The Deskthority

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Offtopicthority Instigator

20 Nov 2016, 17:43

92u wrote: Hey kbdfr could u nominat me for dem memes?
448941.jpg (80.83 KiB) Viewed 14229 times


20 Nov 2016, 19:08

tfw someone used trollface in 2016

seebart nominat me plz

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emacs -nw

20 Nov 2016, 19:24

I'd like to nominate LeandreN, for his great service for the keyboard building community - I'm thinking at his past and present GB rounds (plates, GH60 PCBs and stabilizers), here and at GH.

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The Tiproman

20 Nov 2016, 19:27

92u wrote: Hey kbdfr could u nominat me for dem memes?
92u wrote: tfw someone used trollface in 2016

seebart nominat me plz
92u, I just did nominate you - for the *Ping* award :lol:


20 Nov 2016, 19:38

matt3o- for the incredible work
white fox staff- for the incredible keyboard

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Wild Duck

20 Nov 2016, 19:42

I'm afraid matt3o as an individual is not eligible as he's part of the DTA team, but I've allowed the "White fox staff".


20 Nov 2016, 21:44

I want to nominate GMK electronic design GmbH for stepping towards community.

They offer now more community freindly prices, custom colors and legends. With time we will see more community specific products which is a good thing.

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20 Nov 2016, 22:19


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21 Nov 2016, 00:08

chyros for his voice!!! :)
and lot_lizard+wcass+i$ for the great MF project!

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Wild Duck

21 Nov 2016, 00:30

tentator wrote: lot_lizard+wcass+i$ for the great MF project!
lot_lizard was already nominated for this. Should he be the nominee, as the project leader, or the entire team?

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21 Nov 2016, 01:03

webwit wrote:
tentator wrote: lot_lizard+wcass+i$ for the great MF project
lot_lizard was already nominated for this. Should he be the nominee, as the project leader, or the entire team
i know I should keep my mouth shut on this one... But I'm not that person. Regardless of your query, if we actually won something at a "project" level, our Wingnut would be treated like a Stanley Cup trophy (shared by all that earned for set lengths of time). We might have an "owner" as per nominations, but IMO, that project belongs to many. So many contributions, SO much feedback along the way, and for me... It's a huge step in joining lessons learned and skill across the community (the real reward). At best... I'm throwing in my unique skill sets, manufacturing "contacts", steering the boat, and herding exceptional cats. I$ and WCass (along with Saurer and Tom Wong) have had as much impact to that project becoming real as anyone. My two cents...

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21 Nov 2016, 01:21

lot_lizard wrote:
webwit wrote:
tentator wrote: lot_lizard+wcass+i$ for the great MF project
lot_lizard was already nominated for this. Should he be the nominee, as the project leader, or the entire team
i know I should keep my mouth shut on this one... But I'm not that person. Regardless of your query, if we actually won something at a "project" level, our Wingnut would be treated like a Stanley Cup trophy (shared by all that earned for set lengths of time). We might have an "owner" as per nominations, but IMO, that project belongs to many. So many contributions, SO much feedback along the way, and for me... It's a huge step in joining lessons learned and skill across the community (the real reward). At best... I'm throwing in my unique skill sets, manufacturing "contacts", steering the boat, and herding exceptional cats. I$ and WCass (along with Saurer and Tom Wong) have had as much impact to that project becoming real as anyone. My two cents...
Sorry that I won't argue nor debate about this but for me, in this very year area, there is just no other thing approaching...
Even when answering in this thread... what a strike !!!
ps:I know I'm throwing like a piece in the lake (WTF don'tknow how to translateright french stuff(my bad, armagnac helped me alot..))

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Wild Duck

21 Nov 2016, 01:25

I changed the nomination into "the team".

Remember... :twisted:
ohaimark wrote: Important: only one Wingnut is awarded for each winner. If you're a group and win, you have to timeshare, vote, draw, fight or do whatever your group decides, but you'll only get one Wingnut. The reason is that this award is exclusive and expensive, and that the problem of someone possibly missing out isn't solved by raising it to 2 or 3 for a group winning a category - there will always be a bigger group and someone missing out.

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21 Nov 2016, 01:33

Thank you... That's purrr-fect

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21 Nov 2016, 12:12

I am surprised it took this long after inviting Reddit to the DTA to get such obvious shit-tier trolls :lol:

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21 Nov 2016, 16:27

scottc wrote: I am surprised it took this long after inviting Reddit to the DTA to get such obvious shit-tier trolls :lol:
This is supposed to be to pull the community together... not drive further wedges. :roll:

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Un petit village gaulois d'Armorique…

21 Nov 2016, 22:18

To be honest I would be happy without Reddit in the picture :roll: Sorry but I could not refrain from this comment, a shitty one but it's mine :D Downvote me....oh it doesn't work like that :evilgeek:

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21 Nov 2016, 22:24

I'd like to nominate Apolotary because he is doing a lot for the entire community: events (first Tokyo meetup), artisans, proxy services, KB reviews, podcasts, keycaps ICs and so on! He also includes free sweets in every package sent from Japan :D

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Wild Duck

21 Nov 2016, 22:32

DanielT wrote: To be honest I would be happy without Reddit in the picture :roll: Sorry but I could not refrain from this comment, a shitty one but it's mine :D Downvote me....oh it doesn't work like that :evilgeek:
Ooh, come on, in the spirit of this time of year, let's all hudle together at the Keyboard tree and hug.


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21 Nov 2016, 22:36

haha... I love that the "keyboard tree" is next to the theft-proof aqua-marine luggage. This store is stereotyping

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Un petit village gaulois d'Armorique…

21 Nov 2016, 22:46

webwit wrote:
DanielT wrote: To be honest I would be happy without Reddit in the picture :roll: Sorry but I could not refrain from this comment, a shitty one but it's mine :D Downvote me....oh it doesn't work like that :evilgeek:
Ooh, come on, in the spirit of this time of year, let's all hudle together at the Keyboard tree and hug.

But,but... they were mean to me...they down-voted me ... and they down-vote you if you don't have a board with Gaterons, and RGB and don't like fugus ... Oh I started acting like a redditor :lol:
Oh well, just because I'm in France now on a training and had an excellen dinner and a good wine I'm going to hug them and love them and welcome them, for a while..... :roll:

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[ XMIT ]

21 Nov 2016, 23:17

webwit wrote: Ooh, come on, in the spirit of this time of year, let's all hudle together at the Keyboard tree and hug.
We already have a Festivus pole for this. By "hug" I mean "air our grievances and challenge one another to feats of strength".

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21 Nov 2016, 23:21

XMIT wrote: We already have a Festivus pole for this. By "hug" I mean "air our grievances and challenge one another to feats of strength".
Feats of strengh, eh... now you've got my attention. Who's up first?


21 Nov 2016, 23:47

How about the whole Top Clack team? I really enjoy their streams.

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22 Nov 2016, 12:35

You make me feel sad, as a redditor... :(

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22 Nov 2016, 16:55

PollandAkuma wrote: You make me feel sad, as a redditor... :(
And this is why we shouldn't do it. I'm a redditor too, and though it can be hard to get started, once you do, it's a very inviting community. I've met some really cool guys there, and in all honesty, have had better sales experience there.

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24 Nov 2016, 20:32

Can i nominated Ripster55?

For continuing to spread his knowledge on reddit and general shitposting

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Offtopicthority Instigator

24 Nov 2016, 20:36

webwit wrote:
DanielT wrote: To be honest I would be happy without Reddit in the picture :roll: Sorry but I could not refrain from this comment, a shitty one but it's mine :D Downvote me....oh it doesn't work like that :evilgeek:
Ooh, come on, in the spirit of this time of year, let's all hudle together at the Keyboard tree and hug.


That's the first and only time I have seen a useful implementaion for RGB vomit keyboards! I am shocked and amazed. :lol:

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25 Nov 2016, 13:58

I want to nominate Wodan wodan-u9476/ for his GMK HADapter & HADditionals kit Gb group-buys-f50/gmk-hadapter-hadditional ... 14007.html and for his Ultimate NORDE Kit one going on workshop-f7/designing-the-ultimate-nord ... 14443.html

Thank you and have a nice day.

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25 Nov 2016, 14:01

Wodan's a DTA team member and can therefore not be nominated.

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