TrulyErgonomic finished manufacturering?

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11 Dec 2011, 00:29

holy shit, i got this email too. maybe Santa bring me my keyboard ;)

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Input Nirvana

12 Dec 2011, 08:22

Jim66 wrote:I still think that it looks like it is going to be distinctly average to type on.


Plate mounted cherry, Meh.
Considering the relatively limited choices with mechanical keyboards, and then the even more limited that have some "ergo" features, and then even MORE limited with regards to programmability (which is crazy to not have, I'm so spoiled)...any additional choices in the market are welcome. Also, the price point is crucial in order for people to buy it. In order for people to be willing to spend more than X, the keyboard has got to look very different to distinguish and justify the premium. Either a big hit, or fall completely flat is my guess, no in-between, and the odds 99% for failure.

I personally like the programmability/re-mappable, non-staggard, and the key-finger length adjustment. I look forward to seeing peoples reviews..


12 Dec 2011, 20:59

Did hell freeze over?

Truly Ergonomic Unboxing
cbf123 wrote:Well, I guess I'm the first to get mine....advantage of being in Canada and working from home, I guess. Here's the unboxing. Build quality feels solid, lots of rubber on the bottom to keep it from sliding around. Layout will take a bit of time to get used to, especially for the left hand.

I haven't spent much time actually using it--plugged it into my linux machine and it basically worked as expected.

The only thing I'm not totally sold on is the angle of the enter key. I suspect they're intending it to be pushed with either index finger, but I think it would be better to have it sloped like the spacebars. Only time will tell, and maybe they'll offer that as an option if it catches on.

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Wild Duck

12 Dec 2011, 22:07

They just did this to avoid the *Ping* Award!

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15 Dec 2011, 00:55

I can't believe one has actually arrived at a paying customers house.

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Input Nirvana

15 Dec 2011, 02:14

Neither can the paying customers :)

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15 Dec 2011, 02:39

Far out man, next thing you know, you'll be seeing Truly Ergonomic at Amazon, Best Buy, Staples !


15 Dec 2011, 07:12

sordna wrote:Far out man, next thing you know, you'll be seeing Truly Ergonomic at Amazon, Best Buy, Staples !
If they did, then it would make it a lot easier for me to buy one. The keyboard might turn out okay, or better, but I really don't want to trust the company with my money.

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16 Dec 2011, 18:15

my TE arrived today, can't believe it :)

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Input Nirvana

16 Dec 2011, 23:13

Info, feedback, pics, know the drill.

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