[IC] GMK HADapter Kit This is the IC, Link to GB Inside!

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09 Jun 2016, 15:51

time will tell @lolpes.... hopefully I'm wrong ;)

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09 Jun 2016, 19:20

Ohohooo, thats exactly what I'm searching for. The 'boring', white-grey, cherry!
I want it for my white Pok3r, white. Although I'm from germany I chose the ANSI version. But I would buy the ISO-option too for later compatibility. Additional diamond kit - want it!

So please tell me, what do I have to do now? Wait until CW24 (Kalenderwoche 24 - oder?!) and then check back here for payment, I guess?

Sorry, my first time here. Seeing this kit makes me so happy - absolutely don't want to miss it.

To get those keycaps for my Pok3r, I had bought some Cherry-G81s from eBay, before I realized the compatibility issues, keycap profiles, etc.

love this!

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09 Jun 2016, 19:31

GB starts sometime in next week, payment instructions to come by @Wodan! Just stay tuned ;)

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09 Jun 2016, 20:01

Huhuuu, great, reminder is set!

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11 Jun 2016, 02:10

Ooh, this would be a great kit to own, I have a few OG cherry sets and would love to use them on more modern layouts. Will this GB be exclusively on DT? I will admit to not checking DT as much as other places, and wouldn't want to miss out.

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ISO Advocate

11 Jun 2016, 19:46

I will cross-post on all other marketplaces I know but the main thread will run on DT, maybe posting updates on GH.

Still not 100% sure how to design the ordering process.

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12 Jun 2016, 02:36

Most GB's leaders use Google docs, they set a form, that passes the information into a spread sheet, to keep track of orders.

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ISO Advocate

12 Jun 2016, 10:45

Hmhhm I want to offer a system where users can keep track of their order and change/update it.
These google based odering systems are cofusing to me. Easpecialls when the paypal invoicing happens at the end of the ordering phase, The participant has no visibility of his order until invoicing happens. That lead to me odering the wob mod from zenna twice since I couldn't find any trace of my first order until i received two paypal invoices.

Sending out order confirmations and payment updates would be a manual process with a google docs based gb and I don't have the nerve for that.


12 Jun 2016, 11:09

I guess 7bit can explain how his bot works.
would be nice to have a whole bot tutorial by the way,

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12 Jun 2016, 11:20

Please don't do things the same way as 7bit. His GBs are such a mess for us users. Ever seen just how much of the epic monster threads about them are newbs asking the same simple questions? Which are answered by his fellow buyers! With sadly complex solutions.


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12 Jun 2016, 11:35

I agree the Google Docs is really a mess to look at, but it works. At least for my GB.

Basically I made 2 sheet of order list, 1 public for people to track their order details to make sure I keep it as they want, 1 private for personal info needed for shipping.

But to deal with says, over 100 order is really time consuming.

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ISO Advocate

12 Jun 2016, 11:51

Well ... I'll look into google forms and stuff ..

It's probably the foolproof way to go here.

105% of the quetions asked in 7bits thread are "why isn't my payment updated" and "when will round5 leftovers ship"
I'm already horrified by the form and type of addresses I will get ...


12 Jun 2016, 11:53

Muirium wrote: Please don't do things the same way as 7bit. His GBs are such a mess for us users. Ever seen just how much of the epic monster threads about them are newbs asking the same simple questions? Which are answered by his fellow buyers! With sadly complex solutions.
The way 7bit handles his stuff is another problem. i only say that the bot system is a nice way to set up a gb. (along with a nice FAQ and a gb manager with free time 8-) ).

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12 Jun 2016, 12:49

Okay, I haven't been keeping up with his thread since I got my caps. Naturally, when you're no longer expecting something there's no draw in even visiting the mess!

I'm talking about back when he had his shit slightly more together and people could actually, well, pay for orders. Trouble was they had no idea how, had no way to understand the sprawling mess of his wiki page let alone the total comprehension nightmare of a thread. And they were always super panicky about DT's mysterious outbox and the many day delays inherent to hearing back from volunteer PayPal collectors. Everything about it was pure farce. A masterclass in how NOT to run group buys at scale.

Yet people still think he does a great job. Stockholm Syndrome being what it is.

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ISO Advocate

12 Jun 2016, 12:57

His biggest weakness is managing the participants expectations. His dedication to detail when it comes to defining kits and checking production results is impressive. He's my hero if he delivery 100% of the keycaps I paid for while I still have Cherry Mx based keyboards ;)

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12 Jun 2016, 13:04

indeed, Google forms are always the easiest way to run the GB ordering phase. You can always keep a more updated Excel final sheet on your own afterwards, with much more detailed information for each order.

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13 Jun 2016, 14:26

I just realize I got something wrong here.
So there ist only the gray modifier-kit. I expected this to be a whole keycap set with german iso layout. my fault of course - should have been reading carefully instead of just looking at the pictures and assuming the rest.

You write:
"There's alot of vintage Cherry doubleshot ABS keycaps available in the German ISO-DE layout"
OK, so please tell me WHERE?!?!
I've been searching on ebay for half a year now, but I can only find G80 and G81s with dye sublimated caps. If there is a cherry keyboard with doubleshots, then it is very expensive.

So I just don't get why you didn't also include a white base set with additional euro-kit. Wouldn't you get a much greater response / much more potential buyers?
With only the gray modifiers I would also have to search for a kit like the Stormtrooper (GB on geekhack right now) - but then I would still miss the german Umlaute - JA, oder?!
So I'm thinking - GMK is already producing a black-on-white abs base set at the moment anyway - they would be totally happy to keep more caps popping out their little steel molds. The euro-set ist just something they have to pull out of a drawer and blow off some dust - right?
Wouldn't you reach 250 to 500 buys much easier this way? or do I get something wrong here?

Sorry for the criticism but I just really like the the old standard white-gray set - I just don't seem to able to get it.
I would't criticize if I would't like your modifiers so much.
So sad seeing your beautiful modifiers and not being able to put them to use.


13 Jun 2016, 14:32

Did you look here?

want-to-trade-f57/g80-3000-mx-blue-iso- ... 12207.html

I’m looking for an ansi set by the way.

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13 Jun 2016, 14:40

PlastikSchnittstelle wrote: You write:
"There's alot of vintage Cherry doubleshot ABS keycaps available in the German ISO-DE layout"
OK, so please tell me WHERE?!?!
I've been searching on ebay for half a year now, but I can only find G80 and G81s with dye sublimated caps. If there is a cherry keyboard with doubleshots, then it is very expensive.
you're doing it WRONG then! I've saw dozens of german doubleshots keyboard auctions over ebay.de this year... not to mention the other ads sites and DT/GH/Reddit classifieds as @julientaq pointed out.

I think there should be a Y/Z caps in the HADditionals Kit, in order to fix the QWERTZ german layout as well. Besides that, this GB has a purpose which isn't offering a complete set, of course!

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13 Jun 2016, 14:58

OK, sorry, I'm still new to the whole keyboard / keycap culture.

One more question: If I mix ABS keysets of different age - wouldn't there be an obvious visual difference?

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13 Jun 2016, 15:00

depends on how the different sets are, in yellowing and shine.

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The Tiproman

13 Jun 2016, 15:15

Prelim wrote: […] I've saw dozens of german doubleshots keyboard auctions over ebay.de this year... […]
I confirm, even if the cheap supply has strongly decreased in the last few months.


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13 Jun 2016, 15:30

actually I found one on ebay.
this one
If I buy it, together with the HADapter kit I will be able to populate the black pok3r, right?
two-pok3r.jpg (108.95 KiB) Viewed 12366 times
thanks for the help.
Over the last months I bought four cherry keyboards from ebay - none was doubleshot. but I have to admit, that at the time I wasn't aware of what to look for exactly.

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The Tiproman

13 Jun 2016, 15:44

Looks like the G80-1501 eBay offer you linked has "lichtgrau" keycaps.
In this case all caps (alphas and modifiers) have the same light grey colour
instead of the alphas being "ivory/beige" and the modifiers "dark beige".

Edit: here's a potato pic to illustrate my point:
G80-1501 HAD - beige vs. lichtgrau.jpg
G80-1501 HAD - beige vs. lichtgrau.jpg (189.22 KiB) Viewed 12341 times

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ISO Advocate

13 Jun 2016, 16:10

The all-light keyboards from this source are heavily worn ... I got two from that seller and one even had clear lacquer on the keycaps ...

Try your local recycling center if you're in Germany and ask them if they let you go through their keyboards and keep some for a small fee. That's what I did and I've gotten 6-8 sets that way this year alone.

If I made this a full classic beige kit in ISO-DE layout, the price would be more than 5x the price we're seeing now. The idea is to find a cheap entry into the doubleshot game without having to find/build a keyboard that accepts the layouts of vintage keyboard keycaps or fighting over the very few Cherry doubleshot keyboards with a 1.25u bottom row. Even in that case you're left with a useless space bar and pad-printed windows/menu keycaps and usually pay 100€+ for such a set.

Might be that the prices/availability of HAD keyboards improves on ebay since I've been heavily stalking the market earlier this year and paid above market prices many times. That wasn't very healthy and I'm very happy I could stop doing that and found the recycling center alternative.

In order to find really cheap G80 HAD keyboards, also search ebay for other terms. The keyboards that are labeled G80-1000 HAD will usually go for a higher price with a larger audience. If you find one labeled "Alte Tastatur" or (my favourite!) "Tastertur" you'll have much less competition and a higher chance for a good price. Another great way of scoring cheap HAD keycaps is looking for people selling old computers and check out the keyboard. Those computers often sell for 15-25€ and you just let them know after the auction is done all you want is the keyboard and he should make you a good price on the shipping. Search terms I used here are "386", "286", "alter computer"

@prelim: There's alot more different on the ISO-DE layout than just the Z/Y thing. Just taking care of this single issue doesn't feel like a good solution here. The idea behind HADapter was more about enabling German users to populare various keyboard layouts with their HAD keycaps than opening the HAD keycap sets for ANSI-US users. This might be a future round but I feel like it's alot of work to do this properly (so many German words on other keys ... Bild, Ende, Pos1) and there's been a couple of full ANSI drops lately for rather nice prices and with preeetty sweet layout selections. I don't think getting a great shape HAD keycap set and getting one of the above mentioned adapter kits will be much cheaper than getting a full ANSI kit brand new.

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13 Jun 2016, 16:23

The hint for the recycling center sounds interesting - thank you very much.
This looks to be a very time consuming hobby - but there is no going back now :(
BTW, just joined the Stormtrooper GB. My white Pok3r is ANSI-US, so that will fit.

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14 Jun 2016, 12:50

I think there should be a Y/Z caps in the HADditionals Kit, in order to fix the QWERTZ german layout as well
I second that! This would be extremely beneficial IMO.

I can survive without it but I just find QWERTZ very annoying...

That alone would put me in the HADitionals list for sure!!

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ISO Advocate

14 Jun 2016, 13:02

HADditions is basically HHKB support...

Putting two additional keys into the HADapter kit for correct Y/Z keys would increase the price by 10%!
And you'd still be left with äüö and totally off symbols above the numbers.

Also the purpose of these kits was never to change the locale of any Cherry set. The idea is to take a Cherry set and open it to many popular modern layouts.

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14 Jun 2016, 18:16

Fair enough! ;)

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ISO Advocate

14 Jun 2016, 21:20

Any volunteers for testing my Google form? Pm me!

Shit's about to get real.

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