Wow, I was really expecting 8 pages of discussion about plastics ;_; That would be so totally awesome...
guk wrote: Migrate to Poland?
You're not following the news closely. Poles could not sustain the Islamic pressure from the west, and Russia expanding on the east, and migrated to UK and Ireland, to fill in all the places left from UK expats to Spain. Ukrainians have moved in to Poland to make place for the expanding Russia, and things settled for a while, though the situation is still dynamic...
scottc wrote: Deskthority: the authority on input devices (and European foreign policy (and fitness))
I sense Lisp
You should check out Russia. AFAIR they have a 6% flat tax rate.
The poor people are poor because human brains are neural networks trained by past experiences. If you were brought up into poverty, it's very likely you would remain poor, unless the situation in your country is actively preventing it by letting you advance, exp, and earn more.
Protip: businesses, especially corporations, have a single goal: maximize income. Every cent they pay you, is a cent off their income. Hence, they like poverty, because poor people demand less money. State is the only entity powerful enough to shave money off corporations, and by all means, it should do that, if only for the reason of getting it back on the market.
Imvho, this Nick Hanauer dude has some merit in what he speaks: