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Here is the latest pricelist:
Code: Select all
TEENSY | 1| 18|Teensy controller
PHANTOM | 1| 35|Phantom PCB
PHANSI | 1| 15|mount plate ANSI
PHANSIWIN | 1| 15|mount plate ANSI with WIN keys
PHISO | 1| 15|mount plate ISO
PHISOWIN | 1| 15|mount plate ISO with WIN keys
PH7BIT | 1| 15|mount plate 7BIT
MXRED | 1| 0.6|MX red plate mount switch (0.45 EUR)
MXBLUE | 1| 0.6|MX blue plate mount switch (0.45 EUR)
MXBROWN | 1| 0.6|MX brown plate mount switch (0.45 EUR)
MXCLEAR | 1| 0.6|MX clear plate mount switch (0.45 EUR)
MXBLACK | 1| 0.9|MX black plate mount switch (0.7 EUR)
MXGREEN | 1| 0.9|MX green plate mount switch (0.7 EUR)
MXGREY | 1| 0.65|MX grey plate mount switch (0.5 EUR)
MXDARKGREY | 1| 1 |MX grey plate mount switch (0.8 EUR)
DIODE | 1| 0.01|n-key rollover diode
RESISTOR | 2| 0.1|Resistor
STAB200 | 1| 2.5|Costar 2 units stabiliser
STAB625 | 1| 2.75|Costar 6.25 units stabiliser
STAB700 | 1| 3|Costar 7 units stabiliser
PHANSIREDKIT | 1| 142|Teensy/PCB/ANSI plate/MX red with stabs
PHANSICLEARKIT | 1| 142|Teensy/PCB/ANSI plate/MX clear with stabs
PHANSIBLACKKIT | 1| 162|Teensy/PCB/ANSI plate/MX black with stabs
PHANSIBLUEKIT | 1| 162|Teensy/PCB/ANSI plate/MX blue with stabs
PHANSIBROWNKIT | 1| 142|Teensy/PCB/ANSI plate/MX brown with stabs
PHISOREDKIT | 1| 140|Teensy/PCB/ISO plate/MX red with stabs
PHISOCLEARKIT | 1| 140|Teensy/PCB/ISO plate/MX clear with stabs
PHISOBLACKKIT | 1| 160|Teensy/PCB/ISO plate/MX black with stabs
PHISOBLUEKIT | 1| 160|Teensy/PCB/ISO plate/MX blue with stabs
PHISOBROWNKIT | 1| 140|Teensy/PCB/ISO plate/MX brown with stabs
PHANSIWINREDKIT | 1| 140|Teensy/PCB/ANSI Win plate/MX red with stabs
PHANSIWINCLEARKIT| 1| 140|Teensy/PCB/ANSI Win plate/MX clear with stabs
PHANSIWINBLACKKIT| 1| 160|Teensy/PCB/ANSI Win plate/MX black with stabs
PHANSIWINBLUEKIT | 1| 160|Teensy/PCB/ANSI Win plate/MX blue with stabs
PHANSIWINBROWNKIT| 1| 140|Teensy/PCB/ANSI Win plate/MX brown with stabs
PHISOWINREDKIT | 1| 140|Teensy/PCB/ISO Win plate/MX red with stabs
PHISOWINCLEARKIT | 1| 140|Teensy/PCB/ISO Win plate/MX clear with stabs
PHISOWINBLACKKIT | 1| 160|Teensy/PCB/ISO Win plate/MX black with stabs
PHISOWINBLUEKIT | 1| 160|Teensy/PCB/ISO Win plate/MX blue with stabs
PHISOWINBROWNKIT | 1| 140|Teensy/PCB/ISO Win plate/MX brown with stabs
SHIPUS | 1| 17.5|Shipping costs within US
SHIPEU | 1| 22|Shipping costs within EU (17 EUR)
SHIPDE | 1| 9|Shipping costs within DE (7 EUR)
SHIPNO | 1| 39|Shipping costs to NO, CH (30 EUR)
SHIPIL | 1| 47|Shipping costs to Israel (36 EUR)
SHIPKO | 1| 55|Shipping costs to Korea (42 EUR)
SHIPUNINSURED | 1| 9|Shipping costs un-insured (<1kg) (7 EUR)