01 Mar 2016, 19:28
The poll results are at the top of the page.
However, I think 7bit might have missed the true winner. "Strawberries and Cream" and "Cream&Biege" are actually the same colorway. The latter is merely a 3D render of the former. The votes for them should be combined for a total of 61, more than any other entry.
Now, you could make a case that there is some overlap there; many who voted for Strawberries and Cream probably also voted for Cream&Biege, and so the two counts probably shouldn't be added together without some sort of adjustment. Even so, unless we assume there is 100% overlap, that colorway has more votes than any other (unless you count the Lite and Dark versions of Codemaster as a single colorway, but even there I bet there is considerable voter overlap between them as well).