

Frequent the wiki as much as you like, no man can ever master the Alps Vortex!

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Gotta start somewhere

25 Jan 2016, 18:27

Yeah alps has so many rare switches and so much variety in it all. My favorites are Alps blue, orange, brown, and yellow.

I also love the acer switch for some reason :roll:

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25 Jan 2016, 18:45

I like their… caps!

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ALPS キーボード

25 Jan 2016, 19:34

I like the Acer switch by itself, I think it feels the best out of anything I've tried. Then the first time I tried an Acer keyboard, I thought it was the worst I've ever used.

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ALPS キーボード

25 Jan 2016, 19:36

Sweet giveaway! Now to see what the small gift is for club members. :)

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25 Jan 2016, 20:34

Hi Keyboard enthusiasts (keyboard goeroes)..

I registered june last year..

That was the time i started to look in to keyboards.
I wanted a new keyboard because my “microsoft natural ergonomic keyboard 4000” felt to big

Also i was looking for a keyboard to replace my apple wireless keyboard because of the enter key that bugged me..
(ISO layout)

Little did i know that something else bugged me..

Or as Morpheus would say;
You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad.

Looking at all the different keyboards and switches and always ending up with Scissor switches or
some other Microsoft ergo thing...

A strange search led me to a company called “truly ergonomic” and to my first mechanical keyboard
the "Tek-N-207-US". That didn’t work out so i returned the keyboard.
But i really liked the switches mx-browns..

Eventually i found the DT wiki page "finally a place that informed me"..
I found a reseller here in Netherlands that sold a couple of well known brands and he gave me the opportunity to tryout
a couple of switch types in return for me buying a couple of keyboards..

In the end i ended up finding no keyboards i really liked..
Reading on GH and mostly on DT about switch types.. i came across something called Mx-clears..hahahah
Of course no one sold mx-clear keyboards at that time in the EU or so i was being told by that reseller..

I don’t remember where i first read about them, but there was a new company called KUL that no one had heard of in Netherlands..
So i contacted a small reseller, and KUL to get them both talking..
And in the end we finally had a reseller here in the EU (now there are more)

It all felt like a lot of work, and only two parties really benefited from the relation..
After a fiasco of biblical proportions i realised that both parties were in the game to benefited them selfs and,
i felt like the only true enthusiasts that was in it because he liked it not to save or make $$$..

So to make a long story short..
i got my Leopold with mx-clears..from china ..payed an obscene amount of cash for it..damm that was stupid..Customs crap..grrr..

Got rid of that pesky ES-87 and the negative vibes it gave me. (even my wife noticed and she stays away from my keyboard madness hahahah)
Said goodbye to the dutch reseller and to KUL.

Got my first topre board after talking to “002”..
And my first real modding project is on the way with sum rings from HyperSphere and sum TLC from Muirium..

It felt like a new chapter, filled with exploration and positive vibes..Great start of the new year :-)

After reading the awesome projects from matt3o and HaaTa i was impressed and decided that the only keyboards that i was going
to buy from now on where the ones that came to be with the help of the community and enthusiasts like you guys..

To sum up DK was not only helpful in educating me (still have a lot to learn)..But it opened up my eyes to a whole new world of keyboards.
And a different way of looking at them.
I was also impressed with people helping each other with group buys and so forth..

So i decided to become a member to show my appreciation to all you guys that helped me and where so inviting.
I will do my best to live up to the level/quality you all bring to this community ..

This will be my second membership of a community..Earlier this year i became a backer of The “Tek Syndicate” and i love open Source honest communities like this.
Hope to see at least 5 more years on DK..

All the best guys..

Chasing the Dream

25 Jan 2016, 21:57

Nice new badge :)

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Offtopicthority Instigator

25 Jan 2016, 22:01

hypkx wrote: Nice new badge :)
Yeah good looking, is that your work matt3o ? It's got tiny ducks too. :lol:

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25 Jan 2016, 22:01

Nice Logo the 5th anniversary :)

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Wild Duck

25 Jan 2016, 22:14

Would look great on a beer bottle.
dtbeer.jpg (95.9 KiB) Viewed 6003 times

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Offtopicthority Instigator

25 Jan 2016, 22:23

webwit wrote: Would look great on a beer bottle.
Looks duckOlicious. :mrgreen:

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